Radicals Continue Operations In Unstable Syria


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Radicals Continue Operations In Unstable Syria

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Radicals Continue Operations In Unstable Syria
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Radicals Continue Operations In Unstable Syria

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.org , southfront@list.ru

The situation in Syria remains unstable despite of a slight decline in violence. As of January 13, several military and security developments were reported in the country’s northwester, northeastern, central and southern regions.
In the northwestern region, known as Greater Idlib, the ceasefire which was brokered by Russia and Turkey more than a year ago is still holding up despite repeated ceasefire violations.
On January 12, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies shelled positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) near the town of Urem Al-Kubra in the western Aleppo countryside.
The army responded within a few hours by shelling militants’ positions in the town of al-Bara and Kansafra in the southern Idlib countryside and the town of al- Enkawi in the northwestern countryside of Hama.
The situation in Greater Idlib will not likely calm down anytime soon. However, a serious military confrontation seems unlikely.
Meanwhile in the northeastern region, the Turkish military and its proxies continue to provoke the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
On January 12, a series of Turkish artillery strikes targeted several SDF-held villages in the northern countryside of Raqqa.
The strikes hit the villages of al-Khalidiyah and Hushan, which are located to the west of the key tow of Ain Issa, as well as the village of Beir Khat whcih is located to the west of the Turkish-occupied town of Tell Abyad. No losses were reported, however.
The strikes were likely a part of the Turkish military’s ongoing response to the January 8 Tell Abyad attack which claimed the lives of three Turkish service members. Ankara held the SDF responsible for the attack.
In Syria’s central region, ISIS continues to launch attacks despite facing much pressure from the SAA and its allies.
On January 12, ISIS cells attacked a post of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Directorate (AFID) near the town of al-Kashmah in the southern countryside of Deir Ezzor. Three officers were killed and five others were wounded.
On the same day, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out more than 40 airstrikes on ISIS hideouts in the outskirts of the town of al-Resafa in the southern countryside of Raqqa. No losses were reported, however.
The situation in central Syria will not likely improve without a large-scale operation. Government forces and their allies are reportedly preparing to kick off such an operation.
Meanwhile in the southern region, Syrian government forces are still making efforts to secure and stabilize Daraa.
On January 12, Syrian security forces killed former rebel Noor Adnan al-Khorasan following a pursuit that took place in the town of Nawa in the western Daraa countryside. Prior to the 2018 reconciliation agreement, al-Khorasan was a member of a local Free Syrian Army faction known as Liwa Ahl al-‘Azm.
On the same day, clashes broke out between security forces a small armed group led by a local warlord known as Fayz al-Radi near the Nasib border crossing with Jordan. No casualties were reported. However, security forces may soon launch an operation to neutralize al-Radi group in order to guarantee the security of the vital crossing.
Overall, the situation in Syria, while being unstable, it appears to be under control for the time being. The war will not likely experience a major escalation anytime soon.

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I don’t understand why the Russian keep dragging this out. The SAA are in far better shape now, they have more men, better training, equipment and other hardware. They have far more Hezbollah backup now.

They can literally cut Idlib from the north and encircle them, they don’t even have to push ground forces into greater Idlib… with no support coming from Turkey the Jihadis will be forced to surrender.

Chris Gr

Hezbollah has mostly left Syria.


Who told you that, your joo owned news?

jens holm

Why dont You look up and remain updated yourself.

A supplement for my knowledge level also is to have a part of my computer having maps, treaties and important changes during time in the whole area.

I also has a section with very old maps and historical facts as well as DNS maps and rapports.

Those dont forgets even are on an expensive 124 GB memorystick as copies. Beause of its big it also has my privte stuff such as garden and family photos and private papers durting time. Old games which stil can played at a modern computer also is there.


Do you ever listen to the shite that you say?

jens holm

Nasrallah told Hezbollah cut down its forces in Syria by TV
12. july. 2019.

Chris Gr


Chris Gr

They have told it themselves. lol


He is right. They pulled out almost all troops a long time ago. This is not political. It is factual.

jens holm

If You dont understand, then read about it. Thats why You have internet.


Yes sir Sergeant Major 🙃


“Don’t disturb adversary while making mistake”. SDF is torn for both TAF and SAA. As long as Idlib terror groups have focus on SDF, it’s good for SAA.

Chris Gr

Idlib terror groups fight the SAA now. FSA fights the SDF.

Jim Allen

There’s other issues to focus on, besides Syria, in the context of Syria as a theater of operations. Strategic issues, Syria is a part of a global war. Global war’s require Global answer’s.
Had you spent the time to understand event’s that surround you, you might’ve learned their connection’s to each other, and your understanding would’ve answered the question’s you can’t stop yourself from posing.
Russia isn’t dragging anything out, it’s been busy working on answer’s to these issue’s. Unlike yourself, and other’s that are living in the problem. There’s no answers in the problem. Only a closed loop. If you’re actually seeking answer’s, not just shilling, then move yourself to where answer’s exist.

Jim Allen

Dear SouthFront,
Your video’s have not been posted to your BitChute channel for several day’s. In the event you’re unaware, then be advised.
Video’s play better on BitChute, but their comment section sucks.
The video’s play sucky here, in fit’s, and start’s.
Your comment section, except for the Globalist shill’s proud of selling out themselves, and countrymen, is much better, and at least on topic, mostly.