UPDATED: Putin Clarified What Are Borders Of Newly Recognized DPR & LPR

UPDATED: Putin Clarified What Are Borders Of Newly Recognized DPR & LPR

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Russia has recognized the DPR and the LPR within the borders indicated in their constitutions, Vladimir Putin claimed on February 22. Earlier, it was not clarified what were the borders recognized by the Russian Federation. 

The Constitution of the DPR states that “the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic is determined by the borders that existed on the day of its formation.” This means the territories of the former Ukrainian regions, which are twice larger than those under the DPR and LPR control, including the Ukrainian military seaport in Mariupol.

Vladimir Putin noted that all the disputes should be resolved through negotiations.

UPDATED: Putin Clarified What Are Borders Of Newly Recognized DPR & LPR

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Following the proclaiming of the DPR an LPR souveregnity, the Kremlin had not immediately clarify the borders of the People’s Republics.

Earlier, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko claimed that Moscow recognized the DPR and the LPR within the borders in which they “exercise their powers and jurisdiction.” The press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov also explained that the DPR and the LPR will be recognized within the borders in which they “were proclaimed and exist.”

The head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs Leonid Kalashnikov told that the independence of the DPR and LPR would be recognized within the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.

On February 22, following the US and EU’s claims about the upcoming sanctions against Russia, it seems that some Russian top officials made a step back and toned down the rhetoric, making the official position of the country twofold.

Russia will not send troops into the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics yet, said Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko.

At the same time, Moscow expressed its readiness to provide military assistance to the republics in the event of a threat.

“Military assistance is provided by the agreement. But let’s not speculate. So far, no one is going to introduce anything anywhere. If there is a threat, then we will provide assistance in accordance with the ratified treaties,” he said

Meanwhile, shelling on the front lines continues and civilians are evacuating from the LPR and DPR.

Another claim different from the Vladimir Putin’s statements was made by Russian permanent representative to the UN.

“Russia’s recognition of the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass does not affect the Minsk agreements in any way, because the Russian Federation is not a participant in the conflict between Kiev and the DLPR”, said Vasily Nebenzia. He added that Moscow is still open to diplomacy, but “does not intend to allow a new “bloodbath in the Donbass anymore”.

The Russian President claimed that there is no more Minsk agreements, as Russia recognized the Republics, adding that they were “killed” by Kiev first.


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Hostage (Raptar) Driver

This will be another mistake.
Putin all ready admitted that waiting this long was a mistake.

In my opinion he should recognize the republic’s in full including the occupied areas.
Or did I misunderstand the somewhat convoluted statement?

Last edited 3 years ago by Hostage (Raptar) Driver

I might have misunderstood it, but I believe he will recognize the entirety of the region, including the ukrainian-occupied areas. But I might be wrong about that.


We wouldn’t know, Putin is not hard to read but then again, we would be guessing at that point.
But a few things to remember,
1. If Russia recognizes the whole territories of the former Ukrainian Donetsk and Luhansk regions, they have to fight Ukraine+NATO to take back those lands. Which wouldn’t be an easy thing to do now.
Could they take it, most likely but it sure as hell wouldn’t be an easy win.

2. The West is going to call this a Russian attack (invasion) on Ukraine now, they have also called those attacks on Russian borders and DPR and the LPR as false flags by Russia.
So they have set their ground as well, now we have to wait and see what Russia going to do next.

3. Putin can’t really back down now, so my money is on “war”. The West was going to sanction Russia anyway, they were going to invade DPR and LPR anyway, they want Ukraine to be part of NATO, and they want to set up rockets (mid-range nuclear weapons) next to Russia as well.
So, yeah war it is.

Ukraine which is led by Zion going to be the pigs to fight Russia, and India a Nazi loving cow fuks going to be meat pigs in the war against China.
It is funny how Satanic old power pigs still can just play other countries do to their wars huh.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

They said they won’t fight foe Ukropistan.


Pretty sure they would send their special forces to do their dirty work.
Also, I should have said NATO support, *logistical support that is.
But I would agree with you they most likely wouldn’t send soldiers to Ukraine to fight Russian soldiers.
But yet again who knows…

Last edited 3 years ago by JJ345
David Parker

No outside troops are going to fight beside the UAF, most especially no US troops. Here is a whole bunch of our surplus weapons, you guys go and shoot some Russians for us so we can deny Russian oil and gas to Europe and force the Europeans to buy more expensive oil and gas from the US and Qatar.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Hellene

You are saying bullshit. No NATO will come to fight there except for the Anglo-Saxons.


“No NATO will come to fight there except for the Anglo-Saxons.”
What drugs are you on?

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Hellene

NATO is obsolete. Even Macron is saying it.

David Parker

The Russian military can completely destroy the UAF in one day. The UAF amounts to a token collection of misfits that couldn’t even take out the civilians of the Donbas oblast since 2014 or thereabouts. It was when the CIA pulled off the Maidan massacre to run Yanukovich out of office and install Poroshenko, their first puppet. That is when the Russian speaking people in the Donbas said hell no, you are not going to rule over us, we are not going to pay taxes to you, and we are not going to fight for you against Russia.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Hellene

We don’t need more states. Russia should invade and other nations surrounding Ukraine will attack also in order to get a piece of it.

David Parker

There is no way anyone is going to “get a piece of Ukraine” unless the Russians allow it. Russia is in full control and no one can stop them.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Hellene

Other countries can do it for example Hungary, Poland, Belarus and Romania, however, only Belarus supports Russia.


Conflicting reports from several different sources on this (none of them directly from Kremlin, to my knowledge).


MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has described as unacceptable the beefing up of Ukraine’s military potential, in particular, in the light of Kiev’s “nuclear ambitions.”

As he commented on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s remarks he did not like the Minsk agreements, Putin said that in this way it might be possible to walk out of any other agreements, for instance, Kiev’s hypothetical pledge not to join NATO, although in this way the country’s authorities “would have in fact implemented the idea of neutrality.”

“He [Zelensky] would resettle to Washington, Paris or Berlin, while we would have a heavily armed ‘anti-Russia’ next door. This is absolutely unacceptable, in particular, now, that Ukraine’s current leadership has declared its nuclear ambitions,” Putin told a news conference on Tuesday.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots will cry and rage 🤗🤡


The real CIA is laughing their asses off to the banks. They don’t fuking care if Ukraine gets removed from the world map, a matter of fact that’s what they want.
It is the EU and Ukraine that are going to pay the price.
Who is the winner here? Good old Zion in satanic house.

Where are the Ukrainians going after Russia take over? to the US? fuk no they coming to the EU.
NATO going to buy more weapons from yanquis fuks, so they are really happy about that as well.
Guess what, good old ISIS, or better to say Nazis are going to grow and take over part of Ukraine soon after. If the winning side is Russia.

Why do you think the US wants Ukraine to fight Russia so badly? Because they don’t have to, are yanquis going to die? No. Yanquis pay for the war? No. Is Russia going to get sanctions? Yes. Does Russia have to pay for the war? Yes.

I’m sure Russia has a plan, do I know what it is, no. But I hope so.


Russia should let the Chechens loose on the Nazis and the special ops diks. Murrikkka like their bodies going back home with no heads. Fighting in Eurasia is no holds barred, yanqui safe space PTSD troops gonna die crying and peeing their pants.


Wow, you are coming across as a hybrid Chinese and hill billy type.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Hellene

The same thing will happen just like in Afghanistan. In the end, the far-right forces will take power in a smaller Ukraine and the pro-US lobby will be kicked out.


Ehem, you know that Russia was defeated in Afghanistan, right? You know that the US basically handed A. to the Taliban, right? You realise the Afghani army was not defeated, it never fought, right???
I hope the same thing is not going to happen in Ukraine… but certainly, the US-UK will support the most extreme groups to maintain instability and threaten Russia.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Hellene

This is incorrect. Soviet Union lost in Afghanistan not Russian Federation. And those Afghans back then had the support of China, US, Europe and every Muslim.

David Parker

Russia was not defeated in Afghanistan. They got tired of helping the Afghan government who asked them for help but would do nothing for themselves. Every collection of parasites who proclaim to be “the government” of Afghanistan is not of the people and cannot be helped. There is no stability in any Muslim land anyway. They are barbarians and always will be until they finally figure out that God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – created the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind in six days and that Mohammed was a murdering, lying, pillaging child molester and the religion of death and domination that he started will always leave them right where they are now: Selling heroin, sodomizing little boys, eating goats, and living in dirt floor shacks.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Parker
Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Hellene

I don’t completely agree.

David Parker

Please define what who are these “far-right” forces? I have been trying to join the “white supremacists” for years but can’t find any. All I ever see are people who have to work every day to earn a living and some parasite bureaucrats and useless cops who stand around with their finger in their ass and watch Antifa and BLM trash people’s cars, buildings, and bodies.
So please, tell me where are the “far-right extremists” and the “white supremacists” and the “anti-government fringe extremists” and “racists” so I can hook up with them. For that matter, where are the “anti-semites” hiding? Maybe I could join their club and stop the flow of trillions of tax dollars to Israel so the Jews could learn to get along with their neighbors instead of being the master race bent on exterminating everyone else.

Reactionary Monarcho-Socialist Hellene

I mean Right Sector and Svoboda in this case. ANTIFA and BLM are against Israel and support Palestinian terrorists.


Leaving Minsk agreements – if you don’t know what Minsk agreements were look it up it is important.
Like the US leaving Iran nuclear deal, can Russia do that, Yes.

This sounds so much like West to me, and I love what they are doing, yeah Russia can do it as well.
“Kiev’s hypothetical pledge not to join NATO”
“heavily armed ‘anti-Russia’ next door”
“Ukraine’s current leadership has declared its nuclear ambitions”

Thanks to Zion, yanquis, and British pigs, those 3 fuks have been doing these things for so long. To invade countries and kill others.
Now Russia understands they have to play their game and guess what, all I’m hearing is loud crying pigs from the West.

China has also done the same thing, if the West can’t hold to agreements they made or don’t follow international law, fuk ’em I say.


Liebes Russland!
Orientiert auch am armen Israel.
Sicherheitszonen sind doch wichtig, um das eigene Volk zu schützen! ;-)
Ihr hattet doch einen Genozid erst in jüngster Vergangenheit und viel mehr Tote zu beklagen, als dieses Land…
Gegen 1000e UNO-Resolutionen hat Israel verstoßen und bekommt noch Waffen aus der ganzen Welt.


The Russian peacekeepers and advisors will move into the minor DPR and LPR so that the DPR and LPR armies can secure the proclaimed areas. It’s that simple. So that the LPR DPR acts as a buffer between Ukrainian/NATO forces and Russian Forces. The key for Russia is avoiding DIRECT conflict and allowing The republics to fight to secure their proclaimed borders which I personally hope includes bridging mariupol to the republics.

David Parker

That still leaves Ukraine way too close to Moscow if NATO bases short-range nuclear armed missiles there. That is only five minuted from Ukraine to incineration of Moscow. Putin’s condition of no NATO in Ukraine is still up in the air and can yet trigger military action against the CIA puppet government in Kiev and the warlords who have actually ordered the aggression again the people of the Donbas oblast.