Vladimir Putin and Recep Erdogan pose before their meeting in Ankara
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin met with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on September 28, 2018 in Ankara.
The talks went on behind closed doors. The leaders discussed the situation in Syria and Iraq, the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum as well as the economic cooperation between their two countries. President Putin said that despite all complications, they’d managed to achieve positive results.
The Russian President said that during negotiations both sides had reinforced their commitment to the Syrian de-escalation zones agreement.
“As it is, the necessary requirements to stop the fratricidal war in Syria, to eliminate the terrorists, and to let Syria return to peace have been achieved. This is crucial not only to the Syrian people, not only for the region, but for the whole world,” Putin said.
The ceasefire will take place in central Syria (Hama and Idlib provinces). How exactly is this ceasefire going to be enforced is unclear, as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) is still active in the Hama and Idlib territories.
Then why the a lot of TF units were sent to Hama ?
Hopefully now that they are not needed there anymore, they will be sent back to dez to pound daesh and sdf into mincemeat!!!
Let’s hope the HTS trash in Idlib have been pounded into submission, and will stay quiet now. I think this front also took up most air assets (an air blitz). So ISIS felt safe in attacking. So send all air to the east now? Toast the Daesh dirt bags in the open. :DD
Good thing is that TF are back in DZ area and wills tart op towards Mayadin . For few days I didnt follow the events and I saw now that ISIS have done offensive against the goverment forces and Qurayrtan think which happened thanks to “reconciliation”
Yea I hope govt regains momentum and SMASHES!!! Why Mayadin is so important?
Because Mayadin leads to Bukamal which is very important border crossing with Iraq . SAA must capture this 2 towns .
But mayadin isn’t it so far north of bukamal?
Well Mayadin is not so close to Bukamal . SAA and allies could try to direct assault Bukamal but this needs the Iraqi help on the other side of the border . Otherwise it is risky . Pushing alongside Euphrates towards Mayadin is not so risky because you have the river as the border
Right, what should they do after mayadin?
If PKK/YPG havent captured Omar oilfield they should cross and capture it . I heard that forces will have hard time controlling Omar without Mayadin . Also they should go for Bukamal and encircle DZ city
Which forces will have hard time controlling Omar? Even if PKK/ypg captured it already SAA should kick em out!!
If you capture Omar before Mayadin you will be exposed to daily ISIS attacks and probably you will retreat from there . Omar oilfield is important for PKK/YPG because it will give them resources to become independent – their “Rojava”
i thought you meant ma’adan, the other town further north of dez, didnt know there was another town called mayadin, i understand now :)))
SAA is 3 kms from Mayadin town for your info . The question now is will ISIS fight back or not . If they do the battle will be long
But I heard a lot of Russian airstrikes and kalibr missiles hit them there, hopefully they’ve been softened up enough
I saw some reports about the town being empty which sounds too good to be true . SAA still have chance for Omar . They can cross towards Busayrah ans capture ti from there
Give the order, general Judeau!
These assault formations are made for attacking and defending , they wanted to move the capture of Hama along and be in a position for the expected attack towards the Highway and kill as many ISIS as possible.
The war in that region is pretty much going on
Illusions …The Turks play dirty, meanwhile the SAA soldiers die.
Turkey is slowly shifting from inveterate stupidity to consistent rational actor. They should have done this a year ago after the US- Saudi sponsored coup and the attempt on erdogan’s life.
Once erdogan realizes becoming a servant of Saudi Arabia and going to war with Assad for a bribe was the biggest blunder in Turkish history he can try to fix all the mess he created.
Eliminate the mercenary terrorists.
Eliminate Saudi Israeli influence in Syria and turkey.
Shift from NATO alliance.
Rapprochement with Iran.
Rebuild Syria
Resettle Syrian refugees
Strength economic ties with Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
Offer the Sunni Muslim world something other than the batshit taqfiri form of Islam the Saudis are exporting. It’s time to end the entire hanbali school.
They just received some very damning information in regards to the US and their actual stance in the region, why they have been making all those military moves before hand and speeches.
The current year is 2017!
Russia and Turkey must force USA and Israel to put sanctions on ISIS and SDF.SDF hijacked ISIS agendas instead of Syrian liberation their want only Kurds Kurdistan state.USA and Israel plan to steal Iraq and Syrian oil and gas from this areas.One ethnic state in Iraq and Syrian will bring ethnic division and hatred it will also lead to USA and Israel exploitation of national resources.Same USA agendas in Afganistan,Lybia,Sudan,Iran,Ukraine and Georgia. North Korea issue is BARGAINING tool to force China to be submissive and then South China issue will crush China because China will be isolated.The system is kill you brother and then we will kill you master lonely.