Proud Ukrainian Patriot Complains Spain Ignoring ‘Assassination Attempt’, Asks Russia For Help

Proud Ukrainian Patriot Complains Spain Ignoring ‘Assassination Attempt’, Asks Russia For Help


A qualified Ukrainian patriot and vocal supporter of the Kyiv regime in its conflict with Russia is complaining that Spanish police is ignoring his claims that he was targeted in a drive-by shooting.

Anatoly Shariy got his share of attention on YouTube as a vocal critic of governments in Kyiv throughout the past ten years. In recent years, the main target of his critics regarding theUkrainian leadership switched from Poroshenko to Zelensky. The main point of Shariy’s activity is that the Kyiv regime’s “European path” is a fully logical thing, but it should do it more “wisely”.

Shariy founded a party of his name in 2019, and while it fell short of getting into the Ukrainian parliament, it won several seats on regional councils. Zelensky’s government banned it in early 2022 and rejected all its appeals in October that year.

Besides this, Shariy has been cheering for forces of the Kyiv regime in the conflict since 2022 as well as spreading multiple fakes about the Russian Armed Forces.

Despite this, the professional Ukrainian patriot had no scruples about writing a public appeal asking ‘Russian special services’ to help him after he has found that for Spain he is just an ordinary puppet doll and nobody is going to help him to deal with his issues.

Shariy claims that he and his wife Olga were driving towards their home in Roda de Bera near Tarragona southwest of Barcelona last Wednesday morning when a masked man pointed a “machine gun” at their car.

“They tried to kill us in broad daylight, in the middle of the street,” Olga told the outlet El Diario in the evening of the same day.

According to reports, the Shariys have faced “threats and harassment” ever since competing patriots from Ukraine discovered their location. Last October, someone threw Molotov cocktails at their home.

“The information I have received to date gives me reason to appeal to the special services of the Russian Federation with a request for a high-quality investigation and an adequate prompt response to the situation with the preparation of the murder of me on the territory of the Kingdom of Spain.

Once again, the information I have received allows me to turn to the special services of the Russian Federation for help in an adequate investigation,” Shariy wrote in an open letter in his Telegram on March 12.

Shariy claimed he would transfer the very same information to Spanish special services.

He also wrote on March 12 that some “representative of a Russian special service” – “Ivan Andreevich”, contacted him over the situation and it’s now in the phase of “settlement”.

Shariy’s behavior demonstrates the integrity and consistency of position of an ordinary qualified Ukrainian patriot at its best.


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why this worm is enjoying the sunnin spain in stead of diying for his masters in the front line?


cause he aint stupid?


no problem. a cup of tea with “polonium-210” sweetener will resolve all your problems. russian chai tea of the best quality and you will not complain ever again.

foreign legion dead in karkov

in the past u had a big mouth against russia. all russia’s enemies will have a dogs ending. show some pro russian credentials before you beg for help

jens holmo security services

my senile nursing home residents provide security for gay bars visiting senile nazis in wheelchairs…


when you are whites and finally realise the west is juste a horrific social expériment lead by globalists to obtain a mixed race of goyim cattle…. police doesn’t care aboutyou, nor the government….


exactly the more mixed you are, the more easily you can be controlled because all those original traditional cultures get diluted and you are left with nothing but the crap dumbed down pop culture that they create for you. if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.


hey you naive, gullible, brainwashed ukro idiot: do you really think the nato member spics care about your dumb ass? spicland spain is a whore/vassal/satellite/peon/puta of the pimps in brussels and uncle shmuel in washington, dc. your dumb ass should have gone to darkest africa, maybe the congo river if you want to hide.

AM Hants

why is he in spain, if he is so patriotic and not fighting for his nation?


because in spain, we eat good paellas and tapas, unde the sun of mediteranean cost…😂😂😂

the booby hatch

i was in valencia a few years back and was served the most disgusting, not fit for a dog plate of paella i ever had in my life. don’t flatter yourself.

Last edited 1 year ago by the booby hatch
the booby hatch

you can take franco out of spain but you can’t take spain out of franco. they support ukraine’s fascists and even give false identities to russian traitors who kill their co-pilots for a few pieces of silver. españa no está en mi corazón.

Last edited 1 year ago by the booby hatch
the booby hatch

that said, diga me – spaniards. what exactly is the difference between the nazi bombing of guernica and the ukronazi bombing of donetsk and lugansk since 2014? no picasso to memorialize it?
try googling inna kukuruza or the madonna of gorlovka for a taste of it.

nah, franco never left spain. he lives in your hearts. do tell. hmmm?

Last edited 1 year ago by the booby hatch

you just said franco never left spain, then you wonder how the spaniards view guernica. obviously, they applaud the bombing of guernica and there’s no inconsistency in their applauding the killing of donbass civilians.

jens holm

my pride vanish when taliban mulatto rape me and gonads removed by nice amerikunt doctor

jens holm

i am patriotic amerikan –i love burger imperialism and lgbt

the booby hatch

ukrainians by nature want everything for free. the guy was probably living as an ocupa (squatter) in some guy’s summer villa and the guy was just trying to get him out of the villa.

i hear occupying some else’s house is a national pass time in spain.


it happens in the u.s as well. some body cam vids of this.


indeed it does but in the us, you have to be a renter first, then stop paying rent and refuse to leave, whereas in spain, you just have to break into a vacant home or apartment, change the locks and you’re guaranteed a home for years before ‘maybe’ you’ll be forced to leave.

Last edited 1 year ago by Apocalypto

it’s even a business in spain. organized crime sends people into homes to occupy and then demands money from the owners to leave. there are dedicated firms that advertise they’ll get your squatters out for a better blackmail payment than their competition. they can’t force them out or they’ll go to jail themselves.