Promoting Terrorism In Russia Seems To Be Western Priority

Promoting Terrorism In Russia Seems To Be Western Priority

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Russia’s enemies continue to spread terror in the country, trying to create ethnic and religious polarization. On July 26, a new attempted attack on a Christian church in a Muslim-majority Russian region was foiled by the authorities. The incident comes amid a series of recent cases of terrorism carried out by Islamic radicals in the Russian Federation, with strong suspicions that these crimes are backed with international support.

The FSB and the Dagestan police worked together to foil a terrorist attack on a Christian church in the city of Kaspiysk. The terrorists planned to carry out a sabotage operation against police officers and Orthodox believers, repeating the same tactics used in the attack that occurred last month.

Security agents found with the criminals several equipment such as homemade bombs, chemical components for making explosives, bladed weapons, and flags of terrorist organizations and radical Salafist sects. The criminals also had manuals on guerrilla warfare, combat, shooting, and production of bombs and incendiary devices. After their arrest, the criminals told FSB officers all about their plans and how the attack was expected to happen. They planned to use all this knowledge and equipment in their action, blowing up a church while attacking police officers on the streets using knives.

If the Russian authorities had not been efficient in identifying the perpetrators and neutralizing the threat, this could have been an extremely violent attack, perhaps even with more victims than the last incident in Dagestan. For this reason, the case received a lot of media coverage, but it should be emphasized that in recent months many actions like this have been carried out by the FSB and the police, thwarting attempted terrorist attacks in several regions, especially in Muslim-majority areas.

There are several factors that need to be analyzed to understand the recent terrorist phenomenon inside Russia. Since 2022, the main priority for the Russian authorities has been Ukraine, which is why most of the security service’s efforts have been to prevent enemy infiltration on the Russian-Ukrainian borders. This has created a certain imbalance of attention towards other unstable regions of the country – which has certainly been identified by external enemies as a strategic advantage and a possibility for attacking Russia.

The Islamic regions of the Caucasus were known for terrorist activities in the past. Radical Salafist groups such as ISIS have carried out several terrorist and sabotage attacks in Dagestan, for example, and have been successful in spreading their violent ideology among local youth in the past. However, with the constant action of the Russian authorities, both in terms of punishing criminals and integrating citizens of different ethnicities and religions, the situation in the Russian south has stabilized, leading to a period of peace and prosperity.

Moscow’s geopolitical adversaries have understood that rehabilitating terrorism is the best way to harm the Russian state. For this reason, there has recently been a large flow of money, encouragement through social media, and even the delivery of weapons and the hiring of mercenaries to carry out attacks. The aim is to spread fear of the “terrorists from the Caucasus” among ethnic Russians and Orthodox Christians, who are the country’s majority. This would create division, polarization and ethnic and racial hatred in Russian society.

However, the Russians seem to have identified the problem in time. Actions like this recent one indicate that Russian intelligence is already paying special attention to this issue, having succeeded in foiling several attacks. Furthermore, as Russian military forces advance on the battlefield, the possibilities of enemy infiltration at the border gradually decrease, which is why the security services can worry less about the special military operation zone and focus on resolving internal issues.

Also, Western strategists who are fomenting terror in Russia seem to have failed to understand some basic aspects of Russian social psychology. Instead of desperation and anti-government dissent, these attacks only generate even greater patriotic emotions and an overwhelming endorsement of military action against the country’s enemies. There is also the factor of national unity, which is extremely important in Russia. Anti-racism and the absence of ethnic and religious divisions are one of the country’s main principles. It is unlikely that the West will be effective in fostering polarizing feelings among ordinary Russians, since most of them correctly understand that this is a geopolitical problem, not an ethnic or religious one.

In the end, terrorism seems to be the enemy’s last weapon against Russia. The increased focus on terror indicates a high level of desperation among Western strategists.


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“anti-racism and the absence of ethnic and religious divisions are one of the country’s main principles.”

this is why russia will prevail, all divided or all move forward togother. do not allow foreign pigs the chance to disrupt peace and prosperity…

Ramses Ill

the only solution is demilitarization of russia and no border control, everything else would be racism and nazism.

Back to Krypton

silly fool

Ramses Ill

fake news article

Last edited 7 months ago by Ramses Ill

yes, that’s why you keep reading his articles. every. single. one.

Conan M

all true. so when will the russian federation do the only right thing that is increasingly necessary at this point after more than 10 years of it, by expelling the entire western diplomatic community from it’s country and return russian diplomats from abroad back home to russia?… and for those dual nationals who wish to stay in their second homes… given them an ultimatum that they can either come home or remain abroad in their “second homes” indefinitely!

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

if it couldn’t get any clearer why russia needs to vacate their seat at the un permanently and more importantly in protest to the host member –
“putin vows ‘mirror measures’ after us plans long-range missiles for germany”
“”the flight time to targets on our territory of such missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes.” “… v. putin

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Edgar Zetar

you are crazy as a goat. one of the strategies to defeat a country is isolate. so wiz kid, what russia would do after that. russia has deal against everyone and everybody and still is the biggest landmass country on earth. they should have to take care and watch out from usa empire and their lackeys and vassals and puppets, but they will deal with them accordingly. russia will prevail but should take care.

Conan M

but they will all be dead?… germany of course first!… so long farewell… auf wiedersehen … goodbye!…

perhaps we can find some “von trapp” family look alikes with bullseyes on their back sides to sing it the last time they ever will again as those rs-28s say willkommen”!…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

“crazy” not at all!… the only one that has lost their marbles is my country the u.s. they don’t care about germany, or anyone else in western europe. or themselves for that matter -but russia already knew that… why does russia still permit dual nationals in and out of the russian federation -especially after crocus hall and 10 years of war in the eastern donbas???…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

it is shameful that they would put anyone of their own at risk that want to come home within the diplomatic community given how severe the tensions are now getting…

Back to Krypton

usa, no. 1 state sponsor of terrorism.

today, i burn my entire superman comics collection. better to ash than to cash.

Conan M

since 9/11/2001!… and the dancing collective that have been their ever since to “observe”!

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Edgar Zetar

since the start of the xx century propaganda was the weaponized against the conceived enemy. we all felt and hurt ourselves and cry for propaganda playing inside our minds, but so little of us wake up from the dreams while the empire infiltrate our countries and the ‘head of the snake’ install their banner in our lands. usa empire is the master of propaganda, so you should be really careful. in xxi century the propaganda uses ia to capture your mind.

Edgar Zetar

have you seen the statue in kiev? it’s the “head of the snake”, this time installed by c.i.a inside ukraine, then removed the orthodox church and created a new money 💰 worshipping belief and church, the hollywood zelensky church of the penn1s p1anno players. so, what’s next? how else you can do to corrupt a country and destroy your centuries tribes? what else? the exceptionals are so smart only in their own eyes.

Edgar Zetar

russia should need to update their counterintelligence to this new scenario of full western aggression from the usa empire. so, guess russia would need to hire new analyst in western civilization to uncover all agents trying to infiltrate into russia.

Marcelo 4kd

its not just like that, forget to take in account, theres the bruised ego of the megalomaniacs that pushed “the war on terror” with the intention of penetrating and leading the terrorist organizations. they are trying to demostrate that their plan was not futile and they can dominante the situation with their primordial working ideas
