Pressing Issues, Dispelling Stereotypes And More Sober Reason On The Topic Of What Is Happening In The Gaza Strip

Pressing Issues, Dispelling Stereotypes And More Sober Reason On The Topic Of What Is Happening In The Gaza Strip

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Written by Damir Nazarov

Against the background of what is happening in the Middle East, you can stumble upon articles on the Internet with critical content against Hamas and Iran. In addition to criticism, there is a share of pessimism and shortcomings in the general understanding of the picture of what is happening. Below are the arguments for a number of common questions about the situation in the Gaza Strip.

– Why doesn’t Iran declare war on the Zionists?

At the very beginning of the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham threatened Iran with war if Tehran openly helped the Palestinians. Further, he repeatedly repeated such threats. Actually, this reflects the priorities of the Republicans’ foreign policy, namely, helping the Zionists in all ways. While the Democrats do not want chaos in the Middle East. Iranians are alone, so they don’t have to choose between two options (big war or strategic deterrence).

– Why don’t the Iranians, having advanced weapons in their arsenal, increase military support for the Palestinian resistance?

Iranian strategists are working day and night to develop the military potential of the Palestinian resistance and develop new ways to supply the resistance with everything necessary. Therefore, the issue of the absence of any military assistance to the Palestinians should be addressed here to those countries and political parties that are much more free in their foreign policy and are not isolated or blockaded, as in the case of Iran. Therefore, I believe that the Turkish government and the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood bear a much greater responsibility than other countries or parties (I do not take into account the Arab regimes, they are simply servants of Zionism).

Pressing Issues, Dispelling Stereotypes And More Sober Reason On The Topic Of What Is Happening In The Gaza Strip

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– Has the Hamas movement weakened due to the loss of Ismail Haniyeh and Saleh al-Aruri?

The loss of a number of leaders may have a negative impact on Hamas, but only temporarily. Hamas is an extremely flexible structure and has a number of alternatives. For example, there are rumors that a Hamas branch has already been established in Lebanon, which operates in the style of its counterparts in Gaza. In any case, Hamas knows how to surprise and, of course, the leadership calculated various scenarios in case of the martyrdom of its leaders. Therefore, I do not think that the assassinations of prominent Hamas leaders can create a “major problem” for the Islamic Resistance.

Pressing Issues, Dispelling Stereotypes And More Sober Reason On The Topic Of What Is Happening In The Gaza Strip

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– Ismail Haniyeh was a “moderate politician”, does his murder mean that Hamas has entered a “radical stage”?

Here it is necessary to understand what is meant by the phrase “radical stage”, and what does “moderate” mean? All Hamas officials follow the updated charter adopted in 2017, and the loss of leaders cannot affect the departure of the basic principles. Changes can affect an organization in two cases – external and internal. In the first case, if drastic changes take place in the Middle East and the Arab region gets rid of tyranny in favor of Islamic organizations with an ideology akin to Hamas, in the second case, if “revolutionary changes” take place inside the Hamas shura council.

Answers to such questions and the elimination of shortcomings in reports and articles on this topic will continue in the following materials.


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freedom will not be denied to palestine. the demonic zionazi khazar squatter will be routed and justice will be done. karma will strike the evil supremacist beast and its evil will be avenged. from the river to the sea palestine will be free.


perisans are world class geostrategist chess players:

-2 000 dead jews
-200 000 dead palestinians
-0 persian dead

iran deceitfully promissed hamas a two front war with hezbollah being unleashed simultaneously and advanced atgms such as their spike copy (almas) but fail to deliver any of their promises.


same old, same old, same old shlomo.


your right they are excellent strategists brilliant actually.


even if the war stopped right now the gaza strip would still be uninhabitable so it is a total loss for the arabs, a loss of presige for the jews and a total victory for the persians who managed successfully do delay israeli plans to attack their nuclear facilities.


bibi will stop the war until every single arab in gaza is dead or fleeing to europe for messianic purposes but also because he doesn’t want to go to jail. furthermore the zionists know that jewmocracies (usa +eu) despite being at the pinacle of military technologies are on the verge of collapse and that it is now or never if they want to eradicate the arab race with a decent logistical and industrial backing.


god the only comments i’ve seen so far. the day arabs will understand that the majoosi menace is as threatening as the yahudi one we would achieve forward progress. i will go even further than what you just said; the jews and the persians have a secret agreement to exterminate the arabs by pushing them to unwinable conflicts.


same old shlomo.


no. nothing is what it seems. no ones ever tried to genocide the arabs. actually it’s the english who have been the most successful at genocide they totally exterminated the entire tasmananian race and not so long ago either.


you’re mistaken – when hamas and hezbollah and iran and the iraqi resistence are finished, the jews will be long gone , either 6 feet under or seeking refugee-status in some god forsaken s**t-end of the world. rest assured and their amassed fortunes stolen over a few hundred years will come to the benefit of the non-jews of the world.


omg for a start martin bormann was the most successful thieve in the history of the world he looted the jews for everything and then disappeared leaving his 10 children to become obscuruties ignored completely by the world for some reason. the entire world’s credit card system was set up in switzerland with the money stolen from the jews.


oh look biden set it up he removed the sanctions trump imposed on iran he allowed the money to flow for it too happen and he could stop it but they want war if hilary had won in 2016 iran would have been her first manipulation. they were itching to recreate ww1 they like to repeat wars timed over centuries just as they assassinated archduke ferdinand to get ww1 started they assassinated the russian general


by 2016 momentous events reminiscent of 1916 should have been happening according to their 500 year plans that they utilise.that’s the only urgency is to keep the records timed right. but they’ve always flexibility and plan b or c or d etc


nonsense charles is king of israel and you can bet that includes palestine you seem to be blissfully ignorant that england gave the jews the lease becayse it’s there’s. just as you are apparently totally ignorant that the jews sent there were in fact deported there when they would have rather had their homes and shops and stuff given back to them and stayed where they were


they didn’t want to go to that hotspot, that strip of coastal desert, that tiniest most surrounded by enemies country anywhere. all the smart knew it was a set up an entrapment again.


just as after ww1 germany advertised all over europe for jews to come there, assuring them they would be safe there with their good german friends who would take great dare of them now that it wasn’t under the rule of a lutheran kaiser, equals tsar, and was a beacon of freedom liberty fraternity, of democracy at last. bring your gold smithing and your banking prowess, bring your talents and your art collections, your antiques, your savings welcome welcome welcome they said.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
suka blya muhamad

your freedom is only in your imagination. palestenian terrorists are now different with radical islam and nazism

Crocus Shooting Gallery

beachfront property in gaza is selling for a good price these days…heheheh…the jewish people are reclaiming their rightful land that the palestinians were squatting on…heheheh


that’s right, from the river to the sea palestine will beg and flee.


🇵🇸 🤮 ☪️ 🖕

Oh Fk..!

the only rightful land kikes can reclaim is the oven in auschwitz…


the only rightful lands porkistinians can reclaim, is the landfill where all their bodies are thrown. 🇵🇸 = 💩 🚀 + 🇵🇸 –> 💥 = ⚰👍

Last edited 6 months ago by Phariah

they could all go back where they came from, khazaria.


the only land that shlomo is reclaiming is in jew york as he bugs out of talmudistan for good.


the whole property market in talmudistan has collapsed, along with the rest of the economy, the shekel, zio bonds, investment, tourism, 60k bankruptcies, ports bankrupt, millions of settlers either packing up to bug out or already gone. not many shlomos will be buying beachfront property in gaza, but if they do they can be sure of a warm welcome from hamas.


my name is ebubekir ebdulla el zefiri. i am pakistan i am 53 i live germany 10 years munchen.
after ukraina war refugees from ukraina, germany pays less money for our kids. why? ukraina kids 500 euro, muslim kids 300 euro🧑‍🍼why. mr.sholz go we dont want you. angela merkel mother of muslims again prezident yes. danke angela. no more money to ukraina kids all kids same money. i have 6 children germany pays me 3000 euro ukranian father 6 kids 5000 euro we want justice. same money


because the ukraines were nazis with hitler, the moslems too but its personalised the smart jews live in other locations.


my name is ebubekir ebdulla el zefiri. i am pakistan i am 53 i live germany 10 years munchen.
after ukraina war refugees from ukraina, germany pays less money for our kids. why? ukraina kids 500 euro, muslim kids 300 euro why. mr.sholz go we dont want you. angela merkel mother of muslims again prezident yes. danke angela. no more money to ukraina kids all kids same money i have 6 children germany pays me 3000 euro ukranian father 6 kids 5000 euro we want justice. same money


86 years of thermonuclear carpet bombing will put an end to islamism jihad and all of it. start with the gaza strip and convene an internet journalist conference there first so you can be sure to get everybody


beware of zionist gaslighting. zionist shills wailing that iran and hezbollah have done nothing, they are all traitors, secret jews, corrupt billionaires, stupid, incompetent, cowardly and so on. it’s all classic disinformation. we see the same with russia from the pro western “6th column” larping as uber patriotic uber nationalist critics of putin. this all serves the same divide and rule agenda. iran and hezbollah have stood firm against zionism for 40 years.


and nothing that shlomo and his amerikunt stooges have done has worked. decades of terrorist attacks (both countries), sanctions, economic warfare, threats to “obliterate” iran, actual warfare, vicious lying smear campaigns by the bbc and state controlled western globalist lying media, fake lying subversive campaigns for “women’s rights” and all the rest. nothing has worked. so we get this gaslighting from fake nationalists. same old, same old, same old shlomo.


tom sawyers rides his nag again

Oh Fk..!

just what we need.. kike bots to pollute the comments section here


you learn to ignore the crocus retard and other shekle shills like second nature.


as if you’re not just maybe 3 people working hard to deceive.


only 3 of the 24 battalions of the gaza qassam brigades have been largely destroyed. hamas is ready to fight and wants to fight. hamas is stronger than ever in north gaza. its ranks have been swelled by many thousands whose only aim in life is to make shlomo pay for the tens of thousands of murdered children. i wouldn’t want to be in shlomo’s shoes right now, in any centimetre of palestine. tel aviv will look like gaza does now. hundreds of thousands have fled.


the economy is in freefall. 46,000 bankruptcies, 60k by year’s end. zero tourism. zero foreign investment. intel has just cancelled a $25 billion investment. shekel is toast. zio bonds junk status. israel will go the way of white south africa and ian smith’s rhodesia. the cost to western regimes of complicity in genocide is simply too high, no matter how powerful aipac thinks it is, no matter how rabid zio psychos here and elsewhere gloat over all the children they have murdered..


good luck dispelling propagandas disguised as education.


not much luck required for burning books or cnn or bbc licenses.. just don’t burn the good book…


our zio chums have been really successful in building up an everest sized mountain of hatred towards themselves from the rest of humanity. this will topple over and crush the zios like the roaches they are. even their bought and blackmailed kiddie fiddling goy whores are smelling the coffee and will join in.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

glória ao hamas e à jihad islâmica! vitória eterna aos palestinos.


pretty good article, all in all. as for this comment section…it shows that not all the samf’s are in israel…or are they? maybe 8200 moved.

The Hebrew Hammer

cry cry cry terrorist supporters, we are coming for you next.

shlomo shekelstein

oy vey!!! i just can’t take any more! my swindling business bankrupt, no more shekels! have to dodge hundreds of hezbollah missiles every day! have to live in empty tourist hotel 11 months now! can hear hezbollah and hamas tunnelling right beneath my feet thousands of miles right across the country! soon whole country will collapse and subside into all the tunnels right beneath us! i’ve got my bags packed and i’m on the next flight out of ben gurion! oy vey!!


the article was quite interesting the comments section is as usual lacking
