Poroshenko Announces Possibility of “Full-Scale Russian Invasion”

Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko has not ruled out the possibility of a full-scale Russia’s invasion “in all directions”. According to him, Kiev is ready “to repel the enemy.”

Poroshenko Announces Possibility of “Full-Scale Russian Invasion”

Photo: AFP

The probability of strengthening of the conflict in Donbass and the possibility of a full-scale invasion of the Russian military is maintained, the Interfax Ukraine news agency quoted the words of Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko.

“The probability of an escalation of the conflict remains significant. We absolutely do not exclude a full-scale Russian invasion in all directions. We are ready. Our armed forces are ready to repel the enemy both in the east and along the administrative border with Crimea,” Poroshenko said.

The Ukraine’s President also said that he has received assurances regarding the support of Ukraine in the fight for territorial integrity and sovereignty by the US and the EU leaders.

“Intensive consultations, which were now held by me with leaders of the US, the EU, Germany, France… I have received reliable assurances regarding the support of Ukraine in its liberation fight for its own independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Poroshenko said.

However, it is quite interesting, how exactly the US and the EU are going to protect Ukraine’s sovereignty, which they have established in the country.

In the case of a serious escalation, a martial law and another wave of mobilization can be declared in a combat zone, Poroshenko noted.

According to the President, some 45,000 military have gone to a contract service in the army since the beginning of the year. This allowed not to declare a new mobilization.

“Many people spoke about the contract army before us, but nothing has been done. As of today, these professional soldiers have allowed me, as the top commander, to refrain from announcing new mobilizations,” the Ukrainskaya Pravda information website quoted his words.

Poroshenko added that a principal position of Ukraine in the coordination with the international partners is an intention “to return the aggressor to the negotiating table, force it to meet commitments, made during the Minsk process, and return the Normandy format.”

In addition, the Ukraine’s President said that the statement about the exit from the Normandy format is an irresponsible step.

“The enemy does not cease its attempts to disrupt the Minsk process, making absolutely irresponsible statements on its exit from the negotiations in Normandy format. The intensity of shelling the positions of our troops in eastern Ukraine has dramatically increased now,” Poroshenko said.

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Kristy Rain

Aww Porky! You should consult Saakashvili! He will be able to explain exactly what will happen if you decide to take that little Peninsula and call it yours. ♡

Rodney King

Scare mongering to draw attention away from the fact it is Ukraine who has failed to honour any of the key matters he agreed to in Minsk2. He can’t of course because the NAZI types he relies on to hold on to Government will not support the Legislative changes required under Minsk2. Putin and Russia are not stupid. Odds on he and all his mates will be out of power at the next election and hopefully a Government will be elected that is worth talking to and that will honor its word.