Polish-made Warmate loitering munitions have been spotted with Kiev forces for the first time since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
On April 24, photos showing a Warmate loitering munition being prepared for launch in an unspecified part of Ukraine surfaced online.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine purchased an unknown number of Warmate loitering munitions from Poland a few years ago. After the start of the Russian special military operation, several reports revealed Polish plans to supply Kiev with more loitering munitions of this type.
The Warmate, which was developed by WB Electronics, has a range of 40 kilometers and an endurance of up to 50 minutes. The munition can be armed with a fragmentation, anti-tank or a thermobaric warhead.
The loitering munition relies on a GPS-aided inertial navigation system. For target detection and terminal guidance, the munition is equipped with a fixed electro-optical seeker.
So far, Kiev forces have not released any footage of the Warmate in action. This rises some questions about the effectiveness of the loitering munition.
The US and its allies have been working nonstop to supply Kiev with more loitering munitions. Washington have already committed to supply Kiev forces with hundreds of Switchblade 300 and 600 loitering munitions as well as more than a hundred of a previously-unknown loitering system dubbed the Phoenix Ghost.
Loitering munitions will enable Kiev forces to detect and engage targets with high precision from a relatively long distance. However, the air defense and electronic warfare capabilities of the Russian military will most certainly limit their effectiveness.
It brings me joy to see salty mankurts. Thank you Ukraine and Poland! Well done!
This war would never ever start if Zelensky was sincere with his country and his own people. Zelensky destroyed his own country, its infrastructure and butchered his own people. Now it’s too late for Zelensky to have a healthy relationship with Mascow.
Bear in mind, Russia will eliminate all weapons transferred from NATO before their use.
Bear in mind: there is no war, it’s just a special operation.
This is what neoliberalism is doing apparently.
Zelensky’s a coke head desperado. Did you see the latest vid he posted from his office, mumbling something while he was as high as a kite?
If they let Hunter run the country, they’d probably do better.
Zelensky is being made like a king in exile so that this conflict will drag on forever.
Any NATO mercenary going to Ukraine would be the chosen one and would die for lesson to others.
Any Orc going yo Ukraine would be the chosen one and would die for the lesson of others
Any Russian soldier who dies in Ukraine will go unrecognized and in noted. as Russian casualty numbers and identifications are a classified state secret.? They are just erased from having existed.
Russian dog tags don’t have names just a serial number.
You know, the western public is slowly but surely waking up to what Ukraine is all about – a fascist state masquerading as a budding democracy. Once that realization reaches critical saturation, it’s curtains. Ukraine’s fifteen minutes of fame is fast drawing to a close.
this is a urgent public announcement from ukraine recruiting office. we are critically short in manpower and desperately need you in this difficult time of ukraine. preference will be given to fine ukrainian young men with experience in human shield. join and help us to win the war.
Wishful thinking. Let the loitering munitions storm the orc army
Ukro Volkssturm is good,
join Ukro Volkssturm today.
these will be as useless as the US kamikaze drones which are currently being EWed out of the sky before they cause much damaged. Its great that the west gives Russia a chance to learn how to counteract and defeat all of their hardware which gives them a massive edge if the NATO nazi cowards go completely rabid and step over the border. This is one massive training exercise for the RF, tactically, great training for its troops and for getting their hands on western war tech. There are no negatives in it really, they also get a chance to disembowel the Ukie army, kill the nazis and break the spine of the fascist regime supported by the US. Once the Donbass is done they will take Odessa and then call terms on Zelensky if he hasn’t ODed by then. The Americans are losing it big style so expect one last massive false flag which will also fail. The Euro roaches are getting bored now, they are more concerned about their ‘lifestyles’ than a bunch of Nazi scumbags in a place they never heard of before added to which the weak elites don’t want riots and to be ejected from office due to their rabid russophobic ineptitude. It’s a lose/lose for the isolated west and a win/win for Eurasia – especially the Chinese. Let’s go Brandon!
Since the Ukrainian case is close to being lost, the neoliberals can use two other forces. The Mongols and the Islamists, or even a combination of both.
They tried the Islamists but it bombed, twice. Actually, more than twice.
More than twice
Zelensky has a Plan B: A chain of Kosher Kielbasa Kiosks and Taco Stands west of the Dnieper.
Kolomoisjy promised he’d fund it with missing IMF money and stuff he stole out of fallen AFU pockets.
I got dibs on the organs!
Spoof the gps and these toys will just be toys. This is why Russia has been sending notices to all the aviation companies in regard to GPS disruptions in some european zones.
They could be used in urban warfare, with video guidance. But the point is always the same, how many of them you have, how much of the territory you control, how advanced is your enemy. The Russian army has similar drones, in bigger quantities and with no problem sending truckloads of them. Instead the hohols are losing a lot of weapons deliveries.
Pokands prime ministers someone with criminal convictions which normally would exclude anyone from being allowed to be a candidate.
Russias president has stollen billion a from the state, and had multiple opposition members killed. Which normally would exclude anyone from being allowed to be a candidate. Or stay out of prison.
We wish he would be replaced with someone sane. Sadly, PO (Tusk’s party) are bunch of pro-german traitors so PiS will rule for a long time.
Tusk is neoliberal. PiS are populist patriots.
The good thing about Poland is that it fights for European values.
Strange values the Europeans have. They’re one thing one day and another the next. Flexible, like a wet noodle.
Yes but it is because of circumstances. When you feel threatened then the thing changes.
Ukraine gets a lot of artillery.. Wich they can use as a bait for Russia fighter planes. Wich then will be eliminated with rockets from the border…
Rockets from the border eliminating Ukrainian artillery? That’s nothing new.
Too small to be a real threat, a nuisance yes and can kill troops yes but anything armor it would do no good. The Russian have been working on drone killer that are hand held, it will give them some real target practice to fine tune them. Good for Poland and the US to help Russia to allow them to perfect their new weapons!
Judging from the quality and reliability of Russian weapons systems, they will need a lot help.
I have never seen in my life people actually having Nazi tattoos all over their bodies, homes decorated with Nazi memorabilia and pictures, and actual military uniforms with Nazi symbols and them NOT be identified as Nazis.
Truly were living in Clown 🤡 World where propaganda and deceit can have the masses believing ANYTHING that they are told. Talk about Sheep.
And Trudeau and Biden play the progressive and woke card while they are allying with the real nazis and they are labeling common right-wing libertarians and populists as nazis. Paranoia to its best.
Yes indeed. These folks are either in sore need of a lobotomy or already had one.
Russia should be careful to not lost so much analizing and studying weapons from lower tech countries like Poland, Canada, Turkey. Should focus on US weapons but thats why US dont send any new weapon to Ukraine
The Canadian patriots should open to Trudeau a new one, if you understand what I mean. However, Canadians are close to Ukrainians so it will be a problem. Poles dislike both Russians and Ukrainians. Turkey is the Ukraine of the Middle East so yeah.
These will be put to good use by Ukraine…many invaders will be sent to their graves w/these weapons…
What is russia going to do about it?
How come the Ukies were only able to drag a few dozen bodies out into the road for photo-ops and even gave up and had to supplement with living folks? If they get tired out that quick, they’ll never win the war.
Poles dislike Russians but they dislike Ukrainians and Germans at the same time. We will see how it will play out.
However, Poles like us Greeks.
Poles are fucked up, this is true. BTW: The Czechs dislike the Poles and even the Lithuanians dislike them. Poles living in Vilnius keep insisting to rename the streets in Polish.
Czechs don’t dislike the Poles but they do dislike the Ukrainians.
Nice work polacks. Turks and polish always knew how to deal with russian invaders and child rapists. Glory to nato and ukraine
Send them back and explode over Poland. It will go 40km at border of Ukraine and Natostan. Send weapons but say your not somehow in the fight?
What a bunch of horseshit Polish nonsense.
russobots raging and barking so polish ,,warmate” must be good and effective ^^
Well, if it’s Polish I’d suggest the Poles better duck and cover.
GPS aided huh? That’s probably why they haven’t been sent in action, because Russia has GPS jammed so heavily in Ukraine.
how effectively is it jammed?
one of the EU states is supplying the junta with gps based artillery rounds.
Did you hear that the NY Times is reporting that the forensics done on the Bucha and the Irpen corpses showed shrapnel inside their bodies, indicating that most of the dead died from artillery and rocket rounds instead of from gunshots. Most striking of all is that the forensics and the reports were done by the Ukrainians themselves and the press conference was also done by them.
The logic goes that Russia completely controlled Bucha and part of Irpen until they withdrew. Ukraine claimed that all victims were found on the Russian side and therefore claimed that Russia committed genocide.
If the report is authenticated, then Russia is vindicated as they cannot fire upon the areas that they have already captured and controlled. Also Russia left these areas at the end of March and Ukraine claimed that the corpses were all found at around the beginning of April, still fresh. But the Ukrainians were the ones striking the Russians with hundreds of rounds of artilleries and other ammunitions. As the Ukrainians were firing, Russian troops were hurriedly moving out.
Ukraine just made it difficult for the world to sympathize with them. Even the European leaders are now treating all their other claims of Russian killing of civilians and mass graves with suspicion.