Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macherevich believes that Egypt may sell Russia two Mistrals, built in France, for $1.

Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz (Photo: Polskapresse / Wojciech Barczyński)
Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz said that Egypt may hand over to Russia two Mistral helicopter carriers, made in France, for symbolic amount of $1, the Interfax news agency reported. According to Macierewicz, he obtained this information ‘from good sources’.
The Minister also stressed that Egypt must not agree to such a deal – the refusal will serve to the ‘cause of peace’.
Meanwhile, Egyptian ambassador to Russia, Mohamed El Badri, said that he cannot confirm the information about a possible sale of the Mistrals to Russia.
“I cannot confirm this information,” Interfax quoted his words.
Spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, also said that the words of Macierewicz about the alleged purchase of the Mistral ships for $1 by Moscow are ‘complete nonsense’.
Peskov noted that the Polish Defense Minister could make such a statement due to too emotional background in relation to Russia in Warsaw, the RIA Novosti news agency reported.
“Unfortunately, not all are able to digest, and not all are able to respond adequately to the background. This is nonsense,” Peskov added.
Meanwhile, earlier, spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov, denied the information about the purchase of the Mistral helicopter carriers for $1.
“Macierewicz makes such statements, as well as many other gems for self-advertising. However, this is a problem of Polish authorities, but not ours,” Konashenkov told the Izvestiya newspaper.
France built two Mistral helicopter carriers especially for Moscow, but after Crimea became a part of Russia, the ships were sold to Egypt.
Polish troublemaker not to be taken seriously!
Poland deserved much better governance than this russophobic clique that rules Poland last 20 years.
Antoni Macierewicz is obviously suffering from ivory tower syndrome.
I’ve got 1 USD too. Where’s my Mistral?
Do You have a garden for it.
Would be nice if they did, They could sail a year long just outside French wates just to poke their eyes out.
I hope that happens. Egypt and Russia recently signed an agreement reopening an old Soviet era airfield at Sidi Barrani and leasing it to Russia. Egypt also incurred Saudi wrath by voting for Russia’s UN Security Council’s motion.
Egypt also needs Saudi Money, Sisi tried to give away some Egyptian islands in Red Sea to the Saudis. Egypt also named one of the Mistrals after bloodthirsty muslim brotherhood hardline salafist Anwar Sadat which sent tens of thousands of jihadis to afghanistan to murder soviets and afghans.
Why is the kurwaperson getting mixed up in such things? His health may be in danger.
I hope they sell one to Russia for $100,00 and the other to Iran for $100,000.
Then everyone gets a great deal, and Israel looses and does not get what they want.
Theater of the Absurd brought to you form “Be afraid, very afraid”. I once had a street thug in New Orleans use just that phrase and then backed off to please I’m hungry……..