Polish-Controlled ‘Belarus Opposition’ Leaks Personal Data Of 1,000 Police Officers In Attempt To Threaten Them

Polish-Controlled 'Belarus Opposition' Leaks Personal Data Of 1,000 Police Officers In Attempt To Threaten Them

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On September 20th, large protests took place in Belarus’ capital Minsk, once again, against President Alexander Lukashenko.

The latest opposition protest began in the morning with the opposition calling on social media for demonstrators to gather in central Minsk as well as in other cities.

The protest came a day after officers detained hundreds of demonstrators at a women’s march in the capital.

Among the detained was Nina Bahinskaya, a 73-year-old great-grandmother who has become an icon of the protest movement.

Around 2,000 people, mostly women, joined the September 19th march, which has become a weekly prelude to mass demonstrations every Sunday. They briefly scuffled with police who then blocked their path and started picking people one by one.

Police detained so many protesters that they ran out of room in vans and had to free some of the women, according to AFP news agency.

Video posted by the opposition-aligned Tut.by website showed a masked officer abruptly removing the flag and flowers she was carrying as she was pushed into a van.

She was later released, and she even held a little speech in front of a group of protesters who were in front of the building she was kept in.

In response of the reportedly “aggressive” police response, the opposition Telegram channel – Nexta Live, which is being operated out of Poland began sharing what it said was a list of the names and ranks of more than 1,000 police officers.

The personal data of the police personnel were allegedly received from anonymous hackers.

“As the arrests continue, we will continue to publish data on a massive scale,” said a statement on the messaging app on evening. “No one will remain anonymous even under a balaclava.”

Protesters have sought to expose the identity of police officers who appear at demonstrations in plain-clothes or in uniforms without insignia or name badges, trying to pull off their masks and balaclavas.

Belarusian interior ministry spokeswoman Olga Chemodanova said police detained 415 people in Minsk, and 15 in other cities, for breaking rules on mass demonstrations. She said 385 had been released.

The government said it would find and punish those behind the data leak.

“The forces, means and technologies at the disposal of the internal affairs bodies make it possible to identify and prosecute the overwhelming majority of those guilty of leaking personal data on the Internet,” said Chemodanova.

In a video, opposition leader in exile, from Lithuania, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya urged her fellow Belarusians to continue fighting for a country in which it is worth living in the so-called “March of Justice”.

“Every week you show yourself and the world that the Belarusian people are a force,” the 38-year-old said.

She is to meet EU Foreign Ministers on September 21st as the bloc prepares sanctions against those it blames for rigging the election and the violent crackdown on protesters.


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rightiswrong rightiswrong

Publish the names of the protestors, and their Polish supporters.

Anyone waving a flag of a nation other than their own, should be deported to that nation, end of.
Let Poland deal with the refugees, seeing how half of Poland emigrated to Britain, they must have the room.

Lone Ranger

Not a bad idea ?


The people should not be afraid of the government, the giveenment shouls be afraid of the people

Concrete Mike

Treasonous scum working like prostitutes have every reason to fear government.

No one want ukraine like democracy.
Get with the program foo!


Always the bigger prostitutes are in the goveenment and police. I agree Ukraine is a bit of exageration, maybe holodomor could have some influence there. I hope Belarus will peacefully integrate in EU.

Concrete Mike

EU has nothing to offer belarus other than mountains of debt. We all know that.

Devalued assets to be sold for pennies on the dollar to.massive western corporations.

Come on dude this has been going on around the world for 30 years. Its happened in USA, Canada, europe, and now eastern europe.

EU is anti democratic and must stop!


Indeed EU is not as democratic and rich as Belarus and Russia, which are the lands of the free


Why do you people always have to collaborate with foreign powers who invade your country,have you no fucking pride and dignity?


Actually Eastern Europe doesn’t collaborate with Russia.


Thats right they collaborate with the US Reich like you collaborated with the third Reich,you are slow learners.

Jens Holm

Its seemes You dont undrstand, what we actually do.

We invest a lot of money into Poland, so they can support themself.

We gives poles jobs in the whole Europe if they are qualified and they send money home.

We – the states – also gives gifts partly for own purpose. Danes fx has given several of those countries brown water cleaning facilities, so fish can live better in the Baltic sea.

We also give much better insolated heating pipelines, so homes gets a lot more warmth for less money as well as meters so people pay for what they get.

To the 2 or 3 small Baltics we have given a lot of tested old computers, keybords and screens. So its a velcome to the modern world even its a little old.

carlo cozzarin

You don’t seem to realize what you’re really doing.
You make coups, brown revolutions, you indeude countries and you turn them against each other
You use their citizens as human shields as you try to scare off their neighbor, who is so strong that even you dare not attack, it’s worth your own extinction
Clean your own sewers, which for simile work can arrive alone poles and baltics, which the Soviet Union for something gave them good free instruction
And by the way, take the poles and baltics to the United States, that in Europe there is a lot of crisis thanks to your monetary policies, your IMF and World Bank, your GinoVirus and your restriction measures, there is no work
You can always employ the Poles and Baltics for the next coup d’am, which seems to be your home to your own president
Soros needs wet backs for his dirty works
Enjoy it

Jens Holm

Thats a relative all the way to west of Berling and includes most of Caucasus and states like Kasakstan, Usbekistan and Tadikistan.

I see no invasion here. I see joining and nothing strange in some integration in EU as well as Nato.

Jens Holm

Thats not the point soft ice mike.

EU and Nato dont want Belarus. We already has a lot of updating from the Bolsjevik collapse.

But it is true very old people do remeber Poland after WW1 and until Stalin took half of it and Hutler the rest actually had Democrasy in a Pilsutsky text.

So we want nothing. But we will trade with them. Will the integrate and learn how to run things better then the museum they have, we migt help them.

We are nice people and dont want them to go back to the Russian collapse unless they insist themselves.

Jens Holm

You must be blind or worse. There is something between Dictatorship and Democrasy. As too often You bias Your own version and then condem it too:( But I admit You keep Ypur low standard well.

As those many insist Lukashenko not even has majority for ruling. So do You support minority rule if its possible by fear and bajonets ???????


Well the people were afraid of your government,they didn’t end up in a police van,many ended up dead after the thugs who call themselves the army turned their guns on them.


In which movie are we now?


Maidan the nightmare,staring insane john McCain and Cookie Nuland wwith full supporting cast of neo Nazi thugs.

Fog of War

Hows that working out in ZioAmeica ?


Not as great as China but surviving

Fog of War

Poltically China is more repressive, Thats for sure. However, Police wise , ZioAmerica makes China look like a park, and I say that as a neutral party.


Yeah, land of the free

Jens Holm

Thats how it was until the Bolsjevics deported Poland west. They moved Bæarus west too.

And – as the first map says – the blue part was Poland until Germany, Russia and Austrua-Hungary took and divided it.

Those people want open relations to their own. If the forced recruited Russian import dont like Belarus, they can go back to their own country.

Most people here understand, if people want to go back to their own land or choose to stay as well integrated.

That flag says as I have wrtitten. They wish to regain their coysin relations with the old Poland which also was lituania.

I am sure You also are not aware of, how and what Ukraine was. You are just able to shout they are nazis. But they are only nazis because You behave as a Bolsjevik.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/56dfaf76fb59a47769ae53b339c1c2ce53bfcbd65756afe1ebd8530d93b4e65c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e86d6d2cc2f3bd9f77850f3d6df4b3532d07f690bfbbb6fe7ed69acc037c954.jpg

Lone Ranger



Polonium Vladimirovich Novichok

Lone Ranger

Second name of Herr Pimpeo…


Vladimir Pompeo

Concrete Mike

only idiots beleive in novichok fairy tales.

A photo of a water bottle is terrible evidence that no judge would allow in court, ever!


I don’t want to look at the photo because I’m afraid to be poisoned.

Concrete Mike

Of course, i wouldnt expect a different feeling coming from a lemming.


A lemming yes still more handsome than vladimir poisonovich

Jens Holm

Next time they probatly will use test persons.

Fog of War

What do you call US citizens then ?

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Imagine if Russia, China or Iran would do that…
The shitstorm…
Even having a meltdown about a lone facebook post bashing CIA crimes…

Lone Ranger

They would never sink to that kecel.


Sure red revolutions were totally genuine.

Lone Ranger

Russia was highjacked in 1917.
Funded from abroad.
Same is happening in the U.S. around a 100 years later.
Same perpetrators.

Fog of War
Lone Ranger

Double standards and hypocrisy.
But sinking to their level is no solution.
They have lost the moral high ground the Free World must not.
Resistance is Victory.
CIA trolls, Poletards and balticnazis will cry and rage :)
Ukropnazis too ?


Russia has lots of friends among her neighbours.

Lone Ranger



They should financially punish those people through heavy fines. That would be best and fastest way to clear away those “protesters”.

Jens Holm

Its already done once


Light blie poles are deported west to Poland of today. Russians are forced in by USSR making jobs to inegrate Russians in Belarus. And there is not a single Jew even – if You take the whole map – there was abut 2 milion of them.

There was Germans too even it wasnt many.

Germans on the map was deported west. Instead some morons prefared the total empty East Preussia suddenly should be Russia and named Kalinigrad.

You seemes to be Róbin Hood upside down. Belarus is close to bankrupsi and people has less then You see in those pictures. Their museum Kombinates are almost out.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I think suspended sentences and sanctions handed down from Belarus courts upon vd Leyen and Borrell and other Eu cronies would be very popular inside of Europe for Belarus PR purposes.

Jens Holm

We dont need anything insider. We hope the Belarus at least can decide by majority which president they have and get in some real parlamentarisme.

As EU and Nato member I see no use for Belarus apart from good normal relations such as trade, investmenets both ways, torurisme and like that.

So we should remain calm and warm as well as it goes woth only few sanctions and like that.

They decide and has to decide themselves. Its their country.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well obviously they are being dicked by Euro-Atlantic sourced internal interferences which some stupid-silly Belarus whores who have been worked upon are only too happy to spread their legs for!


Let them drool, they lost the plot, more and more people becomes aware, color revolutions is right now thrown into the sun and is been exposed, and sometimes, ok Polaks have always been scumbags, not all Polaks I know some and have absolutely nothing against them, either BallTicks witch I also know, (funny thing this worlds poliTicks, when my wife had here 50s party, I had an Lithunaian, Latvian, Ukrainian and a Russian in here and they all spoke Russian, hehe) but what snapped in this nations is something I dont waist time on, because, once a bitch, always a bitch, pity, like the Lithuanian Doc whom didnt treated an person because this person spoke Russian, well, I have been over there, apart from Tallin and Riga you have nothing, and since I am married to an Russian woman, I will never go there again, pity when we planned this years christmass vacation in both of this two places since my wife have Diabetes type 1, so BallTicks go and f…. your self. F….. scumbags.

Lets recap a itchy bitchy way, Noevocrap or whatever, is suposedly 100 times stronger than Sarin, and if you want to know what Sarin can be, you sould look up the case involving an nutt in Japan, some deaces ago, whom, I am not shure if it happened had placed an canister with the Gass in an tube train, and the Japs took it with outmost serious massurments, and Sarin is highly toxic, and this is true if you bother to read about what they in the Military calls, ABC, Atomic Biological and Chemical warfare, I have had that back when the dinosours lived, and Sarin is so bloody toxic we talk about minute amounts, and when I say minute, I mean that you cant Tuch, or even be near witch is dangerous by it self, an person whom is been intoxicated with Sarin, you cant tuch them with your finger tips, even then Sarin is leathal, and we talk about minute amounts down to microGrams.

And then comes the idiot saga about Nouevochick/chunk/chank and the claims about 100 times more leathal, then we are down on mucleculare level of toxic matter, like weapon grade plutonium, and somehow, the moronic eh….. experts in the land of Germs, wants me to belive they found NC on several places and on his clouths to witch by it self is highly contradicktionary because it requires an larger amount since it have been spread onto the NavelGay and that alone did not kill him, ugh…., this is where I always say, watch or find the very thing they claim points to this or that, and like this case the shere amount of Toxic subtance amount sould be enough, but it wasnt, thats what I define as clasic drivel and one of the inconsistances you need to know this case is pure bollocks.

This again is like the even more idiotic drivel when they claimed Sarin was used by Assad, based upon an video, witch I to saw, even when we had again eh…… experts and so on howling on the MSM, etc, and it took me just seconds ( for once I will brag about my self) to verify that this had nothing to do with Sarin, or whatever gass they claim did something, total hoggwash since most of you really dont know what to look or and how to determin that I will not dive into it right now either, so, and right after, we where several people telling the same, they changed their idiot propaganda to be about Chlorins (witch could be so many things its riddicilous incl table salt etc witch is natrium chlorine to kitchen soap/s), well, that did NOT change anything regarding the exposer of their propaganda and since then IOCW havent found anything even remotely conected to credibility again, I dont even bother to read nor hear anything coming from an UN organ witch we all know is corrupted to their bone marrow, and on top of it, Trumps gorrila Pimpeo tha Ass, threatened even the familitys of people working in IOCW, yeah, the man of piss and twatter.
SO, bitches, tell me, am I wrong, huh, do enlighten me about that.


Fog of War

Are you on meth ?


Polish Controlled?:)))


Well those flags are the Polish colours.


2stripes? or mean just the colors?


It’s the 8th stripe on the US flag.

Jens Holm

….And Oscar use it every year.


Already aquired




Hah I thought only the red matters :)) thanks ;)

Jens Holm

Of course they are. They are cousins and Poland elect their leaders themselves.

Jens Holm

Control Yourself.


sir yes sir

AM Hants

Why do Poland and Lithuania wish to colonise Belarus? What is in it for them? Why is Poland always the instigator prior to a world war? Don’t Poland have to start paying their EU loans back, next year and hence need a pillaging spree, to help out?

Tommy Jensen

Criminals and suiciders cant stand alone but need someone to support them.

Jens Holm

Help – Help :)

Bruno Giordano

1. They don’t. 2. Nothing but moral support for friendly neighbours. 3. It isn’t. 4. No.
Why is Russia (read Putput) always supporting fraudulent dictators?

AM Hants

What are you on about? Poroshenko and Saakashvili were never supported by Russia, now we’re they? $ORO$ provided there support.

Bruno Giordano

What a childish comment.


The beautiful women. Who cares of loans when Belarus has such wounderful ladies?

Jens Holm

It was a part of Great Poland until Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia divided it between them.

It came back after German, Russia and Austria-Hungaria collapsed. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a34e268067814a3c87681bd2d658ab391d071f3045569e41410800811ddc912f.png

It was Russia 1793 to about 1918 and again from 1945 to today.

You can goback and include the Kiev – Minsk – Novgerod if You insist, but in those days Moscow was its own state far from there. The population was slaves but vikings had great influence even being few because of the trade routes to Iraq and Samarkand.

Poland and Lituania are cousins with Balarus and most of the time the same country. I will remind You that Poks also are slaves even they have another accent.

And about 2 million Jews as at the map too.

NO MOSCOW RUSSIANS. The came after WW2 because many from Belarus was killed as well as the russians deported all Poles to the new Poland west of it. The map shows well.

And true many poles in Poalnd was dead and true many more Germans in that are was gobne and Poland was given that half empty land.

East Presussen with Koenigsberg didnt have a single inhabitant. All was dead or deported. It was given to Russia and named Kaliningrad – same as Koenigsberg. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e86d6d2cc2f3bd9f77850f3d6df4b3532d07f690bfbbb6fe7ed69acc037c954.jpg

AM Hants

How come it only managed to retain independence for a mere 20 years, once it gained its independence in 1919? Why does she have no problems with Austria and Germany, just Soviet members? Why does she always carry a begging bowl and have a ‘professional victim’ boulder on her shoulder?

Fog of War

” How come it only managed to retain independence for a mere 20 years, once it gained its independence in 1919? ”

Ask Germany and the Soviets .

” Why does she have no problems with Austria and Germany, just Soviet members?

Who ccupied Poland after WW2 ?

” Why does she always carry a begging bowl and have a ‘professional victim’ boulder on her shoulder? ”

I think you’re confusinfg Poland with the Khazars.