Poles Are ‘Cowards’ For Not Going To War With Russia, Says Zelensky

Poles Are 'Cowards' For Not Going To War With Russia, Says Zelensky

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Anyone familiar with the history of Russophobia knows that this is one of the cornerstones of the political establishment in countries like Poland. Due to its centuries-long rivalry with Russia, Warsaw remains one of the most adamant supporters of NATO’s ongoing Barbarossa-like crawling invasion that only uses the former Ukraine as a strategic springboard. In fact, Poland is even preparing for a possible direct confrontation with Moscow, openly admitting that it expects the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta to fail entirely. However, despite its endemic hatred for the Kremlin, Warsaw’s strategic planners are perfectly aware of the massive difference between belligerent rhetoric and the actual situation on the ground, which is why Poland is yet to directly engage in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict.

Despite their repeated Russophobic statements and claims of supposed Russian military “inferiority”, a long-running, self-serving myth that has been debunked numerous times, Polish leaders understand that a direct confrontation with Moscow would be a disaster for Warsaw. Namely, while the Kremlin sees Ukrainians as an estranged part of the larger Russian ethnos (which they’ve historically been for over 1,200 years), there are no such constraints when it comes to Poles, a nation that’s linguistically, genetically and culturally close to Russia, but is universally seen as hostile, both due to historical and geopolitical considerations. What this means in practice is that the Russian military would in no way restrain itself in a conflict with Poland. This fact alone is a deterrent of sorts for the government in Warsaw.

In addition, NATO itself is still against the immediate involvement of Warsaw, as its Article 5 would compel it to directly participate in such a confrontation, drastically increasing the risk of global thermonuclear war. The only alternative would be to leave Poland on its own, which could result in the collapse of the world’s most vile racketeering cartel, something that would certainly not be in its interest (although it would surely be a net positive for virtually the entire world). It should be noted that NATO actually floated the idea of imposing the so-called no-fly zones over parts of Western Ukraine, but the Russian military promptly ended such illusions with its unmatched hypersonic weapons. However, despite these battlefield realities, the Kiev regime is desperate to get NATO (or at least some of its members) directly involved.

Namely, after the PR incursion into the Kursk oblast (region) failed, Zelensky tried another “peace summit”, which also failed, prompting him to launch the even more laughable “victory plan”, which also included “begmanding” for 1000 “Tomahawk” cruise missiles and even an attempt of nuclear blackmail. Needless to say, this also ended in the dustbin, so Zelensky is now trying a new approach – taunting. Namely, he accused Poland of “looking for excuses not to help Ukraine”, including the refusal to shoot down Russian missiles, as well as delays in the transfer of its Soviet-era MiG-29 fighter jets. In simpler terms, Zelensky is insinuating that Warsaw is “guilty of cowardice”. In fact, he reportedly used words such as “scared” while referring to Poland and other NATO members during a recent meeting with his henchmen.

“NATO countries are afraid to make decisions on their own. We have good relations with Poland – Polish citizens support us. However, we have been constantly asking them to shoot down missiles heading towards Poland. We have gas storage facilities near Stryi, on which our lives depend, especially in winter. We asked for protection of these storage facilities because we do not have enough air defense systems,” Zelensky stated.

The fact that he singled out Poland, saying they “didn’t even dare [to] shoot down Russian missiles” is very telling of the Neo-Nazi junta’s rapidly deteriorating relations with Warsaw. What’s more, Zelensky lamented that the Polish government “expressed readiness to shoot down Russian missiles”, but not without approval from NATO.

“I agreed with [now former] NATO Secretary General [Jens] Stoltenberg that Poland would receive a police mission, i.e., NATO aircraft. We really wanted to receive MiGs from Poland, but they couldn’t give them to us because they didn’t have enough of them. So, we agreed with NATO that they would provide us with a police mission. Did Poland give us aircraft after that? No. They found another reason,” he concluded.

As anyone with two functioning neurons (and without copious amounts of psychoactive substances in their system) would anticipate, such comments weren’t exactly appreciated in Warsaw. The Polish government immediately reacted by suspending the very concept of so-called “military aid” and downgrading it to what Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski called a “defense loan”. Namely, in an interview with Polsat News, published on November 1, Sikorski stated that the Kiev regime could “buy weapons from Polish factories on credit” and that the loan “could be paid after the country’s reconstruction”. He also added that “such a step could have been taken at the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war“, clearly implying that Warsaw’s decision to “help” shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Sikorski also responded to Zelensky’s criticism regarding the supply of MiG-29s, saying that Poland has “done more for Ukraine than any other nation”. It can only be expected that his comments will surely result in further deterioration of the already tense relations with Warsaw. Even President Andrzej Duda has admitted this. Namely, when asked whether the Kiev regime “had stopped taking Poland into account”, he replied that “in a sense, it may look like that”. Duda also said that “we gave what we could give and we gave it quickly, when it was needed and that is our great pride, only two years have passed since then”, adding that he “had to say with regret that life is brutal”. This is certainly a testament of Warsaw’s disappointment, although it’s clear that Russophobia, rather than any form of Ukrainophilia, was always its sole motivation for “help”.


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Generalissimo Valery Zaluzhny

valerii fedorovych zaluzhnyi once said ukraine needs to mobilize at least 500,000 men to stand a chance against russia. that was some time ago. i bet they need to mobilize at least one million now to defeat putin and kim jong un. other than zelenskyy and his henchmen; if ukrainian military aged males could vote, they would vote for trump.


thwy ,all of them in europe, at least, would vote to end the warmongering opportunistic parasitic invasions by megalomaniacs who want to rule the universe .imo allegedly .


they actually really believe that they hive some sort of supernatural legal.rogjys and powers to rule over everything .they really either do or they certainly will act that way ,at least publicly. imo allegedly .


course they’re just like everyone cruse really just as fallible just as equal with no supernatural powers not shared by everyone else .maybe in fact even less than most. it’s not normal to need huge productions elaborate costumes and lavish sets and props for normal people to be themselves


everyone else i typed. not cruse .that’s goggles auto “correct s thinking “it’s artificial aka fake, intelligence.


stun guns and bug spray will handle that bunch.


derp and derp again.


their bromance has gone sour? that didn’t last long.

now the germans have discovered a 9 billion euro hole in their budget and are thinking of raiding the british offshore banks the ukrainian ‘elite’ have stashed it in.


after discovering an even bigger hole in the uk budget, starmer said he’ll be damned if he’ll let the germans beat him to it.


slick willie clinton chimed in with a sound piece of advice. “just print the damn money, you idiots.”


anybody noticed lately that slick willie is even further out in la la land than ol’ joe?

Walter Read

i saw him stumping for kamala last week. he looks like he either has later stage aids or is undergoing chemotherapy.


willy has a bad case of adrenochome abuse syndrome… not to mention how much ‘tainted’ product he and his satanic cult have consummed…


2022 — they raised numbers of military from 200 to 700-800 thousands. 2023 — countless waves of mobilization. 2024, since 18th of may — total mobilization for 90 days, 120-150 thousands kidnapped from streets. it should be near 1,5 million of mobilized now, because they lost 0,8 mln, but rural reich still has 700-800 thousands. total mob.potential is near 10% of population, so it was ~2 mln. 2 – 1,5 = 0,5 left + 10% of those who came to eu (8 mln in 2022).

Last edited 4 months ago by Антон

theatre of operations.


poles sided with nazis back in the day until they got stabbed in the back. maybe theyve learned their lesson? but then again, its poles… the jokes are there for a reason.


really ? how ? seems like it was actually the soviets that did.


hitler-pilsduski pact.

you know how you dolts always say the molotov-ribbentrop pact was an “alliance”? well, guess so was the one the poles did. right?


i met some czechs once that hate the poles for stealing their land.

then i met some lithuanians that hate the poles for wanting to rename all their streets in polish and for feeling entitled to do so.

now you understand why the poles like to hide under american skirts and service them while they’re under there.


not even a pact, non-aggression treaty signed after such treaties with france, england — allies of poland. ussr sent proposal to sign military transit via poland to help czechoslovakia, but poles refused to do that inspired by england. so nazis/fascists took austria and cz with no fight for breakfast and ate poland for dinner in 2 weeks, allies refused to fight for poles. pilsudskiy was an extremist, his prometheism is another form of fascism.


btw poles today are growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of gratitude from ukrainians. poles had hoped that by extending help to their neighbors, ukrainians might finally acknowledge and apologize for the wołyń massacre, just as putin once apologized for the katyn massacre. poles remember that at least russia made an attempt at reconciliation. ukrainians, however, have never done so; worse, many still seem to justify the killing of 200,000 polish civilians..

Winnie the Pooh

the mr pact was the last to be signed. uk had a secret treaty with poland that they would declare war on whoever invaded poland first, and then did everything they could to get stalin to go into poland to ‘stop the reich’. stalin didn’t so uk was forced to declare war on germany when they invaded first. uk actually wanted to let the reich destroy the ‘kammies’ (as the yanks call them) and then mop up afterwards. common knowledge in uk at the time.


zionist poles murdering german civilians in territory handed to the poles after wwi had nothing to do with germans invading poland…or did it?


you think the russian neighbors are once again reminded of the second world war and napoleon’s folly. even the ashkenazis got stomped a few centuries back.


well thats why they took ukraine and tried again cause they are still angry.


poles learnd in in ww2 that the british and french having their back meant nothing when they were attacked and there is no evicence sugesting the usa would act any different.

Jewish pimp

servs are shitass gypsies. so is drago.


when things turn to crap, zelensky is trying to get poland to make the same mistake as he did – rely on the west’s support. poles are dumb by nature but even dumb poles can see that the west has nothing to offer and by sitting on their hands they still might get parts of the western ukraine incorporated into poland!


poland: the little hegemon that thinks it can.


phantom pains for empire lost in 18th century.

Joseph Day

why would you want poles to help. ww2 saw them loose their country quicker than the usa retreated almost from the korean penisula. why the chinese let them back to the now border is beyond me

R. Ambrose Raven

but what of other options? massive polish intervention military need not be aimed at defeating russia, but at stopping russian advances, to force a settlement dominated by poland. a west that closes its eyes to zionist genocide while playing on jewish victimhood, may be equally happy to ignore polish annexation of parts of the ukraine, especially given that zelensky is increasingly just another actor who overstays his welcome.


those ex-russian perverts known as ukrs or hohols are really crazy and insatiable. “gimme, gimme, gimme” is what they love to say, but never “thank you”. soon all western sodomites, nazist sponsors will know that. russia gave ~250 bln dollars to hohols since 1991 in discounts for nat.gas, but they kept stealing it while western sodomites accused “gazprom” in breaking its obligations and never condemned hohols for theft.


the nazi junta parrot drago does not mention the dictatorship and castration that the former eastern bloc countries suffered, hunger, political persecution, misery, 30 years of delay in relation to the west, it is funny to hear this, only 50% of russians in the 21st century they have bathrooms and basic sanitation, 60% of schools do not have sewage…russia is the best country in the world to emigrate and prosper

Janne Kankaanpää

first degree cowards are the ukrainian men hiding from the army and all ukrainian politicians, rich and their children not entering in war.

second degree cowards are nato who support ukraine with weapons and not with men. if you dont send men, you should not send arms either.

another first degree cowards are all russian men who run away from russia for the fear of being enlisted. and ukrainian men who run away to europe.


what about the cowards running off with their mouths about shit they have no clue about… or when good men doing nothing to help an evil zionist plot is mislabeled as cowardice, by idiots who were indoctrinated into zionist bullshit and propaganda from birth…maybe that?


if only poland and russia work together. sky is the limit

Oy Vey!

you really hate russia, don’t you?


poland hasn’t been acting well since their government was unalived on a flight to russia. would not be surprised if that was another zionist plot to subvert polant into the zionist assault planned against russia and the middle east, which is all falling apart now. everyone is noticing the dam jewish problem causers…when they cant poison wells they fluoridate your tap water, and add another vax to the schedule of poisoning children…

Last edited 4 months ago by Kibosh