Poland Recruiting Crews For Leopards To Protect Native Polish Land In Ukraine


Polish authorities are recruiting crews for German Leopard tanks supplied to the Ukrainian military. The advertisement calling on local residents were placed in public places.

“Protect the native Polish lands. Become a tank driver. Protect Poland in Ukraine,” reads the advertisement in the Polish metro.

It seems that the Polish authorities decided to recruit more mercenaries in order not to bother with the training of Ukrainian soldiers.

The President of Poland claimed that in addition to the Leopards, he was ready to transfer the remaining T-72s to Kiev. In total, Warsaw has already sent 240 tanks, more than 100 armored vehicles, self-propelled howitzers and ammunition.

The call to protect “Polish lands” in Ukraine is another recognition of direct claims to Ukrainian territory by the Polish authorities, who have already admitted that they are considering the option of including Western Ukrainian regions into Poland. The Kiev regime has already lost the sovereignty of the state. As soon as the population is convinced, Western Ukrainian lands will be offered to Poland instead of reparations, which Warsaw demands from Germany, and to pay for all political, military and financial support for the puppet regime.


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Max Schmidt

I think it would be fair to hit the tanks shipment (by sea) with a small torpedo as a vengeance for NS2 and NS1. And when the Yanks ask “-Russia did you do it?” The RF should answer the same official answer the US gave about NS: “No comment”. Tit for tat. So , Russia, be proactive and sink the ferry. Show NATO that you have balls.


Mr.Lavrov said : NS1 and NS2 blew up by England and English secret Service


I want to add , Russia’s Lavrov says US ‘directly participated’ in Nord Stream explosions

Remember what she told

The other day, speaking in Congress, Ms. Victoria Nuland, the under secretary of state, said openly that like many senators, and she personally, the State Department as an organization is happy that the Nord Stream pipelines have turned into metal junk on the Baltic Sea floor.

Mexican American 🇲🇽 supports 🇷🇺!

The meeting of Congress says it all about Republicans and Democrats, both one in the same when it comes down to foreign policy, to hell with them all.


Duda recruiting for his masters Nuland and Blinken. Those two really are the face of this new jewish neo-naziism. They aim to destroy Russia, and then China to rule the world from Washington and Tel-aviv.

Mexican Strategist

This is a stupid idea Max. Russia would never bomb Poland Much less a US warship in Denmark or Germany

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

Why not? The US bombed Russian property on NS1 and NS2.

Max Schmidt

No, you are stupid. I did not write anything about Poland or Denmark. The cargo ship should be hit in international waters (Atlantic Ocean) like the Northstream pipes. THEY cast the first stone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Schmidt

The Northstream pipes were not hit in international waters but in the local waters of Bornholm to keep the Russians from inspecting the damage and collecting evidence.

Biden stoned out of his gourd

The stone was shaped like a boomerang.


Hard Drinking and Murky Finances: How an American Veterans Group Imploded in Ukraine


Tanks will came by train from Poland not by sea.


Russian military is too smart to do that. From a strategic perspective it is counterproductive because it can start WW3 (NATO defense case if the perpetrator can be identified). It is an unnecessary risk. And there is no advantage doing it: Russia can destroy these tanks after they have crossed the Ukrainian border. Destroying NS1 and NS2 was probably a three country operation (US, UK and Poland). Wouldn’t surprise me if transatlantic Germany gave green (!) light for it. There are some indicators pointing in this direction. German government is consisting of traitors.


therefore the new leopard II’s given by prussian aristo’s to make war on Russia should be renamed “Pickle jars”
Many Poles stopped complaining about everything else to complain about this.

Biden stoned out of his gourd

How about Smoked Polish Kielbasa?

jens holm

I dont like Russia because its hihly biased on my perversions.

Only West allow some as Mayself to atach fake breasts and be a teacher in elememtery schools at same time.

Thats why I wear only Baalenciaga.

Biden stoned out of his gourd

Can’t tell if that’s really jens or somebody mocking him.


Ha, ha, ha … Poľsko si myslí, že získa nové územie? Omyl!!! mali by sa zamyslieť nad svojimi rozhodnutiami skôr ako stratia ďalšie územie. Lebo to sa im môže najskôr asi tak prihodiť.


Translation: Ha, ha, ha … Poland thinks it will gain new territory? Mistake!!! they should think about their decisions before they lose more territory. Because that might happen to them at first.

Isser Harel

Poland has the poorest politicians in Europe and thus the cheapest to buy off with pittance monies, Sellouts of their people who the fm establishment will exterminate right after the depopulation. They don’t respect sellouts.

Biden stoned out of his gourd

Don’t be greedy. Let Poland have Lwow back. It’ll be entertaining, like watching spiders in a jar.


Poľské vedenie je plné paraŽitov, tak ako je tomu aj u nás, v celej EÚ, UA a aj v RF. Tieto hry pre plebs sú len na odpútanie pozornosti a zmanipulovanie stáda, aby sa išlo dobrovoľne zabíjať medzi sebou…


aamater, ak nepoznáš stránku : inenoviny (bodka) sk , tak vrelo odporúčam. Je tam veľa dôležitých info ;)


You do realise that this article is a fake?
No different than Czechia would like to take over Kaliningrad to gain access to the sea…


It wouldn’t be the first time that Poland was played by Britain and France.

Last news

German foreign minister said that: ‘We are fighting a war against Russia’,
Baerbock has publicly declared ‘a war against Russia’


That Nazi Bitch had better be careful what she wishes for,she should have a word with her Grandparents if they are alive and see how it worked out last time,maybe her Grandfather was a SS officer or concentration camp guard.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell

I really don’t know how people simply believed that after WW2 all nazi germans that were left alive, just became non-nazis overnight….. :D:D:D germans quietly hang portraits of the Fuhrer on their walls dreaming of the final solution…. red army in Berlin is the only solution ;)

Biden stoned out of his gourd

Her official title is ‘German Foreign Munster.’ Here’s the entire German team: https://munsters.com

24 february

to mark the anniversary of Russia sending its armed forces into Ukraine on February 24, Poland planning big provocations in front of the Russian embessy at 24th February and in front of the other Russian embassies in Europe also in new york too

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

shoot them down

Tommy Jensen

If Israel send military tanks missile systems to Ukraine, these military tanks and missile systems could be targets for Russia in Ukraine.

Do you know what this means? This means that Kremlin could order the Russian military in Ukraine to shoot on these Israeli tanks and these Israeli missile systems when they are in Ukraine, and this is a warning that Kremlin itself has issued.

Did you caught that? That this is Russia’s warning to our equal partners. https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2023/02/01/697410/Russia-Zakharova-Ukraine-Israel

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Jensen

Why could be ??? It will be targeted and destroyed, what is the difference between nazi german lethal aid and nazi israeli lethal aid, or any nazi lethal aid provided by the anglo-american coalition and their vassal states in eu … ??? Besides, the nazi israeli state can’t afford to lose equipment they will soon be in a very tight spot themselves ;)

Mexican Strategist

There you go guys. Gloves and Masks off…exactly what Czar Medvedev predicted. Poland and Romania as plan B after the crushing military defeat. Hungary and Poland will claim their part of the dismembered republic of Kiev. Syria-like scenario

Jean de Peyrelongue

Germany should do the same to protect native German land in Poland !

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

Yes, Pollacks you all should die for sleepy Joe aka the Pedo Peter, aka the Big guy aka the demented Grandpa


I said it from the start Poland would stab Ukraine in the back the first chance it got now they are admitting it publicly


How can the polish backstab ukraine when there is no ukraine?

The current administation of ukraine has transformed a country which could have been a place
where all slavs meet to discuss things without anyone beeing able to outplay or outshine anyone.

But the oligarchs wanted more money and who can give more money the one who can print infinete money the usa.

But that money came with a price. Transform ukraine into a antirussia in everything
and then be ready to stand the ground while we provoke the russians into charging into you
so that both of you die…

I guess it was worth it for the oligarchs and their cronys but the country is gone.


But for the us the price was very cheap for the huge success they got.

Killing any connection between russia and all of europe minus serbia and hungary.
And those are just one well prepared election campaign away to cut their ties as well.
Even if russia somehow defeats ukraine and europe collapses the seed of hatred will
destroy the new russian world from within just as it destroyed the sowjet one…


You are correct my friend Ukraine has been destroyed and the people used as cannon fodder by the Oligarchs who work hand in glove with Western banks and politicians. We are hearing much on independent media since the helicopter crash at the kindergarten. We are hearing that it was no accident we are hearing that the so called raids and arrests of those who would be close to zelensky it nothing to do with an investigation into corruption and we are hearing that zelensky may well at some point very shortly be replaced! The purge is well underway in kiev

Biden stoned out of his gourd

Why are Black Rock, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs all backing Ukraine?

Follow the money, honey.

Ukrainians will own nothing and eat worms, the ones surviving will eat bugs.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

Nazis gonna do Nazi things

Biden stoned out of his gourd

That’s what Zelensky said. “They do what they do.”

Azov Bataillon called Lloyd Austin a dirty Ape Nig

Scholz and Putin should discuss and find a final solution for the corridor question.

Biden stoned out of his gourd

Discussing anything with Scholz is like knocking on a brick wall and asking “anybody home?”, then waiting patiently until the wall sends off a brickogram to Washington for instructions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Biden stoned out of his gourd
Isser Harel

This is the living reality directly created by the pilgrim society, the committee of 300 and their private army nafo to take over the world and depopulate it. Wake up. Tragedy and hope one zero one.


Very interesting

Romanian whore

Look my previous comments: I predicted that. They will use pullacks for those tanks to reduce the time needed for training ukroshits from scratch. And that CLEARLY point who’s the most russophobe shit on the table and who walks with the matches on the loose….Historically, this war was 100% constructed by Poolandia hundreds of years ago from the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, who continuously aspired to grab some lands from Russia. The guilt however lies on disagreement between Lenin and Trotsky about how to wage war against the enemy of the revolution. That will result in many contradictory orders and war movements/strategy especially in polish-russian war when russians were defeated despite their superiority in almost everything. Yet this is another example that Russia WILL loose ONLY when have infightings. When peoples of Russia are UNITED NOTHING on earth can beat them. Never. Only inside traitors, useful idiots and bad country management can ruin it.


Lenin/ Trotsky did what they where supposed to do harm the russian and slavic people.
Thats why they highjacked the geniune revolution of russian people and turned it into a bloodbath.
Just how guys like Yatz, Poro and Ze have highjacked the genuide dissatticfaction of the ukrainian people to transform them into a nation of cannonfodder.

House Rothshild sends their regards. And if Putin is not determined enough to win he will end like Tzar Nicolaus. And another Lenin will be put in place to fill the streets with slavic blood.

Last edited 2 years ago by kotromanic

Do they get a body-bag along with training? They should also take ‘before’ pix and DNA sample as well. Gotta have some way of separating/ID-ing the pieces.


“As soon as the population is convinced, Western Ukrainian lands will be offered to Poland instead of reparations, which Warsaw demands from Germany, and to pay for all political, military and financial support for the puppet regime.”
it is absolutely crazy , but possible in the actual situation.
Another possible plan: like Turkey with Syrian refugees: occupy a piece of Ukraine to settle back the Ukrainian refugees out of Poland.
