Polish Soldiers, assigned to the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade operate a Leopard 2 tank during a multinational training scenario in Bemowo Piskie, Poland, Feb. 6, 2020.(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Timothy Hamlin)
On February 24, Poland delivered the first batch of German-made Leopard 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine as Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited Kiev.
The delivery came on the one-year anniversary of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, which was launched to “denazify” and “demilitarize” the Kiev regime.
At a meeting of the National Security Council in Warsaw, President Andrzej Duda said: “The prime minister couldn’t be here, he went to Kiev to bring Leopard tanks which are the first batch delivered to Ukraine.”
After meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, Morawiecki revealed that the first batch delivered to Ukraine consisted of four tanks.
In January, the German government announced it would make 14 Leopard 2A6 tanks available for Kiev forces and would give authorization to European partners to re-export their tanks to Ukraine. Poland was first to take advantage of the German decision. The country pledged to supply 14 Leopard 2A4s to Ukraine.
Ukraine is set to get four more Leopard 2A6s from Portugal, and a total of 22 additional 2A4s tanks, four from Canada, eight from Norway and ten from Spain. Finland will also provide three Leopard 2R heavy mine breaching vehicles.
Furthermore, recent reports revealed that Sweden could supply as many as ten of its Strv 121 tanks, which are based on the Leopard 2A5.
Both the Leopard 2A4 and 2A5 are armed with the Rh-120 L/44 120 mm gun, while the newer 2A6 is armed with the more lethal Rh-120 L/55 gun of the same caliber. All three versions are powered by MTU MB 873 Ka-501 liquid-cooled V12 twin-turbo diesel engine with 1,479 hp and can reach a top speed of up to 70 kilometers per hour.
In addition to the Leopard 2s, Kiev forces are set to receive in the upcoming few months 14 Challenger 2 tanks from the United Kingdom and 31 M1A2 Abrams tanks from the United States.
While the Leopard 2, Challenger 2 and Abrams are considered to be NATO’s top main battle tanks, all three suffered losses when faced with Soviet and Russian anti-tank systems during operations in Iraq or Syria.
Western tank supplies to Ukraine are meant to prepare Kiev forces to launch a large-scale offensive against the Russian military next Spring. While the tanks will make up for some of Ukraine’s material losses, they will not likely provide an advantage.
Bravo glupi Poljaci,samo ih šaljite,vi ste najobičnije sranje i ološ od nacije,šteta što smo vas oslobodili, trebalo je da vas švabe pobiju još tada.
Koga ste vi to oslobodili četnički ološu? Niste ni sami sebe, nego su vas Rusi oslobodili, smrdljive shkiye.
Sta se ti smradu javljas? Gamad koja je svakom okupatoru iz guzice virila.
Sta te kurac boli vlaški štakore?
Martić je najbolji primer vaśe ‘sile’, a vlaškog divljaśtva Princip Gavrilo. Koji je ubio nadvojvodu i ženu u 9 om mesecu trudnoće.
Bosanci su vas naguzili 1914 kao niko, a sada u onom ratu u Bosna jebali vas sve po red, bez oruzja i nista, a vi imali jna i svu silju picka mater.
Pseto albsnsko, pakuj kofere, dolazi vreme za naplatu, tamanio sam vas 1999, a i sada cu sa jos vecim zadovoljstvom… a sada necete imati zastitu, amerika je gotova. Nema potrebe da mi odgovaras, znas i sam da je tacno ovo sto govorim!
Ti si moj kurac pusio i pusices, a i jesces dljake bez ili sa Amerikom. Şkijo vlaşka.
Nie myl polaków z rządem polskojęzycznym. My Polacy jesteśmy Słowianami i jesteśmy za Rosją!!! Polski rząd to farsa marionetki!
You are too optimistic. Polaks always were dumb. No hope for this nation.
Yes, that is corect. So called servs too.
I am sorry that Poland and the Polish people have become a tool in the hands of the West and NATO, which have never seen us Slavs as equals.I am sorry that we Slavs are dying because of them and their money.
Are you blind? In ten years Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Croatia, Balts and Bulgaria will rule the EU. Western countries are facing massive social changes – they already becoming more like 3rd world whilst Poland thrive constantly getting prosperous and influential… Private homes in Poland are twice the size of German or French…
stupid propaganda , I wonder whether you know anything at all about eastern Europe
“Western countries are facing massive social changes – ”
what social changes will face Poland , when soon up to 8 mln Ukrainians live there?
What about all the banderovtsi , Asovskis and 100 other movements , which together with the inner Polish tendency to extrem-right radicals create a real fine mix and explosive. One must be very optimistic (rather unwordly) to see there a bright future. And live far away to believe it is all to manage. I don’t know what is then really better for the country: if the Russians win or if they lose. I fear both is a catastrophy for the country. All in all Poland will pay a lot for the actual politics , no matter what still happens. They offered themselves as useful idiots and this is how they will be treated.
It’s just jews wanting to bring Germans and Russians against each other again.
No German and no Russian should support this stupidity. Better load your guns and shoot the jews on sight, whereever you see them. That’s the best cleaning for the earth and all of mankind will shrive afterwards like neverbefore, I promise you !
Its nothing to do with jews,itsthe US Reich and neocons,some of them jews,i don’t care who they are they have to be destroyed.
The debt enslavers make the most from wars followed by the military industry and their shareholders.
Wrong, 90% of US Goverment, Media and Finance System in jewish and khasarian hands.
The Rothchild family are financing all of this
Germans, what Germans, which Germans ? Those castrated and brainwashed ones who do not know their gender ? They fully deserve Merkel, Scholz and Baerbock as leaders and this is just the tip of the iceberg. The only exemption is East Germans, they sympathize with Russia.
Deeply correct.
Amen. The Synagogue of Satan.
For heaven sake, how they can bring TANK(s)in Ukraine and Russian can not see that.
There should not be a railway track or airport standing in Ukraine.
There is a time for that …if needed.
that’s dubious, right? I mean, why they still exist after one year of conflict?!
Ukraine is half the size of the continental united states. Imagine trying to defend a border that size and you’ll have an idea.
C’mon, man, not that big.
The Russian admin do see them. These tanks are very probably being tracked as they cross europe. Likewise with all the arms and personnel transported to Ukraine.
The Russian admin cannot really do anything about them until the tanks reach Ukrainian soil. The alternative is to destroy all the railway lines from presently hostile countries leading to Ukraine. An action like that would alienate those countries who are only really going along with the narrative either because they have a puppet leader or they are afraid of refusing the bully empire.
Some of these countries are fence sitters, currently hedging their bets. When the Russian admin completes its task for the people of Donbas, we may well see some of these fence sitters come to their senses and realise where their loyalties lie.
“Russian forces wiped out 240 Ukrainian servicemen in Donetsk direction over day – Russian top brass.
In addition the command post and ammunition depot of the Ukrainian armed forces near Avdeevka had been destroyed.” Just another day in the life of the Allied Forces, fighting for freedom against Nazis and Neonazis.
Welcome to the Hell. psiakrew.
4 tanks bet the Russians are shaking in their boots. 🤣 😂
I cant wait for the vids of leopard tanks being popped to come out.
Weak ass armor. The side armor on a Leppard 1 can’t even withstand a 30mm.
Deathtraps! I can’t wait for the videos.
The headline I want to see, “Russians send more tanks into Warsaw”, sounds much better doesn’t it?
No no no, flying gifts of nuclear energy delivered specially.
Poland should be second on the list for Russia. Poland is the main force behind for anti-Russia
You have earned the daily Pamfil Military Academy virtual medal. Poland is the major european instigator against Russia and all future russian plans MUST include that to never happen again after Ukropizdan will be denazificated.
4 x Tanks ?? they lost 6,000 tanks until today ..
Washington, September 24, 2022. /CNN/. The conflict in Ukraine is likely to end on the battlefield, US Secretary of Defense Idi Amin said in an interview with CNN.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Washington, February 24, 2023. /CNN/. The conflict in Ukraine is likely to end with peace talks, US Secretary of Defense Idi Amin said in an interview with CNN.
And what does that idiot Know and who if anyone would believe a word he says?
Polack land needs to disappear again, divided between who cares, as long as they disappear.
He went to keiv to deliver tank that will be use to kill Russian,the Russian need to make this idiot scare to even mention going to Ukraine. It’s a freaking war. I don’t like Poland and I don’t respect they wicked government,the are war hawks and they arrogant mindset is treat to humanity.
The Polish leadership has always had a weakness in that you can push their buttons, promising them that they can have their little empire back, if only they will attack a neighbour with a much bigger army. Just tell them not to worry, as soon as you start the war we will rush in to defend you. This time around the Banderites have been played this way too: if only they provoke Russia into invading them, using Arestovich’s five point provocation plan, then NATO will rush in to defend them, and Ukraine can then conquer and keep Russia for itself. Looks like things are not going so well for Ukraine.
What buttons? These gvmt talking heads r American zio joo lackeys.. nothing to do with what polish nation wants.. same as everywhere. Do u think putin doesn’t know that? fighting globo-homo zios..
Most probably these tanks will be used by the Jew president to parade around wherever he is on a green screen with Russian CGI tanks in the background being blown up and they will declare victory.
Is it a coincidence that Russia rolled out their BTR-50P on the same day?
Well done polski, i hope the russians will send you beautiful presents as gratitude
Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 366:
Situation north of Bakhmut city: Russian Army took full control over Berkhivka/Берхівка and most of Yahidne/Ягідне (clashes continue south of the town) In addition, troops took control over significant part of Stupka district.
Situation north of Donetsk city: Russian Army and DPR forces made new advances towards the town of Pervomais’ke/Первомайське from three axis.
Kinda stupid for Poland to get in the middle of another German-Russian conflict
You’d think they remember how it worked out last time
They don’t seem to learn very quickly.
Destroyed Leopard tanks in front of german and polish embassies in Moscow would be a fitting answer to the destroyed T72 in front of the russian embassy in Berlin.
All this just shows how the west isn’t serious about helping Ukraine. A few tanks here and there will make no difference. Russia will win this war.
Leo2a6 one of the best in the World, but the numbers laughable.
Leo2a4 no mach for anything better or Equal than a t72b3
All armor has the same problem, large, noisy, heavy, slow, fuel guzzler, breaks a lot, big heat signature. Sagger magnets all…
Russia should repay poland with nuclear energy so as to save the FM controllers lots of money in buying energy from elsewhere. Yes lots of short bursts of nuclear power will save them money in the long run.
If captured alive zelensky should be hung!
There will be peace afyer west scraps all junks to ukr then calls it off a victory