Polish Soldiers, assigned to the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade operate a Leopard 2 tank during a multinational training scenario in support of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Poland in Bemowo Piskie, Poland, Feb. 6, 2020.(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Timothy Hamlin)
On January 11, Polish President Andrzej Duda announced that his country will supply Ukraine with German-made Leopard 2 main battle tanks, making Warsaw the first of Kiev allies to take such a step.
Kiev has been calling on its allies to provide Western-made tanks, namely Leopard 2s, since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine last year.
“A company of Leopard [2] tanks will be handed over as part of coalition building,” Duda said during a visit to the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. “We want it to be an international coalition.”
A tank company typically includes 10-14 tanks. The Polish military possess around 247 Leopard 2 tanks of different versions.
Just a day earlier, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that his country is considering to supply an undisclosed number of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. However, the transfer must be part of a larger effort by a group of allies. Poland will not likely be able to supply Ukraine with some of its Leopard 2s without the approval of Germany, which has so far refused to transfer such tanks to Kiev forces.
Most of Polish Leopard 2 tanks, around 213, are of the older A4\5 model which were made in the 1980s and 90s. These versions are armed with the highly-capable L/55 120mm Rheinmetall Rh-120 gun. However, they are less armoured then newer versions and equipped with older optics.
The remaining Leopard 2 tanks were upgraded to the 2PL\PLM1 standard, which significantly improves protection and adds a modern Polish-made fire control system.
Poland will likely opt to supply Ukraine with some of its older Leopard 2s in order not to compromise its own military capabilities.
The Polish decision could encourage other countries to supply Ukraine with Western-made tanks. The British government has already confirmed reports about a possible supply of 10-12 Challenger 2s to Kiev forces.
- The UK May Supply Ukraine With ‘Challenger 2’ Main Battle Tanks – Report
- Volhynia Turned Into Solid Cemetery. Cry From Soul Of Ukrainian Policewoman (18+)
Poland needs to be destroyed.
One can always count on the Poles to destroy themselves. They bought the Anglo/French con-job in 1938, and refused to co-operate with the Soviets against Hitler. Worked out great. By 1989 their country was basically a mass of CIA assets.
They refused to avoid war with Hitler.
All they had to do was to give a polite and diplomatic response. There would have been no Ribentrop – Molotov treaty, no war.
Unfortunately, still is.
We can make new Poland, a good one – without Kaczinski brothers and Washington’s boots lickers, somewhere near Baikal lake. It’s very beautiful place, though not so warm. Anyway, people here will not get freeze, because there is enough cheap and even “green” energy from dambs, and we can build even more for new eco-Poland!)
seems idiotic to belive the russian army can be defeated with 12 HIMARS and 20 modern tanks (1980 modern) ….It’s more likely Ukr will soon colapse and western nations have to be able to say they “did everything they could to prevent that… even offer Leopard tanks and Patriot systems that were too late to even arrive…”
Lol look at the havoc 12 himars reeked! Speaks volumes about Russian capabilities.
Especially since Russia still claims to be #2 army in world!
Maybe #2 in Africa , Australia, and Likely Antarctica
Still alive and kicking. I can assure you Moscow will burn long before you Mogul mutts step a foot onto Polish territory.
Poland claimed that months ago but they are waiting for “Germany green light”. Also, I believe Germany/Poland are training Ukrainian force already behind close doors (that is my guess and nothing more). Poland has 247 Leopard 2s overall and they are closest to Ukraine and willing to give them to Ukraine. BTW Germany never rule out giving Ukraine Leopards tanks.
No, they are training Ukronazis in the open and the terrorists involved in 2014 strike were trained in Poland by USA secret services, groups of 80 men with snipers etc. It is all on the internet, just like the Odessa massacre.
There were snipers from Georgia in independence square too.
🤡 Biden the Clown™, 🤡 Zelewski the Clown™, 🤡 Scholz the Clown™, 🤡 Harris the Clown™, 🤡 Pelosi the Clown™, 🪦🔥 Madeleine Albright the Clown™, Anglo-Ameriscums™ are all trademarks of Carlo, a high ranking (and CENSORED) commentator to SouthFront. Any abusive use of these trademarks is encouraged
The only people armed on Maidan that weren’t shooting people were the Berkut.
That fascist 10% of Ukraine that grabbed control of the country at Maidan with US help are schweinhund.
I would like to know where you got that information, I’m talking about training them using German tanks BTW and not soldiers and what not.
We are talking about German tanks that Ukraine might get, I know and so dose everyone that NATO training Ukrainian troops in Germany, Poland, UK, etc.
Man, Poland must be rich! They can buy 1000 Korean tanks and just flip Krusty and the OUN 2.0 some of their old Panzers, which apparently they didn’t have to pay for to begin with.
Meanwhile, sanity does prevail in a few corners of the reluctant imperial vassals:
Gramps managed to survive a number of Israeli/CIA murder attempts back in the day.
They are rich on ‘reparations’ from Germany for WWII circa trillion of euros.
You seem to have the Poles confused with somebody else.
That nice Mr Rothschild lent them the money. Oy vey.
It won’t change anything, just prolong this conflict any longer
Poor Ukraine. I wish I could go back in time to 2014 and warn them.
You don’t have to. They knew it and prepared for it quite adequately. No 3-day win for the Russkies this time.
indeed. A 3 day win for Russia would mean an almost intact Ukraine, able to function, provide jobs, food for it’s people. This disaster means a ruin instead of what was once Ukraine, worse than Afganistan or Syria … a place inhabited only by 90 years old people and mercenaries. Congrats, even if Russia eventually decides to retreat, Ukraine is no more, just a big spot on the map full of ruins.
Yes, especially if we compare what amount of weapons the US was delivering to Stalin in WW2, and which amount of troops they pumped into France Normandie etc. from 1944 on. For example: Into France they pumped up 40.000 US troops each single day for weeks over weeks.
And for Ukraine they give some 12 Himars, some old BMP and hand-held anti-tank weapons. And Europe training 20,000 Ukrainian troops now ready to go into the fight. 20,000 in over 6 months, they training just 20,000, that’s utmost laughable at best. Enough maybe to wage a low-level but brutal guerilla war in some parts of Ukraine but for sure not enough to fully kick out the ruskie invaders and hold the then freed ground. So it is clear US& NATO are not fighting Russia, that’s just russian propaganda to legitimize the invasion and occupation of a foreign country.
500 Himars and other medium and long-range missiles-systems, 1000-2000 battle-tanks, 5000 Bayraktar and Reaper drones, 50-100 old US F-16 planes + training of ukr soldiers on these, a program to recruit US, canadian and european and south american, and australian prisoners into new set up special military trainings programs, to bring them, as a strong support force, into the Ukrainian international Legion, as troops on the ukrainian side. And this in an amount to match the russians latest mass-conscripting and recruiting waves (so about 300.000 the number needs to be)… that’s what’s needed by Ukraine, to drive out the Ruskie invaders from the Ukrainian territory.
In addition there needs to be an US-European organisation recruiting civilian helpers who will work in the food, construction, energy and mining (building tunnels) sector, so that whole regions of Ukraine can be prepared for getting their energy production, and weapons production capacities transfered into underground, missile-secure places, facilities and installations. These underground installations are needed, and all major and even medium towns need to get vast underground tunnels and networks which enable troops to be smuggeled in and out, without need to do movements on the surface (what will make it brutally hard for any invader to take town. No cauldron-building possible anymore. Because at day the invader “captures the town”, but at night the enemy is suddenly back among them massacring them, so then again they will have to storm the city and so. on and on.)
With that at least medium kind and number of US-EU-NATO support, and small switches in Ukrainian preparations (see tunnels and industrial production and electricity production re-settled underearth), Russian invasion will break apart within the next 6-12 months and invader be driven back to their wn borders within max. 2 years. No question about that. But without that, Ukrainian official military will be driven back and get grinded and crippled within – I guess the coming 1,5 – 3 years completely and large strays of territory will be lost to the occupiers, needlessly.
Another easy way to cripple the Russian invasion of Ukraine, would be – to simply open a new front in the Caucasus, US drone kill the anyway hated anti-muslim son of a dog Kadyrov in Chechnya, let Ukraine claim that they did it (can even let them indeed do it, and just give them the green light and the drone to do it), and then start supporting the islamic guerilla factions in Chechnya, Georgia, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Ossetia, which will immediately become fighting hotspots and the whole Caucasus will go up in flames, drawing finally also Kazakstan, Aserbaijan, Turkmenistan etc. (at least a muslimic support bases to the conflict), and will force the whole russian military into an extraordinary bloody downward vortex. And Turkey already now supplies Bayraktar drones to Ukraine and wants its deserved Ottoman Empire back, and has by treaty of Lousanne from 1923 the right for his old territories which include northern Syria in 2023. And not forget that the Tartars are the true native people of Crimea not the Russians, so also that should be used in an effective way. So it is clear for which side Turkey will opt in the end, let alone that they are already a NATO member state anyway.
And Russia – and that’s for sure – cannot win a two front-war, in which they are forced to overstrech their military in different ways and areas, and will have to spent trillions to hold territory which they cannot – because its too big. Same as even the mighty German Wehrmacht could hold such vast territories like half of Russia, Northern Africa and whole of Europe at the same time. Taking – is one thing, but holding -> no.
That’s why I (would I believe in this war being indeed a war between to real foes) would advice the US to immediately open the second front in the Caucasus. But as I already said, this whole war is fake anyway, and USA, EU, Russia are all since long jewish-run and are fully infested with communist-jewish agents and crypto-jews and collaborateurs as politicians, which in fact, hidden from the public, all work perfectly together ahnd-in-hand and are in cahoots which each other. Often even sharing the same freemasonic lodges. The war is just well-played global theater, so that there – in fact – is no real battle to win territory or a war at all. It’s just a gigantic hoax to get christians and likely muslims too, to go to war and kill each other in the millions, and to start World War 3. Which will of course again bring millions of dead. Dead under which the jews plan to easily hide their monsterous anti-human global ratpoison corona-vaccine genocide and the hundreds of millions of deaths from that satanic act.
So basically you are saying you are a coward and the Ukrainians are not? Would you let Putin f your boyfriend in exchange for letting yourself get occupied?
They prepared by attacking their own citizens in Donbas? Wasn’t that the secondary reason for the Ukrainian ownership destroying Iraq? Saddam killing his own people, who were actually Kurds in the middle of an insurrection that still runs through Turkey, Syria, Iran, etc.? So the Ukretards polished their skills by killing civilians in Donbas for eight years? I don’t think “adequate” means what you think it means, given the quarter of a million Russians on territory that used to belong to the failed Ukrainian CIA project. But who am I to judge?
‘Quite adequately’….ha ha ha. You’re quite the dreamer, Swiner,
Scholz and Putin should find a solution for the Corridor question
A long walk down a short corridor over the bilge pumps for Scholz would be a great solution.
This is apropos to nothing, but I wonder when the Russians will get their hands on these Georgian cunts. The murder of those paratrooper kids in March, while only a drop in the sea, was particularly disgusting.
The role of the Georgian fuckers in the coup should be pushed relentlessly in all forms of media.
Pollacks should first change the light bulbs in the barnyard
The crews for these tanks are already trained and being trained. The training has been going on for a while. It is just unofficial. These tanks won’t change the course. They will add some interesting maneuvers for Russians if they wish to capture one, or perhaps one will be purchased. Ukraine needs hundred if not a thousand tanks to make an impact. The truth is they lack the resources and expertise to maintain such a sizable fleet of armored vehicles now. They lack the crews, the supply, and the facilities to house, maintain, and refit for operations. Not to mention, unlike other vehicles and equipment which have been able to drive across the border or smuggled I’m with other supplies, MBTs need to be transported. I do not see them coming in by rail as doing do would be difficult and obvious. The likely scenario is loaded on trucks and transported at night in dispersed batches to designated areas
Yes, I’ve seen the shit in the move in Romania, batches of 10, 15 APC and IFV.
There will be Abrams, Challenger, Leopard, Leclerc, South Korean, Italian, Swedish etc. Probably about 100, 200 of each and counting. They are testing the gear, I think. Also IFV, FSCV, APC etc. Romania is sending stuff too.
Those tanks are already in Ukraine I’m just waiting for the videos to be realised on many of them stuck, breaking up and easily destroyed. That would be a even more market boost for Russian weapons.
After this package of tanks the world will see just how weak Nato is, paper tiger at best and why Europe is the U.S puppet dogs
This is the easiest battle NATO ever fought. They’re not even physically involved and they’re decimating Russia’s shit military via Ukraine. Hilarious.
Nee, NAVO doet al mee, er vechten gewoon NAVO militairen in Oekraïense uniformen.
So we won. What, we haven’t yet? Are we waiting? Or what the hell is going on?
what the hell is going on?
Hmm, well, Sir, I am afraid to tell you but…
Yes, we just lost Soledar.
‘but… Yes, we just lost Soledar.’ …..Ugh, that’s really rubbing salt in your wounds.
Well, you’ve been trying to impose Banderite kookiness on the people of Donbas with your ethnic cleansing ATO terrorism for eight years, but it seems the folks are just not that keen on your version of Scientology/Nation of Islam/OUN B psychosis. Next year in Donetsk, maybe?
Noone ever asked the Ukies if they want to fight to the last man. Elensky does not count he is not Ukrainian.
Time to fry some Russian pork!
Let me grues. You must be dumb fuc*king polak.
No Im just a cannibal… I even eat Russian dicks
Cuantos ataudes van a enviar? Piensan que con 12 tanques o 15 van a resolver el problema?
It will be too little too late. GOP Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy will slowly defund Zelenskyy. Let Europeans fund their wars.
I’m gonna cry. Momma!!!!
Die mateusz-morawiecki is gewoon een smerige WEF trekpop. https://www.weforum.org/people/mateusz-morawiecki
2 fat pigs driving that Leopard 2
They look like their cousins in Chicago.
all armor is slow, big, noisy, expensive, fuel hungry, breakdown prone, makes a big heat signature, hard to conceal. Asset or liability
If a conflict breaks out in South East Asia say over Taiwan then that would be the major focus of the US Not Europe. In short this means that west Europe are effectively on their own as far as military equipment and personal are concerned apart from maybe a limited US aid package to various Western nato countries they would have to fund their own defence budgets lol
Jeez, ukrops must be getting really desperate now.
How many tanks did they start the war with, 2000? 3000?
The Poles are asking for trouble. I wonder how many people there realise that Russian tolerance to foreign weapon deliveries to Ukraine has limits.
The Polish government is literally run by retards. They announce they are going to form a new infantry division of 4 brigades, but then give all their armored vehicles to Ukraine. I’m sure the Russian Army is quaking in their boots at the thought of some potential fight with the poorly equipped Polish Army.
Maybe give old U boat from bottom of sea for Nazi Ukraine to fight big fight for win for nazis who tried to exterminate Poland from the planet before…yes is smart thing for getting paper money from west.
Ukraine is becoming just a convenient excuse to get rid of all the old weapons that are taking up space to make way for shiny new weapons.