Please, Make Effort to Keep SouthFront Online In April

Please, Make Effort to Keep SouthFront Online In April

Dear friends!

Due to your help, by March 29, SouthFront has collected  4153 USD. Thank you for the donations!

The collected amount is about 80% of SF budget needed this month. In general, SouthFront operates successfully with about 5000 USD per month.

If we don’t collect the needed budget, SouthFront will likely need to reduce the production of content in April.

Please, help SF Team to continue a full-scale work. It will be impossible without your support:


Please, Make Effort to Keep SouthFront Online In April

Please, Make Effort to Keep SouthFront Online In April

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Sincerely yours,

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

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i give 20 usd/month maybe can give more in the future. I support many things and i try to stay at 10% of my total budget.