The pilot of the Russian Su-25 warplane down over the Syrian province of Idlib died fighting militants on the ground according to a video circulating online. The video shows militants trying to capture the pilot alive, but they appear to be engaged in a gunfight with the pilot.
On February 3, the Russian Su-25 was downed with a MANPAD southwest of the militant-held city of Saraqib. The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the incident and said that the pilot died “during combat with terrorists”.
According to the Russian media, the killed pilot was Major Roman Filippov. He was a former Ukrainian pilot from the city of Simpferopol in what is now the Russian Republic of Crimea.
Warm condolences to family of this martyr from the Republic of Poland.
Martyrs are those who fight opressive regimes.
Oh please go to hell man, if he is not martyr who is it he is fighting to help the people of the Syria against TERRORISM network, what more do you want from that, or your Jihadists groups that blow them self’s up in 1 million pieces those are Martyrs right ?!
If you die for money you are not a martyr but dying for the sake of Allah and for the opressed people and muslim families is a heroic act because one gives his life to save other from the opressor.
Oh yes, for sure Isis serves only Israel who was oppresing Palestinian for decades, Instead of fighting against Israel you kill many innocent moslem in Syrian.
Raping women and beheading 12 year old children and train even younger children to hold guns when they don’t even know yet how to count, this you also do for Allah?If you had any respect for God, you’d stay at home and look after your family and not breed lice and bugs in your filthy beards
You fight for money, zionist scum.
You’re not muslim, you spit in the name of Allah every morning when you wake up, you’re all mercenaries working for zionist JewSA scum being paid with shekels to kill true muslims.
Brother how can you believe such bullshit? May Allah guide you to the right path.
I will kick your ass terrorist scum
The ISIS path? Blown away, or to an Israeli military hospital… is that where you’re posting from?
ISIS claims one of their soldiers is heroic when they slaughter women and children. A dog has higher morals. Women are the crown jewels over those murdering ISIS.
Your Wahabi demagogs brained washed you. Donot overused your very few brain cell. Go and have another drink of camel urine as recommanded by Ibn Taymiyya and the Saudi Mufti Bin Baz. Look after your health because I hate to see you escape the hanging rope
Allah said to his prophet (saww) that you are only the messenger. It is not your responsibility whether the people accept your message or deny it. Then who are you to impose Shariah of Allah on all people? If Shariah was meant to be imposed, who has more power to do so than Allah. You are all Munafiq, destined for hell.
I dissaprove this stupid comment, you say you figt for Allah , in fact you fight for Zionist Israel, as a moslem from sunni branch i condemn you and your ISIS terrorism.
That’s what this pilot was doing. He fought a murderous regime of goatloving, womanhating, childbeheading, hearteating, sharialoving sectarian wahhabies.
There is nothing more opressive than your fake, so called “Caliphate”.
Martyrs are dead so hey-ho.
You reference regimes as being “oppressive” but the reference meaning of “martyred” is reference to religious oppression, since by calling everyone that doesn’t agree with you an oppressor is a typical form of oppression.
Martyrs are those who fight oppressive regimes. But you are not martyrs. You are terrorists because you are killing innocent people. You are Munafiq. You are destined for hell-fire.
It is very grief-stricken to look at the current conditions of Sham (Syria) and Iraq, especially the situation of Halab (Aleppo) where children, aged man and woman are being targeted. The blood of Muslims is so cheap that the Muslims are being killed in hundreds of numbers. Thousands of women are being widowed. The kids are being orphaned and fatherless. By witnessing the disgraced condition of Muslims, my heart bleeds.
That was a time when Muslims were living prosperously and conveniently under the Khilafah (caliphate) and splendid news and information of triumph were arriving from every place. Each and every place of Muslims was a place of peace and love.
Muslims were being killed by terrorists rats in Aleppo before it was liberated. Now population is thriving there despite the efforts of your kind. If you don’t understand that you simply work for greater Israel than you’re even more stupid.
Fuck you terrorist scum… you dare to whine about innocents and you have Baghdadi in your avatar?! Are you for real or just one of these resident trolls with a new account…
While this is partly a rewrite of history, it is well known that Baghdad was in the time before its destruction by the Mongols a place of arts, culture, trade and science.
After that, with a short period of maybe a century or so in istanbul, arts and science have been dead in the muslim world and the decay then started has not really lifted until today.
This one was referencing the ISIS Caliphate and not as far back in the past you would have thought but good point about the Mongol sub tribes being uncivilized as they are today. When the US and the west and it’s proxies is removed have always noticed the Middle east has flourished the further away it’s from the taint of the west.
The Middle East has always been an amalgamation of 3rd world cockroaches! Notice the countries that embraced Christianity have taken man to the highest levels in everything while MooSlimes have destroyed it! This is a holy war that must result in Islam’s destruction!
There can be only one!
Where do you think Christianity started not anywhere in the west as those are not much different. Stop acting like you are a crusader since the crusaders never intended the destruction of religions, you and your ilk are pathetic. There is no holy war just an unholy war waged by those who seek greed and destruction for their own benefit.
Brush up on your 8th grade history little man! Perhaps read a few passages from Churchill on the Muhammadian Religion! All countries are greedy & seek destruction it’s just we’re the Alpha dogs now! Grow up snowpuppy!
Thinking Christians are Alpha shows you at 4th grade level , who the hell cares about Churchill’s musings as they are his private opinions, if you can’t formulate one on your own then you are nothing but a bot. How is a world that is dominated by Pagan practices even remotely Christian, you are the little puppy who is lost.
The world is dominated by stupidity & Anyone with half a brain admires Churchhill! But obviously your is less than .5! Yes I’m a 4th grade Mensa you retard! You must stop flossing with your tampon string, it’s causing toxic shock to your brain!
Can’t stand Churchill like many do and remember he never said half the stuff that is attributed to him. Those that admire him even know him less and refer to quotes unattributed to him as by him, just more fake pseudo intellectual nonsense.
Here you go on a tirade like some screaming little schoolgirl and why would someone join an adolescent group as MENSTRUATION seems they are just full of little schoolgirls like you. They lowered the qualifications down decades ago anyone in it is some of the most ignorant and truly intellectually and mentally challenged illogical people who ever walked this planet.
Yeah, like the U.S. and its moral and financial bankruptcy from never-ending false flag jobs and wars for lies. A very high level indeed.
It’s what all countries at the top do! That’s how you get to the top snow puppy!
do you think that this subhuman will understand a word of your post? does he know the difference between art and fart? …. Science ? His Wahabi instructors in Saudi Arabia taught him that Earth doesn’t spin and camel urine is best know antibiotic !!! He was told that the best trade is buying and selling and enslaving Yazidi/Christian/Shea women. If it was up to me, I will collect all the adult Salafis. Sterilise them. Ship them to some south pacific obscure island and let them be
extinct as dysfunctional dangerous creatures.
No caliphate will ever exist again!
Hey الدولة الإسلامية, no goats here. Sorry.
Fuck off scum! I will kick your ass bungle, asshole
Your grief is a typical grief of defeated fascist. It is because you run away like a sewer rat when heroes of SAA put an end to your savage practices in Aleppo where you have the power of life and death on its peaceful population. you are the last person who who can talk about the “blood of the Muslims”. You swam in a river of Muslim’s blood. You are grieving because you cannot practice your sadistic hobby of beheading an innocent man, burning another one alive, raping and enslaving women. I am, too, grieving because you are still alive. But be assured your victims will never forget a face and the day will come soon when you have to pay for your crimes. All your Wahabi masters cannot prevent you facing a long overdue justice.
allahuh Snackbar
May Allah have mercy upon all Muslims killed unjustly by the Russian and American airstrikes. May Allah unite us with them in the highest levels of paradise, with the Prophets, companions and the pious. And to the killers, planners, and inciters of these murderers of heroes: hide from us wherever you can, because by the One who raised the heavens without pillars, you will not find safety as long as you are above the land of Allah and under His heavens.
Go to hell with you ‘heroes’, be a virgin for those brainless terrorist degenerates blindly serving Saudi, American and Israeli interests, they/you are just to stupid to realize that…
you also killed the muslims that didn’t agree with you. Who gave you the authority to do it in the name of Islam? Your sponsor the Al-Saud the supreme traitors of Islam? Those who caused the Islam to be permanently split and divided because they occupied the Haram Al-Sharif with the money of British Empire? Those who told that the billions that they received from the British was nothing but the dhimma, the supreme traitors of the unity of Sunna? Or maybe this authority was given to you by your friends that you never fight against, Israel that pay you monthly, you mercenaries and murders that also the supreme Al-Azhar condemn? Who gave you the authority on Islam and Muslims, the sword?Don’t you know ya Kafir that the unity of Al-Ummah is sacred, ya Kafir. That the Prophet says that the Umma cannot agree on an error? Did you consult your brothers before claiming authority on them? It was just enough to have Al-Saud and Israel behind you to support you in this endeavor , Ya Kafir!
excuse me faker.
didn’t you hear the news from Allah?
there are new rules for martyrs
from now on in heaven you won’t get 7 virgins anymore but instead 2 donkeys
have fun….
By the One who raised the heavens without pillars, you will not find safety as long as you are above the land of Allah and under His heavens. Allah will punish you all for distorting His religion and carrying our bloodshed of His innocent creation under His name. You, your Caliph Abu Bakr and all your people are destined for the hell-fire. May the curse of Allah be upon you, your likes and on Abu Bakr al Baghdadi!
“May Allah have mercy upon all Muslims killed unjustly by the Russian and American airstrikes. ”
You better think about why does Allah never let it.
Also from Slovak republic
Kotleba, dobrý človek!
In coffin.
as prime minister…you collaborate
“And cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. And invoke Him in fear and aspiration. Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good.”
From U.S,A.! True warrior. No more brother wars.
Very well said.
What å joke all the pro goverment forces are superheroes
lion…………… you sound more like a PUSSY, the pilot is a SUPERHERO, he went down fighting, and he owned the moral high ground because he was defending people who have lived thro’ HELL for over 6 years now. Perhaps your kind of Hero is the IDF who murder Palestinian children en-masse, or the ISIS backed white helmets who murder their “victims”………………. You see its not a joke you pussy, because no one’s laughing.
RIP hero our prayers and thoughts are with you
More than 10 terrorist cowards against one brave man. All my condolence to this heroe…
what a joke
That’s the US , their jihadist “holy warrior” 137 billion dollars spent trying to destroy an innocent nation .
Your right , what a joke .
The 137 billion $ spent will “help” their economy going down the toilet even faster. Almost there… The faster, the better.
Just block the troll. Just like the drone attack time troll flooding this sites. Good things because their gleeful posting expose the shills.
Now they can’t even reply in the comments without looing like even more dumbassess as the SAA is pushing even further on multiple fronts
How tragic image you give to Brazil. I think your compatriots should make you pay the offense to Brazilian flag. JOKER
I’m from Brazil as well and I ask you guys to forgive this poor brain-washed guy. Here, the MSM lies for people all the time. They show Assad as a demon and the rebels as freedom fighters. Assad is not the best guy or the best leader and he did somethings wrong, some blood could be avoided, but the highest part of the problem is not his fault, he’s the best option Syria has. My condolences for this hero, in spite of some mistakes made by russia as well, they saved Syria and its people. Please, forgive this guy that shames and embarrasses my country.
He is not from Brazil, he is an idiot jihadi troll, just look at his profile/comments. Very likely this new ‘ISIS’ troll الدولة الإسلامية (made his account today) and this ‘Lion’ (nothing but a few comments on SF on his page) are the same pathetic degenerate.
Yes, unfortunately there are a lot of zionist scum here too, they’re spread everywhere like a virus, left, right, you name it.
You are a joke you dumb shiteater….. but your brain cancer is not funny.
Tenha vergonha na cara e não use nossa bandeira para fazer propaganda para terroristas.
Bless his soul to have died for us all .
Our hearts cry for his family
manaiev khan mount
With this song our Grandfathers destroyed fascist vermin. We will always be thankful to everyone of that heroic generation.
Today this song spells death to head chopping rats.
There is no god except Allah, and none should be worshipped instead of him. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
Prove it…!
I believe this guy just trolling here. True moslem would have a sane thinking, would not kill innocent people regardless their belief, you just dissemanting false believe here. Muhammad PBUH have never ever sugest and teach what ISIS doing right now.
yes he is a Tschuu troll that needs the balls be cut off and put up his dirty azz
Hey Russia, please annihilate these barbaric terrorists now!
Time for a few contractors , keeping it low key , because of the election .
… via thermobaric barbecue and/or lung implosion, making head-choppers drown in their own blood. It’s the only way to be sure.
Blood thirsty and not politically correct – but highly effective…
Those who die for the people and the country will be remembered as heroes. Those who are wasted by Putin and his oligarchs, who openly cooperate with the enemy (Israel, Turkey, SA, US), will be soon forgotten. Their memory will be swept under the rug as the embarrassment to the powerful anti-national
political forces. This hero’s death is a direct sacrifice to Mammon and is squarely the victim of the cowardly foreign policies. RIP.
This quite a hit because the man is of Ukrainian origin. He must have volunteered himself for this deployment.
Do you know how many Ukrainians are ethnic Russians ? 100’s of thousands, if not over a million. Many identify with the Donbas cause, because a great many of the populous of the Donbas are thicken Russians, but I must hasten to add, that is not the reason behind the current conflict there, but it does serve as a unifying factor.
I know they’re traditionally Russian but not until awhile ago their government is Ukraine. Intervention in Syria is of the Russia Federation policy not Ukraine so i presume that such policy did not shared the same sentiment with Crimean population.
Many ethic Russians left the Ukraine after Porky Porochenko was put in the driving seat by the Israeli-US coup d’etat, especially in the south of the country after Ukr. Nationalists started terror rampages/ethnic cleansing against the ethnic Russian populous. Hence many Ukrainians found their way into the Russian forces where they continue to serve.
There are also many Ukrianians living in the Krasnodar area. Some generations ago, most were ukrainians there.
He was Crimean and Russian , millions in Ukraine are Russian and Germanic.
Brave heir to the red army, Mother Russia will revenge her fallen sons.
From Greece with love to this hero pilot from simferopolis ( is a Greek name city with many Greeks ). Russians had to cover him and survive him from Islamist animals. Better Russian to see their Turkish friends because all starts from there supporting from Arabs and katar
The militant rabble have repeatedly proven they are unable to grasp the value of capturing and negotiating the release or exchange of valuable Syrian or Rusian military personnel. Militants consistently behave as zero-sum irregular Orcs. In these sort of circumstance they cannot control their own irregular rabble who are all too eager to show Syrian and Russian corpses in their media – so presumably the pilot would rather die fighting them than to be executed with bound hands. RIP to a professional Russian serviceman.
His painful death is a deterrence to the other pilots. It’s puts fear in their hearts. Allah is sending your men a warning. Will you take heed?
it wasn’t painful and in war people die as everybody knows
some like this Russian pilot are heroes and fight till death and some others like these scumbag terrorists cry and run for their life’s
and now Russia will pay back hundredfold you retard
No, as they are professional and disciplined military servicemen it just makes them respond, not react like the militant rabble, with a cold vengeance from above. Safe to assume you are part of the influx of very obvious anti-Russian and anti-Syrian hasbara trolls currently appearing on this site’s forums.
Could someone please translate the militants’ words?
We need someone mastering the Uruk-Hai language of Orcs.
This video seems to support reports that the Russian pilot killed himself with a grenade rather than be captured.
…………….you forgot to mention that he most probably intended to take one or two of them with him…………….those ISIS filth don’t mention their loses. If a man is going to face certain death, then he will make his enemy pay with their lives too.
As if. Explosive grenades is not a standard issue for any pilot. They’ll have handguns possibly PDW with couple of mags and signal flares. That’s it.
Only so much can be fitted into ejection seats that’s also acts as their distress beacons.
How do know what he was carrying ????? The fact is you DON’T. The previous commentator stated “This video seems to support reports”……………. IF it was the case, I replied ” most probably intended to take one or two of them with him”, and gave the grounds for my opinion…………….because if it were me, its what I would do too.
I mean you don’t need to entertain such rubbish. Graeme Rymil is just another shills. Just go see his other comment.
Here’s the thing. You’re not supposed to bring an explosive into an enclosed space such as cockpits.
O.K. point taken.
Shills? Did someone call for me? :-)
“You’re not supposed to bring an explosive into an enclosed space such as cockpits” ummm except that the ejection seat is explosive so I guess that, as usual, you are wrong.
> grenades is not a standard issue for any pilot.
Smoke markers come in grenade type configuration but not explosive but for finding the pilot or crash scene. Also used to call in a visual for air strike/s. This picture means nothing, what is the point?
Not in this case. That’s F1 grenade, Russian pilots flying with them since Afghan.
Google-translate that article, especially the part explaining how this pilot died.Павлюков,_Константин_Григорьевич
Not…terrorist show in a Photo his handgun with 3 Gun chargers one of them empty!
Major Roman Filippov was from Vladivostok!!!
1 against 10 armed with AKs…….made them run for cover…..a true hero….RIP….
The US Orcs are on the offensive again in Idlib. I would think that Russian Aviation will make those areas a killing zone.
They say Russian contractors and commandos still deployed in search mission.
There will be no place to hide for that cowardly filth. The GRU has a very long memory.
Please God fogrive me and all Muslims
I don’t know Arabic what does the Imam says
See guys what is a brave soul, although he is a pilot, brave to the end of his life, he is not allowing to be captured by any chance and he resist, he better die then go in some Al-Qaeda dungeon, RIP our Hero, your glory is forever,may God Jesus Christ bless you and give you peace to you in the Kingdom of Heaven and give peace to your family. And one day you will be re-born again.And your killers will suffer you can count on that, they will all suffer and die and go in the hell.So brave and so sad.!!!
every country have regime.ifyou dont need regime you can leave Syria.Russian hero pilot god bless you
True there is an Al-Qaeda guy here in the coments posts this Imam prayers and says that the pilot is not a Martyr , why because ” Martyrs are those who fight opressive regimes” his words stupid Jihadist, by him Martyrs are the one that blows them self’s up with 1 ton of explosives
Pilot was a Martyr. According to them martyrs are head chopping, heart eating monstrosities.