On October 24, units of the Russian Military Police started carrying out patrols around the northern Syrian city of Qamishly in the framework of the ‘safe zone’ agreeent recently reached by Turkey and Russia to de-escalate the situation in the region.
Oh – “kicked off” as in started !!!.
I was wondering if they were “kicked off” as in thrown out.
PS FFS, stop the slang or Americanism.
Drunks were kick out of there ha ha , go play elsewhere little boys ha ha .
Drunk is your mother. Canada is the country of The Third Reich supporters. All the sralo.com nazi live in canada.
for all the donkeys that still believe that turkish Invasion was such a great idea for syria….
watch and LEARN
Isis = Zionist
and russias Zionist pig Putin is doing everthing possible in bringing them back into the game…..
Russia / USA two sides of them same coin…Zionist controlled pigs
Russia is the only hope to save Syrian people from Turkey. Turkey is Daesh and AQ supporter. Turkish Special Forces are terrorists: Evidences here, copy and paste this: Турецькі солдати розстрілюють полонених курдських жінок і ріжуть голови полоненим чоловікам. ВІДЕО 18+
US, UK and whole NATO – terrorists – facts are millions.
Once Syria is stable, Russia must liberate ukraine and eliminate the nazi freaks there!