Photos of a state-of-art Ukrainian armoured vehicle for casualty evacuation from the battlefield have appeared online.
The vehicle was dsiplated at the military exhibit “Weapons and Seciurity 2017” (October 10-13, 2017) in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. The vehicle is a modernized agricultural tractor T-150 with additional amour.

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Ukis used to produce cutting edge MBTs and other military hardware. And now even ISIL makes better looking and more sophisticated technicals. Next year I expect them to exhibit some real super weapons – automatic slingshots or trebuchets…
These weapons may be more dangerous than you think, looking at the British weapon from last world war:
Wow! Where can I get one??
It looks like the President Porky – a slug.
This looks like something the ISIS “mad max” engineers would build….
Ukropi set new international standards for inbred congenital stupidity…
Clown car…
tell me it’s a joke..
The Azov Beetle.
What the…?
Lol wtffffff
Behold and fear … the evil Iron Beetle! Haha
The future looks brighter than ever now.
Truly one of a kind…
is thhis a joke?isis manufactures better stuff
I think they want to go to the Core of the earth if you can swap out the front with a drill, well all Moles are Blind.
brezhnevs train
you mean Porko’s.
It first reminded me of one of the james bond movies, an older one.
On the other hand, this is an unarmed evacuation APC meant for casualties.
I have no idea how effective “the shields” are in combat situations.In a situation without ATG, they might be more effective then evacuating them in a regular APC.
I would, had I been an army purchase manager, not buy them without extensive field trials.
looking at the interior pics it seems to be able to accomodate coffins rather than stretchers but anyway.
In regards to the “screens” efficacy, I’d prefer to be evacuated on an APC with reactive armor and active protection systems.
This thing reminds me of Tim Burton’s movie “Beetle Juice” can not say anymore than that about it..
So … I see … some Ukrainian farmer got thoroughly drunk on Friday evening and decided to do some real artistic work in his shed and this is what came out … !!! … he must have had a real fright and a massive hang over next day … !!!