How u know they are trying to get out from Zionism? Just recently they had some kind of alliance with Israel. I think they are just trying to have best of both worlds (american and Russian support)
I do not see KSA parting with the Zionists. They are not Arabs in the first place, but an original flavor of Zionism. This might be a way of gaining influence, but I see it as an attempt by KSA to blindside Russia. KSA has always been in bed with the original Zionists that helped them consolidate their power when they created the modern ME. It’s probably just a way for the US and Israel to gain Russian tech for assessment. Never trust the Sauds…or the US/Israel. But, I’m sure Putin knows all this, so there is a plan to deal with them in certain events.
The Israel / USA mission in Syria failed!
So they are changing sides slowly!
the Iranian Shiia revolution is a big threat to Saudi Royal family because it means the same can happen (and could be funded and supported) to KSA!
That is the last thing they want to happen! So if a truce is made, it will be for KSA to stop its relations with Israel and USA!
The main thing holding up the US Petro dollar (reserve currency status which allows them to literally print their own wealth) is Saudi oil being traded in US dollars!
If this is stopped / changed to an alternative currency, the USA and Israel are COMPLETELY FUCKED!
Why? because the US has 20 trillion in debt and will no longer be able to fund these wars they have going! They cannot print wealth to fund its war machine! It means the collapse of the Zionist empire!
Thats why the USA and Israel is so close with Saudi Arabia!
But Saudi’s have their own PRIME INTERESTS!!
The Prime interest of Saudi Arabia is for its Monarchy to survive! thats all that the royal family cares about more than anything!
So I’m sure deals and assurances are being made with Russia to protect Saudi Arabia from a Shiia or Sunni anti-monarchy uprising!
In return, Russia and Saudi Arabia (the biggest oil producers in the world) agree to stop oil trade wars, pipe wars, market wars! Agree to a good price per barrel! And they both become happy!
Because KSA is bleeding badly from funding the Syrian war and the Yemen war of which they are losing both!
Now that Iran and Russia have by default won in Syria, they hastily make relations with Russia and survive!
USA and Israel will live to fight another day but not for long!
Well if Saudis wanna switch sides to Russia, they better get with the program and drop their grudge against Iran as well. Also what if one day Saudis decide to switch back to USA/Israel and then let them reverse engineer the S-400 and other Russian weapons? Not good
USA are already trying to reverse engineer Russian rocket engines (RD-180 heavy lift) but they cant! So they are getting the Ukrainians to do it, yet still they are no where near as efficient as the Russian made ones!
In fact they can only copy the RD-180 but only get the efficiency of the RD-170 from it!
Yet the Russians have already moved onto the RD-181!
So if the Americans and the Ukrainians can only match the RD-170, then that means they can only copy 1980’s designed rockets!
They are sooo far behind!
So this is similar with the S-400’s!
Very difficult to reverse engineer this!
Even china cannot reverse engineer the Russian SU-35 engines!
They tried, but cant!
So its harder than u think!
Some countries play both sides! India is a good example! They buy both Russian and US equipment!
Because their enemies and friends are mixed!
No no, Iran doesn’t see the improvement of Russia/Saudi relations as a slap on her face. On the contrary it will be very useful to pull Saudis away from the US and co. The least of benefits can be less petrodollars for terror groups.
Just like what happened with Turkey and Qatar which coincides with huge gains in Syria by the good guys.
Relationship between countries is not like high school friendships. Jealousy has no place there.
Also, hopefully it will have a knock on effect with Yemen, pulling Saudi away from that battle. More chance of peace in the Middle East with all sides liking the multi-polar version of dealing with problems.
What was it President Putin said?
‘The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic niceness towards a partner, but, rather taking into account and respecting your partner’s legitimate interests’ Vladimir Putin
No, its not a slap in the face! Iran’s true enemy is Israel and the USA!
Saudi Arabia doing this brings them closer together!
They won’t be friends for a long time but this is a positive step!
It takes a while before nations can be friends!
Iran and Russia used to be enemies and the US and Iran were close friends!
But the Saudis cant just do a complete back flip, but they can makes steps towards it!
There are no such things as allies, only those with common interests!
Is it possible KSA will become close with Russia in a short time? YES!
But i think 5 years would be a reasonable outcome!
But hey, u may be right, maybe it can happen fast!
Easy question to answer. Because every time Putin sells a piece of equipment like that to another nation, it gives Russia a relationship with the foreign policy of that nation. The S-400 requires a lot of Russian involvement in training, set up, supply and operations, not to mention ongoing servicing and spare parts, plus the actual missile replenishment. If a nation that has the S-400 chooses policies that do not agree with Russian national interests, then all of a sudden, spare parts become scarce etc etc
When you link up the S400 in Saudi, Turkey, Russia (and bases in Syria) and wherever else they may be, does it not provide an umbrella of cover, that keeps Israel and NATO out?
There is a good article on Zero Hedge, with regards Saudi might be on the turn, if the US does not kick start the regime change programme. If Saudi moves to Russian Defence, then does that not mean she might be looking at a way to turn away from the $USD? They only trade oil in $USD owing to the US military support that goes with it. Now the US can seen to be failing and Russia offers diplomacy, trust and a different way of doing things, perhaps Saudi it weighing up the pros and cons. Stay aligned to the double dealing US, who never honour their agreements, or move on to the multi-polar team, who can be trusted and prefer diplomacy to lies.
The thing is US can’t honor their agreements not even if they wanted, the deal back then when they kickstarted the war on Iraq was to take down Syria and then Iran blocking the shia crescent, that is a big NO-NO, won’t happen, now KSA is left alone and surrounded, USA have no troops and no economy to shape the middle east anymore, KSA has to deal with this new reality, zionists won’t come for their aid.
Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Qatar, Yemen, everyone is aligning with Russia and there is nothing USA can do about it, Saudi have no real loyalty to USA, it’s just money… and not even this as USA money has no real value, KSA have oil, if they can defend themselves (from USA), they don’t need USA, they sure as hell won’t be capable of defending against all their neighbors and USA will never come to their aid.
US has planned to balkanize Saudi into Sunni, Shiit and Great Israel. This will come after Kurdistan.
Because its good for Israel and because AIPAC pays the establishment.
A few S-400 and a visit to Moskow by Saudi wont stop Israel´s development in ME.
It is landlocked surrounded by enemies! ISIS is moribund, the only way t otry and revert this outcome is a major war against russians in syria, and if thsi happens you can bet the territory of ISrael will be targeted by russian missiles and the country turned back to the stone age.
Bum bum, are you sure?
Israel and US love to rob places where they are surrounded by enemies, glue themselves to the spot by heavy armed military bases for decades until “Palestine” gets tired.
Look at Israel, Georgia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Korea.
Of course only time will tell, but they tried this on Turkey and it backfired big time, when you use the same strategy over and over again the enemy learns how to fight it, russians are probably providing counter-espionage to the saudi prince.
Moreover, if USA balkanize KSA and it completely falls into chaos like Syria giving way to shiites taking over huge parts of it, what will be their gain? Imagine pluniging KSA into chaos would send oil price to outer space, this would give Russia shitloads of money.
Deep state scumbag globalists don’t really manage chaos, they were arrogant enough to try it though, but out of chaos came order… russian order.
True. Maybe the China/Russia/Iran can suppress it.
I am just seeing 800 US bases, increased military US budget, US government with only generals and wall street hitmen, ISIS spreading downwards in Africa (Boko) and East (Philipp) and a lot of other places subject to US imposed hybrid war of chaos; Brasil is invaded, Spain in trouble, Brexit chaos, Europe filled with ISIS sleeping cells during the US instructed 1,5 million refugee EU invasion.
Cross our fingers for the downfall of the most ugly evil regime during times..the Great Satan.
Brazil is not invaded, we’re the same as always, it’s just eternal cycle of economic crisis and corruption, but there is no turning back from BRICS, USA has nothing to offer us.
Saudi is longe time ago US planned to be balkanized (to benefit Israel).
Being pressured by China to sell oil in Yuan or else China buy elsewhere, threatened by US to be thrown into regime change chaos, US could let Yemen reach Riadh.
No one wants their friendship, only their money, no one would bother if the Saudi´s gets smashed.
Everybody feels the heat from US “Creative Chaos Strategy”, so maybe you are right.
The “Iron Dome” is a “Hoax” the missile system only hits theoretical missiles on computer but other than that it gives the illusion of safety with an expensive smoke show.
That is the soft, diplomatic side. After Syria is settled things will not go back to as they were, and now everybody knows that Saudi Arabia is the culprit. They, the royals, will be lucky to escape with their lives.
Putin made two deals with the Saudi, s-400 and the AKs, this is very simbolic because one is high end strategic weapon to defend the airspace, and the rifles are the very core of any military force.
immediately after the deal the US announced that Thaad missiles are available for sale to Saudi. imagine the terror on their faces saying goodbye to those petrol dollars….
The “large” amount of dollars that Saudi must have laid down on the S400 , just as a deposit , would turn the US green with envy , but more than that , the deal to stabilize the price of oil , made it a win – win for all involved .
Saudis have tons of $ but lets nte that the Thaad cost 3-4 times more than the s-400 system….so are the Saudis stuppid to waste their money?we shall see
THAAD and S-400 are two differently capable systems. S-400 has at least twice the range, but about 1/3 of altitude range, limited to about 45 km above ground, while THAAD has about 200 km range, and 150 km altitude reach. THAAD is meant as an AB system only, while S-400 is an AA, with some AB qualities. SA has the means to purchase both, and most likely will have them under two differnt command structures, to prevent any one clique in the kingdom gaining an upper hand.
Sales and proliferation of S-400 will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the completion and fielding of S-500 and RF’s golden grail the A-235.
Its the first time we see Saudi Arabia steer away from the USA!
This is good news!
Turkey did the same! They want to be independent of NATO systems!
Plus Iran new missiles can travel 2000km! Iran can use these or give them to the Houthi’s!
Relations are getting better because just like Qatar, Saudi’s can see thew rising on the wall! Soon they might start trading their oil in other Currencies which means the end of the US Metro dollar and then the USA cannot print its own wealth!
They fear Iran for only one reason. Iran does not believe in Islamic Monarch rulers! They fear Iran will cause an anti monarch uprising!
The Royal family wants to keep its power and its life!
Happy birthday Mr President. Many more healthy years, as you said in English on an economic forum with that disgusting Megyn Kelly, ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy!’
Hey is that a little song Bobby McFerrin wrote just don’t sing it note for note and I will be happy and not worry about it being stuck in me Head, That will be dee trouble and I will want a double double, two aspirin+ two coffee ,so Don’t worry be Happy!
Burntout Aussie
7 years ago
Happy Birthday Vladimir. And many more ! I heard him speak quite reasonable English at a Military Air show in Russia a few years ago. The media translator screen went wrong and he addressed the visitors directly in English, French and German too.
7 years ago
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
7 years ago
It is a good day – the East Salamiyah pocket has gone, SAA reaches Mayadin! And it’s someone’s birthday! I’ll drink to all that!
Hide Behind
7 years ago
What is Russia and it’s greatest contribution to Syria?
Was it tanks and military supplies?
No, it was helping the Syrian people regain their pride and dignity of being Syrian.
It was not just Putin, as it was 300 millions of Russian people’s from a nation that had once itself fought back and defeated, at that time like US is today, a.Fascist and barbaric nation,
It was those Russian people’s who stood behind Putin to aid Syria.
Gregory Louis
7 years ago
Putin’s 65 when tf did this happen…i swear he never ages only gets more serious o.o
He does not look his age, does he? With all the responsibility he carries around on his short frame (I think he’s about 5’7″ tall) you’d think he’d be a stooped-over, old geezer! ?
happy birthday mister putin! why you sold S-400 to saudi arabia is beyond me but for everything else, many thanks!!!
Russia is the Great Balancer. By ‘balanced’ weapon sales to worrying nations the potential for armed conflict is lessened not heightened. Cheers.
I see it as a huge slap in the face to Russia’s allies who Saudi does not like, namely Syria and iran
I see as a direct hit on petrodollar.
If the Saudi want to get out of zionist domination they will need means to defend themselves.
The fall of the petrodollar is the endgame my friend, Syria is a small matter compared to this, unfortunately.
And if Putin already sold s-400 for Turkey, it might as well sell it to KSA, they are equally untrustworthy…
How u know they are trying to get out from Zionism? Just recently they had some kind of alliance with Israel. I think they are just trying to have best of both worlds (american and Russian support)
Saudi is US/UK military. Everything in Saudi military even the war against Yemen are managed and controlled by US/UK.
I might argue that any alliance with Israel is akin to an ‘alliance’ with a gang of thugs who control a Protection Racket where we live.
This type or extortion only ends IF an honest police force takes control and eliminates the gangs.
May it so be.
I do not see KSA parting with the Zionists. They are not Arabs in the first place, but an original flavor of Zionism. This might be a way of gaining influence, but I see it as an attempt by KSA to blindside Russia. KSA has always been in bed with the original Zionists that helped them consolidate their power when they created the modern ME. It’s probably just a way for the US and Israel to gain Russian tech for assessment. Never trust the Sauds…or the US/Israel. But, I’m sure Putin knows all this, so there is a plan to deal with them in certain events.
If he knows they wanna assess Russian tech why he sold them S-400?
The Israel / USA mission in Syria failed!
So they are changing sides slowly!
the Iranian Shiia revolution is a big threat to Saudi Royal family because it means the same can happen (and could be funded and supported) to KSA!
That is the last thing they want to happen! So if a truce is made, it will be for KSA to stop its relations with Israel and USA!
The main thing holding up the US Petro dollar (reserve currency status which allows them to literally print their own wealth) is Saudi oil being traded in US dollars!
If this is stopped / changed to an alternative currency, the USA and Israel are COMPLETELY FUCKED!
Why? because the US has 20 trillion in debt and will no longer be able to fund these wars they have going! They cannot print wealth to fund its war machine! It means the collapse of the Zionist empire!
Thats why the USA and Israel is so close with Saudi Arabia!
But Saudi’s have their own PRIME INTERESTS!!
The Prime interest of Saudi Arabia is for its Monarchy to survive! thats all that the royal family cares about more than anything!
So I’m sure deals and assurances are being made with Russia to protect Saudi Arabia from a Shiia or Sunni anti-monarchy uprising!
In return, Russia and Saudi Arabia (the biggest oil producers in the world) agree to stop oil trade wars, pipe wars, market wars! Agree to a good price per barrel! And they both become happy!
Because KSA is bleeding badly from funding the Syrian war and the Yemen war of which they are losing both!
Now that Iran and Russia have by default won in Syria, they hastily make relations with Russia and survive!
USA and Israel will live to fight another day but not for long!
Well if Saudis wanna switch sides to Russia, they better get with the program and drop their grudge against Iran as well. Also what if one day Saudis decide to switch back to USA/Israel and then let them reverse engineer the S-400 and other Russian weapons? Not good
USA are already trying to reverse engineer Russian rocket engines (RD-180 heavy lift) but they cant! So they are getting the Ukrainians to do it, yet still they are no where near as efficient as the Russian made ones!
In fact they can only copy the RD-180 but only get the efficiency of the RD-170 from it!
Yet the Russians have already moved onto the RD-181!
So if the Americans and the Ukrainians can only match the RD-170, then that means they can only copy 1980’s designed rockets!
They are sooo far behind!
So this is similar with the S-400’s!
Very difficult to reverse engineer this!
Even china cannot reverse engineer the Russian SU-35 engines!
They tried, but cant!
So its harder than u think!
Some countries play both sides! India is a good example! They buy both Russian and US equipment!
Because their enemies and friends are mixed!
wow seems like u know alot, very good, i hope u are right, many thanks!!! :)))
No no, Iran doesn’t see the improvement of Russia/Saudi relations as a slap on her face. On the contrary it will be very useful to pull Saudis away from the US and co. The least of benefits can be less petrodollars for terror groups.
Just like what happened with Turkey and Qatar which coincides with huge gains in Syria by the good guys.
Relationship between countries is not like high school friendships. Jealousy has no place there.
Also, hopefully it will have a knock on effect with Yemen, pulling Saudi away from that battle. More chance of peace in the Middle East with all sides liking the multi-polar version of dealing with problems.
What was it President Putin said?
‘The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic niceness towards a partner, but, rather taking into account and respecting your partner’s legitimate interests’ Vladimir Putin
Very well said and shows understanding of matters.
Why? Neutral diplomacy and both Syria and Iran have no problem working with China, who also work with Saudi.
The sale to Saudi Arabia though does open the diplomatic door to supply Syria and Iran with S400’s as well , even Iraq as well.
Business is Business.
even business with terrorists??
No, its not a slap in the face! Iran’s true enemy is Israel and the USA!
Saudi Arabia doing this brings them closer together!
They won’t be friends for a long time but this is a positive step!
Why not for a long time?
It takes a while before nations can be friends!
Iran and Russia used to be enemies and the US and Iran were close friends!
But the Saudis cant just do a complete back flip, but they can makes steps towards it!
There are no such things as allies, only those with common interests!
Is it possible KSA will become close with Russia in a short time? YES!
But i think 5 years would be a reasonable outcome!
But hey, u may be right, maybe it can happen fast!
Easy question to answer. Because every time Putin sells a piece of equipment like that to another nation, it gives Russia a relationship with the foreign policy of that nation. The S-400 requires a lot of Russian involvement in training, set up, supply and operations, not to mention ongoing servicing and spare parts, plus the actual missile replenishment. If a nation that has the S-400 chooses policies that do not agree with Russian national interests, then all of a sudden, spare parts become scarce etc etc
…and missiles refuse to lock on target
Plus don’t forget Making US blood pressure go higher, hopefully to a dangerous level.
When you link up the S400 in Saudi, Turkey, Russia (and bases in Syria) and wherever else they may be, does it not provide an umbrella of cover, that keeps Israel and NATO out?
There is a good article on Zero Hedge, with regards Saudi might be on the turn, if the US does not kick start the regime change programme. If Saudi moves to Russian Defence, then does that not mean she might be looking at a way to turn away from the $USD? They only trade oil in $USD owing to the US military support that goes with it. Now the US can seen to be failing and Russia offers diplomacy, trust and a different way of doing things, perhaps Saudi it weighing up the pros and cons. Stay aligned to the double dealing US, who never honour their agreements, or move on to the multi-polar team, who can be trusted and prefer diplomacy to lies.
The thing is US can’t honor their agreements not even if they wanted, the deal back then when they kickstarted the war on Iraq was to take down Syria and then Iran blocking the shia crescent, that is a big NO-NO, won’t happen, now KSA is left alone and surrounded, USA have no troops and no economy to shape the middle east anymore, KSA has to deal with this new reality, zionists won’t come for their aid.
Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Qatar, Yemen, everyone is aligning with Russia and there is nothing USA can do about it, Saudi have no real loyalty to USA, it’s just money… and not even this as USA money has no real value, KSA have oil, if they can defend themselves (from USA), they don’t need USA, they sure as hell won’t be capable of defending against all their neighbors and USA will never come to their aid.
US has planned to balkanize Saudi into Sunni, Shiit and Great Israel. This will come after Kurdistan.
Because its good for Israel and because AIPAC pays the establishment.
A few S-400 and a visit to Moskow by Saudi wont stop Israel´s development in ME.
IT was stopped already.
What, do you think kurdistan will happen?!
It is landlocked surrounded by enemies! ISIS is moribund, the only way t otry and revert this outcome is a major war against russians in syria, and if thsi happens you can bet the territory of ISrael will be targeted by russian missiles and the country turned back to the stone age.
Bum bum, are you sure?
Israel and US love to rob places where they are surrounded by enemies, glue themselves to the spot by heavy armed military bases for decades until “Palestine” gets tired.
Look at Israel, Georgia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Korea.
Of course only time will tell, but they tried this on Turkey and it backfired big time, when you use the same strategy over and over again the enemy learns how to fight it, russians are probably providing counter-espionage to the saudi prince.
Moreover, if USA balkanize KSA and it completely falls into chaos like Syria giving way to shiites taking over huge parts of it, what will be their gain? Imagine pluniging KSA into chaos would send oil price to outer space, this would give Russia shitloads of money.
Deep state scumbag globalists don’t really manage chaos, they were arrogant enough to try it though, but out of chaos came order… russian order.
True. Maybe the China/Russia/Iran can suppress it.
I am just seeing 800 US bases, increased military US budget, US government with only generals and wall street hitmen, ISIS spreading downwards in Africa (Boko) and East (Philipp) and a lot of other places subject to US imposed hybrid war of chaos; Brasil is invaded, Spain in trouble, Brexit chaos, Europe filled with ISIS sleeping cells during the US instructed 1,5 million refugee EU invasion.
Cross our fingers for the downfall of the most ugly evil regime during times..the Great Satan.
Brazil is not invaded, we’re the same as always, it’s just eternal cycle of economic crisis and corruption, but there is no turning back from BRICS, USA has nothing to offer us.
You make wise points here.
Saudi is longe time ago US planned to be balkanized (to benefit Israel).
Being pressured by China to sell oil in Yuan or else China buy elsewhere, threatened by US to be thrown into regime change chaos, US could let Yemen reach Riadh.
No one wants their friendship, only their money, no one would bother if the Saudi´s gets smashed.
Everybody feels the heat from US “Creative Chaos Strategy”, so maybe you are right.
The “Iron Dome” is a “Hoax” the missile system only hits theoretical missiles on computer but other than that it gives the illusion of safety with an expensive smoke show.
Sounds pure NATO and the old tricks of Operation Gladio and the various operations, under that umbrella.
That is the soft, diplomatic side. After Syria is settled things will not go back to as they were, and now everybody knows that Saudi Arabia is the culprit. They, the royals, will be lucky to escape with their lives.
Hopefully! If the Royal family loses prestige at home, they could very well lose their heads as well. Here’s hoping.
Not just Saudi, but, all involved in the Qatar to Europe Pipeline Project.
There no need to waste money on s400, thaad misiles on the way & more TOW & Manpads for rebels
This war is over, get over it, ISIS won’t recover and if the kurds try they luck they will have to face the turks who will just genocide them.
Thaads cannot be independently fired! They are hooked into NATO systems!
Don’t forget about Kalashnikov!
Putin made two deals with the Saudi, s-400 and the AKs, this is very simbolic because one is high end strategic weapon to defend the airspace, and the rifles are the very core of any military force.
immediately after the deal the US announced that Thaad missiles are available for sale to Saudi. imagine the terror on their faces saying goodbye to those petrol dollars….
Hahaha about time :)))
The “large” amount of dollars that Saudi must have laid down on the S400 , just as a deposit , would turn the US green with envy , but more than that , the deal to stabilize the price of oil , made it a win – win for all involved .
Saudis have tons of $ but lets nte that the Thaad cost 3-4 times more than the s-400 system….so are the Saudis stuppid to waste their money?we shall see
THAAD and S-400 are two differently capable systems. S-400 has at least twice the range, but about 1/3 of altitude range, limited to about 45 km above ground, while THAAD has about 200 km range, and 150 km altitude reach. THAAD is meant as an AB system only, while S-400 is an AA, with some AB qualities. SA has the means to purchase both, and most likely will have them under two differnt command structures, to prevent any one clique in the kingdom gaining an upper hand.
Sales and proliferation of S-400 will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the completion and fielding of S-500 and RF’s golden grail the A-235.
very well said.
The primary purpose and use of the S-400 system is air-defence not attack.
I know
Its the first time we see Saudi Arabia steer away from the USA!
This is good news!
Turkey did the same! They want to be independent of NATO systems!
Plus Iran new missiles can travel 2000km! Iran can use these or give them to the Houthi’s!
Relations are getting better because just like Qatar, Saudi’s can see thew rising on the wall! Soon they might start trading their oil in other Currencies which means the end of the US Metro dollar and then the USA cannot print its own wealth!
Well if Saudi wants to switch sides then they better start getting along with Iran as well
They fear Iran for only one reason. Iran does not believe in Islamic Monarch rulers! They fear Iran will cause an anti monarch uprising!
The Royal family wants to keep its power and its life!
why then just recently they are fearing them? iran hasnt had monarch ruler since 1979
May he have many more years on keeping the UNSC sane and responsible. Lol
Strong guys. All the best to SAA.
Happy birthday Mr President. Many more healthy years, as you said in English on an economic forum with that disgusting Megyn Kelly, ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy!’
Hey is that a little song Bobby McFerrin wrote just don’t sing it note for note and I will be happy and not worry about it being stuck in me Head, That will be dee trouble and I will want a double double, two aspirin+ two coffee ,so Don’t worry be Happy!
Happy Birthday Vladimir. And many more ! I heard him speak quite reasonable English at a Military Air show in Russia a few years ago. The media translator screen went wrong and he addressed the visitors directly in English, French and German too.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
It is a good day – the East Salamiyah pocket has gone, SAA reaches Mayadin! And it’s someone’s birthday! I’ll drink to all that!
What is Russia and it’s greatest contribution to Syria?
Was it tanks and military supplies?
No, it was helping the Syrian people regain their pride and dignity of being Syrian.
It was not just Putin, as it was 300 millions of Russian people’s from a nation that had once itself fought back and defeated, at that time like US is today, a.Fascist and barbaric nation,
It was those Russian people’s who stood behind Putin to aid Syria.
Putin’s 65 when tf did this happen…i swear he never ages only gets more serious o.o
He does not look his age, does he? With all the responsibility he carries around on his short frame (I think he’s about 5’7″ tall) you’d think he’d be a stooped-over, old geezer! ?