Pentagon Escalates Usage Of Commercial Satellites For Military Purposes

Pentagon Escalates Usage Of Commercial Satellites For Military Purposes

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Unable to fight near-peer adversaries directly, the United States has been looking for ways to enhance its ability to wage proxy wars and use other tools to undermine superpowers such as Russia and China. This includes everything from biological and cyber warfare to terrorism, assassinations (or at least attempts) of foreign leaders and similar indirect attacks. However, in order to give themselves further proxy war options, the US and its allies, vassals and satellite states are looking for new ways to use civilian assets for military purposes. For instance, since the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict escalated back in 2022, the Pentagon has been using a combination of advanced AI (artificial intelligence) and cyber warfare to spy on the Russian military and then relay this information to the Neo-Nazi junta.

Dubbed Project Maven, this already advanced spying system was heavily militarized and enhanced to become a top-notch ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) asset that can result in very real battlefield benefits. The system uses America’s massive spying capabilities to get a better picture of the frontline, which, in turn, is used against an opponent (in this particular case, the Russian military). Luckily, Moscow quickly caught wind of it and used its unrivaled electronic warfare (EW) capabilities to suppress it and effectively nullify this NATO advantage. However, this doesn’t prevent the political West from looking for other ways to wage its proxy wars. Namely, although its capacity for aggression is severely restricted by its opponents’ ability to disrupt American weapons on Earth, Washington DC is taking it up a notch.

This includes the militarization of space, a controversial move that has essentially doomed mankind’s peaceful exploration of the cosmos. Using the pretext of “big bad Russian space nukes” and claiming that Moscow is using its technological prowess to build strategic space-based weapons, the US disseminated such propaganda to formally allow the deployment of various weapons in space. On May 1, in an official statement before the House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee On Strategic Forces, then-Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb explained how the Pentagon plans to militarize space to “further its interests”, or more precisely, expand options to continue its aggression against the entire world. He directly mentioned China and Russia as “primary threats” to the US-led political West.

At the time, Plumb said that the specific fields of interest for the US military would be “space command and control, integrated space fires and protection capabilities, modernized and agile electronic warfare architecture, enhanced battlespace awareness and space systems defense, and a range of capabilities designed to enhance our space control”. He also stated the importance of having more space launch options, highlighting the importance of access to commercial (i.e. private) companies, as well as upgrades to the GPS, which is further evidence that Russia’s EW in Ukraine is indeed making NATO precision-guided weapons virtually obsolete, a complaint that has become rather commonplace ever since the special military operation (SMO) started. Plumb then focused on specific Russian and Chinese military capabilities in space.

Interestingly, he was particularly “worried” about Moscow’s ability to “conduct cyber intrusions against commercial satellite communication networks” (i.e. GPS). Plumb accused Russia that it has “demonstrated through both public statements and actions that it views commercial satellites providing space-based services to [its] adversaries as potential targets” and that it’s “also developing a concerning [ASAT] capability related to a new satellite carrying a nuclear device that Russia is developing”. Washington DC’s top-ranking officials kept insisting that they’re allegedly “worried this could pose a threat to all satellites operated by countries and companies around the globe, as well as to the vital communications, scientific, meteorological, agricultural, commercial, and national security services we all depend upon”.

The endless hypocrisy of the political West, but particularly the US, is immediately visible in such statements, as Plumb openly said, in this very report, mind you, that the Pentagon plans to expand the usage of commercial assets. In simpler terms, they’re complaining about Russia targeting “commercial” space capabilities, while Washington DC itself is bragging about using those same “commercial” capabilities for military purposes. Analyses I wrote years ago suggested that America has been using private space corporations to enhance its military capabilities. Who in their right mind can blame Moscow for wanting to deny such assets to the US military? Of course, this is hardly strange or unexpected, since it’s coming from the political West. Hypocrisy is the only modus operandi its political elites understand.

Some of the recent reports suggest that the Pentagon continues to use “commercial” space assets. Namely, it wants to “combine military, commercial and civil satellites operated by the US and its allies into one hybrid space architecture”. The plan, officially known as the Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve (CASR), is to allow the US Space Force to “use the capabilities of the commercial space sector through pre-negotiated contractual agreements which would be activated in times of crisis or conflict”.  It seems that the document, dubbed “Commercial Space Strategy” and first released in April, is now being implemented in practice. Namely, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the US Space Force are working on “collecting and distributing space-based intelligence to military users around the world”.

The US military wants “speedier access to images from commercial satellites”, which they say is “vital in fast-changing situations”. To achieve this, Space Force General Michael Guetlein is already working with NGA’s Vice Admiral Frank Whitworth. Space Force personnel have also been assigned to a “new joint mission management center at NGA’s campus in Springfield, Virginia”. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and NGA have actually been criticized by Congress for “inadequately supporting military combatant commands’ demand for tactical intelligence”. In other words, Washington DC wants the militarization of “commercial” space-based assets at all costs. Interestingly, even when asked if such activities are “controversial” (euphemistically speaking), Vice Admiral Whitworth insisted that’s a “myth”.

Such ridiculous back and forth shows the endless hypocrisy of the Pentagon, as it’s simultaneously bragging about the usage of supposedly “civilian” infrastructure for military purposes, while also claiming that this is “not the case”. Such schizophrenic conduct is also seen in the fact that the Space Force is using formally “humanitarian” programs, such as the Tactical Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Tracking (Tac-SRT), “to get better at delivering satellite images and analysis to military commanders quickly“. Tac-SRT was previously touted for “supporting relief efforts during the floods in Brazil in May and tracking wildfires in South America”. There are thousands of such “commercial” satellites that the Pentagon has access to or is planning to use. Their militarization will only make the world a more dangerous place.


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Skip 59

swiss government announces it is in a “pre-war” phase; all departments planning accordingly


hahahaha that’s stories as full of hole’s as their cheese. preplanning? they’re the masters of that. simply the best with the cleanest of hands

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

check out scott ritters putin readies nato war as ukraine… you tube.


btw nb signs see his book? palace theatre, placed prominently. look so much of what he says is just rhetoric.

Skip 59

brics confirms 159 participants will adopt new global payment system; isolating u.s. dollar


yes we have known that for about 10 years now, something like that. but 1 it’s not really the us dollar
its the oil rich elites dollar and thats england’s royal family by british petroleum, their dutch cousins with royal dutch shell and the english created saudi royal house as well as the rockefellers basically it’s a privatised currency control


again downviting things thaf are just the facts is an indicator of ignorance


never going to happen. all business and banks want part of the us market so us controls the world.until those business and banks leave the us an eu and cease tradind one cannot escape the us and eu control.


it’s about the rule of law everything except crimes are ruled by it.and by default it runs those rackets too . there is no higher legal position in this world than being the moral authority for rule of law

Skip 59

us secretary of state antony blinken and british foreign secretary david lammy arrived in kiev for meetings with ukrainian officials at a critical juncture in ukraine’s war with russia.
based on reports out yesterday, both men will tell kiev they may now utilize weapons supplied by the us and uk to attack pre-war, interior russia.


that was well established weeks ago and anticipated from day one following the assasination of russias general in 2014 which the history book’s will record as the trigger, like their assasination of ferdinand in sarajevo in1914.


they represent together the church and crown.


yep, nato want regime change in russia. next taget for nato and g7 is china.


and putin will still do nothing, i dont even think he is the real putin, a clone or look alike maybe

Last edited 6 months ago by Captain
Cherno Bill

a small balance on the scale does not please, isolate the dollar ? lol that’s comedy


the dollar story is useful as propaganda now but its finished cryptos in. cbdcs and just as the dollars pegged to oil which is easily manipulated the reality us human slavery debt slavery as gdp is the real standard . imo as an economics student. that’s why they have to conquer chima that’s why most alleged chinese companies really are western industrialists sweat shops


btw golds price is set by the city. curiously gold is one of england’s main exports which is because it owns the gold mines around the world the gold trade passes through switzerland where its regulated and although china and russia are the biggest gold mines they aren’t theirs. they have to buy their gold back.


you a comedian with no neurons at the brain

Professore Saviano

today, you cannot discount anything. not even security back door on computer hardware and phones. and certainly not in satellites. in every global war, commercial industrialization and military industrialization merge. the difference today is that with a potential for thermonuclear wwar — you simply cannot take any chances. there is a possibility that the western boomers in the elite are stupid and crazy enough to take the whole world down with them.

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

or they already have their mega-bunkers stocked and ready like pedo-zuck and that is exactly the plan. robots and selectively bred sheep who they will intimidate to be their slaves and play-things.


omg what a hopeful scenario they’ve been breeding humans as their slaves fir centuries don’t you even know that the minute your mum signs your berth certificate you’re cargo owned by maritime admiralty law of the holy sea by the vatican have been since around 1348 somewhere like that. you do not own your own body.


you antinsemites are extremely arrogant and very hateful people your attempts at calling yourselves dr’s and professors are pathetic as are your fake multiple identities. you’re very ignorant of the law and you display it blatantly its quite sickening actually.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

there’s no security against authorised agents by law.


the final crimean wars coming. this time they’re playing for keeps regardless who wins or loses nothing will really change you’ll own nothing just as now but you don’t even know it cause you don’t know the foundations of the law.


there is no law in this world. everyone has rejected it. none are without blame.

vengence is coming.


btw congrats on putting on a normal show today on your comments section it’s a good con job


here’s some news statement dr reiner fuellmich sept 10 2024 english. you tube
well see he’s very hopeful, even optimistic. personally i feel he’s maybe a tad over confident.


sounds like the bear is wailing again. strange the bear does not do the same.


just the pentagon enmeshed with the deepstate and dems cause psychopathic tendencies.


blinken hints us will lift restrictions on ukraine using long-range arms in russia


the guar dian english newspaper wrote today that on friday o : “officialy england will let will give permission using storm shadow to zelensky ” the guardian claims biden gived permission too

ebdul ebdullah el fetih

my name is ebdul ebdullah el fetih.i am bangladesh living in munchen germany we muslim protest germany ukranian kids get 500€ per kid but muslim kids only 300€ we ask government germany? why our social are less? i have 11 children. angela mercel said me come when ancela merkel was president ukranian and arab kids get were= why now germany pays ukranian kids more money social 11 kids×300 euro=3300 doner=6 euro germany when will start paying 500 to muslim kids? only protest if not
