Pentagon Blocks US From Sharing Info on Alleged Russian War Crimes With ICC

Pentagon Blocks US From Sharing Info on Alleged Russian War Crimes With ICC

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The Pentagon is worried that prosecuting Russians could set a precedent for prosecuting Americans

Originally published on AntiWar

The Pentagon is blocking the Biden administration from sharing evidence of alleged Russian war crimes with the International Criminal Court based in the Hague over concerns that a precedent could be set for Americans to be prosecuted for their military actions, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

The US has a history of impeding the ICC’s efforts to investigate suspected war crimes committed by the US and its allies but has offered to help probe Russia’s war in Ukraine. Attorney General Merrick Garland visited Ukraine last week and pledged the Justice Department would help Ukrainians with investigations.

According to the Times, the rest of the Biden administration, including the State Department, Justice Department, and intelligence agencies, favor giving information to the ICC. In December, Congress modified restrictions on helping the court to facilitate the investigations into Russia’s military operations.

During the Trump administration, the US sanctioned the ICC for looking into the US war in Afghanistan. The Biden administration reversed the sanctions but expressed opposition to the Afghanistan probe and investigations into Israeli actions against Palestinians.

“We continue to disagree strongly with the ICC’s actions relating to the Afghanistan and Palestinian situations,” Blinken said when the sanctions were reversed in April 2021. “We believe, however, that our concerns about these cases would be better addressed through engagement with all stakeholders in the ICC process rather than through the imposition of sanctions.”

The US pressure without sanctions appeared to have worked as the ICC later announced it would resume its Afghanistan probe but would focus on alleged atrocities committed by the Taliban and ISIS-K, not the US.


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Ah yes the good old ICC.

“We continue to disagree strongly with the ICC’s actions relating to the Afghanistan and Palestinian situations,” Blinken said. The US pressure without sanctions appeared to have worked as the ICC later announced it would resume its Afghanistan probe but would focus on alleged atrocities committed by the Taliban and ISIS-K, not the US.

The US and its puppet government killed more civilians than the Taliban – but ICC wouldn’t look into that. Clap clap clap.

Psionists slaves of America

That’s because there’s plenty of video and audio showing euphoric Cowboys mowing down scores of unarmed civilians in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and many other places as if it were a video game.


What we do know is Ukrainian Nazis have carried out grotesque war crimes,we know because the sick animals video their war crimes and post on social media,the depraved animals are proud of it,as for the US lecturing anyone about war crimes they can fuck right off.

Chris Gr

But we should realize one thing. Putin was supportive of Bush’s war in Afghanistan and Iran wanted the overthrow of Saddam so they helped.


Iran had a grudge with Saddam remember. The new governments are more Favourable to Iran and Easter states. The Iraqi population is highly distrustful and hateful of NATO aligned states. The government that existed in Afghanistan was not good for Russia or Iran prior to the Invasion. The government set up during the Invasion wasn’t much better. Now there is a chance to have a non-aligned state government. Only downfall is that it is a wild card and the state is full of extremists now. That said, it costed trillions of dollars and ended in NATO aligned defeat.

Chris Gr

Countries like Iraq are in a very difficult position now and on the verge of a new civil war.

Lance Ripplinger

The U.S. is violating its own Constitution by even being involved in Ukraine. I’m sick to death of my country always meddling in other countries’ affairs. This foreign adventurism must stop. I hope someday to see the states break off, and end the federal government. The U.S. Constitution as it currently sits, is a complete failure. It has never reigned in the federal government. I don’t give a shit if Russia “committed war crimes” or not.


They will only stop when they ARE stopped,what happened to the Vietnam war generation? didn’t they educate their kids about the Warmongering neocon nutters? one would have thought after the Vietnam horror people would have learned but they have not.


One would have thought so, but not. Along came Ronny, with his October Surprise via Iran and his knock-off John Wayne bullshit and voila! A new US cold war and war-monger push and blind US public following the same BS mantra from Reagan that Trump copied. This is where ‘exceptionalism’ came from. One would have thought the US would have learned from Iraq/Afghanistan too, but no. MAGA? When was that? America died in 1963 and a Zionist Zombie took it’s place.


They have difficulty as schools teach them hoe to believe the new curriculum and rebel against their parents. All to fashion chaos and keep the Americans at eachothers throats over issues that are more trivial than existential.


Bunch of fuck…g hypocrites those Yankees ! The Russians don’t need the ICC to look into Ukrainian war crimes, they will take care of them once the war is finished.About the US, the Russians have enough proof of US war crimes especially those done in Yugoslavia between 1992-1999, in Irak between 2003-2006 and the Ukraine between 2014-2023. The Western World has no lesson to give to China or Russia.


I want to see the Russians along with some other Countries who are not puppets of the US Reich establish a war crimes tribunal,they have lots of evidence some of which has been sent to international bodies like the UN,thats a waste of time because they have already ignorned it,the Ukrainian war criminals should not be the only ones indicted but Nato high command and their western government handlers,see how the scumbags like them apples.


The ICC is a FARCE of justice, do they work for the US UK or do they work for the deepstate behind us? There should be a NEW UN which does not have the UK US F, all with a veto but which allows Africa China India & Russia to have a veto. The new UN should be without NATO members as these warmongers should be excluded.


If there ever was a new UN set up a minor religion that considers itself above all laws will weasle its way into it to gain control like it has done to the existing UN. Oy vey.


I liked the style of General Mladic,he told the court and judges to go fuck themselves,thats the only way to deal with that Nazi filth.

jens holm

when amerikan mulattos violated my anus ICC investigators determined my DNA same as mulatto sperm

L du Plessis

There are no Russian war crimes, only US, Nato, Ukraine war crimes.


So, ICC likes to have their jobs and wagies, to be bribed and not to look into and investigate war crimes. Here we have them admitting so.

Change ICC administration is only way out. And arrest them for siding with west war criminals.

John Kesich

Is it surprising that the worst perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity and nature do not want to give an “independent” court jurisdiction? There is, after all, a slim chance that the ICC might become truly independent and impartial one day.

Peter Jennings

The US hasn’t signed up to the ICC. It doesn’t recognise the authority of the ICC, yet they use it as a political weapon whenever they can. The only other non signatories are the usual regimes and junta’s who don’t want scrutiny at any cost.

This double standard will be recorded in history along with all the rest. The fall of the american empire will be standard example of how to ruin a country.


Problém je v tom, že Zločiny páchané Ruskými ozbrojenými silami nie sú to čo nám ukazujú!!! Ťažko by sa im ich podarilo pred súdom dokázať!!! Zato zločiny páchané teroristickou organizáciou USA a jej vazala EU ako aj ich zločineckej teroristickej organizácie NATO sú celému svetu veľmi dobre známe!!! Tak preto toľká starostlivosť. Otvorenie tejto Pandorinej skrinky by bolo pre samotné USA veľmi špatné riešenie. Ako sa vraví nasrali by si do vlastného hniezda.
