Written by Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared at Paulcraigroberts.org
Listening to NPR this morning confirmed what I already knew. Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump’s coffin.
NPR had no interest whatsoever in reporting the actual facts about what had occurred in Charlottesville. The several “interviews” with the like-minded were orchestrated to produce the desired propaganda result: It was all Trump’s fault.
It was Trump’s fault for many reasons. He had stirred up White Supremacists and Nazis by appealing during the presidential election campaign to their supremacist views with his slogan “America first.”
![Paul Craig Roberts: "Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump’s coffin" Paul Craig Roberts: "Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump’s coffin"](https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/1-199-1024x683.jpg)
Rescue workers assist people who were injured when a car drove through a group of counter protestors at the “Unite the Right” rally Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S., August 12, 2017. Thomson Reuters
Of course, what Trump means by “America first,” is precisely what the voters understood him to mean—the interest of the broad American public should come before trade deals that serve the interests of other countries and the narrow profit interests of global corporations. However, the NPR propagandists put words in Trump’s mouth and twisted the meaning of the slogan to be “White America Comes First.”
In other words, “America first” according to NPR is code language to white supremacists to take advantage of the electoral college and elect a leader over the popular vote of the heavy population densities in the narrow geographical areas that comprise the northeast and west coasts, the centers of moral rot. Thus, Trump was the candidate of white supremacists and, thereby, illegitimate.
NPR next conveyed the message that Trump proved he was the Nazis’ candidate when he criticized both sides for the trouble in Charlottesville. NPR used its orchestrated interviews to place all blame for violence on the group that had a permit for their rally. According to NPR, the group that had no permit and formed in order to protest the rally consisted entirely of white hats defending America from free speech from alleged Nazis and racists.
There is no doubt that a rally of what is called the “alt-right” will pull into itself all sorts of extremists and that the cause of the rally, apparently defending a statue of Robert E. Lee from demolition or perhaps simply gaining attention for the organizers, was done harm by the young, apparently unbalanced, man who drove a car into counter-marchers, after the permitted rally had ended. The nonsensical element of this act has convinced some Americans that the entire scene was an orchestration by the deep state as a weapon against Trump and civil liberty.
Charlottesville has many aspects that are ignored by NPR and the rest of the presstitutes. For example, how does the Bush/Cheney/Obama/neoconservative assertion that Americans are the “exceptional people” whose country is the “indispensable country” differ from Trump’s proclamation of “America first”? No one among the liberal/progressive/left was disturbed when Obama proclaimed to the world that Americans are the exceptional, indispensable people. Doesn’t Obama use much clearer language that puts America first? If Americans are exceptional, everyone else is unexceptional. If Americans are indispensable, everyone else is dispensable.
What is the difference? One difference is that Obama was elected by the good people, the non-racist, non-misogynist, non-white-supremacist people, and Trump was elected by “the deplorables,” to use Hillary’s term. Little wonder she lost, having dismissed everyone between the two coasts as “deplorables.” But she didn’t lose, right? Putin and Trump conspired to steal the election from her. Trump is illegitimate and therefore must be driven out of office. He is doubly illegitimate because white heterosexual males elected him. This bogus charge despite the fact that Hillary got 2 million less votes from women than did Obama. Either the 2 million women didn’t vote or they voted for Trump.
The other difference is that Trump’s use of “America first” refers to the loss of millions of American middle class jobs and tax base for former manufacturing cities and states, whereas the Bush/Cheney/Obama/neoconservative use of “exceptional, indispensable America” refers to Washington’s right to bomb other peoples into the stone age for not complying with Washington’s orders.
The campaign to drive Trump out of office has been going on 24/7 since Trump confounded the pundits and won the election. For the liberal/progressive/left Trump is the enemy against whom they are conducting war, and as in war, truth is crowded out by propaganda. The liberal/progressive/left gets away with this abuse of news reporting because Trump’s intent to reduce tensions with Russia is seen as threats to the income and power of the military/security complex and the hegemonic ideology of the neoconservatives. Powerful material interests, ideology, and media together comprise a very strong force against which a mere president hasn’t a chance.
Few Americans understand the fundamental transformation of their politics and society since the 1960s when the Civil Rights Act was stood on its head by EEOC compliance chief Alfred W. Bloomrosen. The Civil Rights Act explicitly prohibited racial and gender quotas as methods to combat “discrimination,” which was mainly a product of history rather than of the motivations of white males. But it is difficult to make history a villain, and social engineering benefits from having a villain to overcome. Thus was the foundation of Identity Politics laid.
The initial stage of the new politics was that quotas established privilege for “preferred minorities,” and preference began prevailing over merit. Over the decades white males have slowly but surely experienced discrimination in university admissions, hiring, promotions, university appointments, and in their ability to exercise free speech. Remember, only a few days ago a senior male engineer at Google was fired because he expressed a truthful fact—men and women have different traits—that is unacceptable to feminists.
Perhaps somewhere at some time a woman or a black has been fired for saying something unacceptable to a white male, but I know of no such case. Indeed, it is common parlance that white heterosexual males are racists, sexists, and homophobic. This is the accepted language of Identity Politics. Few of us are brave enough to challenge it.
The liberal/progressive/left along with the media has abandoned the working class for Identity Politics. Identity Politics teaches that women, blacks, and homosexuals are all victims of white heterosexual males who are characterized as the victimizer class, that is, those who victimize others. The doctrine delegitimizes white heterosexual males in the same way that Nazi doctrine delegitimizes Jews and communist doctrine delegitimizes capitalists. There is no difference.
Initially, white males, such as the University of Virginia history professor on NPR today who obligingly demonized the white males who do not accept their second class status, survive by mouthing Identity Politics and crawling on their knees. But this is a temporary respite. For Identity Politics the only acceptable white heterosexual males are those who admit their gender and sexual preference guilt and accept their punishment for being the victimizers of women, blacks, and homosexuals.
In 1995 in our book, The New Color Line, How Quotas and Privilege Destroy Democracy, Larry Stratton and I describe how one EEOC bureaucrat by ignoring the statutory language of the Civil Rights Act, legislation the intent of which was to enforce equality before the law, reintroduced legalized discrimination into US law, thus beginning the process of delegitimizing the white male. Today some would turn their backs on this fact, not because it is invalid but because it is politically incorrect. When our book was published 22 years ago, the major media endorsed our argument:
“A forceful and convincing case . . . vividly dramatic.” — New York Times Book Review
“There are important lessons to learn . . . not least how good intentions can go badly awry.” — The Wall Street Journal
“Roberts and Stratton make a strong case that the civil rights legislation of the 1960s has been distorted beyond recognition.” — The Washington Post
The consequence of quotas wasn’t obvious at first, and there were claims that the quotas were temporary, but today the consequence is obvious. Heterosexual white males are deplorables. Today on NPR one male said that the views of white males who defend both themselves and dead white males from attacks should not be allowed a voice in American politics.
The liberal/progressive/left asserts that everyone knows that Robert E. Lee was an evil racist who fought for slavery and everyone who wants to protect his statue is obviously the same. Such people deserve no voice, no vote. They must be excluded from public discussion.
Imagine saying this about any other group, especially women, blacks, and homosexuals. How is it possible for the liberal/progressive/left to really believe that they are oppressed by powerful white male heterosexuals when they can demonize white males at will and prevent any backtalk?
If white males are so powerful, how can they be so easily fired by feminist thought control czars for “expressing harmful gender stereotypes.” Harmful to who? How harmful is getting fired?
As Faith Goldy and Stefan Molyneux predict http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-08-12-best-explanation-yet-of-what-happened-in-charlottesville-stefan-molyneux-and-faith-goldy-report-the-truth-you-wont-hear-in-the-media.html , white males have had enough of their demonization and the demonization of our country’s heros. They see the writing on the wall and are organizing to defend themselves.
As anti-white male propaganda is apparently the only mental activity of which the liberal/progressive/left is capable, Faith Goldy and Stefan Molyneux are probably correct that America, broken into pieces by Identity Politics, is heading into civil war.
I wonder which side will control the nukes and bio-chemical weapons.
If the white heterosexual males lose, I wonder who will protect the white women. Are they destined for the same rape and butchery as befell German women from the Russians and Americans once the Wehrmacht surrendered?
Of course, this is an impermissible question.
The liberal/progressive/left are incapable of understanding that by demonizing white heterosexual males they are demonizing all whites and, thereby, themselves.
They should go ask the liberal whites in Rhodesia how well they are faring in Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe. They should ask South African whites how secure they believe themselves to be now that they have turned over power and a second black political party has risen, forcing political competition between black politicians into which black party hates whites the most.
These also are impermissible questions.
Identity Politics always leads to violence, and Americans will not be spared.
Charlottesville is a nail that will cage the American protestant hate cults.
In your dreams only.
The biggest Hate Cult today is the Marxist Zionist Neo Liberal cabal of crazies.
Part 1 The most powerful hate movement in human history racist supremacist Jews
See very good videos of how racist supremacist Jews treat Goyim.
For some more proof, these links below on Jewish racism
Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see.
The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli
government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government
Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below
Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4)
Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4)
Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4)
Part 2
Jews want Africans OUT.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link
Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel
Jews selling blacks
Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal
Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’
Judah Philip Benjamin who served as the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State for the Confederacy. The first Jewish-American to serve on an executive cabinet in American history, he has received the title “brains of the Confederacy. One might say Jefferson Davis was the stooge puppet of Judah as Judah ran the military, the courts and international relations and THE security services for the confederacy, the first Mossad.
What about the Vice Mayor of Charlottesville Wes Bellamy ordering the police to stand and except the protesters as valid since none had a permit to protest because the Governor said it was ok for them to be there. This how they want a civil war in the US so we will see this happen, have warned many others that this would occur by Fall , knew this was gong to happen in late December and told people in early January.The Vice Mayor is racist homophobic and hates women but in order to get elected on the Democrat ticket he hid his behavior from the public no more bigoted , racist ,mysogynistic and homophobic tweets, that ended by 2014.
The Antifa crowd and others started throwing feces , urine ,paint, and chemical laden balloons , they had brought coolers full of this, where is the police in this on stand down orders by the Vice Mayor and a special request by the Governor to the idiot in chief Wes Bellamy. This is the politics we will see world wide and it took a couple of Canadians and others to point this out to the world.
You can find Faith Goldy on Rebel Media on YouTube and Stephan Molyneux under the same name on YouTube.
Now, the propagenda is reaching the white americans who liked the US propagenda when it doesn’t deal with them. “palestinian terrorists”. “Nuke Iraq”. “Nuke NK”. “Invade Vietnam”.
That’s the way to destroy USA : history. Keep the pressure and destroy this shitty country.
American proved they were a shitty country the moment they declared war on Germany on April 2, 1917.
USA has destroyed the most fondamental and essential thing : not democracy because USA is not a democracy but freedom of speech. They had destroyed it to hide their crimes all over the world and to prevent people from talking about the past events.
Now, it’s just the backfire that most people never see because it comes from the back side.
If you destroy freedom of speech, then, it’s over. And that what is happening. You can’t go back.
It is possible to ‘Go Back’ but this can take many decades or even hundreds of years if we look at historical examples..
‘Going back’ is possible, but it is all about the control of the education system syllabus in western societies.
An ‘education system ‘ in the West that currently appears to deliberately devalue history , inquiry and true debate. The debasement of language and established lexicon now has what we describe as ‘Orwellian ‘ results.
The end result of course are disparate groups that chant their own mantra without any cognitive thought as to WHY.
America was founded as a Republic like Iran is, not a Democracy.
Americans citizens are suppose to rule over the government with an tight fist.
Instead the government rules over the people with a tight fist.
The US today sides with Empires such as the UK-empire, UN-empire, Chinese-empire.
And the US bombs every single Republic they can find. Such as the Republic of Iran, Republic of Korea and so on.
USA has not the moral philosophy to rule the world. They wanted something to big for them.
America was founded as a Republic like Iran is, not a Democracy
BULLSHIT! america chose from the beginning the democracy
What is going on: nation is slowly loosing its ability to resist. If one takes white heterosexual males out of US society there will be no one to resist what NWO is seeking – global chipped consentration work camp. What is true meaning of world tolerance? It’s a medical term describing inability to resist viruses and aggressive bacteria. They don’t even hide sometimes and often call it as it is.
I wish the mainstream Western media would have given the same attention (she wasn’t even briefly mentioned at the time) when a young America activist (such as Rachel Corrie) trying to protect a Palestinian home was willfully run over and crushed by a Israeli bulldozer extending colonies in Palestine
Racist supremacist Jews need the history of the south erased ASAP so the fact they ran the slave trade, the banks, and pretty much everything in the south won’t become widely known. Charolottesville is a staged event with the normally militarized brutal cops abnormally pulling way back so both groups could go at each other to let the mentally ill nuts loose.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary.
Judah Philip Benjamin who served as the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State for the Confederacy. The first Jewish-American to serve on an executive cabinet in American history, he has received the title “brains of the Confederacy. One might say Jefferson Davis was the stooge puppet of Judah as Judah ran the military, the courts and international relations and THE security services for the confederacy, the first Mossad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-benjamin http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/Judah_Benjamin_Article_-.pdf https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhiMWC7rvUAhVnxoMKHVCKAwUQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.civilwar.org%2Flearn%2Fbiographies%2Fjudah-phillip-benjamin&usg=AFQjCNHaG0unm6egkHM_UNuomRGGztmsLQ&sig2=Papy7_D1THDWDNgLQNUg6A
How full of shite. Opportunism over an anti-racist counter-demo turns into a denunciation of everything since 1945.
Take a look at the bigger picture:
These bogus lefties are acting like the Democrat Partei army and the corp-0-rat media is lapping it up; where were they all when that bloody bastard Obama was butchering his way around the world?
Oh and don’t forget that most of the demonstrators on both sides were Americans, what more could be said?
Identity politics was no accident with unforeseen consequences. It is well planned and is congruent with the Muslim invasion of white Europe and the nascent white genocide in black Africa. Whites must organize and struggle for their survival. The first order of priorities are to insure military and DHS support, regain control of the MSM, restore US Treasury money and end Federal Reserve notes.
shut up, you fascist!
I, like many, know how some Jews engineered the huge genocide of Christian Russians and have the same intent for white Christian Americans. Notice that I said some Jews, certainly not most, but many of the most influential. You Mr. Krupacek need to acknowledge this horrific history.
i am not jew, but you are racist!
I am not a neonazi, fascist or racist and I have never had a web site. You certainly appear to be a liar and you almost certainly are lying abut your ethnicity.
hahaha, in russia closed your website daily storm. putin does not like neonazis :P
You are only part right Wayne scott. All Goyim non Jews face a struggle for their very survival or to be exterminated and or enslaved by racist supremacist Jews like Solomon Krupacek. Only through the common effort of all Goyim be they white, black, Chinese etc. can we prevent racist supremacist Jews from spilling our blood (exterminating us) or enslaving any of us ever again. Until you understand that you have no chance of ever surviving let alone defeating racist supremacist Jews.
It is racist supremacist Jews who are responsible for the black holocaust of 500 years of slavery, racist supremacist Jews who killed 65 million innocent Goyms in the Soviet Union. Racist supremacist Jews who had their NATO and American slaves attack and destroy Libya (Syria as well) the most developed country in Africa, thus enabling the strategic migration of migrants from Africa and the middle east to Europe which is meant to destroy European countries and also prevent African and middle eastern countries from being able to develop their economies and militaries to defend themselves against racist supremacist Israel.
Tel Aviv Pays Al Qaeda Fighters Salaries: The Syrian War’s Worst Kept Secret That Could Become Israel’s Nightmare Yes, Israel is supporting Syrian rebels, but this goes beyond cash and aid: Israel hopes the rebels will serve as a buffer against Hezbollah and a resurgent Assad, a strategy that could easily backfire
Ex defense minister says IS apologized to Israel for November clash.
translation ISIS apologized for accidently attacking its master. One does not apologize for attacking an enemy. Why doesn’t the Guardian talk about this???
The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist
Racist supremracist Jews killed 65 million Goyms in the Soviet Union
“And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png
Racist supremacist Jews need the history of the south erased ASAP so the fact they ran the slave trade, the banks, and pretty much everything in the south won’t become widely known. Its not all Jews just the racist supremacist ones mostly the rich ones who made the money from slavery and the rest of the racist supremacist ones whom according to Israeli polling is about 85. of all Jews. Charolottesville is a staged event with the normally militarized brutal cops abnormally pulling way back so both groups could go at each other to let the mentally ill nuts loose. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary. http://www.jta.org/2013/12/26/news-opinion/world/dutch-rabbi-confronts-jews-with-ancestors-complicity-in-slavery Judah Philip Benjamin who served as the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State for the Confederacy. The first Jewish-American to serve on an executive cabinet in American history, he has received the title “brains of the Confederacy. One might say Jefferson Davis was the stooge puppet of Judah as Judah ran the military, the courts and international relations and THE security services for the confederacy, the first Mossad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-benjamin http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/Judah_Benjamin_Article_-.pdf https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhiMWC7rvUAhVnxoMKHVCKAwUQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.civilwar.org%2Flearn%2Fbiographies%2Fjudah-phillip-benjamin&usg=AFQjCNHaG0unm6egkHM_UNuomRGGztmsLQ&sig2=Papy7_D1THDWDNgLQNUg6A
First of all; Intolerant people take down statues; Disliked historical figures should be left alone for public historical education. Secondly; George Soros-The International Crooked Jew had , the means/the money/the manipulative addiction to enable an already toxic situation to reach MURDER. Sadly, the duopoly lacks any meaningful explanation/or any SPINE to tackle this issue; When it came to the First Peoples Water Protectors protests against Big OIL in South Lakota; Police were not told to “stand down”; They just used their Israeli violent tactics with sheer viciousness against the Firsts People’s skulls whilst cameras rolled|? So, that was okay? Everybody is talking about extremists but, conveniently leaves out the most powerful extremists. ;The Jewish Extremist= 9/11??? . Next, Obomber and his government were in bed with the Nazis of the Ukraine and the terrorists in Iraq and Syria: Yet; the duopoly thinks it can just utter some platitudes when this action in Virginia happened, which is also part of USA government policy within and abroad.
Yes Richard a staged event. The behavior of this daily stormer website also looks staged calling on persons to disrupt the funeral of the woman who was killed and applauding her death. She was an innocent victim did nothing to them. It seems like a psyop (problem, reaction, solution technique) to me where the Daily Stormer is to be used by Mossad etc to try to discredit any resistance to the global criminal racist supremacist Jewish elite. They create the problem and use the media etc. to produce the desired reaction, something must be done, so their long desired solution can be implemented, which could never be enacted without the psyop. A similar thing happened in Canada the later 1980s and early 1990s. Another government Mossad run so called hate group, the heritage front, was created, led, run, and financed by the RCMP Canada’s federal police. The leader of this group an undercover agent of the RCMP, who ordered and financed his followers, to commit all kinds of violent and illegal acts, making the RCMP and him responsible for all the violence etc as the group would not have even existed without the government creating it. This was then used to pass so called hate laws in Canada, which ban free speech against the criminal global elite, who own and run the country, removing the last elements of democracy from Canada for the empire as it is now illegal to criticize or to have anyone run against the empire in Canada now.