Palestinians School Israeli Army On Urban Warfare In Gaza (Videos)

Palestinians School Israeli Army On Urban Warfare In Gaza (Videos)

Illustrative image.

The military wing of the Hamas Movement, the al-Qassam Brigades, released on July 10 and 11, several videos documenting recent operations against the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in different parts of the Gaza Strip.

One of the videos shows a well-planned raid against a field headquarters of an IDF unit in the area of Tell Za’rb, to the east of the Tell al-Sultan neighborhood in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. During the raid, Hamas fighters targeted the headquarters with rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons, scoring direct hits.

Another video from Rafah, showed Hamas fighters ambushing an IDF armored unit in Tell al-Sultan. The fighters destroyed a Namer armored personnel carrier as well Israel’s latest Merkava 4 Barak main battle tank using explosive devices and rocket propelled grenades in the course of the ambush. Several other military vehicles were hit.

The remaining three videos showed attacks with rocket-propelled grenades, explosive devices and sniper rifles against IDF troops and vehicles in Gaza City’s Tell al-Hawa and Shejaiya neighborhoods in the northern part of the Strip.

Two more videos released by the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, on July 10 and 11 showed recent mortar and drone attacks against IDF gatherings in Gaza and nearby Israeli settlements.

The recent Palestinian operations show how Hamas and other Palestinian armed factions in Gaza continue to adapt and improve their tactics despite their limited resources.

So far, the IDF has lost 327 troops during ground operations in Gaza and along its borders. More than 2,069 others have been wounded. In addition, recent reports in Hebrew media revealed that upwards of 500 military vehicles sustained damage in the Strip, with some being permanently placed out of service.

Despite taking some serious losses and failing to achieve any of its main objectives, Israel appears to be determined to go on with the war on Gaza, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 38,000 Palestinains.

Indirect talks with Hamas, which are being mediated by the United States, Egypt and Qatar, saw some progress in recent weeks. However, the Israeli leadership is now being accused of stalling again. A deal that would guarantee a permanent ceasefire in the Strip may be still weeks, if not months away.


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death to the thieving genociders


yes, and the jews mainly use foreign gear & equipment and foreign armies to smash their opponents. here see these 2 docus about how they do it. 1.) exposing the jew 2.) the real holocaust

Last edited 8 months ago by Teresa999

i keep getting told by yuri who operates under the pseudonyms “jens holm” and “evjensy holmchuk”
that i am “jealous” of the jews. i guess that means palestinians are “jealous” of israelis, according to his twisted “logic”?

“for once the messiah comes, all the nations will be subservient to the jewish people”

source: https: //www. sefaria. org/ eruvin. 43b. 6? lang=bi& with= all& lang 2 =en

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

the word is “discuss,” not “discos”.

p.s. (post scriptum): “goy” is the hebrew/yiddish word for “nation”. goy: singular, goyim: plural. goy and “gentile” is also what jews call people who are not jewish. those who are not jewish are called “the nations” since jews are international.

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

so far as they are concerned the goys are cattle, insects, put on the earth to serve the zio master race. every zio will have 2,800 goy slaves.


that is true. the thing about them having 2,800 slaves in the “world to come” (the jewish “golden age”)

the mention of 2,800 slaves comes from shabbat 32b: https: //tinyurl. com /mrxhbsba “reish lakish said: anyone who is vigilant in performing the mitzva of ritual fringes merits that two thousand eight hundred servants will serve him in the world-to-come.”

jewish kabbalah, zohar: ‘exterminate all non-jews’: https: //tinyurl. com/ 4n348cup

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

“servant” really means “slave”, and another one of their dialectical tricks to deceive the non-jews: https: //www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/ slavery- in -judaism

“the hebrew term for slave, eved, is a direct derivation from the hebrew verb la’avöd (“to work”), thus, the slave in jewish law is really only a worker or servant. the eved differs from the hired worker (sakhir) in three respects: he receives no wages for his work”


according to yuri, these sex slaves (probably from eastern europe) must have only been “jealous” of the jewish rabbi who trafficked them rather than feelings of righteous indignation: ‘rabbi takes cushy deal after pleading guilty to enslaving 30 women

“a sentence of only 9 months community service and $34,000 in damages owed to his victims who declined to testify against ramati because they were too traumatized to face him.”

– israel police

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

want to know what jews call non-jewish women? women who are not jewish? they call them “shiksas.” ‘shiksa’ means “whore” in hebrew/yiddish. they see all non-jewish women as “whores”. this is what feminism made them out to be, fulfilling the wish of the jew karl marx in abolishing the family.

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

“all gentile women are, without exception, whores and menstrual filth.” talmud


it is another one of their strange self-serving “rationalisations” to pick and choose when they follow their laws, and when they get to ignore them for their own convenience.


studies have shown that too many sexual partners greatly increases divorce rates, and decreases the lifelong possibility of martial happiness.

https: //www. huffpost. com/ entry/ more- sexual -partners- unhappy- marriage_ n_ 5698440

https: //www. theatlantic. com/ health/ archive/ 2018/ 10/ sexual- partners- and- marital- happiness/ 573493/


jews (represented by jacob who was later named israel) claim they must destroy “amalek/esau” (the white race according to them):

https: //www. chabad. org/ library/ article_ cdo/ aid/ 3942715/ jewish/ who- were- amalek- and- the- amalekites. htm

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

jewish rabbis describe how amalek and esau (america, russia, non-jews, rome, europe, white people) must be destroyed:

https: //tinyurl. com/ yefd7t3f

https: // tinyurl. com/ 4n24h4m8

https: // 4s6y2a4c

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

https: //tinyurl. com/ 28945dm7

“first esau will subjugate the whole world, but in the end jacob will rule over all.”

— the legends of the jews by louis ginzberg. source: https: //tinyurl. com/ yc5p8kap

jacob (later renamed israel in the tanakh and bible) represents the jews, and esau represents “rome” and “christianity” (i.e. europe, america, russia, and all white people).

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

https: //tinyurl. com/ mryewn55

“jacob, who humbled himself before esau so that esau should later become his servant. by controlling him, he fulfilled the meaning of the verse, “let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you” (beresheet 27: 29) it was not yet time for jacob to rule over esau. jacob left this to happen at a later time, for he was lowly then.”

– zohar 1:166b:4

beresheet chapter 27, verse 29 is genesis 27: 29 in hebrew.

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

it’s true that the real holocaust was the bombing of germany, and jewish led soviet genocides in the ussr before it. and later the soviet war crimes toward the end of the war and 5 years after, they killed most of the 10 million germans who died after the war. the british and americans killed 30-40% of that number.

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

the commentor must have gotten that from putin’s speech, that conveniently ignores all war crimes committed by the soviet union who also bombed germany to rubble. acknowledging soviet crimes results in a 3-5 year prison sentence in russia. clearly they are seeking to hide the truth.

10 ways russia is acting like israel:

https: //www. renegadetribune. com/ 10- ways- russia- is- acting- like- israel/

Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

brave fighters of hamas, look how close proximity they get to their targets, no fear.


and still they deny the dead toll. stupid zionists/war criminals. when the hellicopter came to take the dead and wounded, why the resistence dont shoot it down whit a grenade launcher ?


the drop zone is too far.


best urban welfare in my amerikan ghetto is in mulatto gay bar


i didn’t type that yuri. thank you for impersonating me, yet again…


the gaza grill burning khazar critters day in day out as the world celebrates the destruction of the zionazi abomination while the anglozionazi empire of s#it gets flushed on all fronts. karma is truly a wonderful thing to behold as heroic palestinian freedom fighters rid their land of the evil $atanic beast. onward to the end of the zionazi abomination.

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

your doughter also stinking? gud, wery nyse.


these men have got balls of steel.
each one of them is worth 100 of the zio tik tok kiddie killers.
