Overview Of Russian And Ukrainian Strikes On December 9, 2024

Overview Of Russian And Ukrainian Strikes On December 9, 2024

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Russia and Ukraine continue exchanging strikes in each other’s rear regions every night. The night of December 9th was not an exclusion. The Ukrainian military does not use NATO missiles in attacks on the Russian territory, while Russian forces refrain from massive combined attacks on Ukrainian rear infrastructure. 

On December 9th, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation officially confirmed Russian strikes on Ukrainian military airfields and railway facilities that were used for the delivery of Western military equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the official report, the targets of Russian strikes over the past day also included the assembly shops and warehouses with Ukrainian drones, a fuel depot and areas of accumulation of military equipment and personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 147 districts throughout the country.

The Russian military rarely officially reveals the exact targets destroyed or damaged by the strikes and the Ukrainian side is carefully hiding the damage it suffers. Local reports and monitoring sources help to reveal some of the targets.

Thus, on the night of December 9th, Russian drone strikes reportedly damaged several military and industrial facilities in the Ternopil and Vinnytsia regions. Dozens of Russian drones were spotted heading towards these regions. Another wave of Russian strikes has reached Western Ukraine. Explosions thundered in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Rivne regions. Russian strikes were also reported in the capital Kiev and its region.

The constant Russian strikes are pounding the Ukrainian military deployed in the Eastern border regions. At night, explosions thundered throughout the Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv regions. The local Ukrainian authorities reported new problems with energy supplies and damage to industrial facilities.

The footage confirmed another large explosion in the town of Shostka in the Sumy region.



Another footage shared tonight confirmed Russian strike on Ukrainian military base in the Southern Donetsk direction. The Ukrainian man, who filmed one of the videos in the area claimed that there are soldiers under the rubble, confirming that the destroyed building was used by the Ukrainian military.



In their turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue attempts to inflict at least some damage to the Russian rear infrastructure with daily drone strikes. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, during the past night, 13 Ukrainian UAVS were intercepted and destroyed by Russian air defense, including:

  • eight UAVs over the territory of the Belgorod region,
  • three UAVs over the territory of the Rostov region;
  • two UAVs over the territory of the Astrakhan region.

There is no surprise the Ukrainian military continues targeting the Russian rear Astrakhan region, where the Kapustin Yar training ground is located near the border with Kazakhstan. This is from where the Oreshnik is believed to be launched. This is the second drone attack in the region in the last two days. On December 8th, four Ukrainian drones were destroyed in the Astrakhan region. Earlier, on December 5th, another Ukrainian drone was reportedly destroyed near the territory of the training ground. The Russian Air Defense Forces are successfully repelling Ukrainian strikes and destroy all the drones. The UAVs are unlikely to inflict any significant damage to the large training ground. The Ukrainian military has stopped launching NATO missiles on the Russian territory and is trying to achieve another media victory, if at least one of its drones manages to reach the training ground.

In total, over the past day, Russian air defense destroyed ten American-made HIMARS missiles and 36 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles.


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as usual, on south front, you can expect the nato paid propagandists desperately explain to you that putin is bad in a large number of ways. because the only way for them not to be strategically defeated in ukraine is that russia is regime changed. do not expect rational arguements from them. do not expect anything truthful from them. since these people are perfectly happy with israel conducting a genocide, do not expect anything from them.

Conan M

“russia and ukraine continue exchanging strikes in each other’s rear regions every night. the night of december 9th was not an exclusion. the ukrainian military does not use nato missiles in attacks on the russian territory, while russian forces refrain from massive combined attacks on ukrainian rear infrastructure. ” question(s): if ukraine is not using nato ordnance, that what are they using? and where are they getting it from?…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

second. why is russia “refraining” from any massive attacks on ukraine’s west???… like the syria “pull out” by russia in the middle of some arbitrary date in time with know reasonable understanding for doing so given the sacrifices of it’s military 10 years ago… this is all looking like a well choreographed and rehearsed dance of the elite shit heeled globali$ts at the top including the midget in the front office at the kremlin!…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

1/ ukraine is using drones on russia.
2/ russia usually stock up missiles before launching massives waves.
3/ looks like russia has not lost anything in syria. even wesley clark admitted russian bases in syria are here to stay.

Conan M

then finish it!… after watching syria fall and the comment(s) by peskov on fate of its military bases in syria, i feel like i’m in the real life work of fiction catch-22 and binny netanya-skrewy is “milo minderbinder”!… this just didn’t “happen”… pootie-poot made a deal!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

with you at the helm, surely russia would have won ww3 by now. too bad nobody cares to give you the title of commander in chief. maybe it’s because you’re a complete idiot ? who knows ?

Conan M

all that being said. please tell us again how the ex-kgb officer at the helm became a billionaire having never run a corporation or worked in one a day in his life? and more importantly raising the legitimate question(s) does this have anything to do with his blessings towards actions on the field of battle the past 10 years?….

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

do you have any proof of this ? i pretty much doubt it. now if you look at the us, every us senator and every us representative has become a multi-millionaire by the time he/she leaves office. and biden just pardoned his son for 10 years of potential crimes, including those that he himself may be involved in.

Last edited 3 months ago by MacZ
Conan M

but we’re not talking about the most corrupted country on the face of the planet and it’s whore$ in office that have been flushing it’$ economy down the toilet ever since 3 building 2 planes?… russia could also start by memorializing the sacrifices of every russian sailor, marine, soldier and airmen for their efforts in syria and eastern ukraine…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

…instead they get into verbal exchanges (peskov and trump) , (by the way fuck trump)…about the numbers killed on the russian side when they should be proud of every man and woman (no matter how high the number is) that gave their lives for liberation from the west. instead?

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

no side will reveal its own losses. it is stupid to expect it. yet you do.

Last edited 3 months ago by MacZ
Conan M

than you are just like them, and betray the memory of your own!… and more importantly explain why russia remains in all of the west’s energy and banking institutions, hoping they can still be part of their club at their own expense?!!!… truly foolish and insane in it’s own right.

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

… they refuse to take the moral high ground by listing every single one while the west hides it’s violation to rules of international law by never exposing their names because they know they have violated those treatise and are committing crimes against humanity and those sovereign government(s) which are treason!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

peskov is a joke and a shame for all of russia.

his children literally live in paris and pay their rent by bad talking russia.

how can there be real opposition when your children live with the enemy?

Last edited 3 months ago by Vanya

you smear putin by saying he is a billionaire but are unable to provide proof. it just proof you are either an idiot or a tool of nato. and now you try to confuse things, because you know you are completely losing the argument : another proof that you are a nato-paid propagandist.

Last edited 3 months ago by MacZ
Conan M

the equivalent of $187,000 per year in his salary with estimated “net worth” of over $70 billion to $200 billion depending on the news source. i have to wonder how much of it is still in western banks which is the reason he is willing to betray his own allies and military to stay close to the hope of one day getting access to it again, instead of being noble and cutting it lose as bad investments that he never should have entered into…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

what is with shoigu, why does he have that giant mansion?

other then steal money what did he do to earn that?


they are all corrupt in the same way.

that is oligarch/capitalist society which is what the post soviet people supposedly coveted.

Conan M

ps now throwing you the bone… where is the prc and india as the other important number(s) to the brics in providing boots on the ground by now in the donbas and syria after all that cheap oil and gas?…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

brics is not a millitary alliance. and russia doesn’t need it anyway. it is winning single handedly against 50 countries + 1 meat provider. now you understand why no one would ever consider you for any consultancy post for anything : you don’t know squat. you are appealling to paranoia to smear putin. using occam’s razor, the reality is simple : there is a conflict between the east and the west. that’s it.

Last edited 3 months ago by MacZ
Conan M

macz you fail to acknowledge or address the question. when you are ready to tell us why russia vacated by stealth you know that a deal was made at syria’s expense. this is all i’m saying?… would be really nice if the prc and india had helped their energy provider -oh… about 2 years ago with both ukraine and syria with boots on the ground and it’s speaks volumes to what they both did at ground zero 23 years ago, that russia should have been more thoughtful in exposing….

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

repeating : brics is not a millitary alliance. and russia doesn’t need help anyway. it is winning single handedly against 50 countries + 1 meat provider. there is no need for china or india to be involved. it would only bring them problems from the west. now if you claim russia f*cked up syria, please provide proof, as it is to the accuser to provide the evidence.

Last edited 3 months ago by MacZ
Conan M

” it would only bring them problems from the west.”… i rest my case!… they all want to stay tied to the swift money maker and will betray one another before collectively abandoning it to build briics from the ground up!… no one in charge wants the pain because the money is too good -even if it’s inevitably at their expense!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

you have a problem understanding that leading in a nation 101 is _do not suicide you nation_, you moron. the g7 is sliding and brics is rising relatively. that does not mean you should f*ck up your economy to make a point. patience is a virtue.

Last edited 3 months ago by MacZ

what is brics?

nothing at all, just a place for marginal third world people to spout off and never do anything. don’t know why they needed a club for that, since they all do that with no encouragement at all.


and that’s why trump is screaming at brics. because it’s irrelevant. even trump understand more things that your retarded brain.


same way nancy pelosi and trump got rich, the (((boys))) whip out the check book.


just about anyone who is familiar with modern weapon systems and that can breath could do a more effective job then the russian mod.

never are combined armed tactics used. instead everything on a schedule, planned days in advance. that is probably to make sure the carrier pigeons have all returned to their coups.

i’m sure it is all political, your boy is weasel who loves the west and has many jewish friends (as he always brags given the chance).


i don’t agree. combined arms tactics were used by the ukrainians in their famous 2023 counteroffensive. we know how that went well, as they are now approaching moscow (or a million dead, i don’t remember exactly).


obviously deals have been made and the usd liberally spread around to all concerned.


ukraine is using chinese drones, just like the russians are….

Scott Ritter

only 6 more weeks to trump’s inauguration and the beginning of the end of zelenskky and the illegal occupation of syria. i will so enjoy seeing the end of the worst us administration in us history. too bad trump has promised not to go after the criminal blinken-biden-sullivan-austin war cabal.

Conan M

if syria’s fallout hadn’t happened i’d agree with you, but in saying even this… russia could have ended this situation in ukraine long ago!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

that is some of the silliest nonsense i have heard yet. the gumpy russians are so lost in their head they think trump is going to help them.

that is how ridiculously western sycophantic the russian ruling class is.

Syria ASSad-fucked by Putin!

what about poohtin’s brilliant chess move in syria?



what has russia lost in syria ? answer : nothing.

Conan M

nothing but unknown and still unnamed soldiers and airmen in re-acquiring many hard fought battles in aleppo, homs and palmyra… you fucking $l0b!… please tell us you’re a dual national j** in tel aviv with family in russia and not a goyim russian???…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

all of these hard fought battles were about the russian bases, and they still control them. why should russia care about syrians or angolans for that matter if they have no stake in these countries ? states only have interests, you moron.

Last edited 3 months ago by MacZ
Conan M

so you’re assuming that they are not vulnerable even though their “host” is now in moscow, and they don’t know who exactly will fill the vacuum???… what wonderful odds that they won’t be touched and that there is no such thing as asymmetric threats to those bases and those russians facilitating them while russia continues to mop up in eastern ukraine. of course nothing “should happen”?… pootie-poot has a written promise from the western powers just like 30 years ago on nato expansion…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

still that is a far cry from ‘russia has lost the middle east and africa’ from yesterday… lol.


they literallly lost what every influence they had over the military and political situation in syria.

that isn’t a great victory, that is just putin without prigozhin


so you say … without a thread of proof.


humiliating to be sodomized amerikunt 20 yrs by taliban

Remember the USS Liberty

think about this. hts was against iran,rusia because they help asad. now hts won. iran,rusia now are willing to accomodate hts & al-golani & may be help him take all syria includin rojava. if the us strikes hts while they are consolidatin their grip over all of syria then al-golani may gladly take help from iran,rusia & together spite the little satan & the big satan who continue to cooperate in the killing of innocent muslims in gaza. may be even take back the al-golani heights

Syria ASSad-fucked by Putin!

thank you for responding to my completely pointless comments! i love you guys, please keep going …heheheh


we expect that russia humiliates us—amerikunts so incompetent stupid every sodomy we accept is now called a victory by our media
