On March 8, the TAF and the FSA continued their advance and entered the town of Jinderes located southwest of the YPG-held city of Afrin and reportedly established full control over it.
The TAF’s warplanes and artillery are actively supporting the advancing forces.
Meanwhile, the number of so-called “neutralized terrorists” in Afrin according to the TAF’s general staff grew up to 3,055.
Turkish shelling on YPG positions across the Afrin area:
Artêşa Tirk a dagirker û çeteyên wê bi obûs, hawan û her cûre çekên giran navenda Efrînê ku bi sedhezaran welatî tê de jiyan dike, topbaran dikin. #8Adar pic.twitter.com/Rypmar0Iwq
— YPG Rojava (@YekineParastin) 8 March 2018
The YPG targets Turkish forces in the village of Metinah with an anti-tank guided missile on March 6:
Şervanên YPJ’ê li gundê Metîna ya navçeya Şera erebeyeke dagirkera Tirk û çeteyên wê, rûxandin, 6 Adar pic.twitter.com/SJAA8uwFnW
— YPG Rojava (@YekineParastin) 7 March 2018
The YPG targets a Turkish vehicle in the village of Kafar Jannah with an anti-tank guided missile on March 7:
Şervanên YPG/YPJ`ê îro li gundê Kefercenê yê girêdayî navçeya Şera erebeyeke leşkerî ya artêşa Tirk a dagirker û çeteyên wê rûxandin û di encamê de herî kêm 5 leşker û çete hatin kuştin. https://t.co/8fzF0ivoBp pic.twitter.com/MDgYRBg15Q
— YPG Rojava (@YekineParastin) 7 March 2018
In addition to this, the Iraqi government and Ankara have a definite agreement of going after the same Kurdish groups in Northern Iraq. As always in history, the great powers of the Middle East slaughter the Kurds, which have no-one to protect them.
Then dont be Teröris…
SAA was protecting kurds. But guess whose the backsabbers ?? XD.
Kurds are not equal to PKK/YPG. Not all kurds support those terrorist groups.
right except they are the ones that whored out to the americans and they are the ones who decided to try and try to break up syria and iraq. The kurds are incredibly sleazy and greedy, come to think of it they are almost as bad as the jews who supported them. Sweeping generalizations are bad and a good many kirds and jews are good.
Fully agree. U.S have sold them out again and again but they keep insist trusting (whoring) them, that is why as always in the history. One of YPG fan told me 2 years ago ‘if one single jet fly over Afrin, U.S will bomb Turkey to the stone age’. IMO, YPG (not Kurds, I am a Kurd btw, but I am cursing YPG more than anyone) and their supporters have major problem about evaluating and analyzing situations. They are living in their world of imagination, when they face the bitterness of truth, they begin to cry like ‘Kurds are being killed, great powers, noone protects Kurds, we are not your enemy so on, so on’
There is a difference between PKK rats and Kurds. Turkey and Iraqi goverment will go after PKK, not Iraqi Kurdistan.
Only a supporter of PKK would claim PKK = Kurds. You one of them or what?
The problem is that these stupid YPG have been fooled by USA. These stupid YPG are working for “SDF” to split Syria into two parts and take away half of Syria in which they are even a minority.
So, YPG doesn’t rule but USA is telling them what to do. They have no hope of getting a country in Syria. They are just not enough to claim one. They must claim one in Turkey, Iraq and Iran.
SDF is dominated by YPG. Arabs commanding in SDF is a fairytale.
If there are Arabs in SDF why do USA make an “operational pause” ? There are no Arabs in SDF.
TALAL SILO exposed everything about the SDF.
Here you go you can read it here
Only Kurds separatists have the same thinking thus on a same boats. They can grow into legitimate political party in the country they living in but they rather take a chunk of lands to make their own rules.
Jinderes is fully captured