Gen Suheil al-Hassan, a commander of the SAA Tiger Forces, is in the 137th Brigade Base in Deir Ezzor city
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces and 5th Assault Corps as well as the Republican Guard have repelled all ISIS counter-attacks and secured a corridor to the Syrian city of Deir Ezzor.
Following this success, govrnment forces have continued their efforts to secure the Sukhna-Deir Ezzor highway and the western part of Deir Ezzor city.
The village of Ash Sholah remains a key battleground at the Sukhna-Deir Ezzor highway. The SAA is attempting to secure the area under a coonstant ISIS pressure. However, despite multiple airstrikes by Russian and Syrian warplanes on ISIS units the village is till contested.
ISIS fiercely battles for Ash Sholah because if this point is fully secured by the SAA government forces will have an opportunity to put an additional pressure on ISIS terrorists insdie Deir Ezzor.
Meanwhile, reports appeared that government forces, led by the Tiger Forces, have launched an effort aimed at capturing the Fusayyat Mountain located west of the Deir Ezzor-Maadan highway. Controlling the mountain the SAA will be able to secure the northern flank of the assault force that have linked with the defenders of Deir Ezzor west of the 137th Brigade Base.
Government forces are clashing with ISIS near Deir Ezzor:
An intense fighting is also ongoing inside the 137th Brigade Base area. Government forces have reportedly seized the Raqqah bridge and the Hjaif Hill in the base area. This advance is a part of a wider effort aimed at expanding the government-held corridor west of Deir Ezzor.
Meanwhile, a humanitarian operation has been launched in order to deliver all needed aid to civilians in the city. At least one humanitarian convoy have been sent from the government-held area in Homs to the city of Deir Ezzor.
Gen Suheil al-Hassan, a commander of the SAA Tiger Forces, is in the 137th Brigade Base in Deir Ezzor city:
A government humanitarian aid convoy is heading from Homs to Deir Ezzor:
Let’s all wish the SAA and the RuAF every success in this battle so that the civilians can live in peace and return to a more normal way of life and restor their livelihoods and businesses. ISIS is a scourge that was clearly supported by the Anglo – American Zionists for their own nefarious economic and political reasons.
I pray the people of this area quickly return to a peaceful life.
Why is this not being reported in the MSM?
The double standards of our press and TV is showing its true colours and isn’t it great that the UN regurgitates the old Sarin Gas attack story with all hearsay terrorist witness reports with no feet on the ground to investigate and a brief report on the slaughter of civilians in Syria by the exceptional US and it band of thieves. I am sick of their biased reporting.
Stop watching the dead msm…
They are as obsolete as the horse n buggy…
You’re dead right Max. Its just that when I see them crying about a little boy being saved by the mighty “White Helmets” I would like them to balance things up looking at the other side. You know “Fear and Balanced”.
Mighty “white helmets” terrorists and hoollywood actors.
Will never happen.
Thats their version of “click bait”.
Thanks to the internet, we can “balance things” ourselves. Thats why they are trying to clamp down on the internet(will never happen).
If you think about it, ever since it’s creation, the MSM was never balanced to begin with.
I did see a few articles on it. On the BBC news site, some Dutch news site. You must understand though that the West is mostly busy with its own drama. Then comes natural disasters, like the recent hurricanes, and then comes OUTRAGE!!!, in case of some gas attack. Which the UN yesterday stated as having come from the Syrian government. Something which has not been picked up on SF either by the way.
I have seen the BBC article cant remember if they mentioned Deir Ezzor battle.
I thought I did read about it on SF but see it was on the Duran.
Not sure what BBC article you read but this one http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-41162683 is definitely about the lifting of the siege.
It’s a total block-out on all European medias since Decades.
Medias owners and Journalists majority
in Switzerland and France are Zionist Jews…
Most French VIP Politicians are Zionist Jews…
Sarkozy, Hollande and Macron are CIA/NATO selection…
Amy Organization that puts the carpet baggers(Saudis) on a human rights council, clearly cannot be trusted with telling the truth.
read the report from the M.I.T professor, he says what we all now it was a setup from start to finish
Barba Papa, sorry for saying this but its a bit naive to say that west is busy with own drama like this is something that just happens. People are busy with what is fed to them by information channels. This is controlled process.
As to that gas attack…Please stop :) To think that at this point government forces would initiate chemical weapons attack is beyond stupid. Why would they do it? To obscure all their recent success? I don’t see another reason. But there are obvious reasons why your western governments would finance this kind of false flag.
ONce again, I agree.
I for one don’t believe Khan Sheykhun was not a SAA attack. There is still no evidence, and most important, there is no motive. The only ones with a motive are the socalled rebels. So no need to tell me that.
As for the west, it really is more busy with its own drama. Most people do not give a single fuck as to what happens in Syria, or the rest of the world. To them national politics and local politics matter much more to them. It always has been. I don’t even think or believe its planned like that. The media is a business and businesses that want to make money give their customers what they want. Weren’t a great many of Trump supporters people who were fed up with international wars and wanted him to pay more attention to national issues?
Thanks for your answer. You admit that only Jihadists have a motive for this false flag attacks – that’s clear. Is there a rational reason for “I for one don’t believe Khan Sheykhun was not a SAA attack.”(c) Barba_Papa
:”The media is a business and businesses that want to make money give their customers what they want”.(c) – I for one want the media to give me actual facts on the ground and I will interpret it myself.
What do you want from media? Must be something different according to what I see in MSM.
Did I use a double negative there? That would mean I believe it was a SAA attack. My bad. I meant I do not believe it was a SAA attack. It all boils down to motive. The SAA was winning that battle, the Jihadis were losing, what did Assad had to gain by throwing a few bombs with nerve gas on a town far behind the frontline, other then give the Americans the chance they were spoiling for? Suicide by Trump? That doesn’t seem very likely now, does it?
OK, I understand your point now – it really sounded weird the way it was typed but it is clear now. Thanks.
What about the part regarding “independent” MSM that are “simply business that makes money by giving their custimers what they (customers) want”?
They need viewers to sell airtime to advertizers to make money. In order to attract viewers they have to give their audience what they want. Therefore heavy emphasis on local news, less on far away places that few people are interested.
That’s why the Houston floodings are headline news in the US, and even in Europe, whereas the flooding in India barely get any attention.
:) It is funny how we’re telling seemingly obvious things to each other. Point is that they don’t contradict each other. If you really believe in free independent media that is just a business – that’s up to you. On the other hand – there are no direct orders to editors what they should publish or not (other than extremely urgent cases).
May I ask – do you know about concepts of structured and unstructured control/management/power?
Yes, it is a shocking Western media conspiracy!!!! oh wait….
Why you ask? WHO do you think controls the MSM? Ever wonder why I call those liars the Jew spew media rather than the “MSM”?
Northern; you’re absolutely right. They all sing from exactly the same hymn sheet without an iota of difference in opinion. They call themselves journalists, but as as most people now appreciate, they are “Presstitutes”, or plain old “commonal garden hacks” or “shills” for the Zionist Globalist Bankster Cabal.
I would rather they NOT report since they only report LIES :( The other night they reported that the SAA were not allowing the busses to leave the Lebanon border and were shooting anyone who tried to approach them to feed them! No mention of the USA bombing them and the roads!
God bless and protect syria and her true allies against the losing zio satanic terrorists.
Yes, SAA need continue its advances and widen the buffer zone and clean the Northern packet and the same time move South of the DZ highway take the desert and shrink the front line.
As, I wrote many time before Assad should obtain own Air Defence System, better planes and military hardware.as defeating ISIS will not be the end of the war. There other enemies that Syria and SAA will have to fight, but SAA needs better training including Officers, because right now they have no chance to win with Israel.
With each time that I read your bright ideas, I come closer to realise that Surya needs you for president. If Suryans are not smart enough to lure you in than surely RuMod should appoint you as main strategist :)
Couple of weeks ago you were constantly posting about how stupid and shitty are SAA. Lately (considering their huge success) I don’t hear it that often from you. That’s a step in the right direction for an armcheir worrior.
Relax and let the Suryans and their friends do the job. Facts on the ground show that your advise is not needed – they know what they do.
And any talk of Syrian /Israeli war is crazy.