Operation True Promise; Which Of The Israeli Bases Targeted In The Retaliatory Missile And Drone Attack By Iran?

Operation True Promise; Which Of The Israeli Bases Targeted In The Retaliatory Missile And Drone Attack By Iran?

The map of the military and intelligence bases of the Israeli regime that were targeted by Iran’s missile and drone operations

Originally published by IslamicWorldNews

According to IWN assessments and based on the latest news stories and information obtained from the missile and drone operations of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) under the name of ‘Operation True Promise’ against the Israeli regime, the following targets have definitely been targeted:

  • The Nevatim Airbase in southern occupied Palestine;
  • The Ramon Airbase in southern occupied Palestine;
  • An intelligence and espionage base of the Israeli regime in Jabal al-Sheikh (Mount Hermon) in the northern occupied Golan Heights.

It should be noted that the rest of the explosions or hits in other areas of the occupied territories are related to the confrontation of the Israeli air defense systems with the projectiles in the sky or the falling of the wreckage of the interceptor missiles or the wreckage of Iranian missiles.

There are several very important points about last night’s retaliatory attacks that need to be paid attention to: According to Western sources’ claims, Iran fired 185 drones, 110 ballistic missiles, and 110 cruise missiles towards the occupied territories in the attacks last night, and it is claimed that most of these missiles and drones have been intercepted; but the ground reality is different!

The first important point; Iranian missile and drone attacks took place while the Israeli regime’s air defense network was in the most prepared state possible, and all military combat information capabilities of the regime, from defense systems to fighter jets, were 100% mobilized to counter Iran’s attacks. In addition, all military capabilities of the US and its allies, such as the treacherous country of Jordan, also came to the aid of the Israeli regime. On the other hand, all attacks were carried out from the Iranian soil, and it were coordinated with other axis of resistance countries such as Iraq and Yemen to refrain from carrying out extensive missile and drone attacks; And in fact, Iran did not use the potential of the resistance in Iraq and Yemen to saturate the enemy’s defense systems! And alone, with the launch of dozens of suicide drones and cruise missiles, it saturated the defense systems of Israel and the United States. Of course, there is an exception regarding the targets hit in the northern occupied Golan Heights, where Lebanon’s Hezbollah helped to saturate the air defense systems in this area by targeting some positions of Israel in northern occupied Palestine with its attack.

The point is that most of the cruise missiles, suicide drones, and even ballistic missiles were “fired with the aim of saturating the air defense systems,” and predetermined targets were hit by a number of other ballistic missiles that passed through the Israeli regime’s defensive barrier. This method and approach are quite common in the world for dealing with air defense systems. So, do not be deceived by the lies and false propaganda of the MSM about the lack of success and interception of all missiles and drones!

The second very important point; last night’s attack “was only one wave of attack,” and the subsequent waves of breaking and destroying were not carried out! In the conventional military dimension, these types of attacks are carried out in several waves for ultimate and real effectiveness. In the final moments of last night’s attacks and as the first wave of attacks was nearing its end, the Israeli regime’s air defense systems began to experience saturation, and it was at that point that some of the ballistic missiles, by passing through the defensive barrier, hit the Nevatim and Ramon airbases. This is exactly the moment when the second, third, and subsequent waves should have been carried out for the destruction of the targets, but Iran, in the true sense of the word, “restrained” itself. The reason for this is very clear and obvious. The purpose of the “single wave” attack was to send a clear warning message to the Israeli regime, the West, and its lackeys to understand the power of Iran and to know that if the Islamic Republic of Iran wishes, it is capable of crushing its enemies and ill-wishers, and they should not mess with Iran any further!

The third important point; in last night’s attack, “none” of the powerful and advanced Iranian hypersonic missiles such as the types of Fattah 1 and 2, or the Khorramshahr missile, and so on, were used. Last night’s attacks were carried out using inexpensive and cost-effective HESA Shahed 136 drones, simple cruise missiles, and low-cost liquid-propellant Rezvan missiles, which were stored in large quantities in warehouses and remained unused for a long time. In fact, these armaments were mostly used to saturate the air defense systems, and among them, a few solid-propellant missiles like Haj Qasem and Kheibar Shekan were also used for attacking and hitting the targets. The result is that if Iran’s decision was to use more advanced missiles, with this same single wave of attack, the casualties and damage to the Israeli regime would have been much greater than what we witnessed last night.

When it comes to the financial burden and staggering costs that Israel has incurred, there are also very important points to consider. You can pay attention to the estimated figures for last night’s operations. Quoting FieldMarshal, an independent analyst of Iranian defense and industrial technologies, the approximate cost to Iran for carrying out last night’s attacks is estimated as follows: 110 ballistic missiles: $30-50 million, 45 cruise missiles: $4-7 million, and 170 Shahed drones: $4-5 million, totaling approximately $38-62 million for Iran.
On the other hand, however, the Israeli costs will be staggering: Considering an estimated number of 300-400 aircraft that were likely in operation for 4-10 hours, with an average hourly cost of $30,000 to $40,000, the cost would be $50-160 million. The cost of intercepting cruise missiles and suicide drones: $100-150 million, and the cost of intercepting ballistic missiles: $500-700 million. Taking into account the estimated damage caused by the ballistic missiles, somewhere between $100 million to $500 million, the Israeli regime has incurred a total of $750 million in the most pessimistic scenario, or $1.5 billion in the most optimistic scenario!

This amount of staggering cost “just for enduring one night of attack only for repelling one wave of attack” translates into the complete economic collapse of the Zionists. If the battles continue for just a few days, the economy of the Israeli regime will be completely paralyzed and destroyed! This is another clear and obvious example that the Zionists do not have the capability to engage in long-term warfare, or better yet, even short-term warfare with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and that is why they are extremely concerned about responding to Iran’s last night attacks.

The fourth important point; as mentioned, Iran did not at all utilize the potential of other Axis of Resistance countries for extensive missile and drone attacks against the Zionist regime’s child-killing regime or to saturate its air defense systems in last night’s attack, and Iran alone carried out the operation. Now, imagine if attacks were carried out simultaneously and extensively from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen, and if Iran also entered the battlefield with a large number of missiles and drones in several waves of attacks; even the thought of this scenario is debilitating and very painful for the Israeli regime. In any case, this stage has currently come to an end to see what would happen later and for a rainy day!

Ultimately, all the last night events conveyed several important messages to Israel and the West; the Israeli regime must understand that even if the entire West mobilizes all its defense capabilities to defend the despicable Zionist regime, Iran’s hand is still open for any retaliatory operation, and whenever it wills, it can accurately and intensely hit the targets and punish the Israeli regime for its crimes. The “military objective” of last night’s operation was the attack on the most important airbase of the Israeli regime, namely the Nevatim airbase near the Dimona nuclear facility!! was successfully carried out despite the presence of the most concentrated defense systems in the world, and the pre-determined airbase was hit. The Israelis must know that every point of the Israeli regime’s entity is under Iran’s control and strike, and the bluster and threats against Iran never go unanswered…


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Psionists slaves of America

israel has never & will never directly attack actual iranian territory, theyre a bunch of cowards. their plot 2 involve the us in direct war on iran failed utterly. direct attacks on its soil by hamas, hizbolla, houthis, iraq militia & now iran have shown the paper tiger, banana republic israel is. iran just forced humble pie down netanyahu’s throat & theres nothing he can do. bibi the chickenshit netanyahu’s cloaca is shittin so hard is now suffering prolapse, his days r numbered

CEO of Yapping

why the fuck do indians not see how pisraelis view humanity? they seem almost as much if not more rabid zionist than mkultra’d americans.

Dog Stew

you copied my comment word for word i made 11 hours ago on “russian avtobaza-m ew system reinforced iranian air defense in tehran” article. guess ill take that as a compliment 🍻 fuck pisrael


because retarded hinjëws

Last edited 10 months ago by amalek
Huckelberry finn

and what’s also important to note, the hasbara clowns and downvoters have vanished overnight hahaha probably busy booking their flights back to eastern europe russia and the us


veľmi pôsobivo napísaný článok. a k tomu ešte pravdivý ako sa veci v skutočnosti majú. zrejme aj z tohto dôvodu usa odradili izrael od odvetného útoku. darebácky štát usa má už skúsenosť z iránskou odvetou. spomeňte si na zničenie us základne v iraku. najskôr nám tvrdili, že nič, ale nakoniec sme sa aj tak dozvedeli pravdu. toto bude detto!!! usa zrejme oznámili židovi, že nemajú momentálne žiadne finančné zdroje na pokrytie vojny proti iránu. svetu mier!!!

CEO of Yapping

– russia has condemned iran’s retaliatory strike on israel.

– ukraine foreign ministry: the israeli ambassador to russia asks us to condemn the iranian retaliation , but we do not remember that israel ever condemned the ukrainian attacks on us.


you are wrong, russia did not condamn iran strike on israel,

Psycho Killer

-usa condemned israel for mass murder and genocide in gaza
-israel foreign ministry: ask us to condemn ukrainazia, accepts iranian retaliation, and knows god is russian and lives in russia!!!
-ukrainazia is finished, just like yugoslavia and soviet union!!!


russia did no such thing you clown!
🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

russia has condemned iran’s retaliatory strike on israel is incorrect.

try to feed your pigion internet disconnection better.


stop lying !

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

it looks like iran means business and won huge respect around the region. the settler schizoid colony is wetting its panties. without american support, they know they will be in serious trouble. although this attack was coordinated and staged to minimize deaths, it still shows iranian resolve and reinstates deterrence. next time, zios shouldnt dont bomb embassies and expect nothing to happen

Last edited 10 months ago by Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew
jens holm

you ignore facts which is usa support.

if iran try again, they loose arms arms and legs. you are pathetic and far out no seeeing the real world.


us americans wont help them. but you danish clowns sure can if you dare, little coward!

🤡 😆😆😆

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

you ignore military tech. usa cannot stop hypersonics nor does it have them. it knows it will suffer big damage. usa is not captain amerika in your hollywood mind

Lesco Brandon

israel did an incredible job of intercepting iranian missiles with their … bases! muahahahahaha!

jens holm

thats right. and its permament and simple facts.


you’re not the brightest bulb are you?


iran warned israel and us hours prior to the attack. they wanted to send a message that iran has the capability to deploy hundreds of drones and missiles against israeli defense systems. in just 1 night, israel spent over $1.5 billion on defending iran’s cheap drones and missiles which cost the iranians over a few million dollars at best. iran certainly has enough drones to swam all of israeli surface to air missiles before they strike with ballistic missiles in an event israel strikes back


none.as usual. rockets couldn’t reach israel iran nothing but hot air.

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

the response was calibrated, staged and everybody had warning. a few missiles reached israeli military targets. imagine if the attack was not staged. the real damage would be done


much mush in your head apparently! good luck trying to navigate the future. your tealeaves won’t be of much value since mush is mush!!!!

jens holm

i use turkiye fart air for my gay orgy

jens holm

ground 0 wrote that. not me


having alzheimers again little danish nazi clown?
🤡 😆😆😆

Psycho Killer

attila the bum, that barbarian/bitch died like a mangie dog!!! in any case, the god of israel evicted the israelites once before, and no doubt the god of israel will evict the israelite amalek zionists once again!!! notice the one, real & true god is russian and lives in russia, never expelling russians, always helped russia to defeat everything from genghis khan to napoleon bonaparte to adolf hitler to creepy joe biden!!! das vidanye mangie barbarian bitch, see you in hell!!!

Last edited 10 months ago by Psycho Killer

you having a weird dream again wake up. see you in hell after you.go and study your history again..


reminder that iran would’ve been satisfied if everyone in the un condemned israel attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. something that should’ve been done day one.since that didn’t happen and almost everyone kept their mouth shut as if nothing happened iran hand was forced to retaliate proportionally by attacking military installations inside israel.


a fatwa on the rabidly evil un-ambassador gilan erdan is a must – now!!!!

Malcolm Z

drones hit a control center near syrian border and the hq of troops for palestinian operations near gaza


99% downing!
the remaining 1% got intercepted at impact-level.

israel=🤡 😆😆😆


so, math is antisemitic now. 99% of 300 incoming objects, according to the israeli media, leaves 3 that got through. but video evidence shows 9 hits.

cant make this clownshow up.
🤡 😆😆😆

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

the truth is anti semitic dont cha know. the butthurt zionists can’t take in a dose of criticism without having a meltdown

Last edited 10 months ago by Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew
jens holm

and the real world.

millions of arabistanis desperat try settle and escape to anywhere else. that goes for the mullat state as well.

you only are better in making children. thats related to having fun extra hours in beds forgetting you has to raise and them well and feed them too.

jens holm

thats why me is permanent poor. sunni says yuo should raise your children for a future. what a future. the goes for russia as well. uncle karl never said protalars should the opperclass better.

i prefare jews. they emmigate to me. arabs, iranienes, pakistanis, afghans go to here. they cant even swim. even so they arrive from.


i like having a drink, too


dansk naziclown on a roll today!
🤡 😆😆😆


danish nazi spouting balderdash again, what a clown!
🤡 😆😆😆

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

iran has fired a few new hypersonics that got thru the plastic dome. the rest were decoys for show, meant to expose vulnerabilities and waste $1b with anti air defense. israel now knows hypersonics can come next time and would be unstoppable

Last edited 10 months ago by Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew
Zack Priem

jews = scum

Hasbarat Downvite Kvetch Crew

iran will unveil its nuclear arensel soon……this attack could be indirect proof it already has them. in fact, it must get them. that will bring stability to the region. you cannot have an imbred tribe of zio hucksters monopolizing the region with their animalistic threats forever

Last edited 10 months ago by Hasbarat Downvite Kvetch Crew

or they could be wiped off the map with half a dozen nuclear bombs, what do you think? do you really think the iranian scum will get away with it without being swept away?

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

isarel is an angry little dog on methamphetamine in the corner until it meets its match. israel cannot nuke or air strike its way out of this situation

Last edited 10 months ago by Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

the russian allies are just scum, along with the russian nazis and the iranian terrorists who are a minority in the region and have the recipe for defeating the fascists

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

your kvetching is music to our ears. keep coping…..cocaine, chutzpah and arrogance is all you got!

Last edited 10 months ago by Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

lol go back to work, you need post to receveid the penny wage


you, instead, spit bs even for free, because you’re utterly retarded 🤣🤡

Last edited 10 months ago by Alyosha242
Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

foi tudo muito bem documentado. irã foi profissional e altamente preciso. se quisesse o irã poderia ter destruído a usina nuclear de dimona.


presstv published that a few hypersonic missiles fired all hit zionist targets


operation fart went off before reaching the target


excellent report
