Operation Ababil Birds: LNA Air Force Launches Second Wave Of Airstrikes On GNA Forces

Operation Ababil Birds: LNA Air Force Launches Second Wave Of Airstrikes On GNA Forces

Mirage F1 of the LAF, source: afrigatenews.net

Late on May 7, Libyan Air Force (LAF) warplanes carried out a new wave of airstrikes on forces supporting the Government of National Accord (GNA).

Brig. Gen. Ahmed al-Mesmari, a spokesman for the Libyan National Army (LNA), announced the start of an aerial operation, codenamed “Ababil Birds,” against GNA forces in the early hours of the morning.

The new airstrikes targeted ammo depots, fortified positions and gatherings of GNA forces in the outskirt of the village of Abugrein, south of the city of Misrat

“These aerial attacks come in the framework of the LAF’s Operation Ababil Birds, which is still ongoing at this moment,” the LNA’s media center said in a statement.

The first wave of the airstrikes, which took place in the early morning, targeted military bases in Misrata and the capital, Tripoli.

The high precision of the airstrikes led to speculations that they were carried out by the UAE Air Force (UAEAF). Several combat drones and light attack warplanes of the UAEAF are known to be deployed in Libya.

New satellite images also showed what appear to be 6 Mirage 2000-9 warplanes of the UAEAF in an Egyptian air base, located less than 90 km away from Libya.

Regardless of the side responsible for the airstrikes, Operation Ababil Birds has inflicted serious losses on GNA forces. The LNA could take advantage of this success to launch a new ground attack on Tripoli.


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Xoli Xoli

Erdogan is shitting his mujaheddin gown.Bloody fool.Only Putin buy face with this uneducated terrorist stupid killer Erdogan.

Mustafa Mehmet

Oli not to worrie erdogan not shitting himself.. Time will show

Xoli Xoli

Mustafa my problematic critic friend.Peace be with you.

Xoli Xoli

I will give it a chance.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Operation Angry Birds.


9 LNA fags killed in bombing today.

Zionism = EVIL

No good guys in this conflict, the Italians and Turkeys want Libyan oil and gas while Egypt and UAE want to control Libya. It is a lose-lose proposition and is getting internationalized. There are players from Russia, Egypt,UAE, Chad, Sudan, Turkey, Pakistan, Zionists, NATO cunts, Tunisians and will soon drag in most of Maghreb. Personally, as I wrote months ago, the little Jew cunt Sisi should have intervened before the Turkeys established their foothold in Libya. This conflict will have very adverse consequences for Europe as well as the refugee trail will just grow as more Africans are dragged in. Just look at Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania etc. Some of the billions of weaponry will end in Polisario freedom fighters hands and another round of conflict will spread to Morocco as Algeria being the strongest power in Maghreb will not sit around if its interests are threatened. The stupid Americunt morons and greedy NATO cunts have really fucked his one up big time. As I have said, they will rue the day they killed Kaddafi.


This is a large pool of blood with sharks in the water

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t give a flying fuck on the wings of a Phantom prayer who you support or don’t as it makes as much difference as a inflatable penis on a dyke, just trying to educate you ranting touchy armchair PlayStation generalissimo that there are NO GOOD GUYS IN LIBYA. The murder of Kaddafi and NATO plunder ensured that there will be endless conflict with no winners.

Zionism = EVIL

As I have said before, the LNA “airforce” is basically operating out of Egyptian forward bases at Marsa Matruh and other WW2 landing strips south of the Qattara depression near Siwa. I have seen satellite photos of newer military infrastructure in the area, the UAE is paying for it and has Mirage 2000 stationed there and the Pakistanis are flying them and the LNA F1. If this conflict keeps on getting dragged out, either the Turkeys will have to bomb Egyptian bases setting off a war they would lose instantly or increase their own military presence in Libya by deploying more troops and AD systems. Either way the Turkeys are fucked as there is no way they can hang on to Libya, as they are aliens and using pathetic headchopper rabble they are forcibly sending to die in Libyan sands is turning against them. A long time ago, when Turkey was secular and had a professional NATO military, a Turkish senior officer told me that meddling in Arab affairs has historically brought them nothing but grief and ended their Ottoman Empire. The current Turkish meddling in Iraq, Syria and now Libya will also end very badly for the goat fucker Erdogan.


LNA Airforce operates out of forward air bases at Sirt and al-Jufra. Main Airbase for UAE is al-Khadim east of Benina (Benghazi) . Marsa Matruh or Sollum is outside operating range for FGAs to strike targets in Tripoli.

Zionism = EVIL

LNA has a few MIGS and Mirages, but most of the attacks on GNA are now carried by UAE Mirage 2000 out of Egypt flown by Pakistani mercenaries. If Turkeys bring in manned aircraft, which I doubt as they fear being shot down, then this will a conflict of F-16 versus F-16 and only the better pilots will win. Egypt has not fought a war since 1973, with the exception of a border conflict with Libya in 1977, which was mostly a short ground conflict. If Egypt intervenes and it should, I believe the Turkeys would be hard pressed as their supply lines are extended and they are already bogged down in Syria and Iraq. Even superpowers can’t fight two asymmetrical wars if there is strong resistance. That is the reason the Americunts are on the run from Afghanistan to Iraq.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans turkeys cannot sustain their imperialism–both nations descending into economic rubble and social dysfunction—at least the turks produce decent coffee—of course their informal economy, like in the US is vast…everywhere feudal peasants pester others to purchase consumer trash—obviously not seen in Greece

Porc Halal

You meant they prepare a ‘good’ cofee, and not producing it…

Some people for example don’t give a shit on how turkish cofee taste like…

Zionism = EVIL

I like Kosher swine though. Turks have stolen their coffee making from the Arabs too. The so-called Turks have no history are are result of an ethnic cluster fuck by mongols and nomads. If you look at Turkish faces, most look like genetically modified retards with natural affinity for goat fucking. I am basing this extensive research into why goats are so popular in Turkey.

Porc Halal

I totaly agree on: ‘turks have stolen’, ‘turks have no history’ and ‘turks are an ethnic cluster fuck’…and that the turks are ‘goat fucking’ addicted…


Ooh i would have said something about romania, but you guys don’t have anything besides whores and gypsies which is an insult itself LOL.

Porc Halal

Hey gypsy, you are not good at reverse psychology, period!…so just drop it…

the turks will never be able to distract the audience from their true gypsy origin …

Porc Halal


and one more thing that should get you into your sheep’s head …

…the ‘whores’ you are talking are victims of sex-traffickers many of them of gypsy-turkish origin who abduct them, enslave them and force them into prostitution…

Unlike gypsy-turkish whores who are whores by their nature…


You’re not fooling anyone, gypsy.
Everyone knows what kind of gypsy shaites you are.

Porc Halal

the stupidity of the turks (that is, of the gypsies) is proverbial … it is not what you eat but the thoughts and actions you have … this characterizes you as an individual, and you as a turkish gypsy, you have categorically proved that you are a pig, euphemistically speaking of course, because the pig as an animal has a much better and more human character than yours, the gypsies …


LOL, atleast you changed your pic, good thing you know what you are.

Porc Halal

isn’t he cute? … I mean the piglet in the picture … he says he loves you … why are you so naughty and you don’t return the compliment?! …

Porc Halal

PS…no worries , I knew you like swine…I mean who’s so stupid not to admit it?!…


The term “You are what you eat” really fits with you.

Porc Halal

Hahahahaha!!!…this stupid argument would come only from a stupid muslim..

the term “You are what you eat” really fits with you…so you are a goat?!…more like a goat-fucker, I would say…

What about:

– you are what you do really fits you…


– your best description as an individual is the behavior you have really fits you….you stupid fuck…

..no worries pork meat still remains one of the most healty and delicious meat no matter what your death cult teaches you…

Just because your stupid criminal cult dinies you to eat it, doesn’t make the pork something it doesn’t!!!…

…I known that your ‘holly book’ teaches you to hate other religious groups and offends other religious groups so I understand your attitude very well…


“Oink oink”, Huh what’s that Mr.pig? Mr.pig what else do you do besides rolling in the mud or eating your own shait?

Porc Halal

here’s the smartest turk I ever ever seen in my entire life…listen to him carefully you useless dumbass shait…the animals you are eating are far more dirty and ‘eating-their-on-shait’ than pork…

and like he said, after watching his video, maybe you’ll make peace with porck like he did as an ex -muslim..



I’m not religious nor am i interested in your shait eating pork.
Btw you should stop eating pork, since its cannibalism for you.

Porc Halal

‘i am not a religious person’…bla, bla,blah…
yes, you are…you are pathetic liars…no one can trust in you… and stop mumbling about cannibalism, you goat. it’s hilarious coming from a sheep head like you…

Porc Halal

…to admit it that is soooooo delicious, obviously… only the people they haven’t tried eating pork so far…and that’ is a shame…


Lol a dumbass stinky Paki like you wouldn’t know anything about our history. You’re only are good at babbling shit out your enlarged AH, maybe stick to that.

Btw Paki’s have nomad blood to dumbsheet.

Porc Halal

The conflict in Libya must be understood in terms of the confrontation between the US-backed muslim terrorist organization MB (muslim brotherhood) and their puppets (such as islamist turkey for example) and the muslim or non-muslim countries (such as Russia) that fight openly against the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters. The reason is that MB through their puppet goverments shouldn’t have access to Libya’s huge oil fields … it’s needless to mention why…