Opening Second Front: Death Tolls From Massive Strikes In Southern Lebanon Rising

Opening Second Front: Death Tolls From Massive Strikes In Southern Lebanon Rising

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On September 23, the Israeli military launched waves of heavy strikes in southern Lebanon. According to the Acting Minister of Health of Lebanon, the death toll  has increased to 274 people killed as a result of strikes carried out by the Israeli Air Force on settlements in southern Lebanon. 

The victims include 21 children and 39 women. Several ambulance personnel were also killed, their cars came under strikes. About 1,000 people were wounded. The death toll does not stop rising. According to the head of the Ministry of Health, the Lebanese are suffering such losses for the first time since the end of the 1975-1990 civil war.

Israeli warplanes launched the most massive bombing in 11 months of hostilities. According to preliminary reports, the Israeli Air Force launched more than 550 strikes on targets in southern Lebanon in the last hours.





The Israeli military announced the defeat of three hundred Hezbollah infrastructure facilities in Lebanon. The targets reportedly included rocket launchers, armament depots and buildings used by militants.



The head of the press service of the Israeli Defense Ministry called on the Lebanese to leave their homes in the south of the country. According to him, the militants are storing weapons and shelling Israeli territory from residential areas. The footage shows secondary detonation as a result of the strikes on warehouses:



Hezbollah responded by launching dozens of rockets and kamikaze UAVs on the Israeli territory. According to preliminary reports, at least five Israelis were wounded.

Opening Second Front: Death Tolls From Massive Strikes In Southern Lebanon Rising

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Israel is opening the second front. The ongoing hostilities escalated after a series of terrorist attacks in Lebanon. As a result of the explosions of pagers and other equipment, several thousand people were killed and wounded. Hezbollah blamed Israel for the attacks. Israel also launched an airstrike on the Lebanese capital, Beirut, which led, according to the Jewish State, to the death of 16 high—ranking members of Hezbollah. Hezbollah has promised that Israel will pay for the attacks.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to stay in power by waging a small victorious war. Israeli media called the actions of Israeli troops against Hezbollah the beginning of the Third Lebanese War, but without a ground invasion of Lebanon. However, the Israeli Defense Ministry declared its readiness to cross the border. The IDF Northern Command has approved the final plan of the operation, while it is not reported whether this will be an offensive deep into Lebanon or only in the border areas.

Massive air strikes often signal the upcoming ground offensive. Israel may indeed launch new ground operation in an attempt to fight on two fronts. However, the IDF’s insufficient numbers will not allow it to occupy Lebanon or even take and keep control of significant territories. Moreover, the ground offensive on the well-fortified Lebanese border will lead to inevitable Israeli losses. The ground operation may rather be an attempt to disorganize Hezbollah and limit its ability to conduct offensive military operations.

Most likely, the escalation will gain momentum in the near future. The anniversary of October 7th is approaching. Almost a year ago, after the Hamas attack on Israel, the bombing of the Gaza Strip began. The IDF has not yet completed its operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The total number of victims in the Palestinian enclave has already exceeded 41 thousand people.


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Igor Igorovic

meanwhile west is silent protecting democracy.


western colonialists are the same s_h_i_t as the zionist criminals…same murderers, same racist s_c_u_m


of course. zionism is fascism.
meet the new fascism same as the old. that is also why it’s called the judeo-masonic rule. it’s satanism. and its practitioners are both kabbalist/jewish and wasp.


israelis as usual doing what they do best: succeding in mass killing of civilians and totally failing stretegically.

not only is hebollah unbroken, unbowed, undeterred, but the number of zionist settlers removed from northen palestine has grown from 60-80k last week, to over 300k today.
neteyekhoo claimed this new wave of massacres was to bring back settlers in northern palestine, he has gotten the exact opposite, and hebollah has not even started using their best weapons.


it looks like hezbollah actually got an iron dome battery in one of their latest rounds. the one they said was targeting a west bank settlement. more kike lies. they’re singing the cry me a river song in the media about some missiles/rockets hitting squatter homes in the north and totally ignore the near total destruction of every building in gaza.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

and the blatantly deliberate targeting of civilians sheltering in schools and hospitals in gaza, and now saying that lebanese families are storing rockets in their living room and missiles in their garages, literally. so that’s why they have to murder them is because they know they have rockets in their living rooms… asch conformity again, all the parrots repeat after me: https://old.


as usual, the biggest israeli export is lies


it’s solar worship saturn.

Jewish pimp

you mean they’re same shithole and cumhole?


kubllai khan the shogun ming dynasty etc persian empire alexander the great macedonian. etc ignorant nazi pos.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

ancient egyptian arabic order of the nobles of the mystic shrine

the cohen r khan

no just khazarian ashkenazim turkic donmeh scum who self identify as yahoo


you already posted that comment bot

Terrorist Hunter

the middle east is the best place with religious and cultural diversity. they respect everyone’s religious and cultural beliefs. people are so kind, friendly, and forgiving. i’m a gay christian who works in saudi arabia. what a nice place to live.

Igor Igorovic

news came out now that us are sending more troops to the middle east to protect “democracy”. we all have forgotten that us sold weapons to israel in august for billion of dollars, democratic weapons…


they didn’t sell them anything, they gave it to them completely free.


actually there is a lot of taxpayer grift. they do buy a lot of defense arms using american tax payer dollars gifted to them. they also make campaign donations, foundation donations, and lobbying donations using american tax payers dollars. the american lobbying system is incredible: it’s essentially a legalized form of corruption. the israel lobby is especially vile considering they are using american tax payer dollars to pay us politicians…

Last edited 5 months ago by Spider

israelis give millions to ‘select’ (ie: corrupt) politicians, and they get billions in return. amercans are just dumb cash cows in the nazionist farm


that money is just to keep them feeling happy thoughts about their overlords. it’s about the lifestyle they live and being blackmailed. happy people are more productive, carrot and the stick. more than just blackmail, the child rape and orgies of self indulgence are to make sure they know who they are dealing with. they are deliberately selected for being evil, and then brought to prominence and trained in their acting role.


more anti american propagandaz for wef


sold ? you mean gave.


the us, government doesn’t make weapons raytheon boring lockheed do. they allow the us to appear too. any honest journalist knew wham they were about 11


admiral fisher in ww1 said that moderation in war is an imbecility. you can’t pull punches dealing with rabid psychos. time to target zio civilians, blood for blood.


this works when you’re the world’s biggest and most powerful empire, bullying smaller countries around you. it doesn’t work when you’re the underdog punching above your weight.

if you play all your cards/ use all your weapons from the start and your enemy is still standing, then you’re left with nothing and open to unlimited abuse. this is why you must always keep aces in your sleeve, and optimize the usage of all your cards, trying to get maximum effect with minimum resources.


as for targeting civilians, that is not a morally acceptable response. when criminals kill innocents, you kill the criminals not other innocents (this is why hezbollah targets iof soldiers and military bases, not civilians)


you can’t sit back comforting yourself that you’re playing 5d chess and being moral when you’re people are being massacred. hezb. needs to inflict maximal civilian casualties, bio weapons, dirty bombs, whatever it takes. zio psychos don’t understand anything else.


military targets are more important to ending the slaughter. they should have been the focus all along and there wouldn’t be the carnage we are seeing. haifa’s refinery up in smoke and they will need endless supplies from uncle child-rape and otan. as long as they hold off on attacking civilians, they will rally the rest of the region and any arab government will be toppled trying to defend kikeland.


when fighting monsters you must beware not to become a monster yourself. hezbollah is not fighting to satisfy your, or anyone’s, bloodthirst. they are fighting to defeat the biggest and most dangerous army the world has ever seen. make no mistake, they are not just up against israel, but all the powers in the zionist farm, including the us and europe.
they are fighting with brains, not emotions


but why is lezbollah not responding in kind? is it because they know they are weak, i remember when there were a bunch of people in these comments sections saying israel lost in 2006, but it’s starting to look like lezbollah is extremely weak


lol, keep telling yourself that


time for the final showdown with those zionist criminals, and for iran to put it’s money where it’s mouth is we are still waiting for retaliation for the killing of iranians and hamas in beirut.

Last edited 5 months ago by cromwell

this is just the noise before the peace treaty. at some point before they accept or put forward a treaty, they will still demolish al-aqsa. for the kike goals, they must do that before any peace treaty. then they will build their thing and try to make the world worship them. it will be forced on everyone who doesn’t have a means or plan to avoid it and those who cherish their own lives before anything. it’s all so earthly. sins and cowardice that will echo through the ages in the stars.


the problem is that lezbollah and iran can’t win, and they both know it, just like in 2006 when israel invaded lebanon and lezbollah hid in their basements, then when israel left lebanon they came out from their holes in the ground and claimed victory, and the idiots mooslems that supported them believed every word, they are all dumb as sh1t, you can’t defeat the super-jews, they will airstrike you with their giant noses and destroy your life with unplayable debt


hezb. didn’t hide anywhere in 2006. they just went on a 33 day mega kike hunt.


hezbollah should start bombing the israhelli citizen like the satanyahoo terrorist regime is doing thats the only way to destroy the zio regime


that is not a morally acceptable response. when criminals kill innocents, you kill the criminals not other innocents (this is why hezbollah targets iof soldiers and military bases, not civilians)
this is why hezbollah and other resistance movements are on the right side of justice and history, and why they are morally and humanly superior to scum like netenyekhoo and his rabid dogs.
the zionazis will fall when their army is neutered and their strategic facilities destroyed


the time for such restraint and scruples is long gone. unfortunately.


when the kikeland nukes fly, you can have no doubt, the kikes in kikeland will wish they were dead.


us air force is involved they are giving logistic support and also us airforce is bombing lebnon. israeli dont have capabilities to strike 600 target in a day.


yes there are reports that bombings are being done by us f35s taking of from cyprus. scum of a feather fly together

R. Ambrose Raven

key point: hezbollah’s/nazrullah’s/iran’s strategy of gradualist escalation has clearly failed. unlike hamas but like iran, hezbollah is in denial that this really is an existential war – the complete defeat of one side, complete victory for the other. again we see no sign that hezbollah is attacking the most important targets, namely zionist air bases.


well said.

Navaly Al Sadawy

just happened yesterady.


they can’t effectively attack those airbases, they are to far behind technologically, the only thing that lezbollah can do is launch a massive missile barrage across northern israel, destroy as much israeli property as possible, then send their members into hiding to avoid retaliation, that is how they punish the super-jews, not targeting their airbases which are heavily guarded by c-rams, wake up


what are you talking about, megiddo military airport and ramat david military base and airport, have already been hit multiple times

the cohen r khan

haifa and the ports hit steal my pet goat


they are attacking air bases and have hit at least one iron dome battery (which they said was an attack on west bank settlements). it is a crime in kikeland to video anything sensitive like that.

R. Ambrose Raven

one, after a year! allowing the zionist entity to so freely use its most important means of waging aggressive war has murdered tens of thousands of gazans, while reassuring the zionist leadership that its air force is fully available for all desired aggressions. incidentally fyi air bases are a legitimate military target with virtually no risk of significant civilian casualties.


first the war of annihilation in gaza now the terror bombing of lebanon. right out the wehrmacht play book.

Last edited 5 months ago by Cavery
Conan M

can only hope russia has some iskander(s) at the ready for delivery to iran and syria…

Jewish pimp

i know for tochkas. iskanders to come also, s 125 and s 200 are in lebanon, and hezbollah knows how to operate them.

Conan M

this is the reason the russian federation can’t keep serving two masters placating the gang that wants to end them in the west and at the same time keeping home and hearth intact. china and india will never tell the un/unsc that an attack on russia is an attack on china and india because they are happy to serve at the pleasure of the west with the pressure always on russia at war -they don’t care, and they will continue “not to care”!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

… imagine what would happen if china and india were to send 200 thousand troops to russia to support the russian federation in ukraine and syria?… ya think the western chicken hawks would keep ratcheting up the war rhetoric???

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
V for Victory

200,000 troops from china and 200,000 from india? they would clash each vs the other! and modi si too compromised with usa anyway, a false, vile politician that only apparently has national interest.

Jewish pimp

these are iranian variants.


those would have to be smuggled past kiketin and chabad.

Jewish pimp

doesn’t have to be secondary explosions, it may well be, as we’ve seen in first video white phosphorus, and in last video cluster munition dropped.

Warm Up The Ovens..

i’m fed up with these hooked-nose savages. time to warm up the ovens.


booby trap their kippahs and menorahs.


kill as many jews as possible.

especially target their greasy little brats

dead jews are great, but dead jew brats are a thing of beauty.

and a thing of beauty is a joy forever…lol


ok, ok, that’s enough. back into the basement you go crazy-uncle willie…


saw your mom last night

she really craves it in her ass



really? she didn’t tell you? you know she has active hep c? gross

Shlomo's little weenie

your logic is sound, your philosophical argument is waterproof. quite an enlightened summary. now, the means is an open book. anyone for napalm, updated zyklon-b, anthrax, bubonic plague? the choices are many 🤔


end the jews air dominance and they will be another animal to deal with.


arms sales for raytheon and the other english weapons industrialists all in it together boeing lockheed managed by the black sun blackrock at 555


using us and uk munitions


i watched two israeli government spokesmen on the tv here in the uk today, one was british from london the other colonial bastard was greek, that’s the problem right there.


israel does not deserve to exist with the way they are going. a little demonic cancer amidst the muslim world with the backing of a sick, dying american empire on a downward spiral. it will be dismantled, and the good news is that the zionists themselves are in the process of self destruction. the bad news is that they will always cause suffering to the goyim before their downfall

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

go israel go. lebanon harbors hezbollah and therefore is the enemy. decimate them.


israel harbors jewish extremism. decimate them

Shlomo's little weenie

bring on your ground offensive you murdering inbred curs. you’ll find your rapture over this to be overwhelming , just like sniffing a new brand of zyklon b 🖕

Terrorist Hunter

play the victim card, play the victim card

Malcolm Z

israel ban image and videos of hzb attacks similar with ukraine about russian attacks


correct….the idf and zio-facist intel agencies are getting hit hard by hezbollah. especially around haifa where the core of the zio-fascist military complex is based including raphael and elbit systems who were hit. ramat david base too. when you hit the zioninsts hard and in the right place, their reaction tells the story. the more barbaric it is, the harder they were hit. the israeli economy is bleeding and jews are fleeing israel en mass. media does not report it. but its happening

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

the zio-fascists have not admitted to the pager terrorism yet because it would embarrass their useful idiot “allies” in the west. israel is an absolutely inhumane racist settler apartheid fascist colony. everything you were told about “democracy” “most moral army” “gods chosen” and their endless victimhood mentality is based on lies. hagana, irgun and lehi were all fascist paramilitaries, and idf, likud, mossad, religious zionism are their descendants. fascist societies always commit suicide

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats
the cohen r khan

khazhar name stealers identity thieves plague on earth
all the synagogue of satan b i s bank swiss wall street and the rise of hitler and the bolshevik revolution the city of london tel aviv cancers

baal molech moloch moshiac baphomet chabad
read douglas reed, eustace mullins
