On April 14, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) announced in an official statement that its fact finding mission team will continue its deployment to Syria to investigate the alleged chemical weapon attack in the Duma district.
The OPCW added that it will not release any information about its ongoing investigation in Syria in order to “preserve the integrity of the investigatory process and its results.”
Local observers believe that the OPCW fact finding mission team will begin its work in Syria as early as April 15. The first group of OPCW’s team had arrived to Syria on April 12.
Earlier, the Pentagon justified the military strike on Syria that had been carried out by the US, the UK and France by claiming that the Damascus government had blocked the OPCW fact finding mission from accessing the alleged chemical attack site in the Duma district.
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also denied the Pentagon’s claims and said that the Damascus government and Russia are doing everything they could to facilitate the deployment of the OPCW fact finding mission in Syria.
“They would have gotten visas on the border with Syria, it is officially confirmed, the OPCW knows this,” Lavrov said, according to the Russian TV network RT.
Many Syrian experts have questioned the timing of the strike on Syria as it came only hours ahead of the arrival of the OPCW inspectors. The strike also destroyed key research facilities that had possibly contained evidences which may contribute to the investigation, according to the experts.
Well I wouldn’t get my hopes up about these guys. Last year they concluded Sarin war used in Khan Sheikhun, by SAA without ever visiting the place and taking local White helmet’s statements at face value. Something even Mad Dog Matiss later denied. These people are employees of their respective countries and any and all findings they announce will be in accordance with their government political position in Syrian conflict.
There was no Novichok poison in Salisbury, there was no Sarin agent in Douma…everything was inteligent games of CIA and MI6…they arranged the Worlds Public opinion for this attack…
The only gas I smell is from all the BULLSHIT coming from the West.
So true!
Just look at this video guys. Honestly in Russia we never see such blatant behavoir by journalists aggressively trying to impose their narrative. https://youtu.be/Jxs53OqAkN8
In other instances they were cutting people down to prevent them from talking the truth.
Florian, Jerry, what’s going on in your country? Where’s that fu$$ing freedom of speach? I never saw such a thing on local tv.
The shit is about to blow back into Theresa Mays smug face Tudor.
” Mr Lavrov said the toxin was not produced in Russia, but was in service in Britain, the United States and other Nato nations, Russian state media reported. ”
It is called BZ that was developed in the US in the 1960’s and its symptoms match those of the Scripals. It is not deadly unless in big doses.
May be but I think that at worst those puppets (May, Johnson and likes) will be replaced by other puppets and show will go on. Blair admitted that he took UK to war on false accusations. Is someone in jail?
If the shit does stick to her there will be a No Confidence Vote I would think and if she loses that a general Election. Next week will be fascinating :)
Corbin stand a chance?
I hope so. I would probably lose financially but the gang in power now are hopeless as Blair also was and have no shame.
Corbyns opponents though within his party are also shameless charlatans.
They have rigged the system over here by using ‘preferential voting’, there was an instance that this person got a handful, less than 200 votes and due to the preferential voting system he actually got into power. Appears that the Brits have rigged the system somehow also. For some strange reason the same crooks seem to get re-elected.
The ex commander of the British SAS also believes that this is a false flag.
So do most ex-ambassadors to Russia.
And what kind of report will a US controll UN group arrive at.
CASE IN POINT: Swiss highest Scientific group’s findings that the bio agent used in Spy in Britain was not of Russian manufacturing but of US UK and NATO variety.
YET at U.N. who pushed the report, OPCW omitted that when giving results to public.Yes it was a BK agent is all they said.
Makes honest people wanna puke down their ads kissing lips.
Lies by omission and to protect their cushy jobs, they are part of the US led New World Order agenda.
Remember Hans Blix U.N. leader of Finding WMD’S IN Iraq. When U.N. group found nothing stupid Hand told truth and got defamed and then fired.
Folks our nations are being run by pathological liars, and yes homicidal maniacs.
Truth is what they say it is.
They use own old lies to back up their new ones.
And all we can do is act as ignorant and nod yes or no, which ever answer they speak.
You would think that the smart thing for the OPCW team to do would be to investigate the area around the destroyed “chemical weapons research facility” after they’ve finished up in Douma.
So , obviously , not a chance that they will.
I think the OPCW team should cash the envelopes full of US hundred dollar bills as quickly as possible.
Let’s hope that the OPCW can also take a look at this rebel chemical factory in Eastern Ghouta, only about 2 miles from Douma, which was discovered just last month.
The warped logic of the US will likely be that the ‘Terrorist chemical facility is now under the full control of the SAA, ergo the SAA has possession of chemical weapons’.
I wouldn’t trust them.
How convenient that the West’s missiles have just comprehensively destroyed all chemical labs in Syria, scattered the evidence into the environment, burned all the (German and American) labels, as well as the shipping manifests and receipts. Nothing to see here, move on!
Of course the OPCW people are not going to find anything now. Lol.
Let’s hope we can trust the OPCW.
No way, they have already shown that they are controlled by F.U.K.U.S(France/UK/US)
The way they handled the dissemination of their findings in the Skripal case does seem shady.
‘Who cares about proof, we’ve got our own proof… which you’re not allowed to see’ – Nikki Haley.
They wouldn’t be doing it if they didn’t have proof. Macron said they had it. Good guys don’t do bad shit, everrrr!
Hope this is satire.
Given the nature of this particular UN visit it would be best if everyone cooperated. The talks at the security counsel are to heated as is.
The OPCW is not the UN.
Never happen if you plan on wiping out Syria as US plans to do.
Is this an official OPCW investigation? If so how is it different from the one the US vetoed at the UN or the one it wanted?
Same OPCW investigation body. The US and Russian vetoes at the UN related to conditions imposed on the investigators.
The OPCW, another pile of globalist bullshit. Telling other people what they should not do. Just filling their pockets, and not offering a single solution.
The BBC news this morning stated that they had been expelled by Syria,
PS On the Daily Express, I am not allowed to comment, but I enjoy reading others commenting and sometimes give a tick ………I have just done it and some stupid anti-Russia, pro-Yank post was on with 2 upticks …….. I down ticked it and before my very eyes, it suddenly became 116 upticks…….tried a few more times – same same.
LOL like voting in USA
Well, I expect they are not unbiased but will be under watchful eyes of the Bear.
What little credibility they now have is on the Line.