Photo: TASS / Vitaly Nevar
Business Ombudsman Boris Titov stated that the part of the package of anti-terror law, which relates to data storage “just will not work” in Russia.
“It just will not work in that part, which deals with storage of data. I think that simply no one now will buy these services The law does not come into effect immediately so there is a certain period which is enough to make amendments to its or to abolish it,” Boris Titov said at the meeting with Russian entrepreneurs.
The package of anti-terror laws, designed by Senator Viktor Ozerov and State Duma deputy Irina Yarovaya, was signed by Russian President on July 7.
According to the new law, telecommunications operators are obliged to store data about transmission, reception, delivery and processing of text and voice messages, sounds, images and video for three years. Files requiring a lot of memory must be stored for six months. In case of need, operators must to provide all this information to security services. The law will come into force on July 1, 2018.
According to the law, Internet companies also are obligated to store some data, such as data about users and transmissions facts, during one year.
just because one ombudsman is critical, it doesnt mean it wont work. its worth a try.
You are right. It doesn’t. However, many in Russia call this package, at least, questionable
Most of those are people worried more about the money in their pocket than the security of the country. I understand that people want less people spying on them when they do their online work, but lets be honest here, terrorists from Russia are getting a free pass here, even with sites like kavkazcenter as an example.