Odessa Shows An Example Of The Problem Of Mobilization In Ukraine

Odessa Shows An Example Of The Problem Of Mobilization In Ukraine

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Written by Al Hassan Yusuf for SouthFront

The other day in Odessa there was a conflict between representatives of the “territorial recruitment and social support center” (military enlistment office) and doctors from the ambulance. The essence of the conflict lies in a ridiculous attempt to mobilize one of the emergency doctors. According to the participant in the conflict, the ambulance management received lists from the “Territorial Center” for updating data, and it sent its employees there, promising that going to the TRC would not threaten anything. Below is an excerpt of his words.

“I got there at 10 a.m. and left at five p.m. with a draft notice,” the man said. According to him, he signed the summons because TRС employees threatened not to let him out of the building. After that, the ambulance management promised once again that they would not take anyone away, but a day later, a colleague was taken to a military training center as a “citizen avoiding military service” and sent to a military school. After the incident, the ambulance management stated that now “everyone is on their own.” It explained that they send the lists to TRС, but they are not approved there.



The incident can be attributed to a domestic conflict, if not for the sad situation with the mobilization policy arranged by Zelensky. If in the early years of the outbreak of war, thousands of Ukrainians volunteered for the front, because they knew about the decent recruitment system built under the former head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Zaluzhny. But immediately after Zaluzhny’s dismissal, the expected chaos began. Ordinary Ukrainians, potentially facing mobilization, were divided into three parts, the first group are supporters of Zaluzhny, who want to serve, but as part of the competent military authorities, the second are refuseniks who dream of leaving Ukraine, and the third are the majority of ordinary people who will act according to the situation, if an agenda comes, they will go to serve, if not there are notifications about mobilization, then they will not go to the front voluntarily.

What can be learned from this situation? Military analysts from Moscow (not to be confused with Z, V- military commanders) note that the weak mobilization of Ukraine gives reason to the governments of a number of Western countries to lobby for sending their military to Ukraine. Another point is that the lack of rotation of Ukrainian military personnel and the minimum number of mobilized forces the Kiev General Staff to rely on an alternative method of warfare based on technology. Experts from the Russian Federation and the United States are similar in this opinion, for example, the story of ordering about a million different drones for the Ukrainian army will now have a logical justification.

Despite the crisis of mobilization of the warring parties, it is obvious that, after all, the war does not acquire the character of a protracted conflict for decades, the situation takes the form of a “swing”, “back and forth”. The Russians cannot make significant progress, the Ukrainians are not ready for a counteroffensive. Both sides still have enough human resources, but the third year of the war shows that advanced military technologies solve a lot on the battlefields. The denouement is already close, we are watching.


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so called western democracy is defended in jewkraine. examples are presented here.


ursula fond of lying said it best:
“ukraine is defending our european values!”

(of course, she is once again falsifying the word “european”, as she only means eu, since roughly 50% of europe are not on board with that lying nazi eurotard bitch that nobody elected)


Last edited 4 months ago by _TomSawyer_

…nazi values, right ursula crazy?

Gangsta Rap

time’s well overdue for her trip to the butterfly room.


dollarempire values.

jens holm

i worship money–money is my god

Gangsta Rap

if those are european values, i think i’ll refrain from any trips there in future.

Heinz Korte

ein gutes hat das ganze:

solang die ukraine solche gestalten an die front sendet, muss es den russen nicht bange werden, der sieg wird kommen 😉😉😉

a good one has the whole:

as long as ukraine sends such figures to the front, the russians need not be afraid, victory will come 😉😉😉


seems more and more ukros dont want to be thrown in the meatgrinder?
ok, but wheres still the uprising against the ziokhasarian cocaclown and pimmepliano player?

Gangsta Rap

where was the uprising in iran during the shah’s rule? same reason. cia trained savak, cia trained the sbu. if the cia had existed in the 40’s, it would have probably trained the gestapo. as it was, after the war the gestapo leftovers trained the cia.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gangsta Rap

the dictator of ukraine zelensky is jewish, the prime minister of ukraine shmygal is jewish, the head of the president’s office yermak is jewish, the leader of the largest party in parliament arakhmia is jewish. so are all the oligarchs like kholomoiski. the mossad controlled sbu agents hunt down ukrainian orthodox slavs to send to their slaughter, while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally.

jens holm

it most be town in the russian circus.

nazis has chosen jew as their leader. hard times for hitler.

i agree in the corruption but its only slighty better then for russia.


ukraine is being led to defeat with the kill ration somewhere about 5 to 1.

russia is going to win.

at least the russian corruption is logical and better for their country.

jens holm

we so corrupt we pay 65% income tax and my licktator sends billions$ to zelensky

jens brother, formerly sister.

the only circus in town jens are the clowns in your head. are you coming home tonight for sex.

Gangsta Rap

you know nothing about either. i hear it direct from former ukrainian business acquaintances myself. ukraine is corrupt to the core. russia doesn’t hold a candle to it.


i followed some broad on twitter from ukraine named mendel who wondered why out of 4000 applications to the cushy government job she got, why she got it.

she’s jewish.

the whole government is a jewish led, run ukraine into thew ground operation.


first time around, the banderites slaughtered the khazar jews and got rich robbing them. this time around, the khazar jews get paid by the west to own and operate banderite neo-nazi battalions and get rich destroying ukraine and killing ukrainians. it’s talmudic justice come full circle in 75 years. and in true talmudic fashion, the khazars are meanwhile fighting each other for the power and spoils.

Oink Rain Raining Oinks

what a waste of life to be dying for western weasels

jens holm

we live here and dont see that.

you also ignore its same thing or worse in many countries in the world-

jens holm

i live in basement sanitarium i see ony padded cell walls—they are better than wall in greenland

captain hohol

we need a lot more of this, “recruiters” need to be afraid to retrieve people.

jens holm

zelensky deport me to denmark where only senile gay mulatto want to mobilize me

jens holm

not written by me.

its more we import hidden russian soldiers corpses for our zooes.

putin get muslims alive because they font drink and women there becomes more happy.

jens holm

excuse 0 id me–i am no lingual need ebonics translator


who wouldve thought, those that “defend european values” are constantly lying and deporting, nay, kidnapping people.

nazis gonna nazi. eurotardistan cannot be turned into glas soon enough!


those are european values. deep down western europeans think slavs are disposeable scum.


…little green man and his thugs might want to learn about ‘fragging’…just sayin’!


living in jewkranus and not having a glock or ak47 on you nowadays is pure insanity. especially with how easy it is to get hands on military grade weapons in that corrupt shithole.

chris du fbg

strange, or even bad vibescoming from odessa…. lot of strange people there who could later act as a fifth column inside russia. be very cautious. a berlin – status kind of city (encirclement…) seems less dangerous than a direct conquest


cannon fodder! independent western media outlets are reporting that the french presidents wife brigitte macron was born as a biological male! it’s all over western media outlets. born jean michel trogneux

Gangsta Rap

this makes macron weirder than he already was. is that actually possible?