‘Glavplakat’, a Moscow-based art society, claims responsibility

An ‘Obama Killer’ poster hangs on a building across from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
Today, in early morning, a 30-foot banner featuring Barack Obama was seen hanging from the top floor of a building in front of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Under Obamas face, the word “KILLER” in big blood red letters was stamped.
On January 27, a laser display projected “Obama Killer #1” on the U.S. Embassy in the evening.
These anti-American artsy productions have been organizing by ‘Glavplakat’- a Moscow-based art society. In a statement they said that the banner was in response to the “U.S. Government’s plans to invade the territory of yet another sovereign state.”
“The word ‘killer’ defines the 44th U.S. President, and is given to him because of his decision to send the infamous 101st Airborne Division into the Syrian conflict,” Glavplakat said in its statement.
“Let’s keep in mind that this division carried out practically every U.S. military invasion in the last decade,” the art society said.
On January 25, U.S. Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter announced that US will send the 101st Airborne Division to Syria and Iraq
“The primary objective of the mission, estimated to involve about 1,800 US troops, will be to force ISIS out of their two power centers in Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria,” Mr. Carter told reporters on January 25.
“We need to destroy them [the terrorists] and I’d like to get on with that as soon as possible,” he added.
The 101st Airborne Division, also known as the “Screaming Eagles” is equipped with 300 helicopters.
The 101st Airborne Division deployment will add more fuel to the fire that burns between Moscow and Washington. Already on January 27 press conference Russian Foreign Minister said that there will be no business as usual between Russia and the West.