Number Of Turkish-Backed Syrian Militants Killed In Libya Jumps To 143

Number Of Turkish-Backed Syrian Militants Killed In Libya Jumps To 143

Meet the former US-supported FSA, now Turkish-backed FSA, who are committing the same war crimes in Syria they’ve been for years.

The number of Turkish-backed Syrian militants who were killed fighting for the Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya has risen to 143, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) revealed on March 21.

According to the London-based monitoring group, 14 Syrian militants from Palmyra, Salqin, al-Bukamal and al-Bab were killed in Libya over the last few days.

“The death toll in the ranks of pro-Turkey factions as a result of the military operations in Libya has reached 143 fighters, from the Mu’tasim Brigade, the Sultan Murad Brigade, the North Falcons Brigade, the Hamza Brigade, and the Suleiman Shah Brigade,” the SOHR’s report read.

The militants were killed during clashes with the Libyan National Army (LNA) south of the capital, Tripoli, near the city’s airport, in the al-Hadabah housing complex and near the city of Misrata.

Earlier this week, Syrian sources revealed that five militants from Salqin, a small town in northwest Idlib, were killed in Libya.

Syrian militants are now more involved in the clashes with the LNA. Despite this, pro-GNA forces are still struggling on several fronts, especially around Tripoli’s city center.


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You can call me Al

That is shocking….ly funny – die you fuckers.

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha the best news die u scums u cowards

Peter Jennings

The SOHR is in Coventry, England, so they should know. :)

The terrorist life in Libya is bound to be more difficult as they haven’t the innocent civilians to hide behind and there are no ceasefires in which to bolster positions.