North Korean Leader Orders Mass Production Of Suicide Drones (Photos)

North Korean Leader Orders Mass Production Of Suicide Drones (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. (The Korean Central News Agency)

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered his country to quickly start the mass production of suicide drones after overseeing a test of the weapon, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on November 15.

Photos published by the state-run news agency show the North Korean leader and several other officials at the launch site. The photos also show a car and a tank being destroyed by what appears to be drones, which have been heavily blurred by the agency.

KCNA said that drones “of various types precisely hit the targets” as part of the test, noting that they can be “used within different striking ranges” and are designed “to precisely attack any enemy targets on the ground and in the sea.”

While overseeing the test, Kim said that the use of such drones in military activities is being expanded around the world and authorities are recognizing that “drones are achieving clear successes in big and small conflicts,” the news agency reported.

The leader also “underscored the need to build a serial production system as early as possible and go into full-scale mass production,” the agency reported, adding that “such objective change urgently calls for updating many parts of military theory.”

The North Korean drone test came as the United States, South Korea and Japan engaged in combined military exercises involving advanced fighter jets and a U.S. aircraft carrier in nearby international waters.

Tensions in the Korean Peninsula began to rise earlier in October. Earlier this year, Kim called South Korea “a foreign country and an apparent hostile country” after North Korea accused Seoul of sending drones over Pyongyang that scattered a “huge number” of anti-North leaflets.


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that’s what they call export oriented industrial production… in south korea…


when in rome …. drones are the new fad in modern warfare .who invented them who has that patent ? someone floating around in a super yacht no doubt guzzling uo thousands of gallons of diesel to travel almost nowhere at all.


nice to see and a overtime step in the right direction
but what the hack they use a beamer (bmw) for target prsctice?

Just me

kim kong points to a young girl holding some food in her hand…kim kong likes little girls and he likes food. he is the only overweight person in the whole country.

Idi Amin Dada

one can indeed place tactical nuke in there, like up to 200 to 500 tons. actually, nkpa did so! russians and iran will get like a lot of these.


kim sa nezdá. už sa zameral na výrobu novej hračky. istotne tým veľmi potešil debilov z usa, ha, ha, ha …


the amurican idiot in comment section will deny until hwasongs hit their stolen land (from natives) it’s amazing! how nuclear weapons exploded before internet? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


amurikans were expelled from iraq and afghanistan ( very powerful countries) amurikans can’t fight the houthis but they “can protect” japan and occupied korea (south). sure they do. amurikan power is like their refueler ships in mena ( sinked in the coast of oman) you can’t “project power” if you don’t have it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


uncle sugar manages to defeat grenada and panama, but that’s about his limit. when he tries to throw his weight around in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, ukraine or anywhere else he gets a right royal bitchslapping and gets his ass handed to him. all uncle sugar can do is threaten and bluster, but nobody is taking any notice any more. if uncle sugar pushes his luck against russia, china, or even iran and n.korea, he’s going to be totally f****d.


the western whore media dutifully denigrates and ridicules the leaders of all countries in the neocon crosshairs right on cue. putin, xi, maduro, assad, kim, khamenei, they always sing from the same tired old hymn sheet. this or that leader is the new hitler, evil, corrupt, they are into witchcraft and cannibalism, and they probably kick their dogs and cheat at golf to boot. same old, same old. the only problem with this is that these neocon clowns come to believe their own bs.


and base their disastrous policies on the same bs. putin is a tinpot dictator and his people are yearning to overthrow him. all we have to do is start a little war on his borders and russia will collapse. but it never quite works out in line with the powerpoint presentation.