North Korea Showcases New ICBM At Military Parade Marking 75th WPK Anniversary

North Korea Showcases New ICBM At Military Parade Marking 75th WPK Anniversary

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On October 10th, North Korea held a military parade, and among troops marching and equipment being rolled through Pyongyang, it showcased a reportedly brand new intercontinental ballistic missile.

The parade commemorated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK).

The projectiles appeared to be a larger version of the Hwasong-15, the ICBM which had its first test in November 2017.

If it had a longer range than the Hwasong-15, it would mean that continental US could be targeted with a North Korean ICBM in the case of a conflict.

No additional details about the new missile’s capabilities were immediately offered by Pyongyang.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un, who delivered a speech during the event, didn’t mention the US at all. He did vow to further build up the country’s deterrence capabilities.

He underlined that North Korea was the only country on the planet faced with significant hardships and challenges.

“There are no grateful people in the world other than ours who truly understand the difficult situations facing the state and cope with them, regarding them as their household affairs.

On this planet at present, our country is the only one that is faced with huge challenges and difficulties, like dealing with the anti-epidemic emergency and recovering from the catastrophic natural disasters, when everything is in short supply owing to the harsh and prolonged sanctions.

All of these hardships are undoubtedly a heavy burden and pain for every family and every citizen in our country.

However, our people are grateful patriots who place national affairs before their family ones, share every difficulty experienced by the state with it, and firmly support their country with their sincere sweats and efforts.”

He did praise that not only is deterrence being improved, but it is at a very sufficient level, regardless.

“As everyone will clearly see today, comparing it with the military parade held in this place in celebration of the 70th founding anniversary of the WPK only five years ago, the modernity of our military forces has remarkably improved and anyone can easily guess the speed of its development.

We have a powerful large contingent of faithful and competent personnel in the sector of defence science and technology and workers in the munitions industry, who are firmly equipped with their Party’s revolutionary ideology and truly serve the interests of their revolution.

Our military capability has developed and changed to such an extent that no one can make little of and keep parallel with it.

We have built a deterrent with which we can satisfactorily control and manage any military threats that we are facing or may face.

Our military capability is changing in the rate of its growth and in its quality and quantity in our own style and in accordance with our demands and our timetable.”

The military parade itself was a showcase of North Korea’s might, state outlet KCNA reported.

“Ultra-modern weapons that were created thanks to the noble loyalty and heroic struggle waged by the scientists and technicians in the field of national defence and the working people in munitions industry were driven past the square, showing off the military potential of the country.

The columns of rockets, a symbol of the nuclear deterrence for self-defence of the WPK, which are a guarantee for the eternal future of the country and the nation, were driven past then.

They were followed by the column of the Red Flag First Company of the Intercontinental Ballistic Rocket led by Col. General Jang Chang Ha, with the pride of having launched the dignity and might of Korea into the space on the historic day November 29, 2017, striking terror and horror into the enemies.

The huge nuclear strategic forces on which hinge the authority and security of our great state and people entered the square led by Col. General Kim Jong Sik, taking the whole square by excitement and enthusiasm.”

North Korea Showcases New ICBM At Military Parade Marking 75th WPK Anniversary

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North Korea Showcases New ICBM At Military Parade Marking 75th WPK Anniversary

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Ivan Freely

I wonder if the Chinese taxpayers realize they’re funding all that.


Compare with what American taxpayers are paying for tens of thousands of troops stationed in Japan and S. Korea.. Then its minimal


Not to mention the billions going to ‘precious Israel’s’ military.

Ivan Freely

It’s worse when you consider Israel.


Ignore Tommy’s advizes and THIS happens!


The people seem so happy and filled with joy at the parade, did the launch vehicle win the award for the most axles? But the first pix appears to be just an oversized bullet. :)


They are filled with joy the leader is alive and don’t have to cry for 2 weeks.

Ashok Varma

Trump has done such a good job with Dear Leader Kim, that the Taliban have even endorsed his re-election.


He survived thanks tho their prayers.


That thing is huge (22 axles!), although I suspect it may be because they can’t miniaturise it to the extent of the Russian Topol ICBM. Also I wonder why they don’t put them in launch tubes like Russia’s ones?

Vox Populi

DPRK is now an established nuclear power with a modern potent ICBM delivery system. All of US threats, cajoling and pandering have come to naught.

Dana Corkery

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. Previous Monday I’ve got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(6y80)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Go to “Home” Option within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::

Servet Köseoğlu

jeez..This is like megalodon…”Tel” is brand new..if this carries 3-5 warheads,usa needs *4(atleast 14)interceptor… last time the US bought 14 interceptors, it cost 1 billion usd…Kim jong finds a way to drain usa resources..

Ivan Freely

The Taliban does a better job at draining US resources; more cost efficient.

Servet Köseoğlu

Lets say China…trump accused pakistan which showed little help to Usa in Afghanistan(jan 1,2018)but he sady realized that Pakistan already married with China.

Ivan Freely

Are you saying China is more efficient than the Taliban?

Servet Köseoğlu

Usa intervened Afghanistan because they hoped Pakistan(ISI) help but they failed because of Chinese cash flows,investments are growing every-year At Pakistan so why they should co-operate with Usa since China is supplying literally everything To Pakistan?thats why Trump went ballistic..ı am saying China is the main actor behind the doors…

Ivan Freely

And how is that more cost efficient in draining US resources? My point is that the Taliban have done a better job than anyone in achieving that goal. China spent billions while the Taliban didn’t.

Servet Köseoğlu

ok but the Taliban is result not fact we are talking about same thing methods are different deduction-induction..China is killing two birds with one stone here..forcing usa stuck in the swamp by taking Pakistan to his side and gaining strategic ally which will give him upper-hand in possible encirclement of China.

Samuel Vanguard

well we just getting closer to the nuclear holocaust that has always been the end game of world cabal unfortunately people are just the chickens in this fiasco

Great Khan

Jew cause more war soon.

Potato Man

WhAt!!!! hE iS nOt DiEd.
Good for them, btw never trust United State of Pigs and their Zion shi6heads.


Very sad to see the world has let a fanatic regime have 20 nukes with ICBM mssiles to deliver them. Does anyone here still think NK is a rational country? Kim can decide to use nukes anytime he wants, that is what dictators are all about. In iran’s case, I don’t see how Israel can let them have nukes and do nothing about it. So Garga, I hope we won’t have a nuclear war.

Great Khan

You stupid Jew, talk big hahaha

Ashok Varma

He is teenager and a liar and wants attention.


Again with these teenager comments? don’t you want to find something new? it’s getting boring Ashok.


Glad to see you survived another Shabat out protesting.

As per usual, you find a way to connect everything and anything to Iran. Would you like me to bring you here as well? I don’t think so, it was possible if you had Iranian root.
Speaking of a tiny rouge regime with nuclear weapons and a madman as the leader… hmm… I wonder where can it be?

At least I hope you opened your eyes and observed carefully instead of closing them and shouting, if you were out yesterday. Fat chance!

PS. Oh, please, please let us have nukes. We actually don’t need them and never seek them but the way you speak about “allowing” us, you instigate me to go for them and see what can you do about it?


Hey Garga, sorry but I mean come on, NK and Iran both share similarities so I just couldn’t help myself. Israel has never declared to destroy another country. give me a speech of one Israeli PM saying “we will remove X from the map”. But you hear that alot from the mullahs and Kim, both using their power to make such statements. So am i wrong?
You are one step from getting a nuke amd it’s not up to me, I don’t call the shots. But remember what I wrote, a war would be good now for Bibi and you are his perfect excuse.
About the protests, I was there along with 200,000 Israelis all across the country, protesting against Bibi and making him realize his time is over. I can see his sweat under the suit, he knows his time is coming.

Ashok Varma

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) member states led by India and Indonesia
while condemning the Zionist crimes in the occupied territories, calling
it a gross violation of international law, … especially the
annexation of Palestinian territories, and called for an international
community to end trade relations with the Zionist regime and backed the

Fog of War

” Israel has never declared to destroy another country. ”

Samson option anyone ?


Yeah, we are one step to da bomb for twenty years. Such a long step to get just one bomb and immediately shoot it at people who have thousands of such weapons. You are free to believe this drivel but try not to insult other people’s intelligence, friend.

I knew I was asking you too much when I said be smart and open your eyes. You are just happy to be out with 200,000 other pawns tearing your throats while about 8 millions were smarter and sat in their homes. I said before and I repeat here: A 200k protest across many cities cannot be organic and needs organizing. The question was, who is organizing it?
Since the US is not organizing a colour revolution there, it doesn’t matter how much you shout in the streets. Your PM’s authority did not come from you in the streets and it won’t go away by you in the streets.

One way or another Bibi steps down, what I wanted you to realize was whose game are you playing? Who is going to ride on your shoulders to the throne?
Since it’s proven to be futile, I won’t talk about being smart with you anymore. After all, such knowledge only leads to a spark of realization and your suffering. Better stick to simpler things.

PS. I never saw a man being so exited about another man’s sweating, ew!


I don’t care who will be after him Garga or who is organizing it. I just care this man goes to jail ASAP! The EU can sponsor that for all I care, that is not about left or right my friend. This is about justice which we feel is not the same for all Israelis, especially the politicians and the elites. Some guys here like to call me Hasbara, I am hardly close to that. I am a regular Israeli who makes his average salary and cares for his country. Nothign is wrong with that, and 200K Israelis proved that yesterday.


Oh my god. You’re even more naive than I liked to believe…
As long as people like you exist, people like him rule. Happy protesting!

Screw this, let’s talk about exciting and beautiful things like… dammit! I forgot you’re such a bummer too. erm… how old is Luna?


One year and a half, my second love :)
And he won’t rule Garga, I know what you mean but give us some credit.
Anyway here’s Luna in a good position trying to find somethng on the wall xD


Jew ancestor Attila the Hun didn’t left anything aside ashes
Persia is a Great Civilisation turning frustrated Israel jealousy Green,
permanently obliged to exist thanks lies !


By: Dr M D Magee

Persia creation of Judaism.PNG (2102318 bytes)

Abstract: This article explain how Judaism was created by the Persians in the fifth century BCE. Colonists were deported into Yehud. Their reward was to have control of a temple state which collected taxes for Persia. Only priests of the temple state were Jews—a nation of priests to serve Persian

Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil

Recognize the True Enemy and Join to Fight Him

“Sorrow is knowledge; they who know the most, must mourn the deepest o’er the fatal truth, the Tree of Knowledge is not that of Life.”

—Manfred BYRON

“Books are not memorials of the past,
but weapons
of the present age.”

—Heinrich LAUBE



(Inspired by the description of the condemnation of Louis XVI)

This book spans the time between 600 BC and the present day, and yet is also a personal journey. By re-interpreting some of the defining moments of history, it tells a terrible story of deception and self-deception; of absurd claims substantiated and pretensions realized, and of worthless beings which have suc- ceeded in dominating the planet through their control of an intrinsically worth- less medium of exchange: money.

Read this book, and all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place.

In earlier times, there existed a people’s movement. It was, on the one hand, a political, on the other hand, a völkisch (ethnic), populist movement. Today, there are no longer any people’s movements, mainly because there are hardly any cohesive peoples left. There exists only the system. The foundation of this system rests on post-1945 re-education, whose symbol is a kind of hologram, that is to say, a projection. According to this projection, Germany and the Ger- mans were guilty of a particular crime against these beings. The system de- mands, among other things, that all people without exception acknowledge this crime as without comparison and pay tribute to it, by humbling themselves constantly before innumerable shrines to its commemoration, and that Ger- many must eternally pay compensation in various ways, sometimes to the sur- vivors of the crime, of which there seems to be an inexhaustible supply, and sometimes by giving U-boats to Israel.

Whoever rebels against this coercion is punished, imprisoned. He is accused of having denied the projection. Although the accusation of denial is nonsense, as one cannot deny what one does not hold for truth, the concept of “denial” has been upheld.

So it’s about a Belief, just as in the 16th century Protestants were persecuted by Catholics. It’s the modern world-embracing, universally-adhesive religion. Projection-deniers must be punished in order to maintain the system.

Those who reasonably ask for an explanation are rejected on the grounds that the projection cannot be judged, as it has already been judged. Its notoriety (“common knowledge”) has been declared, otherwise Germany is innocent. To propose putting the projection on trial, in whatever way, is a step back towards National Socialism; it would be against the concept of the Federal Republic of Germany, because it places the existing order in the dock. After all, the projec- tion could be discovered to be an invention, if it is put on trial, it could be a lie. Or rather it would be considered to be unproven, until its actuality is proved.

But if the projection is declared to be null and void, what becomes of the system?

This is the purest logic. As re-education has undermined all the foundations of National Socialism, the possibility that the principles of this re-education could be fraudulent implies that the system could be guilty and that the era of National Socialism was not as bad as it is incessantly represented to be. So the system’s “justice” requires imprisonment instead of a just procedure; the sys- tem could not afford to allow the tenets of re-education to be called into ques- tion.

So, since the Nuremberg Trials the principal enemy of truth has mutated and evolved to the extent that the German State itself has been compelled for its own sake for 70 years to maintain a hypocritical system, whose exposure would call into question, not only the legitimacy of the entity called “The Fed- eral Republic of Germany,” but also its entire administrative structure as well.

Nearly all Western countries are caught in the same predicament. Even if they are not responsible for this alleged capital crime, they have paid lip service to it since 1945 and may therefore not free themselves from it.

The Author, February 2016

Ashok Varma

Your usual nonsense just to get attention, why don’t you endorse the Taliban like Trump too.


Ashok it been so quiet without you here lately, I was wondering where you disappeared. Got a clean water?

Ashok Varma

NAM is calling for BDS against Zionist criminals and India is leading the call.

Israel must withdraw from Syria’s Golan Heights: Non-Aligned Movement


No we won’t.


No balls.

Achmed Mohandjob

Ge seki. Jot buderai.


J’avais aussi vu des photos de Benyamin Netanyahou
avec des “Terroristes” célèbres soignés
dans un hôpital Israélien…. !

Hind Abyad

Y a pas moyen, Southfront dit; You must be logged in to upload an image.


J’ai jamais essayé de passer d’autres choses que des liens…


Zionists Inquisition more fundamentalist fanatic warmongers is impossible !


“Very sad to see the world has let a fanatic regime have 20 nukes with ICBM mssiles to deliver them.”

Same can be said about Israel.

“Does anyone here still think NK is a rational country?”

Countries aren’t rational or irrational … perhaps you meant to ask is NK is lead by a rational leader? Kim Jong Un strikes me as a rational man. Far more rational than the current US president. He certainly had no problem besting Trump in negotiations. He went in with a fledgling nuclear weapons program and left negotiations with a clear path to an ICBM and all Trump came away with is a love letter.

“Kim can decide to use nukes anytime he wants, that is what dictators are all about.”

Just to be clear the US president makes the call on using nukes in the US military “anytime he wants” …. does that make him a dictator or just a wanna be dictator? And how do you know NK’s nuclear use doctrine? The western media can’t even tell if Kim Jong UN is alive or dead let alone their policies over nuclear use so how is it you know their policies when no one else does.

Fog of War

Very sad to see the world has let a fanatic regime have 20 nukes with ICBM mssiles to deliver them. Does anyone here still think Israhell is a rational country? Netanyahu can decide to use nukes anytime he wants, that is what dictators are all about. In ZioAmerica’s case, I don’t see how China can let them have nukes and do nothing about it. So Zion , I hope we won’t have a nuclear war.

Raptar Driver

Even worse is your 200 nuclear missiles In the hands of genocidal maniacs.


So you say…

Raptar Driver

I like you Iron, like I like Adam Sandler.
It’s just you’re not quite as funny.

Hind Abyad

sub-human species void of conscience


I couldn’t care less, my country has nothing to do with them. MAD still applies to everyone, including your Israel.

Great Khan

Kim great Khan, play fat stupid American like polo skull.


They have a right to defend themselves

Антон С

New one, it has 7 rollers. Chassis looks like from T-14, turret – from M-1. But in reality they are not even close by characteristics.

More photos:


thanks for inf.

Raptar Driver

The missiles look like props.

Антон С

Very cool stuff, koreans did a great job. Thanks for sharing.


Starving their people so that fat child of a man can live in luxury and run his fat mouth. A sickening disgrace. Probably has a facebook account. “Look at me everybody the leader of that North Korea place, I am fat, ugly and have a cheap unreliable missile” Lol!