North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

North Korea has released a photo report and a video showcasing its modern Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which is allegedly capable of striking any point in the United States.

The North successfully tested its state-of-the-art ICBM on November 29. It flew for 50 minutes on a very high trajectory, reaching 4,500km above the earth. The missile came down nearly 621 miles from the launch site off the west coast of Japan.

North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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North Korea Showcases Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable Of Striking Any Point In U.S. (Photos, Video)

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Don Machiavelli

North Korean people can be proud of their country!

charlie victor

N Korea says no more than the US does. Noli me tangere.

Wolfgang Wolf

congrats – well done under those sanction-circumstances!

jerry Hamilton

One of these rockets will be the excuse America need to invade.


Nah..If you are talking about an Iraq style invasion then no..China will enter the war minutes later…


Russia, too, I’d think.

Dawn of Svarog

no need… even China would not go to an open war.. they would just make N.K. another Vietnam for empire – last one..


China doesn’t need an empire – it pursues friends and allies.

Dawn of Svarog

“for empire” – read: for USA

jerry Hamilton

Are you sure? America is the main country feeding the Chinese economy.

Dawn of Svarog

feeding with soon to be worthless paper…. big win for Chinese he?

Gary Sellars

1,4B Chinese developing their nation is what is growing the Chinese economy… how typical of Muricans to try claim credit for other peoples hard work…

jerry Hamilton

Manufacturing to build an economy is good but not as important as selling at the right price… Which is exactly what China does.
China build most of the worlds laptops.
They do not build it and set a price.
The west tells them what they want and how much they will pay for it.
China have then to work out how to do it and make a profit.
China is often accused of making trash.
It is because of the west’s stipulations, not China’s ability.
The thing is, the west is important in financially funding China.
Sanctions would seriously impact their economy.
It would impact America too as all their dollar stores would close instantly pissing just about every American off.
It really is far more complicated than we would prefer to believe.
There is rarely right or wrong reasons that an event happens.
It is Always ditch principles and follow the money.


What holds them back? Let them invade and find out.


I don’t think American’s will ever invade. It would be like the invasion of Japanese mainland in 1945 where 100k’s casualties would have occurred. Today we need 5 body bags on the yankee MSM and the population goes into revolt.

What USA will continue to do is spit out the rhetoric and maybe sell some more arms to ROK and Japan. But the large story here is that time is running out, if no war in Korean peninsula, then the enforceable reason for US existence there will disappear and they will get pushed out on behalf of these two, so far, vassalized countries..


A few of these rockets will make America abandon all plans of invasion.

jerry Hamilton

I hope so. I just never trust America to do the right thing.


They have been always doing the right thing, for the rich people. North Korea still does not have the ability to nuke Beverly Hills. Once they have dozen of these babies with L.A. written on them, threats of invasion will suddenly go out of fashion.


At an altitude of 2800 km, like the latest event, a missile does not simply turn about and fall back to earth landing 600 KM from it’s launch point. That requires guidance and a capablility that other ICBMs have not as yet demonstrated. If there is a danger in the North Korean ICBM’s it is in this ‘controllability’, Modern ABM systems can’t deal well with evasive maneuvres.


Ballistic missile does not “simply turn about”, but it follows ballistic trajectory (hence the name). Guidance is not required if accuracy is not needed. Since they firing “at the ocean”, basic inertial guidance system is more than enough.


Do you realize that above 300 KM, or so, gravity no longer applies, in any meaningful way, to that “ballistic trajectory” – ie it just doesn’t come to a stop.. It has to be turned , by something more than “inertial guidance”. At an apogee of 2 900 Km would ‘naturally’ fly much further than 650 KM from launch point.


Do you realize that you are failing at elementary school physics? Earth’s gravity is strong enough to hold Moon in its orbit (average distance around 384,000 km), not to mention all the satellites (geostationary orbit being at 35,786 km). It is basic orbital mechanics.
Do you even know what inertial guidance and ballistic trajectory are? In the related news there is even a drawing with trajectories of multiple launches, just one click away (BTW miles are not kilometers). North Korea seems to prefer testing with these mortar style trajectories so as not to scare USA too much, and not give them excuse for war.


The Syrian Arab Baathist Army will triumpth !
Reporting the truth:
to fight and resist the evil zionists ZOG ,the evil zionists rothschild’s evil israHell and and the evil house of saud crypto-jews in saudi arabia wahhabia who do nothing but damage ( who’s king in the late 1960’s addressed all the UN and arab countries requested them to recognize and accept israHell as a country) and their allies’s control/occupation of governments and the arab land of palestine and its neighbouring arab countries, to fight and resist those zionists is to fight to remove them from governments and economic power without removing them out of these office from these positions and freezing their USD currency assets monopoly dominanting global markets and trades( the 1 dollar bill has shapes of the stars of david ) wars instigated by zionists bankers on sovereignt independent states and and against their territory’s integrity will continue and the zionists’s scheme to establish a one global government control could be all set .

they must be removed from these positons (by us who are fighting them and only by us ) in order to get international peace progress prosperity and a good better and more positive dialogue between all countries and their peoples who their own peoples will lead and decide what to do by and for themselves. manage what their internal and foreign affairs to other countries and people’s would be and not led by some private zionists’s monopoly organisation who wages wars on whoever they want and on behalf of whoever they control and whoever bans rothschild influence and rothschild’s-controlled banks into their country!

should such a future international peace progress proccess dialoge between countires is to be then israHell turkey saudi arabia eritrea/ethiopia and pkk-rojava-peshmerga-kurdistan could be excluded because of their evil role of their tyranny and the logic of them even not being officialy recognised as countries (or maybe even by then they would already cease to exist before that) but rather occupiers of stolen lands by wars of aggression who occupy arab Palestine land and other neighbouring arab countries’s lands and their natural resources assets illegally from wars of aggression like e.g. Yemen and Somalia afghanistan with daesh and AQAP muslim-brotherhood-extremists and taliban and other plots of the the mossadistic so called “alliance of periphery” with their puppet collaborators alCIAda and MI6 .

all of Western Sahara and its people will be freed from the corrupt dynasty government of morocco’s illegal occupation which has a long history of collaborating with the zionists’s mossad and will be a recognised country by all nations ( hassan II and the mossad were behind Mehdi Ben Barka’s dissapperance / kidnap / assassination !

Birobidzhan isn’t enough for the evil zionists’s obssesion of world domination conquest . .
History wasn’t written in ink , history was written in blood

Daniel Martin

Now, this is what I would call a game changer.


North Korea is a country of great people that depend up on self-reliance. NK is a true independent country. North Koreans know how to live with dignity and world communities could learn from them. America will teach you how to become a slave or slave another one.

paul ( original )

It may not be a certainty but the better bet is that the west only
invades weak countries with little ability to defend themselves. I
think this is the what North Koreans have have concluded. Their
strength does not guarantee immunity from attack but makes it very
much less probable. The alternative and trying to appease the west is
a much the more dangerous approach and almost make attack inevitable.

Solomon Krupacek

they stole samsung monitor from seoul.

Gary Sellars

..or maybe just bought one?

Deo Cass

Actually when the US started hyping the North Korean threat, it was doing it solely to create an excuse to deploy the THAAD air defence system against China and Russia. The US never really expected that its bellicose, no compromise rethoric and bluff would promt North Korea to become a truly capable adversary on its own merit to counter the US perceived threat. Therefore the US no compromise policy with North Korea to target China has now backfired, with the US now having to contend with two not just one very capable adversaries, North Korea and China which places the US in a very unfavourable position in case of conflict.