North Korea Launched Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable To Reach Any Target In US

North Korea Launched Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Capable To Reach Any Target In US

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On December 18, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea launched two missiles in five hours. The first short-ranged missile was launched from the area of Pyongyang. It flew 570 km before falling into the Sea of Japan.

In several hours, the second intercontinental ballistic missile was launched to the waters of the Sea of Japan from the Sunan area in Pyongyang. According to the Japanese military, the intercontinental ballistic missile was in flight for 73 minutes and during this time covered a distance of 1, 000 km at a maximum flight altitude of 6, 000 km. The missile fell 250 km west of Hokkaido Island.

When launched on a normal trajectory, the rocket can fly more than 15,000 km, thus “covering” the entire territory of the United States, the Japanese military added.

The North Korea launched missiles in response to the approach of the US Navy submarine Missouri to the South Korean Naval Base Busan.

The DPRK Defense Ministry commented:

Warmongers from the United States and South Korea held the second meeting of the “Nuclear Advisory Group” in Washington on December 15. They revealed to the public that they will complete work on the “guidelines for the nuclear strategic plan, its implementation” and the creation of an “expanded deterrence system”; in August 2024, the parties will conduct a simulated nuclear operation during the large-scale Ulchi Freedom Shield exercise directed against the DPRK.

US and South Korean bandits maximized tensions on the Korean peninsula by their provocations against the DPRK at the end of the year. The US sent the Missouri submarine to the Korean Peninsula. The current situation forces the armed forces of the DPRK to make a choice in favor of offensive counteraction.

At the end of November, South Korea partially suspended the agreement on reducing military tensions with North Korea dated September 19, 2018. The reason for this was Pyongyang’s successful launch of the Mulligan-1 reconnaissance satellite.


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Paul Citro

they launched two missiles at short ranges. where do you get the idea that these are intercontinental?


north korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile on monday (…) the missile has a potential to travel more than 15,000 km (9,300 miles), (…) japan’s parliamentary vice minister of defense shingo miyake said.
source: reuters –

tinyurl (dot) (com) (slash) reuters-article-nk

Last edited 1 year ago by Paladin

well, it seems from the trajectory, that it was climbing too fast and too high just to be short range missile. if you throw a rock straight up, it will never fly far away. the only thing that matters is what speed/height it reached. if it flew over the japan and over the us territory, they would scream as pigs or maybe start ww3. which was not what north korea wanted.


are you retarded? don’t you understand how trajectories work?


excuse me sir, but are you an idiot?

gpenis germ

in germland we tranplant amerikan brain for radish to improve iq

Paul Mint

it is striking that nk and iran have recently made tremendous progress in rocket technology.

does this come from nowhere or is there russian handwriting recognizable there?


nk adapted old (soviet) missile technologies from ukraine. kim is widely believed to have recruited top rocket scientists from there. right under america’s nose. i think it’s partly funny and partly disturbing. as for as iran, they are improving their technology slowly but steadily, despite israeli airstrikes, kidnappings and killings. these missiles are considered crude and obsolete because they use liquid fuel but as for as asynchronous warfare, they are capable more then enough.


what makes you think they can’t build their own stuff?

technology is technology.

gpenis germ

everybody borrows to improve where they can

Peter Jennings

north korean missiles are the only thing keeping the us and nato at bay. it seems the divide and conquer hasn’t quite worked as planned in korea. when the us economy goes poof, so does the ‘security’ of south korea along with every other us vassal. that may be a good day as the usadmin because apart from being the ‘world police’, they have created more problems and solved none. a bit like a bent police force than runs on bribes and extortion.

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

is this why the anglo-american military industrial complex is so desperately trying to cause chaos to keep the dollar alive?


no, it’s just you.

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

the stars and stripes doesn’t represent me.

Peter Jennings

it’s one reason.

Chris Gr

it is not black and white though. india has good relations with south korea and iran has good relations with japan.

Max Hermansen

president trump made such great achievements with kim in north korea. with biden and obamabomba this is as bad as ever. terrible!

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

trump can just shut the fuck up.

Max Hermansen

thank you so much for a great comment, with such insightfullnes and understanding. you should feel really proud of yourself. a real campion in understanding the world politics. (ironi)

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

you know damn well the way he talks is what you fucks love about him.

Chris Gr

trump tried to resolve peacefully and take koreans to his side against the chinese.

Hamas Took The Bait!

i’m amazed that the great united-states is scared of that hermit kim-jung-nobody! if i was the president of the united-states, i would have destroyed north korea a long time ago with nukes and invaded that country! why wait for the inevitable when he attacks the u.s. or south korea, just deliver a preemptive strike against that hermit and kill him!

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

at the end of the day you’re the bitch being used.

Chris Gr

china supports north korea because they hate japan and south korea.

Huckelberry finn

and that’s exactly why a retard like you will never be president of anything else than your local idiot club.

gpenis germ

in germland we like live in teepee drink coca semen


first the picture is wrong. nk fired hwasung -18 , solid rocket icbm
russia should allow nk to use their rocket test facility to test the icbm with normal trajectory.
us war monger deserve the consequence.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sky

if kum dung uno tries to launch one at the usa pyongyang will go up in smoke


but does it have a good guidance system? and why don’t they shoot one towards some ship they preposition say in the south pacific to see how far it will go ? i think rocket boy talks out his ass w/r/t a great many things


ale hovno. ako je to vôbec možné? veď na kľdr sú uvalené sankcie už niekoľko rokov. ha, ha, ha … ako to ten kim dokázal? musí byť zrejme nejaký kúzelník. veď nám tvrdili, že nemajú čo žrať a pritom dokážu vyvinúť takto vyspelú technológiu? neskutočné …


myslím, že dostal pomoc z ruska ako vďaku za poskytnutie munície.
ik denk dat hij wat hulp heeft gekregen van rusland als dank voor het leveren van munitie.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu
Chris Gr

very funny, south korea has bigger military and more population.
