Nord Stream 2 Requests Permission To Use Different Type Of Pipe-Laying Vessel To Complete Construction

Nord Stream 2 Requests Permission To Use Different Type Of Pipe-Laying Vessel To Complete Construction

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The Nord Stream 2 has requested a permit allowing it to use a new kind of pipe-laying vessels with anchors to complete the final roughly 120-kilometre stretch of pipeline in Danish waters, Denmark’s energy agency (DEA) said on June 16th.

These pipelayers using an anchor (rather than a dynamic positioning system) were considered during the environmental impact assessment process, but were not included in the permit issued earlier in October 2019, the agency said in a comment.

Work on the project stopped in December as pipe-laying firm Swiss-Dutch Allseas suspended work due to U.S. sanctions targeting companies providing vessels laying Nord Stream 2 pipes.

A similar technology was successfully applied during the construction of the Danish section of the already operating Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline, as well as during the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline section in German waters, the project operator commented.

The DEA did not say how the work would proceed in the face of a new risk of sanctions but its decision would be “purely administrative” and in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Sanctions simply remained unmentioned.

Neither DEA nor the Nord Stream 2 named the vessel or the vessels which may finish the job.

The participants in the Nord Stream-2 project, in addition to Gazprom, are European companies Uniper, Wintershall-Dea, Royal Dutch Shell, OMV and Engie.

Now, an interesting question arises, the Akademik Cherskiy pipe-laying vessel is in the Baltic Sea, which is equipped with a dynamic positioning system. Why is it then needed to request permission to use a pipe-laying vessel with anchors such as the “Fortuna” for example?

One version is that the welding equipment on the Akademik Cherskiy is not suitable to lay the final stretch of the pipeline.

Initially, the ship was planned to be used according to the Chinese contract for laying pipes of smaller diameter. Cherskiy was equipped for laying pipes up to 32 inches in diameter, while the Nord Stream 2 pipeline required 48 inches in diameter.

The Akademik Cherskiy pipe-laying vessel, in a hurry, bypassed Singapore, where it had previously been converted to the Chinese project, went to the construction area of ​​the “Nord Stream-2”, hoping to be re-equipped at the construction site. But this appears to not be happening.

Under the conditions of sanctions, none of the European ground services is taking the order, and Russian companies do not have the appropriate equipment.

As a result, and if all this is true, Gazprom has only two options of solving the problem.

  1. Sail around Africa and to Singapore and get the ship in condition fit for the project;
  2. Get permission to use an anchor pipe-laying vessel, such as the Fortuna, and for that purpose permission is being requested from Danish authorities.


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Tommy Jensen

Receiving Russia’s application for Permission to complete NS-2, the US State Department regret to reject Russia’s request.
The application does not fulfill green environmental clima issues, no female captains are involved on Russia’s ships and the required gay equality quote are not even mentioned in the request to the US State Department.
Thus we cannot allow the ecological and cultural environment of Europe to be polluted with dictatorship and Stalin Gulag bs.


oddly enough very close to the delusional National Security State pov…

Lone Ranger

Adjust your meds…



AM Hants

Love satire and no doubt, how the Danes will play it.

Jim Bim

Tommy you need to adjust your meth dose.


All those extra hurdles demands BS phony ‘impact studies’ new-regulations ect ect of the treacherous corrupt whoring Danish Regime are just to sabotage hinder the project ones again and again on behalf of their AmeriCunt Pimps, all those were no problem at NS1 and it’s crystal clear it’s all horseshit + lies from A to Z.

Brother Ma

Rasmussen and stoltenberg? are from Denmark. Good luck getting a permit before Putin dies or is ousted.


Germany will take care of it!
its mostly in German interests than it is in Russian interests to finish it!
Also Europe is demanding more and more gas every year! Nothing cheaper than Russian gas transferred in pipes!

Rhodium 10

I have doubts that ND 2 can be completed…again many months to wait Danish permission…Russia have been Naive trusting in Denmark and above all in All seas company when Gazprom could change the route without enter in Danish waters and using its own laying ships once All seas company had withdrawn from the project!

Lone Ranger

It will be completed, dont worry.

Anthony Papagallo

I hope Putin gets screwed on the NS2 deal. It will sober him up. Its difficult to believe that a man who ably demonstrates an intellect the size of a small planet, was not able to foresee the consequences of a demented and utterly determined U.S administration and their desire to kill this project at any cost.


Sure they were. They smoked every other obstacle in their path. We don’t know exactly what is going on now. It will clarify in time. The project will be completed, Germany wants it and that is that.


The project is already 93% complete, It would be a great shame if it stumbles at the final hurdle. I think Germany & Russia will try to prevent that at any cost.


If the americunts manage to stop NS2 that would place Russia even closer to China, I don’t think is going to be a smart move

Fog of War

The comedy of errors continues. Russia should make it very uncomfortable for any company or country that follows the sanction orders from the Zios. China should do likewise, the zio corporations would fold at a rapid speed then.

Brother Ma

I agree. Ten year ban on doing any business in Russia for dropping any Russian contract because of the US . Tax holidays for five years to their competitors .

Pave Way IV

I can not form an opinion on this matter until the Danish Ambassador to SouthFront makes an official statement. Jens?


Jens asked me to relay his reply to you as he is currently self isolating.

Here it is:-
” Acg;bbggg,’t dfgrghg#h odo kprreigerker;,[ww[orogrtgd’g”;,’rgr’#r##’r][ghglkgg.”

I hope that makes sense :)

Brother Ma


Jim Bim

Russia should abandon EU, the US puppets, they are pathetic and cowards.
Russia should only supply China and Asia.