No Peaceful Multipolar World Anytime Soon: Underestimating US Power Is Dangerous

No Peaceful Multipolar World Anytime Soon: Underestimating US Power Is Dangerous

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“If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.” Sun Tzu

“But it turns out there isn’t really any military threat by the United states. Not only [has the U.S] and NATO run out of normal military arms, but America really can’t mount a land war anymore. There will never be another Vietnam. There will never be the United States invading another country, or Europe invading any other country, because you’ll never get a population willing to be drafted, [since] the anti-war movement. And without that, America has only one military leader against other countries: the hydrogen bomb. There is nothing in between a targeted assassination attempt and an atom bomb.” Michael Hudson & Radhika Desai

Both [Russia and China] are strong — and Russia is more advanced technologically than China in their advanced offensive and defensive missile development, and can beat the US in a nuclear war as Russian air space is sealed by layered defenses such as the S-400 all the way to the already tested S-500s and designed S-600s….Beijing’s strategic priority has been to carefully develop a remarkably diverse set of energy-suppliers. If China has so far proven masterly in the way it has played its cards in its Pipelineistan “war,” the US hand — bypass Russia, elbow out China, isolate Iran — may soon be called for what it is: a bluff. Pepe Escobar

Written by John Stanton

Come on, Russia “can beat the US in a nuclear war.” Really? Even President Valdimir Putin decried the use of nuclear weapons. According to Reuters, “Putin said…there could be no winners in a nuclear war and no such war should ever be started.”  For how  nuclear war between the two nation states might pan out go visit Princeton University’s Science and Global Security website. There you will find an unsettling computer simulation known as PLAN A that assesses “the consequences of nuclear war under different assumptions. Attack scenarios are constrained by the size and capabilities of existing arsenals and weapons systems including delivery vehicle range, the footprint of the Multiple Independently targetable Re-entry Vehicles (MIRV) that carry nuclear weapons on ballistic missiles, and hard target kill capability. The simulation tool incorporates an atmospheric transport model to assess nuclear fallout for each attack scenario.

The Nord Stream pipelines have been destroyed. My guess is that it was US Navy DEVGRU guys and a Virginia Class submarine that carried them in. Right up their alley. That was no bluff, I think.

There is no antiwar movement in  the United States that has any influence on US military or political actions. But there are soldiers who are bored, doing drugs and aching for war.  “This is what happens when there is no war, no direction, and an 18-month red cycle with no mission,” a Special Forces soldier said. “So dudes are fucking around…and the craziest drugs. All these lives ruined because people are just bored.” ConnectingVeterans

That young soldier may not have long to wait to cure his boredom on the battlefield killing “the other” in Ukraine.

Cracks in the BRICS

Multipolarity? Belt and Road Initiative? Forget about it for now, or for the foreseeable future. For those notions to be birthed a global war will have to take place to dislodge the United States.

The BRICS? Consider that Brazil has severe internal problems: poverty chief amongst them. There is also the threat of a coup and so it could be tough for the new president (Lula) to hang on. How about China? I doubt it as China fears a confrontation with United States, as it is a large holder of US Treasury notes. If a war came, they would never receive their payout. Further, China has not fought any major wars recently and thus their military is untested. Already, the US is crushing their semiconductor chip market through economic warfare.

India? They have a long standing territorial rivalry with China and are very wary of Chinese espionage and instigating on its borders. India’s poverty level is off the charts, compared to Brazil’s. It may be the largest democracy on the planet but it society still runs a caste system and tensions between religious sects (Hindi, Islam) is a real problem. And let’s not forget about Kashmir. According to Wikipedia, “Today, the term encompasses a larger area that includes the Indian-administered territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, the Pakistani-administered territories of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, and the Chinese-administered territories of Aksai Chin and the Trans-Karakoram Tract.”

And Russia? Well, it is already fighting United States’ weapons systems, operational contractors, ISR aircraft, CIA operatives, and US defense contractors/mercenaries. When the US sets up a no-fly zone over Western and then Eastern Ukraine, it’ll be just a couple of steps, or mistakes, until full scale ground combat between the US and Russia takes place. Already, there are reports that the US is considering arming Ukraine with long range missiles that can reach Crimea. Russia stands alone against the West, a west that does not understand that Russians view the war as an existential crisis. Their way of life is threatened. And the Satanic hatred that Americans and Europeans have toward Russia is astonishing but it is engendered by Western governments and their hatred is broadcast by the MSM, an MSM which is owned by wealthy corporations, who, in fact, tell their populations how to think.

The US Military Just Sits Around?

So, according to critics, the US government/military is a ghost of itself and unprepared for industrial war and/or a per opponent. Let’s check that assumption out. We’ll turn to the US Congressional Research Service’s (CRS) “Renewed Great Power Competition: Implications for Defense—Issues for Congress”

US defense strategy is currently designed to prevent “the emergence of regional hegemons in Eurasia.” That strategy is based on US policy maker’s assessments (dating back to President Obama’s administration) that Eurasia is not “self-regulating” in that the countries of Eurasia can’t be relied upon to use their forces to stop a country that wants to dominate the region. That is viewed as a threat to US policymakers. For example; if China wanted to control, by force, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, who would rally to stop them? Would the Shanghai Cooperation Organization step in the way? No, the USA would.

So, the US defense department’s force structure is designed based on a “policy decision” made in Washington, to inhibit by threat or action an attempt by China or Russia to overrun other nations in Eurasia or the Pacific (think Taiwan). That means it has the capability to deploy military assets far afield from the US mainland (and from forward bases; e.g., Qatar, Bahrain). The package includes long range bombers like the B-2 and B-52; a naval battle group that includes, for example, a Nimitz Class carrier, Virginia Class submarines; Aegis warships; troop transports by air (C-10) and sea (Marine amphibious assault ships), ISR capabilities (RC-135V, satellites and drones).

Fighting Russians in the American Desert

For the past few years now the United States has emphasized planning that focuses on high-end conventional warfare, according to CRS. “Many DOD acquisitions, exercises and warfighting experiments have been initiated, accelerated, increased in scope, given higher priority, or had their continuation justified as consequence of the renewed US emphasis on high-end warfare.” For example, a warfighting experiment is taking place at the US Army’s Fort Irwin in the Mojave Desert. A mockup of an urban town you might find in Ukraine , along with open terrain that surrounds the town, has been built. The Red Team uses Russian tactics to try and defeat the US Blue Team using its combined armed tactics (drones and electronic warfare are a key part of the exercise).

A peaceful multipolar world? I don’t think so.

Russia can’t create one alone.

Russia is as ready as it can be for the US boots on the ground in Ukraine. It will stand alone while its “friends” watch. And the USA knows for the first time in decades it will have to fight to get to the fight. Hard times ahead.

It is going to be a violent road to get to a multipolar world where nations don’t act ruthlessly in their own interests. I wish I could live to see how it all ends. Don’t we all?

Find and Read Please, Dig Deeper

How the US military is shaping the environment for Ukraine and wider war: Military Information Support Operations, MISO, Joint Publication 3-13.2

The US has astronomical power. Study them here: Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare. FM 3‐05.130

John Stanton can be reached at


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Stop those nonsense articles

Only someone with lower than room temperature IQ would write this utter nonsense.

” For example; if China wanted to control, by force, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, who would rally to stop them? Would the Shanghai Cooperation Organization step in the way? No, the USA would.”

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are part of CSTO and host Russian bases. The likelihood of a Chinese invasion is lower than an alien invasion from Mars.

Joseph Day

True, and I’m sure the Russian and probably Chinese have mock battles against US and NATO high end warfare. After all that’s what war games are all about

Stop those nonsense articles

I think this is just a satiric article, nobody can be that stupid, can he/she?

Anybody who thinks that B-52 can destroy any shit from Qatar needs a brain. Oh, I forgot to add: You need to fly over Iran to go to Kyrgyzstan.

The Objective

Does this forum comprise of only idiots? Those bombers can fly extremely long-range missions. Neither Russia nor China has a suitable match.
Russia had either destroy the petrodollar or risk total defeat at the hands of America.

Last edited 1 year ago by The Objective

Does this forum comprise of only idiots? Not at all, sometimes idiots like you and some dumb payed trolls enter the scene briefly just to confirm to others a sort of suffering from lack of mental capacity, probably through inbreding or vaccination . “Those bombers can fly extremely long range missions.” Buddy these beloved bombers of yours are not invisible to radars, they are very slow and huge targets to either fighter jets or AA missiles at which Russians excell. Second, Russians do have strategic bombers that cary multitude of weapons, as Tu160 which is, contrary to B52, a supersonic aircraft. Therefore, you are either misinformed or plain dumb which is, seems to me, The Objective of NATO for its trolls and slaves.

The Objective

I meant numbers you dumb fuck


In your efforts to look smart, you failed to mention things like The US b2 and b1 bombers both supersonic both able to fly any where in the world you failed to mention the USAF and its 130 refueling tankers… Russia has 16. If you want to be taken serious stop fan boying Russia. Russia has a 60 billion dollar budget, 2 trill eco… the US 600 billion def budget 18 trill eco. Its not even close… Russians know this ..why fan boys dont is beyond me.


Aha the one with room temperature IQ is back with his regular nonsense.

No suitable match? Even the old TU-95 is the counterpart of B-52, let alone TU-22 or TU-160.

If you seriously think any B-52 would attack China because China attacks Kyrgyzstan: even a science fiction movie is more realistic.

The Objective

I meant numbers, you idiot. How many planes does Russia have to match the U.S.’s arsenal? That’s why they aren’t peers.


what a bunch of idiotic crap

The Objective

It is you with the low IQ. This guy just gave an example. He wasn’t looking at the chances of China doing that.


Typical from the NATO stooge: projecting to others what they do, think or how they act. You shouldn’t invoke anyone else’s low IQ until proving you have very high. Which is obvously not the case. Gee, where do they find such stupid trolls nowdays, is there a market for them?

The Objective

Yeah, let’s how your high Russian IQ winds up in Ukraine.


It’s just more American crap. The US remains highly dangerous, but this article is absurd. No world will ever emerge in which nations do not act ruthlessly in their own interest. The issue is elites who recognize some responsibility to their underlings. The US elite shows no such recognition.


I seriously doubt any nation (currently) want to push the envelope in countering US imperialistic moves (especially against what Uncle Sam seems as belligerent nations)

Russia does (to a certain degree) stand alone but it doesn’t mean she isn’t being aided in someway. Other ‘belligerent’ nations know they’ll be next on the hit list once Russia is finished off

Interesting days ahead


Atleast Iran and China will also join in, if things escalate and get dire. I’m sure of it. For Brazil and India, i mostly agree what the author said. But they still have means how they can help Russia.

The Objective

Iran is a cowardly country. Rely on them at your peril. They are willing to fight ISIS, but they’ll do anything to avoid a confrontation with U.S. forces.

China’s problem is greed. They can be easily silenced with money. I those guys for being more capitalists than the Americans themselves.

Turkey would have been a better ally for Russia. Because just like Russia, it doesn’t fear war when its national security is threatened. But Russia tend to fear a caliphate than America’s unipolar world.


The only country to openly kill US troops by ballistic missiles and couldn’t give a fuck what happens next, Iran drones destroyed NATO and Ukraine. So tell me again if Iran gives a fuck about all out war with united faggots and trannie🇸🇾🇱🇧🇷🇺🇹🇯 real men,real killers , the world is theirs.

The Objective

Iran didn’t openly kill any U.S. troops. It just launched face-saving missile attacks on a U.S. base. I’m not saying Iran should blindly walk into a war with the U.S. But when a high-ranking military figure like Soleimani is brazenly killed, any nation which doesn’t take equal retribution even with the risk of all-out war is a cowardly nation. Soleimani was the equivalent of Chief of army staff in the U.S. At the very least, Iran should have taken out a high ranking U.S. general – say the comander of U.S. forces in the Middle East. A very bad message to Iran’s supporters. I stopped supporting them after that.

I’m telling you the mullahs are scared shitless of any war with the U.S. All the threats are bluffs meant to ward off attacks.


Well if iran is a covard in your eyes then what is everybody else?
No one but iran would ever even dare to lauch a face-saving missile attack.

Russia even avoids killing western merchs in syria and ukraine and exchanges them secretly without ever showing them cause they still believe the west will come around and have peace.

China to me is a big questionmark i could see them one day join the russians in an attack on the us, join the us in an attack on russia or just sit it out to hope to be the one taking out whatever is left of both.

The only reason for the chinese-russian cooperation is that the western leaders just cant be bothered to treat anyone of them with respect long enough to take the other out. Russian elites allways just wanted to “belong” and probably still would want to. But the us is to arrotant to even consider talking with them other then as a superior.

The Objective

Yeah, some sensible comment by you. Only that I don’t agree with the Iran part. I hate Iran’s way of fighting. Just like America, they use other countries to fight their wars. However, unlike America whose reason is aversion to casualties, Iran’s reason is purely fear. Forget the chest thumping and blusters. Trump called their bluff openly for all to see and we know what happened. The bastards want to train militias out of jobless civilians and throw them at their enemies. The result is that countries become failed states because of the parralel governments Iran creates through militias. Governments lose control over who holds arms and who doesn’t in their country. Examples are Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and even Afghanistan.


There is no such thing as a “cowardly nation”. The US would respond with essentially no restraint against any overt Iranian action, which is what the neocons have desired for forty years.


Yes, Iran should have retalliated against the state with the world’s largest economy and most sophisticated nuclear force. Derpy derp derp.


Do not forget the worlds largest navy (save the china has more patrol boats) the worlds largest air force the USAF…. the 2nd largest air force, that being the US navy and the fifth largest air force the Air national guard… three of the top five spots. Iran would not stand a chance, only option would be play for inflicting cost…. The only countries Russia (its nukes) China (if it ever grows balls) DPRK. They still have a shot…if they could get a million little dinks south quickly ….they could force the US out. Cost them dearly but possible.


I know your under attack for speaking the truth, but nobody in their right mind wants to fight the US. Iran…included its a no win. Those who claim and make stupid boasts on here do so out of ignorance or hatred of trolls. But facts are facts the US military has the power to destroy any country right now. A few can make it cost only Russian nukes are equal. Its the same as having those posting on here fighting two or three ranked UFC fighters at the same time, there may be some solid jaws a puncher even a decent boxer but all would get their ass kicked.


You’re stupid and a wuss. Where do you draw a line to hit back? Do you wait until they bomb your country to smithereens, have their troops invade and rape your woman, torture and kill anyone at will, loot your national treasures and resources, like Vietnam, Iraq, Syria or Lybia?

Your kind is the reason the world turned out this way. You keep taking it in the ass and hope your enemy will stop. You don’t deserve life.


go elsewhere to spread your bs

The Objective

It’s no bullshit. Russia has realized it now that Iran cannot be a reliable ally in times of military trouble with the U.S. Although I dislike Russia’s policies in the broader MENA region, I must state that Russia is one of the few countries that will not take such bullshit as a direct assassination of a top military comander without manking the U.S. pay dearly. I’m not comparing Russia to Iran, but when dozens of Iranian military and civilian leaders are getting openly assassinated by the U.S. and Israel without any consequences, you know Iran’s policies are dictated by fear rather than logic. A point comes when you need to make the enemy respect you.


Yes, Iranians were so afraid of the US that they, out of sheere cowardice, shoot down US drones on regular basis, capture them for reverse engineering (it is now the base for advanced Iranian drone program) , arrest and imprison their marines who “wandered” into Iranian waters, molest american vessels by fast rocket-torpedo boats, hijack-back tankers in front of US military ships, demolish US military base by missiles and even after they announced attack 1 hour before, US servicemen suffered high traumatic injuries hiding in concrete bunkers. Regarding your opinion on Chinese, I wouldn’t even bother to comment. US is a synonyme for utmost greed and corruption at all levels, from foot police to highest echelons of Washington gang. You are really stupid and ignorant chap, Objective.

The Objective

All the actions you listed above isn’t sufficient pay back for Iranian assassinated scientists let alone the killing of top figures like Soleimani, Fakhrazadeh, etc. Drones are just toys that can be easily replenished. Announcing an attack to your enemy in advance is a pure form of cowardice that no amount of excuses can convince one otherwise.

Iran only takes actions that aren’t likely to turn bloody.


Stop trying to sidetrack ppl. Whatever agency pays you, they are beginning to be truly worried about Iran. That‘s a good sign, I suppose. Drones, ballistic missiles, 5th generation fighter aircraft. Iran‘s patience, perseverance, ingenuity and truthfullness is paying off.

The Objective

It’s not patience. It’s fear. Iran’s mullah regime was founded to export the revolution. But now they are fighting for their survival, not to export any revolution. Due to their mouthiness, they picked a fight too early with a superior enemy. Now the regime is constantly worried or America’s attacks.
I’v looked closely at U.S. military activities vis a vis Iran. It’s clear that they are isolating Iran’s proxies to destroy them one after the other.

America’s #1 request would be the expulsion of Iranian forces and the cutting off of the Iraq-Syria link through which Iran supplies Hezbollah. A civil war in Lebanon with America sending sufficient mercs and ISIS will destroy Hezbollah.

Russia excluded Iran from recent talks on Syria. So if Iran refuses to leave, Russia will not intervene when the U.S. and Israel start bombing Iranian forces to total elimination in Syria.


Iran is a bogus state. I wouldn’t worry about a wussy country as Iran. They’re BS people as well. They posted a picture of a toy from Walmart and called it 5th gen fighter? Lol. Pathetic.

Out of all countries on this planet, I despite Iran the most, a country full of pathetic cowards.


The opposite is true.
Nobody stands as bravely and resolutely as Iran in the last 50 years.
The Anglo-Saxon‘s problem is greed. Chinese want li and a harmonious life, the „American dream“ is about nothing but money (more than is good for you)
Russia seeks cooperation between independent nations.

The Objective

Iran is more interested in impressing people than fighting the U.S. or Israel. Problem is, the Mullahs never thought that things would turn kinetic so fast. They talked big for years about ending U.S. oppression of Muslim countries. The aim wasn’t actually to end America’s oppression but to impress the Muslim world. Then Israel and America started taking out Iran’s leaders and intellectuals. They bombed nuclear facilities, sanctioned the life out of Iran, nearly obliterated its currency, sponsored color revolutions, etc. What has been Iran’s response to these bloody provocations? Two or three U.S. drones shot down, a cowardly face-saving missile strike, and that’s it.


I like how when you point to what you believe is Iran acting cowardly (agree or not) the argument you get is …. America is ….. Only one cat answered with any info thats fact based…… the rest decry troll and spout the same nonsense… oh ya america is greed troll.. Its a uphill battle, I come here for bits about Russia in Ukr. I get it so many trolls anything that is not Russia great… is attacked, guess a place for everyone? I just need to find one that is not so full of shit


So you just want to read what suites you. Ok so Iran is great and Russia is great. You like that?

The future of humanity is so grim with people like you and those cowardice Iranians, Russians. Keep getting punch in the face, if you hit back, you might start a fight. So keep taking it up yours and have peace.


“No peaceful multipolar World”, because of the duality and duplicity of dual citizens in America that accelerated after THIS “event” that ironically came about after the worst terrorist attack in America’s history that brought more of them into the Country to replace it’s one visa holding American population that has never stopped since?!…

And “why” the only way a multi-polar World can happen is if Russia announces it is resigning it’s position at the UN for the safety and well being of it’s citizens both at home and abroad due to the worst violations of international law coming from it’s H0$t. Those Russians in the F-U.K.U.$. have to make a choice whether they wish to stay or come home -they can’t have both ANYMORE!…

This is also why Russia not doing this after Maidan 2014 was the most fatal mistake!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Nazi trash

“The US has astronomical power.”

Oh and thats why they flee from Afghanistan

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

This is what happens when propagandists get lazy and use Essay writing AI to generate their mental masturbations 😆

The Objective

You are a big idiot. This guy’s article is one of the most objective pieces I’ve read on SF in a while. Some of you moronic supporter only wants cheerleading instead of realistic opinions.


For dumbs like you, this article is the one of the most objective pieces, without a doubt. Just because you are so unaware of the things that happen in this world, the other peoples countries, cultures, strengths and weakneses as all you, poor SOB, have to understand this world is very narrow, highly filtered view of your corporate mass media. To their owners you are just a stupid unworthy pece of meat. While some time ago I would protest against such treatment of people, now I start to understand those globalist criminals. World is really full of fools like you and there should be a mechanism to get rid of you; vaccination, wars, sprayed (true) pandemics etc. The rest of the sane world would be much better of without your kind. And we will much easily deal with globalist high echelons when dumb luciferian servants like you (Greta Thurnberg comes to my mind) are eliminated.

The Objective

At least you got the message. Sometimes there’ll be a break in the stream of cheerleeding and misleading articles on SF.

The Objective

They fled Afghanistan cos they were sure Russia will arm the Taliban if America arms Ukraine. They knew in advance about Russia’s invasion plans. Biden had been warning about it since 2021.

Nazi trash

but but they have a s t r o n o m i c a l power so why they didnt stay in Afghanistan to fight like Russia did who also knew that if they enter ukros that the nazis would be supported by nato scums ?

The Objective

cos they are smatter than Putin. Astronomical power doesn’t guarantee zero casualties.


No need for Russia to arm Talibans. Americans left about 40 billions worth of military equipment, from Apachi helicopters to tanks and communications. Not even Russians would be able to provide so much. Dumbo.

The Objective

Do you think with your anus? I meant arming the Taliban before U.S. withdrawal. If you can remember, Taliban got their hands on those weapons AFTER the U.S withdrew. Russia didn’t have the chance to draw American blood through weapons supplies to Afghanistan.


Why be so ignorant? I know you dont actually believe that. I get it your upset think you are fighting a troll on your site. However its gotta be clear to you that the US was in Afghanistan for twenty years. Are you even 20 years old? They had soldiers there who were not born when they first invaded the country. 20 years……….. They went where they wanted when they wanted. Yes afghans hid and came out when they left. Did you think the US would make it the 51st state? The US also left Syria, then after a year just came back? Un invited, Syria could do nothing, Russia did nothing? Iran? They will leave at some point and you can scream see…. but you know that just bs. Same crap as Ukraine fighting to save europe horse crap


First few thousand dead yanks they be calling for ceasefires and trying to find a face saving way out.


Especially if images and video of the dead are spread by media: this is one reason the US government lost the popular support for the Vietnam war and tightened its grip on media and propaganda in successive conflicts.


Plus precision strikes on the US homeland to show the population when the realities of war comes to their home turf.

The Objective

Problem is, they don’t fight directly.


I’m not sure why Southfront is carrying the bullsh¡t of this boghead yank!?

Simon Ndiritu

Everyone deserves a chance to be heard. I wouldn’t blame Southfront for publishing any authors’ views

The Objective

Cos it’s time to give independent thinkers some sapce too.


I hope you don’t include yourself into the ranks of independent thinkers. That would be an insult to the act of thinking.

The Objective

Kiss my ass man.


The reality is that teh US has to try to band together about 30 countries just to TRY To counter what is juts a SMO in Ukraine. Indeed it’s taking so much effort for the US to TRY to handle a small Russian operation that they have taken their eye off the ball practically everywhere else in myopic reaction. US is not now leading the world, it is desperately trying to stick its finger in a hole to stop the multipolar Tsunami coming in. Russia has US on the boards, while China has free ice to grow and influence. Russia is teh military wing, China is teh commercial wing of multipolar founders inc. India and others are early subscribers and supporters of the multipolar world. The big US problem is remoteness, they are far away from Europe and that allows Europe to be devastated – it has been before. The Anglo base is too spread and US too remote to be a powerful hardened Kernel. The Multipolar world is coming, despite the Golden Billion’s colonial desperation.


“The reality is that the US has to try to band together about 30 countries just to TRY ” It is not the case. Ukraine war is from US perspective absolute success. They didn’t lost any soldier yet, earned billions for US MIC, killed competition in Europe and made Germany a 3rd world country full of libtards, greens and recipients of social taxes with zero industry potential. These damages are permanent and unrecoverable as US brainwashing is globally unopposed and Wikileaks and critical sources have hardly any impact against good oiled machine of US propaganda.
This is the revenge of USA against old Russian comunist theory that sociology is a pseudo-science.
Well, maybe sociology is a pesudo-science but US sociology brainwashing on industrial scale and created an army of left libtards which acts like Hitlerjugend and have upper vote in all the West countries. This is the most important weapon today.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Loosing losers is not bad for US, as long as they die as “volunteers” and not under US banner.

US has to get rid of millions young men with no future, angry and potentially violent. What better way than throwing them into war to gain more resources for the Blackrock?

Last edited 1 year ago by USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Just imagine what would happen if Russia wins in this conflict. US will instantly be dethroned of its alleged omnipotence. Yesterday vassals would look for another, new emerging master, paralel world finance would florish, dolar losing its global importance, US weapons prove to be overly expensive for what they offer, Europe suffered many things in its history and will overcome it as usual, US having enormous problems within its own society which will be exacerbated with loosing in Ukraine and so on. Absolute success? Let’s see.

William White

Well, first off , all the American carriers will be sunk.
In the hint of a nuke, the entire east coast of the USA will be flooded, the rest of the cities flattened. end of the World.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

The world is much larger than US cities and coasts.

mike l hutchings

what is the point of this?


“Russia stands alone against the West”

This is one of the poisoned messages , the author sends in the dust of war narratives.
To unsettle , make the people feel lost and weak amid the american “astronomical power”. Bullshit.
Alone the fact , that only a few countries support the western sanctions against Russia , proves the above sentence wrong.


I think asia will find a way to mend their differences if they are in agreement it is in their common interest to do so, and if it is in their common interest to show the EU/NATO the door, they will do so. As for the EU, US, NATO, their common interest is keeping the lights on. If the west spent 800 billion a year on energy development and diplomacy instead of more weapons…


The NAZI USA cannot wage a war against a power who is as powerful or even more powerful than the NAZI USA, Russia is THAT POWER that CAN and WILL defeat the NAZI USA as they are the only ones with HYPERSONIC weapons both conventional and NUCLEAR, any war which has the NAZI USA against Russia will result in ONLY ONE SURVIVING and that is RUSSIA SURVIVES and the NAZI USA DO NOT there is NO DEFENSE AGAINST HYPERSONIC WEAPONS the ONLY COUNTRY that has both OFFENSIVE HYPERSONIC WEAPONS and DEFENSE AGAINST HYPERSONIC WEAPONS which has been DEMONSTRATED is RUSSIA. NAZI USA are no longer capable of waging war on foreign soil against a power such as RUSSIA or CHINA as there carrier fleets and transport fleets will be destroyed and that is 100% certainty NAZI USA will be unable to put an army on foreign soil and definitely will NOT BE ABLE TO SUPPLY it at all. The time of the NAZI USA dominating the world has already ENDED it is not COMING or about to BEGIN the END BUT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. =Z=


Obviously, this piece of shit was written by moron.


I know that my comment will create a lot of negative responses, however as a person who was born in Europe just after the 2 World War I’ve seen and understood much more than the people in their 20s, 30s or even 40s…
Without getting into details I can only state that in the early 50s I heard predictions about coming of a next huge world-wide war that will take place after 3 generations. As a kid I obviously ignored it…
In the late 80s one evening listening to the late night radio show of Art Bell I discovered that his guest with whom Art had an interview was talking about exactly the same: future world-wide war, its causes and outcome.
I do not fear the coming future… As one of my friends used to say (she passed away 3 years ago): at one point everyone dies!


“Without getting into details I can only state that in the early 50s I heard predictions about coming of a next huge world-wide war that will take place after 3 generations” —
please don’t take it as the next “negative” reaction , but just watch , when each year a dozen of such predictions occur. In each country some specific. I’ve just taken my post from the letter box , there was a leaflet with just another prediction about what happens the next months. It’s not even worth to read it to the end.
But yes , the people are afraid and I can understand it.


“at one point everyone dies!” — this is 100% right , whether because of war , or without a war.
Greetings for you!


Thanks for your greetings – but look; my original message has disappeared…


Reading John Stanton’s articles I got the impression that he is not the “sharpest knife in the drawer”. On the other hand it looks that both opponents may have secret weapons hidden from the public knowledge that they can use at the decisive moment of the war. Time will tell.


“On the other hand it looks that both opponents may have secret weapons hidden from the public knowledge that they can use at the decisive moment of the war.”
yes , maybe , maybe not.
If you look at the past 70-80 years after the WWII , there were several times , when the next WW could start. Example Cuba crisis or middle 80th. Each time with the known weapons. I suppose it is nowadays impossible to completely hide the new inventions from the public (additionally they must also be tested and combat ready). It would be too much conspiracy needed , where too many people in one or even more countries are involved. But the existing arsenal of weapons is enough horrific.


Under-estimating Russia’s power is more dangerous, NATO is learning the hard the way.



There is no need for a country to fight against the US, US citizens end up killing themselves. In 2022: 45,222 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S. There you go, the US is attacked from within, sleeping with the enemy.


Is that a joke? “The United States has astronomical power,” which must be why they tailed Afghanistan. Beaten by men in sandals, goats keepers, only armed with kalashnikov.

Last edited 1 year ago by Hagen

“No peaceful multipolar World”, because of the duality and duplicity of dual citizens in America that accelerated after THIS “event” that ironically came about after the worst terrorist attack in America’s history that brought more of them into the Country to replace it’s one visa holding American population that has never stopped since?!…
And “why” the only way a multi-polar World can happen is if Russia announces it is resigning it’s position at the UN for the safety and well being of it’s citizens both at home and abroad due to the worst violations of international law coming from it’s H0$t. Those Russians in the F-U.K.U.$. have to make a choice whether they wish to stay or come home -they can’t have both ANYMORE!…
This is also why Russia not doing this after Maidan 2014 was the most fatal mistake!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Edgar Zetar

What wrong is Pepe Escobar on his citation “There will never be another Vietnam”. … what about Iraq or Afghanistan?…. USA is the HEGEMON, they are indeed very clever and smart and can achieve the greatest Objectives thats why is Number 1. After Vietnam they change his Strategies using a multi layer and multidomain approach to take over entire countries without going to war against them… they used more democratics methods first using cover ops to take over Military and the Big Multinationals taking over Civil Domain to complitely overide any Nationalist force inside the countries (now colonies)… also big display of PROPAGANDA using Hollywood and MSM to complitely take over Big Cpuntries… thats why USA is number ONE. Im very simplistic and could wrote hundreds of page explaining how they did this on every country they now posses and use as vassal state.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

Also USA isn’t weak by any means… they could switch to a War Mobilization and create a Huge Military Stockpile of Weapons just like before every World War. So dont take USA for weak, Russia is the weakest Power between the Top5 Powers thats why USA wanted to take over Russia to save his Own Empire and controlling almost all pf the World… if USA take over Russia then China would be very constrain and between a rock and a wall and could surrender to the USA HEGEMON… so Russia must be clever and smart to stay afloat during this USA WESTERN attack… the war in Ukraine just is the previous step to openly attack Russia by USA. But USA wont attack Russia, USA would use their vassals states of EUROPE to cannon fodder while they are secure in other side of the Atlantic…

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar

Absolute Pablum.
There are many senior retired American officers, who openly state that US ability to wage war is a shell of what it was at the end of the cold war. Having worked in the Military Industrial Complex for forty years, I can state that most platforms do not work and even if they do they break down frequently. The only thing that matters in 2023 is the big fat high dollar contract and the corruption associated with it.

Ultrafart the Brave

This author seems to have a biased perception of American capabilities. In truth, the USA is a shadow of its former industrial self – to coin a paraphrase of the derogatory reference to Russia being “a gas station masquerading as a country”, we could perhaps the USA as “a ponzi scheme masquerading as an empire” (albeit a dangerous one operating on Mafioso principles).

Still, even a dying monster is capable of causing a lot of damage on its way out.

Martin Armstrong’s AI program Socrates (which has NEVER been wrong) forecasts much strife and even a World War – starting from Ukraine – over the next decade, with a final lasting resolution to the insanity not arriving until sometime around 2032.

Batten down the hatches and gird your loins, folks – the Great Reset and New World Order haven’t gone away yet, we have lots of grief and collateral damage yet to come.

Simon Ndiritu

The author here claims that US can successfully confront Russia in central Asia from US bases in Qatar. That’s proposition is worryingly inaccurate.

Tommy Jensen

All computer simulations and computer modelling are false reality.

In real life US would win a nuclear war because they are more ruthless than a pussy footing liberal Kremlin and a defensive China who have never ever been interested in offensive invasions of foreign countries.

Same goes for other kinds of warfare, biological, chemical, economic and financial war fares. The most ruthless win as normal rational people dont have the guts and backbone it requires to neutralise a pervert.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tommy Jensen

@Tommy Jensen , ok it’s your perception , “the most ruthless win” , I must not cite examples from the history that it not always worked?

Wayne Gabler

Not as dangerous for Brussels as thinking North America needs anything from Europe to thrive. If we helped the Rothschild Bankers finish the 2 World Wars they created (with 600M people killed) and they still don’t have all they want then it is time for Brussels alone to show Moscow is the military power that would win a war to the death.
-31T to -60T owed to Brussels for saving NATO and the Rothschild Bankers from a war machine they cannot defeat on their own.
Do the math, North America’s national debt ends up at zero if Russia wins. When Russia wins.
