No NATO Gifts Save Ukrainian Air Defense


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No NATO Gifts Save Ukrainian Air Defense

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No NATO Gifts Save Ukrainian Air Defense
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The second night in a row was marked by massive Russian strikes throughout Ukraine. Explosions thundered in a dozen Ukrainian regions.

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the attack, clarifying that the Russian Armed Forces launched a group strike with high-precision long-range air-based weapons, including Dagger missiles, and kamikaze UAVs on critically important objects of the airfield infrastructure of Ukraine.

Ukrainian sources are trying their best to hide the damage. A lot of targets of the Russian attacks are yet to be revealed. One of them was hard to hide.

At night, Russian Iskander-M missiles destroyed a hotel used for accommodation of the Ukrainian military command and foreign mercenaries in the city of Krivy Rig.

This was the second hotel destroyed by Russian precision strikes in recent days. On August 25, another one came under Russian attack in Kramatorsk. Ukrainian propaganda hid the real losses, claiming the death of foreign journalists and their guards.

The constant strikes on Ukrainian hideouts confirm the increasing effectiveness of Russian reconnaissance in the enemy rear. At the same time, Ukrainian air defenses can no longer protect strategically important military and infrastructure facilities throughout the country, despite the multibillion-dollar aid and constant military supplies from NATO countries.

One of the western gifts was the first batch of F-16 fighters already deployed in Ukraine. Kyiv and the MSM are trying to please their Western audience claiming that the precious aircraft are aimed to support Ukrainian air defense. The aircraft are yet to prove their effectiveness.

According to a number of Ukrainian sources, American F-16 fighters were involved in repelling the massive Russian attack launched on August 26. As a result of yesterday’s Russian strikes dozens of targets were destroyed, including numerous strategic facilities of energy and military infrastructure. Apparently, western aviation, turned out to be ineffective, contrary to the expectations of the Ukrainian command.

F-16s risk to join the list of ‘game changing’ weapons supplied to the war-torn Ukraine from NATO, which already include Javelins, HIMARS MLRS, Patriot air defense systems, Abrams tanks and various other equipment.

While Kyiv is busy, counting the Russian drones and missiles its all-mighty air defense systems intercepted in their dreams, forcing its propaganda machine to stage victories glorifying Western weapons, the Russian army is grinding the Ukrainian defense on the frontlines, together with all the gifts from abroad.

On August 27, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed control of the village of Orlovka in the Pokrovsk direction. The settlement is located near the large Ukrainian stronghold in the town of Novogrodovka. According to preliminary reports by Ukrainian military sources, Ukrainian forces withdrew from the town and the Russian army is already completing the mop up operation there. This victory paves the way for further Russian advances on a wide front.


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Ramses Ill

ukraine will fall apart, people can hardly wait to finally be independent

Crocus Shooting Gallery

ukro hunting season is still open!!! …heheheh

Last edited 19 days ago by Crocus Shooting Gallery

places like hotels in ukraine are very often filled with soldiers who want to go to russia to conquer cities. so no, civilians are not what zelenska claims, but very often they are just hotels equipped with already highly equipped afu soldiers. attacking civilians because the ukros are angry because they cannot stop the russian troops in the donbass is just a sign of desperation and deep inhumanity of the ukrainian dictatorship .


everyone who was under the communist dictatorship in kiev hates the ukros, people prefer the light, not the darkness

Crocus Shooting Gallery

soon the usa will deliver spoons and pins to the afu … soon kiev will burn … heheheh


you mean the nato dictatorship and the khazarian oligarchy.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

every week for years the ukrozz claim that the rf has “collapsed”…and yet the ukrozz still haven’t ’conquer’ donbas…heheheh


because of this delay the casualty rate is 10:1 and more children in rf can see their fathers again. and we can also finally enjoy the f16s burn in the sky, the shelter or on the runway lmao


i truly feel sorry for all the kids that are going to be without fathers. i am seeing some of the prisoners interviewed they don’t want this war, ukraine citizens are dying for the west they’re dying for nato.

👌no arabs in germany . full👌

my name is ebdul. i am muncsen refugee from syria. i come to germany , muncsen on january this year. germany so awesome. i fucking my wife making kids and germany pays me 500 euro. i made my 3rd kid. i earn money 1500 euro every month just for kids . there is no other country pays for kids like germany. i scare more arabs will come and will steal our money. arabs do not come germany. its full. finish

Jewish pimp

that is all part of zionistic war on islam.

gestapo mcturdtaco

“i fucking my wife making kids”

fuky, suky, are you from vietnam?


he is from tel aviv tranny capital of the world and home to the followers of jacob frank and sabbattai zvi home of oded yinon and new khazharia map plans
filthy khazhar name stealers identity thieves the synagogue of satan


that mr. shlomo bring me to germany. he very nice guy. withour mr. shlomo i never get to germany.


the smell of zelenski no. 5 is starting to hit the fan…

Crocus Shooting Gallery

nato has crossed every russian “red line”…heheheh

ramses 3

amerikunt only cross lgbt line


they don’t give a rats about ukraine its a stepping stone and they can make billions rebuilding it and bandaging the survivors plus burying the victims . it’s a win win especially since z sold them the farm the best on earth for peanuts .

Joseph Day

sucked in, its russian now

Conan M

“russia is signaling it could take out the west’s internet and gps. there’s no good backup plan”…
this headline made my fucking day!… after what russia has been through i fucking hope they do it!!!

Last edited 19 days ago by Conan M

how will you post your putin rants if the interwebs go down?

Conan M

and “you” as well. but at least the russians will be destroying what matters most to the western agenda that feeds their banks and mic. are you sad clyde?…

Last edited 18 days ago by Conan M
stupo von sawyer

i like pay for ukie refugee in germland


i undestand russia doesn’t want to do total war because you don’t want to destroy villages and harm civilians yet in american history in our civil war grant & sherman did total war sherman destroyed everything in his path, they say by doing this is the ended sooner witch saved lives.
