No More Negotiations After Ukrainian Massacre Of Civilians In Kursk

No More Negotiations After Ukrainian Massacre Of Civilians In Kursk

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The Ukrainian conflict has entered a new phase. Following the latest provocations by the neo-Nazi regime against Russian civilian areas, Moscow has made an important decision, cutting off any possibility of negotiation. The Ukrainian terrorist attack on Kursk violated a serious red line, which is why Russian authorities believe that the only possible solution to the war is an absolute military victory.

In his speech on August 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear that no diplomatic negotiations will be possible as long as Kiev continues to attack Russian civilian targets. His words came amid controversy over Ukraine’s violent aggression against the Russian Kursk oblast, where several civilians have been systematically murdered by neo-Nazi forces. He emphasized how Moscow has shown diplomatic goodwill, remaining open to negotiations since the beginning of the hostilities. However, the enemy’s actions make any kind of fruitful dialogue impossible.

The Russian president also stressed the seriousness of Ukrainian attacks on Russian nuclear facilities. Recently, a shelling by Kiev forces caused a fire at the ZNPP, raising global concerns about the plant’s security. Furthermore, during the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk itself, Kiev’s soldiers advanced towards the Kurchatov nuclear power plant. Many analysts believe that Ukraine intended to capture the Kursk plant in order to gain “bargaining power” with the Russians and negotiate the “return” of the ZNPP.

All these moves simply made any diplomatic dialogue impossible. Before the invasion of Kursk, the Russian Federation maintained its proposal for an immediate end to hostilities in the event of Ukraine’s recognition of the New Russian Territories, in addition to a formal promise not to seek NATO membership. Ukraine, as expected, always ignored the peace proposal, choosing the path of war and destruction. Now, with the escalation initiated by Kiev, the Russians have decided to end any attempt at dialogue and move towards the only remaining solution to the conflict – the military one.

Putin’s statement is truly decisive and marks the beginning of a new phase in the hostilities. Now the Russians no longer have any hope of deterring the enemy and forcing it to negotiate for peace. A military solution will apparently be sought at any cost, which is why an escalation of Russian actions is expected. More decisive military maneuvers are likely to be taken soon, making the situation of the Kiev regime on the battlefield even worse.

There are many possibilities for the Russians to act. It is possible that a new partial mobilization will be implemented, expanding the number of troops in the conflict zone – including on the new fronts opened by the Ukrainians in Kursk and Belgorod. In the same vein, massive bombings may become more frequent, neutralizing critical infrastructure targets and decision-making centers. Every action that the Russians were avoiding in order to prevent escalation is now expected to be taken, since the hope of a peaceful resolution has already been removed.

For Russia, this situation remains quite comfortable. Moscow is using only a small percentage of its defense apparatus on the battlefield, having sufficient reserve forces and the ability to replace personnel and equipment. Escalating military actions is a possible, feasible and even easy task for Russian forces. On the other hand, Ukraine is absolutely devastated, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers dead and being no longer able to replace its losses. For this reason, a new escalation would certainly be lethal for the neo-Nazi regime, significantly accelerating its final defeat.

It is not possible to know exactly what the final outcome of the conflict will be regarding Ukraine’s territorial configuration. In Russia, patriotic sectors have increasingly supported the expansion of the New Territories, including the reintegration of areas close to the borders, such as Kharkov and Sumy. There is also strong pressure for the total liberation of Odessa, where thousands of Russian civilians live and are victims of the fascist regime’s abusive policies. It is possible that in this new phase of the conflict the Russians will begin to plan a new wave of new referendums after the inevitable military liberation of the territories now controlled by Ukraine.

In the end, by attacking Russian civilians, Ukraine is simply choosing to suffer even more. Instead of accepting the inevitable defeat and trying to negotiate reasonably favorable terms, the neo-Nazi regime has opted for increased violence and a deeper defeat, losing even more territory and lives.

Now, the point of no return in the war seems to have finally been crossed, and there is no longer any hope of a resumption of diplomatic dialogue. The Russians simply can no longer trust an enemy that is willing to massacre civilians. For Moscow, overthrowing the Maidan Junta by force is the only alternative.


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there is no possibility of long-term strategic military success for the ukrainians barring the replacement of the nationalist russian government by an atlanticist puppet. hence the unending nafmosexual bleating about putin. ukrainian nationalists are truly some silly, silly “people”. the notion that the russians would ever abide the weaponization of ukretardism, which has been wholly xenophobic and fascist for over one hundred years, is infantile.


another shoot on the foot for the ukras. russia don’t need negociations, but it was an international imperative, and now they have the excuse for continuing reducing nato in ukroland to ashes.


when i was young i was poor, but now, after many years of hard work, i’m not young anymore.

No war

belgorod and kursk attact is ” pearl harbour of russia ” some people says here polland troops helped ukros trops and polland ukro toopa invaded kursk belgorod together


you certainly have said it enough times.


it was an animal lovers’ gesture to give the dogs some prime polish kielbasa to munch on.

No war

polland and ukro troops together invaded kursk and belgorod from russia


there are still around 400k men not conscripted from the western part and they are bringing in nato soldiers as well. this is not over yet soon or the front in donbass has to collapse because the line kharkiv – odessa has to be reached.

Last edited 7 months ago by thewhiterose
Volhinya Blues

funny how all the ukrops from banderite country are the first ones to avoid service.

i think zelensky hesitates because they’ll overthrow him at the drop of a hat.


they only ever wanted to kill russians and eastern ukrainians not fight a war where they can die.
even in ww2 they avoided the armys and hid in the forests and just came out to kill civilians.
thats the way of bandera. a guy you will find many streets named after and some citys even having statues from in ukraine.


‘the russians simply can no longer trust an enemy that is willing to massacre civilians’

kiev has massaced civilians since at least 2014 (14,000 dead in donbass), and rus looked away until 2022, then chased itself in circles for 30 months, in the process returning azov nzis to try again, and now allows its borders to be breached.

ptn’s ramblings and actions confirm only that he is an ineffective, inadequate leader. why else would ukranato dare to invade a nuclear superpower?


man, you and the cia were right about that putin guy all along. i can see why you’re hitting the sf comment forum so hard with that meme. keep up the good work, derpster!


the real ‘meme’: (a) russian people don’t matter. (b) kursk invasion is of no significance.

without strong leadership (and ptn won’t accept the smo is a war) r.f is screwed. the smo is going in circles. the damage inflicted on r.f territory (inc dnbs and zap), people, military and infrstr since feb22 by nato controlled slavs is shocking. who is to blame if not the leader?

cia big-up ptn as dangerous, as keeping him in place helps their cause.


so now the operation on a 50km or so front constitues an invasion while the russians are engaged with the ukrainian puppet all along the donbas front. and the americans were really hoping putin’s government stayed in power, and that’s why they spent billions on ngo operations and media in a failed attempt to generate some kind of colour revolution in russia? double secret probation! thanks for always derping, li’l nafomosexual.


another jumble from another us shill who gets off on r.f. being attacked over and over by the west due to its own 100% correctable failings.

would murika (would any country) allow enemy military incursions into socal or wherever on its sovereign territory?

Volhinya Blues

the 14,000 weren’t all civilians but it matters not. clinton invaded yugoslavia and bombed belgrade, including civilians, over a a few dozen dead redressed up in civies at racak.

Volhinya Blues

anybody remember that william walker guy? you know, the former us ambassador to el salvador who spent his tenure covering up salvadoran death squads wiping out entire campesino villages just because they might be tempted to sympathize with the rebels, just like in vietnam,

suddenly, they send him to racak, because he had a history of ‘humanitarian investigations’. can’t make such bullshit up. not even biden could.


racak, the seventy-person genocide.

Twidley Dee

after ukraine’s civilian massacres in 2014, there never should have been any negotiations to start with.

they should have just brushed any off like the us always does and implemented shock and awe from the git go.

they could have called it an r2p operation but that’d have bestowed legitimacy to all the times the us invoked it.

Volhinya Blues

well, hindsights always 20/20 but who knew merkel and hollande would throw so many civilians to the wolves, when they were the wolves in sheep’s clothing themselves.

has merkel committed hari kiri yet? haven’t heard a peep from her for years.

no sacrifice too great

she’s atoning for her sins in a berlin beer hall. germans always did look for the easy way out.


nato believe that attacking russia from 3 diffirent weak cities will win over the russian population therefore at last people of russia i mean russians will down putin


without mobilization there will be not enought soldier for kursk and belgorod. zelensky sends 2 more units to support invation in russian main land. f16 and other nato vehicles supporting ukro troops. more poland and georgian merceneries are on their way to support the ukro troops. america very happy because ukraine controls 1000km2. who quarantee there will not be attacy across 3rd weak city


how’s that working out for the ukrainian main force on the line of contact in donbas? how’s that armada of f-16s doing these days? krusty the klown of kiev’s flying circus?