Nikolic: Ankara should recognize the Su-24M incident happened through their fault

The Serbian president considers that the first step to calm down the tensions between Russia and Turkey should come from Ankara.

Nikolic: Ankara should recognize the Su-24M incident happened through their fault

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolić

In the frame of the meeting of the Foreign Ministers Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) held in Belgrade on Friday, Serbian president Tomislav Nikolic said that in order to fix the relations between Turkey and Russia after the Su-24M incident, Ankara must recognize that the impasse shouldn’t have happened, and what is more important, it occurred through its fault.

Nikolic also stated that, both countries hold exceptional economic and even political relations and that situation should go on; but at the same time, he expects that Turkey will receive condemnation for having committed a serious offense they didn’t have any right to do.

Russia shouldn’t ask for reconciliation to their Turkish counterpart since they were the ones that started this conflict and most of all haven’t shown any sign of remorse or guarantee that incidents of this kind won’t happen again, Tomislav Nikolic said.

There are several and serious reports of previous Turkish invasions to airspaces of other nations like Greece, Iran, the Republic of Cyprus and Syria.

Written by Lisbeth Mechter

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