An Israeli IMI Delilah cruise missile under the wing of an Israeli Air Force F-16I Soufa Fighter. Picture taken at Kecskeméti Repülőnap 2010. By Wikimedia user (KGyST).
Early on July 22, five service members of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were killed and several others were wounded when a wave of Israeli airstrikes hit the outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus.
In a statement to the Syrian Arab News Agency, an official in the SAA said that Israeli fighter jets launched the airstrikes from the airspace of the occupied Golan Heights. According to unnamed official, most of the missiles fired by the fighter jets were intercepted by Syrian air defenses.
The casualties were identified as Mohammed Abbas, Mustafa al-Qattan, Hossam al-Mohsen, Abbas Musa and Haider Haider. Some of them were reportedly air defense officers.
One of the targets of the Israeli airstrikes was a complex located in the Shiite town of Set Zaynab in the southern outskirts of Damascus, where Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are known to be active.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and other pro-opposition news sources made all sorts of claims about the targets of the Israeli airstrikes, from IRGC ammunition depots to drone and missile workshops. Some sources even claimed that the offices of senior Syrian military and intelligence officers were among the targets. These conflicted claims are likely just a propaganda stunt meant to justify the Israeli attack.
This was the second confirmed Israeli attack on Syria this month. On July 6, an Israeli drone strike hit the outskirts of the town of Hadar in the southern governorate of al-Quneitra. The strike killed a pro-government fighter.
Israel stepped up its attacks on Syria this year in a new bid to prevent Iran from establishing a lasting military presence in the war-torn country, as well as to stop Iranian weapons shipments to Hezbollah. None of these objectives have been achieved yet.
- Israeli Unit Backed By Battle Tanks Storms Town In Syria’s Al-Quneitra
- Israeli Mossad Caught, Interrogated Senior IRGC Official In Iran – Report
Zionist scum!
No point blaming the Zionist bastards since Syria and its ally Iran are too cowardly to fight back. The Zionists have been emboldened as Russia is busy in Ukraine and Iran is just too weak or cowardly to engage the Zionists in a war of attrition which they will lose as they simply can not fight beyond 4 weeks. As Ukraine has shown modern asymmetrical wars grind up manpower, but the Syrians are too pussy to do anything.
Mate, the Kikes need to hit. PERIOD.
Cowardly has nothing to do with it. Syria knows perfectly well they are no match for Israel, if they responded with missiles Israel would just conduct a huge campaign to destroy even more of the country. Being pragmatic is all Syria can do.
I would beg to differ, but truth sometimes is unpalatable. The FACT remains that Syria has been used as a punching bag by the Turkey bastards and Zionists,who along with the Americunt assholes are arming and training Wahhabi terrorists, much like what is happening in Ukraine. The Zionist scum have far more to lose, as they are cowards and if missiles start flying 70% would run back to Europe and North America. Syria is already a war zone, like Ukraine and has nothing to lose if it hits back. Lack of response will only beget more aggression. Zionists are barely 7 million and can not fight a grinding ground war over 2 millions sq kms from Beirut to Tehran. The US and and NATO with 4,000 aircraft could not bomb the Taliban into submission, does anyone with half a brain think that Zionist scum with 200 planes can bomb the Axis of Resistance or even Hezbollah. The cost will be high but the Zionists will lose. It is just that the mullahs and Assad need to grow a pair.
You forgot the fact that Syria saved itself from ISIS by relying on Zionist Russia.
They brought the Zionists in.
Just as the Zionists planned.
True to some extent, Putin protected the Zionists, but now with Jews killing Slavs, Russian public opinion is turning hostile. The Syrian war is now a sideshow for Russia which is now in a total war with NATO hyenas. Syria is now an Iranian and Hezbollah problem and they will have to act. The sooner the better as the Zionists are miscalculating and simply don’t have enough strategic calculus to fight a major regional war on multiple fronts. The Russian military can leverage this conflict by arming the Axis of Resistance and bleeding the Zionists and their western backers. The Americunt loser assholes just lost a war in Afghanistan and are printing $ 2 trillion a month to fund their deadbeat economy and war in Ukraine. A major region war in the Middle East will destroy the US and Zionists. Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Hezbollah and Shia axis has more than 250 million people and unending supply of manpower if they get serious.
People in Lebanon are saying that Israel might attack during Muharram (the martyrdom of Imam Hussain AS, the prophet grandson) if they do this that’s the worst mistake because Shias are the most motivated during this time. I’d like to add to your last sentence, if fatwa is called depending on the severity, all Shia men around the world may have to fight if the war gets big enough. Ayatollah Sistani made a fatwa for all Shia Iraqi men to fight isis in 2014, people from all different backgrounds came, sheiks included. I get you want them to respond ASAP, and believe me so do I, but knowing these guys they probably waiting for the right time. Israel is attacking for a reaction, The axis is just waiting to attack when they least expect it I guess
The Jewish terrorists are killing people again. We wait on Russia to answer, or not?
Russia is pro Zionist and will never harm their Ziomasters.
Yes, but now the Jews are openly killing Slavs in Ukraine.
Yes, but you do know that as of 2022, Russian speakers number around 1,300,000 people, or 15% of the Israeli population? Right?
The funny thing that just happen though, is they have been a lot of Russians moving to Israel and Russia is trying to stop or you know to slow them down. RT report about it.
They killed 66 million Christian Russians during the Bolshevik regime, so that’s nothing new.
Have they before? NO.
Hezbollah and Iran needs to attack Israhell targets nearby.
That is essential to impose some cost on Zionists. Schoolyard bully logic applies.
Oh no please don’t do it that is scary.if hezbolock and gay mollahs attack.🙀 We can’t even think about it .
Kikes and Turkeys are same wankers mate.
so hezbolock terrorists group and terrorists state Iran. mate
1. Bazza is right and that is a fact, you didn’t even disagree with him.
2. You are wrong, Hezbollah is a Shia Muslim community/group (True Muslims BTW, I say so) and they are ARABS not Persian/Iranian.
I guess you mean it as Hezbollah is an ally of Iran – Yes. But that is not what Bazza was saying tho. Cunt.
Go suck off Erdogay or one of the ISIL members.
Also, I asked you before why so many Turk-isis come to the EU to become gays? Like Erdogay?
Turk-isis are Walmart Mulism anyway. Suck off Wahhabis (YES) Suck off Zion (YES) Suck off EVERYONE for money (YES).
Israel is a british creation
and german to, the germans tried to remove the parasite from europe and you cannot blame them. but the uk stopped a lot of them
It is a racist imperialist colonial Apartheid cancer just to divide the corrupt Arab Sunnis and loot their oil and wealth, just like Ukraine is being used to “bleed” Russia. The war in Ukraine is also a Anglo-Zionist venture to “destroy Russia and balkanize it and loot its resources”. Even Putin knows it by now. Unless these Zionists are eradicated the world will never see peace, let alone justice. The Jew are trying every evil to destroy Russia as then the west will plunder the last resources frontier. Hopefully, Russians and the world know understand the parasitic evil nature of Zionism.
Israel is a U.N. creation. All permenant members are pro Zionists. Russia is just as much part of the Zionist community as the Britts or the Yanks.
Why do you think Russia continues to supply its “enemies”
Yes, it is, and God I hope they all go to hell for everything they have done. Like they didn’t fuk up in Palestine only… no no no, motherfukers fuked a lot of things. Like HK… you know drug the people and… Pakistan and India…etc etc
putin never fights back…why is he such a pussy
Putin’s mom was a Jew and Russia is infested with the roaches, just look at the mess in Ukraine, where one Jew is causing thousands of Slavic deaths. Same in the divided Arab world.
Two jews, you mean – zelensky is representing Ukraine while putin heads Russia.
Why can’t you people see that? Russia is pro Zionist.
Becouse they are blind or just can´t handle the truth about their idol and his role in creation of global techocratic fascism and dystopic future for humankind except the Earth CEO “choosen one” JW managers . Probably all goverments and presidents in Europe ( maybe except Belarus ) is pro Zionist….
The zionist state will go down with the American empire and with their extremist mindset they will probably nuke every country they can in the process.
By December of this Year, the Great United States of America will Officially enter the War against Russia, and the entire Russian Federation will be turned into Nuclear ASHES, and look like Syria in these pictures! And for all of you Putin Human Cockroaches that support Russia, will also meet the same FATE, all of you will be in Body-bags by the end of this Year
Just like every other country, Russia will be Exterminated and none of your stupid Gay Comments you guys make on hear will matter, your mockery will soon be turned into TEARS by the End of this Year, you all will be Vaporized and turned into ASHES by December of this Year!
Instead of bombing Syria, what Isreal eally needs to do is shoot down more Russian Warplanes and call it an accident like last time, or just come out in the open, either way it’s not like you Pathetic Russians would do anything about it! Russia already has let Isreal and Turkey shoot down it’s Warplanes in Syria.
And because the Pathetic Russian Federation was too scared of starting a War with United States, they pretended it never happened, but you Pathetic Putin Supporters on here actually think Russia is the Mightiest Country on the Planet.
The same country that has been Humiliated by the West these last 5 months, for all your Russian Supporters, you will witness with your own eyes, by the end of this Year, the entire Russian Federation will be turned into Nuclear Ashes!
That’s what Syria gets for not fighting back. And for getting in bed with Zionist Russia.
Falling to ISIS or falling to Zionists is not much of a choice. But they made their choice and chose Zionism.
Now live with it.
Maybe, just maybe it’s time to shoot those delivery systems down?
This is how you know how poor Russian systems perform. Syria can’t even defend themselves with Russia by its side.
It’s time people of intelligence realised Putin is a Zionist and too cowardly to lift a finger to defend Syria.