An Israeli Air Force F-35 fighter jet flies during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli airforce pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel December 29, 2016.. (photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
Late on April 14, a series of Israeli airstrikes hit several positions in the western countryside of the Syrian capital, Damascus.
A Syrian military source told the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency that the airstrikes resulted in some material losses only.
“Around 23:02 pm, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial aggression from the north of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some positions in the western countryside of Damascus,” the unnamed source said, “our air-defense means confronted the hostile missiles and shot down some of them.”
The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a report that the Israeli airstrikes targeted a number of military positions near the towns of Rakhlah, Ambia, Kfar Qouq and Qatana district in the western countryside of Damascus.
From its side, the UAE-based al-Arabiya TV reported that the target of the airstrikes was a large shipment of Iranian air-defense systems, radar stations and drones.
Footage of what is said to be Israeli Air Force activity over northern Israel pic.twitter.com/fanZkX6ObQ
— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 14, 2022
This was the second Israeli attack on Syria this April. On the 9th of the month, a series of Israeli airstrikes targeted the outskirts of the town of Masyaf in the western Hama countryside. The airstrikes hit a research center, a weapons factory, a military base and a suspected air-defense site.
Israel’s repeated attacks on Syria are supposedly meant to push Iran and its allies out of Syria as well as to prevent them from developing their offensive capabilities. None of these goals have been achieved, yet.
Syria has been refraining from responding to Israeli attacks for years now in order to focus on resolving its internal conflict.
- Satellite Images Confirm Israel Struck Research Center & Military Factory In Syria’s Hama
- West Bank: Israeli Soldiers Arrest 20 Palestinians, Kill Unarmed Woman (Videos, Photos)
Iran needs to design a world-class air defense system and then set it up in Syria. That might actually be possible once the sanctions are removed and trillions is pumped into the Iranian economy…
Iran isn’t going to do shyt. If they do anything out of script against Israel then Russia will probably be the first one to come to Israel’s defense.
Russians are a fourth world military as Ukraine has shown. The Iranians need to work on their own as Putin is a Jew loving loser and Russia is about to disintegrate.
As long as Iran supplies equipment to beef up the defences of Syria then the Israeli’s will strike. Russia, and Putin, have played this smart by freezing any chance of major conflict while also not allowing the Assad regime to by destroyed by Israel/US/etc.
Putin IS a jew.
Putin belongs to nothing, but he pays his respects to all religions.
And you are a nazi trash on jew payroll.
Is that why the ukrop military infrastructure is gone?
You are mixing up Russia with the crumbling americant empire.
Iran has to flood Syria and Lebanon with ATGM and Manpads and goad the Zionists into a land war, the Russians are too scared to confront the west and Zionists, they can’t even defend themselves against Ukraine.
Syria wouldn’t benefit from a war with Israel. It would undermine it’s already fragile territory.
Israel will never be goaded into a land war after it’s landforces dismal defeat at the hands of 2000 militiamen of the Hezb in 2006. Their ground forces are their weakest link in their defence forces and the least motivated. Arab and Iranian ground forces are much more experienced and motivated and willing to offer huge sacrifices. Khazar fake Joos cannot and will not. They are hoping that air supremacy alone will defeat Iran and Syria – they are gravely mistaken. The countdown to zion’s annhihilation has already begun. Zion will pull the trigger themselves when they attack iran.
Israel is not threatened by Syria but mostly by Iran and Turkey.
Syria isn’t weak man. They have technology far greater than most countries in the world, just because they don’t use it and expose it against ISIS, doesn’t mean they don’t have modern Russian jets, air defence and other weapons.
It is not only about weakness but about the state of things.
What Arabs are you talking about?
Israel knows and has admitted that they can’t rely on Air Force because of the embarrassment they faced in 2006. Israel said they’ll have to do ground operations to have a chance at beating Hezbollah, and we both know how that’ll end. Hezbollah and Iran train guerrilla and force their enemies to fight them on the ground, which is their speciality. You’re right about them being able to sacrifice themselves, this is because Shias believe dying on the battlefield is the most honourable way to die. There’s Hezbollah soldiers who went to Syria to fight ISIS, and when they returned to Lebanon, they were sad they didn’t die martyrs (true story) it shows these guys are ready to do what’s necessary to take out the IDF, even if they take one with them, that’s a win for the soldiers.
Just imagine if Syria comes closer to Egypt and UAE and Hezbollah attempts a coup.
Iran probably has that stuff but won’t expose it until war. Hezbollah brought a domestically built drone made by only them, and it went 70km into Israel undetected for 40 minutes, I honestly can’t even imagine what Iran is hiding. Hezbollah and Iran only expose their weapons when it’s part of their plan, that drone Hezbollah used is probably Hezbollahs cheap drones they don’t care about, imagine what they have.
100% – Iran and Syria signed an air defence pact a short while ago. They will integrate Syrian air defences into their own and supply Bavar (S300+ copies) to Syria. They are probably doing it in an East to West fashion. They cannot risk exposure until a full scale war begins – and it will, pretty soon – it seems no israeli leader learns anything. Israel , since 2000 has been getting weaker and weaker in the limits of its offensive capabilities while all its opponents including Hamas are getting stronger. Israel feels that if it doesn’t do anything now, it will be too late – but that window of opportunity has long time since ended. No war can be won with air supeiority alone – the Americans learnt that in Iraq and Afghanistan and neither of those countries have the capabilities Iran combined with its proxies have. The US might have used the revived JCPOA as a ruse to lure Iran into believing all is ok on the Western front then it will assist Israel to finish off iran – but the mullahs aint havin non of that. Khamenei expressly told Iranian officials not to hold their breathe for this deal. Preparations for war with Israel and the US are moving on quietly within Iran.
You’re right, Zionist BIGGEST mistake was not focusing on Hezbollah in the 80s. They say Hezbollah has been quiet since the 2006 war, but that’s the complete opposite. Hezbollah went from being an ordinary militia (weapons wise) but organization of a nuclear power, to militia that’s literally stronger than 95% of countries and has more missiles than NATO combined (excluding USA) my favourite part of all is that Hezbollah is considered stronger than 95% of countries, and all Zionist know is Hezbollah old weapons. Imagine what will their ranking will be when Hezbollah modern weapons are known. They say that Hezbollah military rank jumped significantly when Sayed Nasrallah said they have 100k fighter and not 40k.
I’m glad you brought up the nuclear deal. People think Iran is desperate for this deal, but it’s the complete opposite. Iran had made it clear that the deal will go through only on their terms. If Iran was desperate, the deal would’ve been signed now. Like you said Iran is aware this deal is to take their focus of Zionist and make them feel safe, no matter what israel does it simply doesn’t have the logistics to fight Iran. No matter how much israel spends and is given, it will be useless in war. Hezbollah ALONE can destroy IDF bases and air bases, that’s excluding Iran and the rest of axis of resistance.
Safe to say, next war israel economic infrastructure will be hit within the first 12 hours and israel will tap out then. They don’t know how to live with limited water or electricity like the rest of Arabs around them do.
Nice advertisement for Hezbollah. Hezbollah alone cannot attack Israel. Hezbollah will be helped by the Gog Magog alliance.
Yes they can. Hezbollah the missiles to destroy Israeli economic infrastructure, israel won’t last from that
Alone? No. But with help yes.
The treasonous PooTin again gave his Jew God, Bennett the gay, full permission to b9mb and kill syrians at will. All Russia is interested in are the port facilities and Syria’s unexplored rare minerals
Russia wants to ensure the Zionist agenda.
Russia is trying to restrain Israel but it ain’t easy.
There is an article claiming that SAA has Israeli drones. Israel played both sides on this civil war.
Russian leaders are in bed with the zionist nwo crowd. This has become obvious with their pro israel approach and their staged “war” in Ukraine.
We were stupid to think Russia was actually going to oppose the zionists. We can’t count on China either.
We are all doomed to be zionist slaves.
The average Russian has had a big increase in quality of life.
No we are not. Israel is not at the zenith of its power, it is on its way down. iran and its allies rule the middle east. ejecting the zionists from the middle east is the next step. There is NO way israel can attack Iran and survive the consequences.
Take the noses out now – enough of this BS.
Next time Israel do it again, we will give Assad the S-300. If Israel do it again.
Lets see Israel try an attack on Assad himself. Israel doesn’t seem so tough anymore, does it?
When Syria eventually responds, they will paralyze Israel. Same thing with Hezbollah and Iran. It was so easy for Iran to shut down all their government & Mossad websites, it was hilarious. Israelis couldn’t even use their credit cards. When Hezbollah, Syria and Iran all simultaneously hit israel with really aggressive cyber attacks, their technology they spend billions on will be useless if they have no lines of communication
However, these days, Syria is coming closer to the alliance of Egypt and UAE not to Iran and Hezbollah.
In the 2006 war, Israel lost on all fronts – Navy-ground and electronic warfare. Even their air superiority made NO diference. nasrallah never boasts, but he did say on several occassions since that war, that the next war will lead to israeli refugees and an invasion by Iran backed forces into israeli territory because thats the next logical step. It is Israel which risks everything when it fights the next war with ANY of it’s opponents in the middle east. Israel is a belligerent European colonial occupier which NEVER shy’s away from attackin its neighbours. Since 2006, there has been NO attack on Hebollah and we are still awaiting that almighty attack on Iran. So Israel is clearly F”kd when it is too weak to do as it pleases.
Israeli intelligence couldn’t locate Hezbollah rocket batteries and bunkers. Their Air Force was shooting homes and saying it’s Hezbollah infrastructure because they couldn’t locate Hezbollah weapons. Nasrallah is right, you think those spoiled Israelis will want to live in Israel when their water, oil and electricity plants are gone. This war Hezbollah has modern air defence capabilities unlike 2006, so even though Israel Air Force is useless against them, their jets will have to be very careful. Sayed Nasrallah already admitted that they have same air defence (Bavar) in Lebanon that Iran used to shoot down the American reaper. That air defence is already battle tested against modern technology, and that’s probably not even Hezbollah strongest air defence.
Jordan is much stronger than Hezbollah and they cannot fight Israel either. The only countries that can fight and defeat Israel in the Middle East are Turkey, Iran and Egypt. Saddamist Iraq had the potential but now they have lost it.
It’s not about the Strength, Hezbollah proved that in 06. Hezbollah would destroy Jordan in a war
No, Hezbollah cannot destroy Jordan. Shia Iraq can though or the Houthis.
Why don’t some people get it? Russia sees Iran&Hezbollah as the needed foot soldiers in Syria, Russia will never let Iran to become any real threat to Dear Israel,
Russia needs Hezbollah just as much as Hezbollah needs Russia. Hezbollah is needed for ground operations because ISIS is guerrilla, airstrikes aren’t really effective in fighting guerrilla, but at the same time some operations Hezbollah do, Air support is needed
Russia had many clashes in the past centuries with the Iranians. The only common thing they have is their opposition to US.
Syria knows that while Russia was an indispensible aide in its last fight against the headchoppers, strategically and politically, its future lies with Iran. Iran sees Syria as part of its strategic depth. So Iran will never leave and they are wary of Russian moves in Syria that might assist the zionists, even
Iran is allied with Turkey, Qatar and Muslim Brotherhood. Do you think that Iran will help the regime in Damascus if they get invaded by Turkey?
Turkey won’t last a war with Iran. Turkey and the rest of Arab puppet countries military are literally dumb downed US technology. Those idiots made a mistake by having a lot US technology, if they ever go to war with Israel/USA, they’ll know how to counter all their capabilities since it’s US tech
Turkey will never attack Iran. They are friends of theirs. Both Turkey and Iran hate Arab states and Israel and want to wipe out them.
Turkey is a Zionist country
Erdogan is anti-Zionist. Erdogan’s model is the revolution of Ayatollah and the ideology of Muslim Brotherhood.
Whenever kikes strike assheadists I remain neutral despite hating both sides equally.
I dont think I will ever set foot in iran again after what it did to Syria.
However I encourage both sides to go KYS.
What did Iran do, beat Isis? Iran was invited into Syria by the president. The “revolution” is a false flag created to destroy Hezbollah and Iran according NATO and its allies
There were many parameters about why that revolution happened. But that revolution was staged by the West, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in order to destroy a hostile regime.
Spoken like a true numbskull.
The situation of Russia and Israel is like this. Russia is the guy who doesn”t want to get his mother in law Israel mad but at the same time does not want to get his girlfriend Syria mad either. Putin have to be very careful when it comes to Israel. Zionism control the world media and press completely the world currency system, the American Federal Bank, NATO and the OTAN. Those who control the world media and public opinion control the world.
Chabad Lubovitch has assassins and saboteurs within it’s Russian 5th column.
Putin needs to purge the Pharisees from Russia in the same discreet way he purged to Oligarchs.
Thats precisely why Russia is pussyfooting the Ukraine war instead of carpet bombing the sh1t outta Ukraine as it did to the Chechens in the 90’s and killing milions of White people.
10 years of israeli strikes seems to have achieved nothing. Those Iranian decoys seem to be working like a charm!
It is hard to believe there is a rat or rats inside 1. Syrian Defence Forces or 2. Iranian Defence forces So, it can only be Yanki satellite’s that are relaying this movement.