New Video Reveals Militants’ Heavy Losses In Kafr Nabudah Battle

On May 28, the Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA) released a new video revealing militants’ heavy losses in the battle of Kafr Nabudah last week.

The video shows dozens of airstrikes and artillery strikes on the militants’ positions and equipment inside the town and in its outskirt.

A tour inside Kafr Nabudah by ANNA’s reporter also shows several battle tanks and armored vehicles of the militants, which were damaged or destroyed by landmines and anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs).

A coalition of al-Qaeda-affiliated groups and Turkish-backed factions, led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) captured the town of Kafr Nabudah, in northern Hama, from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on May 22 in a large-scale attack.

However, the SAA recaptured the town four days later in a rapid offinsive that lasted for four hours only. Hundreds of militants were reportedly killed and injured.

Despite these heavy losses, the militants are still committed to their hostile behaviour. This will likely force the SAA and its allies to launch additional ground operations in the upcoming few days.

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Zionism = EVIL

There is no doubt that the Americunt and Turkey’s headchopper terrorists are taking a hammering in Idlib and the loser bitches are once again moaning “chemical, chemical” LOL. It is time to bludgeon these terrorist arseholes to kingdom come and send the bill to their Saudi and Emirati pimps. BTW, the new SyAAF SU-24Mk2 are doing very well with precision munitions. Russia has done a good job in upgrading them to Russian AF standards and the Syrians pilots are much better trained now. Keep on raining death on these murderous scum!

Human kind is doomed

Big blasts are made by airborne raids, but those smaller ones, they look very much like Krasnopol system in action.

Prince Teutonic

Yes, I’m also thinking that those smaller explosions on enemy tanks, IFVs and Toyotas are from Krasnopol precision munition painted by laser from UAVs…

Human kind is doomed

Guided artillery is great system. Maximum effect with minimum of explosive!
Some of those might be ATGM’s but blast itself reminds of artillery hit!

Toni Liu

Does krasnopol effective against modern MBT if hit directly? I thought only big bomb with weigh 500lb can blasted them

Prince Teutonic

Yes, those HE-frag rounds will demolish a tank if hit directly…


Tank or any armour has none to light amour top side

Zionism = EVIL

Yes, Russia has been using very precise laser guided ammo as the photos
clearly show. The old T-55 in terrorist hands been been opened up like
Sardine cans by a single strike with no survivors. This indicates the
use of laser guided ammo. The Syrians are also using their SP guns in a more professional manner to support infantry. Previously, they used the SP tracked guns as armor.

Human kind is doomed

No armor can resist 152mm on top of it!

Syrians endured so much and with Russian assistance and huge experiance in this shitty war they will arise as a good and profesional army!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Willing Conscience (The Truths

All due to the blood sweat and tears of the SAA alone, well done brave Syrian soldiers, a few more Syrian families can now feel a little safer.
This is a bit of spit in the eye for all the naysayers who say the SAA can’t fight, look what they did even with one hand tied behind their back. Thanks to Putin and Erdogan’s Astana agreement that’s what the reality is, they’re fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.


Sadly, the terrorists used the localized ceasefires to rearm and hide behind civilian human shields.

Human kind is doomed

Business as usual for them!


Lol, you are just a cheap troll )))))

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And you’re a moron. Just before the first Astana agreement was signed the SAA had just recovered all of it’s lost territory from Isis, and then moved straight into northern Hama to attack the rebels there, not even a weeks break for the SAA or Russia after defeating Isis, just straight into the rebels. And if you’ve forgotten or weren’t aware of it, they were kicking the rebels to high heaven for 2 or 3 weeks making HUGE GAINS there, that is until the first Astana agreement was signed, then Assad and Russia packed up their forces and went straight to Ghoutah and kicked their butts instead, and when they finished there they went to Daraa and Quneitra and did the same thing to them, and now they’re back here for the second time.
The Astana peace talks were good for the Iranians, the Turks, the rebels and for Putin, not Russia and the SAA, they’ve actually been hamstrung by the agreement, but the rebels haven’t been, they’ve actually been empowered.
If the SAA had really benefited from the Astana agreement as you claim, they wouldn’t continually break it as often as they do, and they do all the time thankfully, they unlike you know the Astana agreement is just a piece of toilet paper for Erdogan to wipe his butt on.
And why do all the other top Russian government officials and military commanders keep saying the rebels should be eliminated, only Putin keeps repeating reconciliation is the desired outcome, all the rest of the Russians say kill all the rebels.
Putin signed an agreement that protects the rebels, who continually attack Russian air bases with weapons supplied by Erdogan, Putin’s new partner/ally, it may make sense to you but I’ll bet it doesn’t to the Russian soldiers who are being continuously attacked by the rebels, the very same rebels their leader is helping to protect.


The Moron here is you, there is still Isis presence in the eastern desert and attacks, back then there was a huge risk of SDF crossing the river and try to take Al mayadin and surroundings, Even after they Palmira and freed the highway all the way to Deir Ezor, Isis was quite strong there and so the rebels in the sounth, SAA and the rest wouldn’t be able to take Idlib while fighting on all other fronts, they had major setbacks In ghouta and daraa, they had to secure their back first by clearing Daraa and Ghouta, that’s why they have transfered all of the rebels to one side in Idlib, they have taken out the weaker fronts first and now they are going to focus on the strongest.

So like i said, you are just a poor troll and don’t have a slightest argument besides some worthless agreement that was for a political show and nobody is sticking to.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There is still an Isis presence in Syria true, but only because Erdogan is still cooperating with them, if he wasn’t there would be no Isis at all left now, they’d all be dead and buried.
The Isis presence you’re referring to was the group protected by the US base at Al Tanf, they were hiding out in the exclusion zone and causing mayhem, but the recently established Russian artillery base has made there hideouts practically inaccessible now, so Isis no longer has the free reign they once had, and the SAA should have no problem rounding them all up eventually, it’s just a matter of time.
There were NO MAJOR SETBACKS for either the Ghouta or the Daraa/Quneitra campaigns. Ghouta was a little more difficult due to the high number of civilians supporting the rebels, which made airstrikes less effective and sometimes impossible, so of course there was more street fighting which caused more SAA to be at risk and caused more SAA casualties than there should have been, and Assad also opted to evacuate the rebels under terms to avoid having to fight in those heavily intermingled areas, so I’d like to know what the major setbacks were, they were the only real hiccups I’m aware of. And Darra and Quneitra were easy cakewalks too for the SAA, TOO EASY IN FACT, 4 weeks and over 75% of the territory was back in Assad’s hands, a few weeks more and it all was all back in his hands, minimum civilian casualties, minimum SAA casualties, minimal displaced persons which weren’t displaced for very long because the vast majority moved back into their undamaged home within 4 to 6 weeks, sadly rebel casualties weren’t that high though, but that’s only because 20,000 FSA defected to Assad’s side before they were attacked. So what major setback are you talking about Mr knowledgeable. Where the hell do you get your info, LGBTQI+ gossip magazines?
The ONLY real hitch with the Ghoutah campaign was the constant and credible US coalition threats to assist the rebels with airstrikes, the US/Israel were using concerns of a humanitarian crisis to dissuade the SAA and Russia from attacking Ghouta, but as you already know the Russians and SAA went ahead anyway, and there were no retaliatory airstrikes from the US coalition at all. And you try to tell me Putin’s scared of firing up the US and NATO, well he wasn’t back then, even though they were threatening retaliatory strikes every second day, yeah Putin was really scared, he must have been trembling when he gave the order to attack Ghouta LOL.
I’m not a troll dickhead, I’m just pointing out that Putin is now effectively treating Assad and Syria the same way the US and Israel treat all of their cronies, Putin’s acting more like a US president then a Russian leader, but you don’t care do you, it’s only bad when the US or Israel do it to someone, if Putin does it’s ok with you, You’re just a one eyed Putin supporter who doesn’t like fair criticism of your hero, that what the truth is, and you’re trolling me to try and stop me criticizing him, isn’t it a shame you can’t really do anything to stop me, so go and bitch to someone who does care what you think, because I don’t.


Ì don’t want to stop you, i don’t care actually i have pointed out a few times that you were/are wrong, There were major setbacks in Ghouta and daara and deir ezor , you just don’t care to look, SAA was overstretched and wouldn’t be able to fight at mutiple fronts. You should search this site or almasdar for the setbacks they had back then.
They simply wouldn’t have been able to take idlib. I remember when SAA trried to advance toward Rakka, they got anialiated by isis.

You are a very deluded person who doesn’t have a clue about what is going on there.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you can show me even one tiny little hiccup that happened during the Daraa/Quneitra campaign I’ll be very surprised, so go ahead and try and link me even one article that confirms there was even the slightest problem for the SAA [leave alone a major setback] during the Daraa/Quneitra campaign, just one please.
I’ll reassert that the Daraa/Quneitra campaigns were total cakewalks for the SAA, and as far as military victories are concerned, they couldn’t have gotten it more perfect than they did, and it was a perfect victory you moron with no setbacks at all.
Even when the Israelis accused the Iranians of participating in the fighting and wearing SAA uniforms to hide the fact it changed nothing, they had an agreement that Iranian and Hezbollah forces would keep out of the fighting in Quneitra and stay clear of the 60 km exclusion zone, which the Iranians broke, but all we got was a few jokes from the Israeli government about how stupid the Iranians were, they did absolutely nothing about it though, even they could have used it as an excuse to attack the SAA. That would have been the only major setback for the Daraa/Quneitra campaigns, but wasn’t.
You can believe the propaganda if you want to, but it’s obvious to me that Assad and the SAA don’t believe that BS propaganda. They’re not abiding by the ceasefire agreement, they’re actually trying to take back territory contrary to the agreement, that’s what they think of the BS propaganda you believe in, and so do I.
If what you believe was correct and the Astana agreement was beneficial to the SAA, why aren’t the SAA abiding by the agreement, why are they trying to recover territory in the exclusion zone even now as we speak, it’s just so contradictory a statement you’d have to be insane to believe it, LOOK AT WHAT THE SAA ARE ACTUALLY DOING, the exact opposite of what you think they should be doing, which is abiding by the ceasefire agreement and the Astana agreement.

This is what you said

“The Moron here is you, there is still Isis presence in the eastern desert and attacks, back then there was a huge risk of SDF crossing the river and try to take Al mayadin and surroundings, Even after they Palmira and freed the highway all the way to Deir Ezor, Isis was quite strong there and so the rebels in the sounth, SAA and the rest wouldn’t be able to take Idlib while fighting on all other fronts”

But look at what they’re actually doing, the SAA and Assad are ignoring your advice totally, they aren’t worried about the SDF suddenly crossing the Euphrates, they like me know that’s not just highly improbable now, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE, the last thing the Kurds want to do now is jeopardize what they do have, EXACTLY WHAT THEY’VE ALWAYS WANTED.
And what multiple fronts are they going to be fighting on, if you think a small Isis presence on the deserts of Deir ez Zor and Homs are a battlefront it seems Assad doesn’t think they are, he sees them as, JUST A SECURITY PROBLEM, if he didn’t we’d see troop movements heading that way to counter any possible eruption of major hostilities, but we don’t, we just see small numbers heading that way occasionally to counter Isis.
If you’re right about the Astana agreement Assad is making a big mistake by breaking it and trying to take back territory in the demilitarized zone, but I don’t think he is, I think he’s smart.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

32 posts now.


Rest of your comment is based on groundless assumptions, reading it is like listening to american leaders talking about democracy and human rights.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

My comment is based on the fact that I can see that ever since the Astana agreement was signed the rebels have continuously broken it and attacked the SAA , they’ve also reorganized countless times to evade terrorist designations by world authorities, they’ve remanned, rearmed, and redeployed, they also oppress and kill with impunity anyone who wants to reconcile with the government, [and they also kill people just for fun of it too].
And I can also see with my own eyes that Assad has finally gotten sick of it, he’s taking back some towns in the demilitarized zone contrary to the agreement and continually attacking the rebels in the process, he’s breaking that agreement now, that’s what’s actually happening.
And that’s what you call my groundless assumptions, but I call it logic based on fact, no sane person can say the Astana agreement has been good for the SAA, all the facts on the ground say the opposite of what you claim.
You’re the propaganda troll, you’re trying to tell me black is white and up is down, but I can see with my own eyes that’s not the case. You’re the one being deluded, the Astana agreement has never been good for the SAA, but it has been very good for the rebels and Erdogan.


Yeah, cause before the Astana rebels weren’t killing everyone who decided to reconcile with SAA. Your BS has got a very western taste to it, choosing one aspect and build whole story around it and keep repeating over and over again from different angles. But like i said you have narrowed yourself to one aspect and are trying to pull me into it, lol.

Yeah, Assad taking back the towns in the demilitarized zone, he’s doing that not alone you know, Russia is participating heavily in this, means they are not sticking to the agreement,lol.

In any case teh astana was just a big political show, everyone is persuing his own goals.

So you can drop your act now.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Yeah, Assad taking back the towns in the demilitarized zone, he’s doing that not alone you know, Russia is participating heavily in this, means they are not sticking to the agreement,lol.”

Are you trying to be funny, Russia isn’t helped the SAA take back these towns at all, even SF published 2 different article stating the SAA claimed they’d lost ground due to the lack of Russian air support, that’s not helping the SAA take back towns, that actually causing them to lose the town, “Russia is participating heavily” LOL, you’re a retard.
“means they are not sticking to the agreement,lol.” LOL, you’re a retard alright, Russia’s the only party abiding by the ceasefire, no one else is.
According to the Astana agreement the Russians can legally retaliate against the rebels when they shoot at the Russians, but they can’t launch unprovoked attacks against the rebels, which they aren’t doing, they’re only responding to rebel attacks. So they aren’t the ones breaking the Astana agreement, they’re the only ones abiding by it.
But the SAA and the rebels aren’t abiding by the ceasefire, they’re both launching unprovoked attacks against each other which is illegal under the Astana agreement, so both of them are breaking it.
Alex I know you’re a paid for Turkish or Qatari troll, you’ve given yourself away with that last desperate attempt to convince me Erdogan’s right and Assad’s wrong , fancy linking a Turkish/Qatari propaganda piece to try and convince me Erdogan is doing the right thing and Assad isn’t, LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.


Lol, it’s funny how are pretending to be pro-Assad while in reality you are here to seed discord. All other observers are probably wrong too by constantly reporting on heavy russian aerial assault, right ? almasdar and the others, lol.

Giving the link from al jazeera, cnn, rt or whatever site doesn’t make me a pro of that particular side,lol.


(If Assad had accepted the Saudi/Qatar proposal there would have been no
war at all in Syria, Assad told us all the reason he didn’t accept the
Saudi/Qatar proposal, and he said it was because of the harm it would do
to his Ally Russia’s economy. He was a loyal friend and ally, but the
same can’t be said for Putin.)

Nonsense, west has been trying to get Iran down for decades and since Syria is their staunch ally it had to go, first they have tried via rebels and jihadists and after with isis. They have been sanctioning Iran for ages, anything to deprive them frim income, like halting this pipeline

The destruction of ME countries was planned regardless of what Assad would have chosen.

Keeping the opponent down and week for gains such as cheap energy and rough materials, expansion of western colony called israel.

So yeah, that pipe wouldn’t be that effective considering that they would have had also to pay those countries for transit and nevermind time it would take to build it and find funds for it, cause most important euro stats were against it, nobody wanted to pay for it IMHO. I don’t know what Assad tells to his own poeple i don’t know how arab ethics work but if he’s still around that means that he’s just telling his voters what they want to hear and same goes for the arab soldiers saying that there wasn’t sufficiant air support in order to shift their failure onto others or it could be a tactic to lure their opponents into a trap like have done recently,lol.

Your attempts of shifting the blame on Russia are laughable,
i wasn’t able to find any recorded proof of Assad saying that, just some conspiracies and theories.

LOL, i’m not trying to convince you of anything, i know that you would still keep on repeating that astana mantra like a madman even if Assad, Putin and Erdogan would come out and say it to your face.

You are Joseph Goebbels’s boy’, LOL.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

F–k me I didn’t know that, no one told me there isn’t supposed to be any discord at all on these forums, only a happy consensus, I’m so sorry I didn’t know that until now, you’ll have to fill me in on what the common consensus is, since you seem to talking the most and should know what the group consensus is.
How many posts have you sent me, start adding them up, it’s just way too many for any normal human being, I’m trying my hardest to keep responding but you’re wearing me out. phew, quickly tell me what the consensus opinion really is and I can have a break from your constant posts, please.


Pff ,,, it doesn’t seem like you are getting tired, there are probably tons of people you are trolling throughout the day.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

31 one posts you’ve sent me.


You are not going to achieve anything with your disinfo campaign anyway, so keep on trolling, people still can see that all you post is just BS anyway.

I won’t bother to reply to you anymore, you little Joseph Goebbels, cause unlike you i’m not getting paid for it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’ve sent me 30 posts in just a few days, isn’t that what a troll does.

Mustafa Mehmet

Times today news SAA casualty is 404 soldiers 4 battle of kafr nabudah


Please, give evidence of what you are talking about ! What is your source of information ?

Mustafa Mehmet

Today days Times newspaper Syrian news from idlib


That is not a credible source and a propaganda tool of the headchoppers. I would be surprised if the SAA has lost even a platoon, considering the heavy and precise use of both Russian and Syrian air power. The terrorists have lost over 2000 headchoppers even by independent estimates. If you look at the photos of destroyed terrorist armor, the use of Russian precision ammo is quite evident.


There are reports that thirty foreign military & intelligence personnel have been captured during the battle for Kafr Nabuda. This may explain why the terrorist counter-attacks persisted even while they were suffering huge casualties – estimates are 800+ terrorists killed during the Kafr Nabuda offensives with many more seriously wounded. Apparently the foreign agents were trapped underground in a sewer or a tunnel and include special forces and intelligence from the UK, Belgium, France, Germany, KSA and UAE.

Concrete Mike

If what you say about foreign assets is true, then this is a huge score for the SAA.


Sound good, but what is your source ? Can you give us evidences ?


A sewer is the best place for the NATO and Gulf State scum. All of them must realise that what they are supporting is against all the rules of common decency and also the UN code of conduct.

All of them will have seen at first hand the callous barbarity of the US enabled terror gangs.

All of them could have refused to go and fight with UN designated terrorists in Syria, and all of them chose not to.

All of them deserve to be tried for crimes against humanity.

Oscar Silva Martinez

Well said


Do not do short operations, just kill terrorists and advance fast and without mercy. I hope SAA does not make another stupid ceasefire. Of course, Syria-Russia must expect soon a USA-Israel-NATO answer with missiles, by using their criminals white helmets.


Good to be able to see these evidences.


Another great ANNA vid. Hope the next major SAA push follows soon!


You would think that the supply of suckers willing to die for the American empire would start to dry up by now, but no, they just keep joining up and dying for the Jewish/American empire.
Such a waste of life.


Let them have what they signed up for.

Lazy Gamer

I hope the civilians were able to evacuate. That looks like a ghost town…

Tommy Jensen

Turkish moderate militants also have feelings, families and dreams.

Real Anti-Racist Action

There exist enough willing militants in Turkey to resupply the terrorist in northern Syria for decades. Over 100,000 Turks at least are willing to take up arms for NATO interest against the Syrian people.