New Ukrainian Offensive In Kherson Region


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New Ukrainian Offensive In Kherson Region

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New Ukrainian Offensive In Kherson Region
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New Ukrainian Offensive In Kherson Region

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Several attacks were recently launched on the Russian military positions in the area of Davidov Brod. Units of the 46th separate Air Mobile Brigade and the 57th Motorized Brigade of Ukraine, deliver pinpoint strikes with small assault groups on armored vehicles on Russian positions in poorly controlled areas.

To the south, several dozen units of Ukrainian military equipment were transported to the left bank of the river near the village of Bolshoe Artakovo. Also, Ukrainian engineering units are trying to restore pontoon crossings near Andreevka and Lozovoe.

To the north, the Ukrainian military have recently declared control over the village of Arkhangelskoe. They expanded the bridgehead on the left bank of the river. They were expected to move deep to the east to cut off the Russian grouping deployed in the Olgino area.

The rotation of Ukrainian troops and reconnaissance operations by small assault groups signaled preparations for a larger offensive in the area of Davydov Brod. They were also largely aimed at distracting Russian forces from the Ukrainian offensive in the north of the Kherson region.

Having accumulated large forces, Ukrainian units went on the offensive along the right bank of the Kakhovsky reservoir by forces of up to three battalions.

The Ukrainian military aimed to break through towards the town Berislav, reach the Kakhovskaya power station and then advance to Kherson.

In two days they managed to repel Russian forces from about a dozen of villages. So far, Ukrainian troops took a foothold along the Lyubimovka — Belyaevka — Novoaleksandrovka line and are transferring reserves there.

Having advanced for about 30 km, Ukrainian forces were stopped near the village of Dudchany. Fierce fighting has been ongoing there for several days.

Due to the Ukrainian breakthrough and the threat of the encirclement of the Russian grouping from Dudchany and Davydov Brod, the Russian military decided to withdraw to a new line of defense. Russians left Davydov Brod, Novaya Kamenka, Olgino and other smaller villages. Russian forces are expected to take a foothold along the Kostroma — Borozenskoye — Mylovoye line in order to shorten the front line and avoid the encirclement.

The Ukrainian offensive in the steppe is accompanied by significant losses. Russian artillery, MLRS and aviation are heavily shelling the advancing enemy forces. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, during two days of offensive operations, the Ukrainian military lost about 130 servicemen and 23 units of military equipment in the area of the Kakhovsky reservoir. Also, as a result of the strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces on the Ukrainian units in the Davydov Brod area, up to 60 militants and seven units of military equipment were destroyed. Heavy losses of Ukrainian forces are confirmed by military sources on the battlefield.

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This is shocking. Who would have imagined that the return of maneuver warfare would be done by the AFU instead of Russia?


So where are the prisoners?

P. T.

The time for making prisoners is over, for good.

Ukro Twinkie, aka P. T.

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukro Twinkie, aka P. T.
azov bunch of emo rejects

This is getting ridiculous.

Put Kadyrov in command of the entire operation in the Ukraine, he takes this seriously, and he’s sending his 3 young sons to take part in the fight. RT released a video of his 3 sons training, and it’s quite an inspiring video.


Russia can’t do anything by now without declaring a real war. I don’t think the Russian public would be happy

P. T.

War can be declared , it this is in the interest of the Russian federation. No problem at all.

Ukro Twinkie

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukro Twinkie
P. T.

BTW, is the Trap Cirilo-Ashton still alive?

Ukro Twinkie, aka P. T.

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukro Twinkie, aka P. T.

Russia’s strategy has been the same for 100 years. Retreat, retreat, retreat and then attack. Meanwhile, they lose huge amounts of manpower. It is a really stupid strategy


Why did they abandon that strategy in the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project, where it seems to be the Banderpites who are losing huge amounts of manpower?


This is what the Russians say. It seems to me that the morale of the Ukrainian army is good….evidently the losses are not that high

jens holm

You give the answers Yourself. Its also well described by many spurces and in Yourubes as well.

The problems is You dont see what You see and certainly dont analyse it at all.

An abandonned strategy dont say You win. It says You have oprimized what You have.

Number 2 is You have to understand in Your mind, that the best Russia has is shot away in more soldiers, then You are told and acept. Ypu also has to accept the Russsian losses in all kind of equipment ar huge and it also cant be replaced.

If something else happens, Putin now is creating some kind of Volkstrum and not an army. It has no officers. Russia has no leaderspit of first of second class.

Russia also cant replace modern equipment. There is no production caspasity.

I see no failed CIA project and Banderas is irrelavent and a Stalin creation to take west Ukraine into Ukraine and Belarus with some german parts.


You’re smoking “Bandera Crack.”

P. T.

But the last major war the RF/SU won with this strategy. And now they even have the nuclear factor on their side.


Russia is a joke.

Ukro Twinkie

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukro Twinkie
Accipiter Nisus

This is a battle of materials.


Russian military did not tell LPR dudes that they will withdraw. Naughty.

P. T.

That maybe, but on the other hand, the first reservists arrived in the LPR. While Kherson, Zapo and DPR are still waiting in line.

M from Romania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab.

Last edited 2 years ago by M from Romania

In the end we will find out who has been telling the biggest lies in the fog of war.

For an army that doesn’t exist anymore the Ukrainians have had some successes of late.

We wait to see what the Russian mobilizations will do?


Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭

Last edited 2 years ago by Cookie
Killer Angel

So very interesting how the battle is focused on gaining that national park with all that sand.
Wonder what could be beneath all that sand….
Such a strange thing, so strange…
Almost like there’s some kind of ancient artifact or ufo or something there… huh.


How much Nazi meat will we need to grind, eh? Just for gas.

In Donetsk and Kharkiv regions, it is natural gas. Front line matches the border of the Yuzivska gas field.

Next time I’ll bring couple skulls of hohols with tattooed skin leftover as proof and see how big a discount will I get at Shell’s.

Last edited 2 years ago by War
jens holm

Ukras already has is back. Tbe Field is from Izium to Southr East. Shell already has it. I dnt know the real seize.

2,15% are nazis. Where are the80% non nazis. They are never there and not as much as a 1/16 cossac as well.

NYT: All the News that's Fit to Shit

A million nazis? So, NYT lied again.

Last edited 2 years ago by NYT: All the News that's Fit to Shit
NYT: All the News that's Fit to Shit

PS: It only took 100,000 nazis to take over all of Germany.

jens holm

Which one is it? There is a big tourist area soth of Lyman having 2 destinations at the Google map. You can see 13000 pictures from there.


At this point Ukraine has the advantage. Even the Russian leadership including the military leadership seems to not even know they are at war in Ukraine. This is Ukraine’s chance to take Kherson. The only way Russia can take this war serous is a heavy defeat somewhere or a new Russian leader. Because the current leadership are not taking this war seriously.


In one area, yesterday Dima of military summary said 900 Ukros lost their lives and that was just from one area? Was that accurat?. In that case they lost well over 1500 ukros and mercs in a day.

jens holm

Wars has their ups and down in casualties. Numbers in that seize makes sense. As usual russians lost none, no important terrain and no equipment.

Putin is a genius

It is a good thing that the borders of the new Russian oblast Kherson are not established yet. Now you can’t say that RF retreated from Russian soil..


How much soil is under Russians right now that was the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project in 2013?

Putin is a genius

That is a question even Peskov couldn’t answer

Recycling history

Failed CIA Project:

Dodos training more dodos. If all else fails, evolution will take care of both.


just fill the river with concrete and blocks and pour more concrete over that, let them spend himars on that


Major lapse in Russian intelligence in not asserting where the AFU counteroffensive will begin and by not striking those groupings and staging areas. Hats off to the AFU for the successful operations.

Faggot country makes shitty nazi centipede

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Faggot country makes shitty nazi centipede
Gneaus asstapo

I will suck your shitty dick.

Putin is sad

Great classical military maneuver: retreat in three stages to Crimea. Leave it to Gerasimov, the master of retreats.

Last edited 2 years ago by Putin is sad

Do you realise that the main supplier of the AFU with tanks and APC’s is the running Russian Army?


Can someone explain what means the “offensive retreat” or “attack through fleeing” or “winning by leaving the territories” as Kirill Stremousov said?

Sgt. Based

The difference between a withdrawal and a rout is only a hair

Be careful that the Ukrainians don’t sieze the initiative


Russia is a failed state that needs to face up to reality. Abortion and vodka destroyed the ability to raise an army.


The Russians are doing exactly what Grant did at Shilo. Which is to trade space for time. Clausewitz 101. They’re using key terrain as a natural defensive barrier to their front, while attritting Ukrainian forces taking useless territory. Meanwhile, it’s allowed the Russian time to achieve a political victor by way of the recent referendums which is a major political blow to NATO & the west.
