New Russian Gerbera UAV Presented

New Russian Gerbera UAV Presented

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The Russian military presented new UAV that was already deployed in Ukraine.

The capital of Ukraine recently came under attack of Russian drones. The wreckage of an unknown Russian drone was found in Kyiv. According to Ukrainian reports, this was a reconnaissance UAV smaller than the Geran kamikaze drones. The drones reportedly had the speed of about 150 km/h and they were moving at the altitude of 20-30 meters and were invisible to Ukrainian radars. Ukrainians studied the wreckage and discovered a 4G modem with a Ukrainian SIM card inside, through which the drone transmitted data about detected Ukrainian radars. The drone had an internal combustion engine and a pusher propeller but it had no warhead.

The unknown Russian UAV turned out to be a new drone called Gerbera, the “younger sister” of the Russian Geran kamikaze UAV.



The new kamikaze UAV is developed by previously unknown experimental design bureau named after the famous Soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Captain Nikolai Gastello.

According to the developers, the Gerbera UAV is presented in three versions. It can be used as a kamikaze UAV as well as for electronic reconnaissance operations and as a bait for enemy air defense. The new drone may also cooperate with other UAVs of the same type. As a result, they may be launched in swarm of UAVs.

The developers do not disclose the detailed characteristics of the drone. The use of Cerber during the attacks in Kiev suggests that the new UAVs are close to the famous Gerans and may have a similar flight range.

The war in Ukraine has once again confirmed the effectiveness of the deployment of various UAVs, which have become an integral part of modern warfare. The development of new drones of various types is one of the key points of the ability to conduct successful military operations.

The Russian military-industrial complex is demonstrating its ability to respond quickly to new challenges. On the other hand, the Ukrainian military can only rely on military supplies from abroad.


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Dont like the truth go to cnn

what is the difference between american and russian wunderwaffen? american wunderwaffen do shit and russian wunderwaffen do wonders

Just me

both sides are doing propaganda…….you only believe the russians, so for you russian weapons are capable of miracles. you should look at it all soberly without this “my team is better than the opposing team” bullshit


to be honest. the russians weapons seems to be more capable during this war so far. the russians seem to be running better drones, better ew, better tactics and strategy while the west is failing to remember that their propaganda isn’t real. the west has been spewing lies so long they now take everything they have said as fact even when the opposition is blatantly true


this can’t be true. the russians have run out of everything, tanks, shells, socks and condoms. they have nothing but shovels to fight with and are having to take electronic chips out of washing machines to turn into fighter jets. anyway they are always drunk on vodka and running off to rape women, sheep and anything else they can lay their hands on. funny how they are still advancing everywhere though ………..


russian women are having to wash clothes in the river like in the olden days because there are no washing machines left. putin has had 38 heart attacks and 6 strokes and is dying of parkinson’s disease, athlete’s foot and an ingrowing toe nail. there is a plane fuelled up on the tarmac ready to take him to north korea. in fact he has already died and been replaced by a double.


amerikan team immoral fascist disgusting…”what emerged from the ameikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen


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this conflict has echo’s of spain’s civil war and the vietnam way that the us lost in which is a proving ground for weapons and tactics in a real shooting war, so expect these drones to be featured in arms expos that the russians have a display stand.


the problem is that this war will continue forever unless russia change it’s approach. ukraine can (and will) send drones and destroy russian infrastructure with impunity as in ukraine is nothing left to be destroyed. and russia is too scared to attack the real perpetrators of the conflict washington and tel-aviv mark my words, russia will pay 1m people dead per year and destruction of their cities in exchange of nothing and israel and the u.s. will make profits.


all russia has to do is supply iran’s proxies with their state of the art weaponry, so they can take on the zionist filth but like you stated the russian bear seems to be still hibernating 💤


southfront press is taking down my reply


all russia has to do is arm iran’s proxies in the me with their state of the art weaponry, they already have the 💩 zionist regime surrendered they just need- amongst others- good air defense systems which russia refuses to supply, activate, russia can beat zionist controlled yankeestan at their own game but like you said russia is too scared, too introverted to take on the real purpertrators, the russian bear is still hibernating the longer it takes the more self inflicting it will be.


that’s the talk of a head emptied by propaganda. russia is advancing constantly and every moment. every single day, territories are conquered meter by meter. do you think that the ukrainian leadership, not to mention the eu leadership, looks at the matter from the sidelines? the game is called off when too much areas have been lost. ukraine has neither the time nor the means to cause the damage you described. russia already knows how to divert atacms electronically.


sorry, calcuta’s samorim is sinking the washington/tel-aviv armata, take care of you, go work to one of the brics nations


when russia wipes kiev off the map it will be over.
they have been very nice so far. but russia could end the war in a day if it used tactical nukes.
no need for the bigger nukes.


i must say that the “special military operation” drags on into it’s 3rd year. it raises questions about the russian weapon systems and soldiers.

The Fifth Horseman

oh dear oh dear……. let’s try this one last time for the idiots in the room: the eastern half of ukraine is populated by slavs, whom russia considers brothers. they are liberating their brothers from the nazzis that the west protected and supported after ww2. so they are being careful. and as they keep saying, kiev is a russian city so they have no desire to destroy it. however once that has been done they will have no problem obliterating the chihuahua states, poland, germany, et al.

Keith Richards

please ask your question because i have a question of my own … wft happened to that “nato armed and nato trained” 100,000 man offensive that was supposed to start last year that was going to liberate crimea? surely that 4 month skirmis to take a village in zaparpzhia was it was it?


lol, the same applies to the other side. with the help of the west ukraine would have been able to stop the russians an reclaim the lands that chose to seperate from ukraine and join russia. i really don’t see your point, it’s just regurgitated dumbass arguments from the west. the thing is, russia never set a timeline for the smo.


“a 4g modem with a ukrainian sim card inside, through which the drone transmitted data about detected ukrainian radars” russians are using ukrainian teleoperators against ukraine, i bet, they have chosen this method simply to make ukronazis to feel helpless and furious…🤣🤣🤣

Last edited 7 months ago by grazyfinn

rusi neustále zdokonaľujú svoje vojenské zbraňové systémy. preto sa táto švo tak vlečie. rusi majú čas!!! čas je na ich strane. kto krváca sú fašisti na ukrajine a usa a eu!!! tým zase rusko robí starosti s financovaním a zabezpečením fašistov z kyjeva. darebácky štát usa a aj fašistická eu sa teraz už uchyľujú ku krádeži ruských štátnych hmotných rezerv. svetu mier!!!


how long before the battles are over dominance of the airwaves to ensure one’s own drones and deny the enemies? the only military in the world not run totally by clowns appears to be russia’s. they are well ahead in electronic warfare regarding drones and jammers.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers
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