New Russian Combined Attack Destroy Military Facilities Throughout Ukraine

New Russian Combined Attack Destroy Military Facilities Throughout Ukraine

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On the night of August 20, Russian forces launched new wave of strikes in Ukrainian rear regions. The targets included fuel depots, military airfields, logistics hubs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout the country.

The Air Force of Ukraine traditionally declared another fake victory against Russian drones and missiles. The air defense force of Ukraine allegedly destroyed 25 out of 26 Russian UAVs, as well as one out of three Iskander-M missiles, two Kh-59 missiles. However, footage of destruction and even official claims by local Ukrainian authorities revealed lies of the Ukrainian military, as always.

At night, a combined Russian attack resulted in large explosions in the Kyiv, Sumy, Ternopil. Dnepropetrovsk, Vinnytsya and Khmelnitsky regions.

A large fuel depot came under Russian attack in the city of Ternopil. The footage shared by Ukrainian sources confirmed large fire at the facility. The concentration of harmful substances in the air in Ternopil is growing. The local authorities asked residents of the city to close the windows.


Russian precision strikes were confirmed in the village of Kotelva in the Poltava region. The footage showed fire at the settlement which was turned into a logistics hub of the Ukrainian military. A series of explosions also thundered in the city of Pokrovsk in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The city is coming under Russian attacks on a regular basis because it is another logistics hub used for military supplies to the Ukrainian grouping operating on the Donbass frontlines.



Ukrainian authorities confirmed that at least two Russian drones struck targets in the Vinnytsia region. That is two times more than the number declared by the Ukrainian military. At night explosions were reported in the city of Vinnytsia and in the town of Tulchin.

Russian drones reportedly targeted the military airfield in the Khmelnitsky region. More strikes were reported in the capital Kyiv, where explosions are reported for the third night in a row.

Russian strikes continue destroying the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed near the frontlines. Last night, Russian strikes were reported in the city of Kremenchug and throughout the Sumy region, where the Ukrainian military accumulated large forces for attacks on the Russian territory.


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Genaus stapo

horrido yo-yo dran dran drüber, sieg der russischen förderation und endlösung der ukrofrage. let’s euthanize the ukrо untermensch schwein. here my telegram: @signifergermania send me your dikpiks if u black and wellhung, gay skins can also text me

Gneaus stapo

lol great i got my own stalker/ ghost stapo.

Exposing the Nazi

people like you should join the azov and show if you are a man or not. keyboard warrior living in the basement does not show any honor. go to the front and help your nazi bros. or are you a coward?!


people were saying here, because of the kursk putin will heavily bomb across ukraina, kiev and odessa. they were right.


the stupid ukronazis thought that they could mess around doing silly propaganda stunts so they deserved a good ass kicking. russia did good with these strikes, please keep them going.


there are nazis only in russia including kreml.

Stop neo-Nazism in Europe

keby si, fero, netáral!
máš to pekne domotané …


so how would one describe parubiy, yarosh, biletsky, groups like c-14, right sector, etc.?

fentanyl shooting gallery

suckling fresh mulatto peniz not good for your aids dementia

Crocus Shooting Gallery

bring it you orc bastads!!!

Troll detected

better an orc than a goblin rushing towards the meat grinder

Zio roaches

go to the front line keyboard warrior. go and help your meatheads

Nuke The Krauts

mommy won’t let him out of the basement he is allergic to the sun and never touched grass.

Skip 59

clown war.. you blow up my bridge i’ll blow up your bridge, you blow up my gas station i’ll blow up your gas station.. !

Potemkin Village

🇷🇺russia sends wwii artillery to the front😀
a collection of russian artillery pieces is seen loaded onto railcars for transport to the svo (in order).

– 4 x m1955 d20 152mm towed howitzers
– 6 x d30 122mm towed howitzers
– 1 x azp s-60 57mm towed aa gun
– 4 x m1955 d20 152mm towed howitzers.

Joseph Day

they killed back then, and they’ll kill now.

Jewish pimp

also americans does that. say borowning machine gun from 1933.

Stan The Man

breaking: russians start fleeing crimea: “sevastopol on the eve of difficult events”
russian propagandists are starting to flee occupied crimea, fearing for their lives. local z-writer platon besedin stated in his telegram channel that informed sources are recommending that he leave sevastopol, since the city is expecting “big and difficult events” in the near future. besedin hints that war-related events will cover sevastopol.

Stan The Man

besedin did not directly state what exactly will happen in the near future, but in the comments under his post, people are seriously worried. besedin claims that the russian occupation administration will not be able to help the civilian population, so they better take care of themselves. “but i will say, dear sevastopol and crimean residents, take care of yourselves, please. take care especially now.”

Stan The Man

besedin continues:”and remember: the situation, unfortunately, has been developing for a long time now in such a way that only you can help yourself. but also remember about your neighbors and loved ones. the city is on the eve of big and difficult events. strength to all.”


will the ghost of kiev be making an appearance?

Boris Orlov

is this the pilot hunting down washing machines and microwave ovens?


i thought he was shot out of the sky by a dishwasher

Boris Orlov

funny how ukraine’s propagandists have been telling us for two and a half years that 404 is winning the war while retreating continuously overall. the ghost of kiev is only the highlight of these statements, but even better are the morons believing that bs.

Shoigu's Clown Army

🔥the area of ​​the fire at the oil depot in rostov proletarsk has almost doubled.
in total, there are 70 fuel tanks on the base.
extinguishing the fire that broke out after the uav attack has been ongoing since august 18. according to forecasts, rescue workers will need several more days to put it out.


how are things going on the donbas line today? ato just about wrapped up?

Joseph Day

ukrainian mp maryana bezugla: “ukrainian armed forces units are being withdrawn from donetsk oblast, leaving entire strips of the front to their fate.”

Joseph Day

“our units are being withdrawn from there, leaving entire strips of the front to the mercy of fate, ammunition is not being added, the russians are passing through empty fortifications. in such circumstances, the occupation of pokrovsk is a matter of the near future, and toretsk is living out its last days. it looks as if we are giving up donetsk region,” she wrote.

Joseph Day

beyond pokrovsk is the direct route to pavlograd, where there are no fortifications at all, and then there is the dnieper. beyond toretsk is the kramatorsk agglomeration, and then there is the kharkiv region… no equipment has been installed for the administrative border of the donetsk region,” bezuglaya added.

Russian Facism Collapsing

explosion at sterlitamak petrochemical plant in russia’s bashkortostan :
an explosion occured at the sterlitamak patrochemical plant in russia’s bashkortostan on the morning of august 19, injured at least three people. the plant is located some of 1,700 kilometres from the ukrainian border.


i suppose the collapse of russian fascism was inevitable . it could never compete with the century-old ukretardish brand of fascism. parubiy, yarosh, biletsky, c-14, azov, etc. the russian fascists just didn’t have the deep, rich vein of kooky fascism like the ukrainians who venerate bandera, stetsko, and real degenerate scumbags like shukhevych. better that any russian fascists leave that stuff to the ukrainians, who really know how to hold up the nazi torches.


nazis had pride and deep history loving their nation.


you have zero idea what n@zism is so stop using words you dont understand. ukros are wannabe n@zis.


n@zis were the exact opposite you uneducated ret@rad


ukronians are just luciferian jews


corrupt like zelensky who wilfully destroy their own nation for the fi@thy jew.


ruskí generáli vedia veľmi dobre čo majú robiť. zatiaľ ako vidieť švo ide podľa plánu. rus teraz v druhej fáze švo, ničí techniku a aj vojakov (zto) nato!!! táto taktika plní dva hlavné ciele. po prvé testuje vybavenie (zto) nato a po druhé preveruje pripravenosť vojakov (zto) nato!!! trvalo to síce dlho, ale nakoniec predsa na to prišlo. kursk je toho jasným dôkazom. svetu mier!!!


ukretard/nafomosexual combined arms keyboard assault on sf is underway as the donbas line continues to crumble and the ounb 2.0 suicide mission in kursk fizzles away. ten-year anniversary of debaltseve is coming up, fellas. what are the prospects for the great bandera circle jerk in donetsk city this year?

Thomas Sundström

⚡afu check already but if anyone had any doubts. russian channels confirm that they lost snagost and “possibly also vishnevka” in the kursk region. both are under afu control.


what’s the word at the nafomosexual circle jerk today concerning the line of contact. in donbas? fellas must be pumped!

Skip 59

ukraine began a large-scale surprise offensive into the kursk region on the morning of august 6. on monday, russia’s defense ministry reported that the enemy had lost up to 3,800 troops and 54 tanks. the russian military has deployed large-scale ground formations, aircraft, and drones in the area.
“russia had no knowledge of the buildup”..??

Costa Comes

russians are funny pathological liars and will always be.


how could we describe ukrainians?

Degeneration Of China

construction of the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline from russia to china has been suspended. source: south china morning post

china and russia have not reached an agreement on the price of gas. china is concerned about secondary sanctions imposed by western countries.

Degeneration Of Russia

china is not degenerating but russia is. china won’t need import natural gas at all in 2060s and that’s why won’t invest to siberia 2.


the weaker putins actions make russia the less seriously the chinese take russia. at least putin the mild can go to orthodox heaven now….

Moshe Dayan

at least putin isn’t going to hades like the thief or kiev and his eugenicist masters.😁


what can we say about the ukrainian state and its leadership in the years since the 2014 us coup in kiev? in terms of being taken seriously. any signs of “degeneration” in the failed ukrainian cia project?


with each day, russia’s arms production abilities keep cranking out more and more arms. if zelensky wasn’t on a mission to kill off as many male ukrainians as possible before he packs his bags and shuffles off to jewland (miami usa) he’d have made a deal and given some oblasts to russia.


krusty the klown of kiev is on a mission to get paid. he’s a performer, and this is just another gig. when the show closes, he will move on.


why is all this stuff ignored until some disaster strikes? what is the ridiculous point in that kind of nonsense? normal armies should not behave like autistic idiots (eg. act like they can’t blow up bridges and rail junctions).

Last edited 6 months ago by Vanya
The Fall Of Ukropistan

looking good now keep the pressure on the ukrop neo nazi regime and triple these attacks in the coming months. only the total destruction of the vermin hiding in western ukropistan and nothing less.


the sputtering rump ukrapper dumpster fire keeps on giving. rump ukrappers will be able to grill dog and rat on the burning cinders of their natostan paradise in the fast approaching winter thanks to their owners in the washing town natostan sewer.
