Israel may have approved the supply of Spike anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) manufactured aboard to Kiev forces, according to photos that surfaced online on June 9.
The photos show Ukrainian service members with a Spike LR ATGM. Observers speculated that the photos were taken in a training ground in Poland. The system seen in the photo was reportedly a Polish copy produced under license from Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.
The Spike LR missile, which is guided by imaging infrared, has a range of four kilometers and is armed with a tandem high-explosive anti-tank warhead.
Poland, a key military backer of the Kiev regime, ordered 2,675 Spike-LR missiles with 264 launchers from Israel in 2003 in a deal worth $425 million with deliveries completed by 2013. A follow-up order of an additional 800 Spike-LR missiles for use on Rosomak infantry fighting vehicles, in a deal including local production in Poland, was placed in 2015 with deliveries between 2019 and 2022.
In the months following the start of the Russian military operations last year, several reports revealed that the United States was pressuring Israel to supply weapons, including Spike ATMGs, directly to Ukraine or allow the export of copies made aboard to the country.
Tel Aviv rejected the idea, back then. However, it took a political stance more supportive of Kiev and providing non-lethal military equipment to its forces.
The new photos indicate that Kiev forces are at least being trained on Spike LR ATGMs. It is still unclear if the systems will indeed be supplied, or if the decision to do so was taken with the approval of Israel.
The Spike LR offers nothing new from other ATGMs already supplied to Kiev forces, like the American-made FGM-148 Javelin and the French-made Akeron MP.
If Israel has indeed taken the decision to deliver lethal weapons to Ukraine, directly or indirectly, Russia could respond by arming Syria with advanced weapons, stepping up military cooperation with Iran or even by shipping Western weapons captured from Kiev forces to Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Hamas Movement in the Gaza Strip.
why should we be surprised that the world’s top criminal organ harvesting entity on earth is involved in the assisted suicide of conscripts rounded up by zionist fascists?
let’s fry those fucking kremlin bastard asses, burn kremlin burn!!!
kike missiles
your modda is a bastard !
you ignorant pos. go eat the insects your freemason overlords have planned for you and all of europe.
poor little jewkronazis.😭😭😭😂
cred asa : pacea nu poate veni curand. vor reinarma ucraina tot timpul. lumea vrea conflict inghetat. dar armele curg spre ucraina. lumea zice : linia frontului e f lunga…. eu zic : nu i destul de lunga sa aduca pacea. vor bombarda copii, si scoli si hoteluri… trebuie sa împrăștie obuzele…. undeva… asta gasesc la indemana. o surpriza pt vest ar trebui gandita, planificata, realizata. e predictibil totul acum….
sunt lucruri care se intampla, dar nu le stim noi, publicul. cred ca rusia le da sansa celor din vest sa schimbe macazul. daca nu o vor face, fie mai au nevoie de semnale, fie vor suporta consecintele
kill all jews!
like they would not start scream raperape we now we come to this point sonner or later ….. 05 ice cube cave bitch
russia, must now supply weapons to hamas, hisballah and iran. russia must retaliate.
also supply with s-400 and p-800 onyx missile to north korea
farebbe bene la russia a fornire ufficialmente armi moderne a tutte le nazioni che sono state minacciate o aggredite ed invase dai paesi canaglia di usa-uk-ue-nato-israele !
poiché mezzo mondo è stato invaso o minacciato dagli usa e dai paesi uk-ue-nato-israele la russia potrebbe diventare il primo produttore mondiale di armi e munizioni per il mondo libero !
not hamas they work for the highest bidder. at the beginning of the syrian war they were bought by the emirates and fought alongside al quida. after the emirates retreated from the war they ran back to iran for help. they are not reliable.
if israel do it one more time, we will give assad the s-300 if israel do it again. if they do it again.
why not deply a panzer army core ?! heeresgruppe süd …why do any thing halfharted
d.r.a.k.e donald not sexy at all already ratted out larry 9/11 insurance fraud… morgon joe and mika barzinsky afgan supplyer … witness she was doing beyonze movie part on larry bff doanlds insyaraze fraud .— still alive i see — kusner dre borining with vasa eaok ship
the rothschild zionists do plan to rule the world from israel as they try in london it is in their writings but we must not make the mistake that all jews are the same as they mean to eliminate russian jews against their own scripture.
would be a good tool to kick some rashist asses….muahahahahaha
@ fried chicken kiev
please don’t tell me you’re surprised? i seriously doubt this is the only weapon of israel in ukraine. money is the only value in zionist life. from israel with love.
perché non si organizza un attacco piratesco “anonimo” con un centinaio di droni kamikaze contro la polonia ?
quando colpisci in maniera “anonima” (chi sia stato non si sa ) strutture militari è civili polacche non gli forniscono più nulla !
la serenissima repubblica di venezia se fosse stata attaccata da paesi neutrali che si nascondono dietro ad una nazione fantoccio avrebbe operato cosi !
well done russia, threaten israel with retaliation if they dare.
khazar filth abetting the crimes of khazar filth.
same as it ever waz
meanwhile lets hope iran supplies hezbollah and syria with flocks of their beautiful killer drones to unleash on apartheid occupied palestine and free the palestinian people of these degenerate demons.
israel owns russia through her diaspora
israhell have supplied ukriane the whole war. nuke tel aviv! kill them all!
does this mean all the non-eastern orthodox traitor “elites” that run the russian federation’s “.gov” and central bank will be parting for warm “sunny beaches” west of 32°04′51″ n 34°46′50″ e ?…
cause i wouldn’t want to be in tel aviv when the bear introduces kinzahl and zircon with a nuclear warhead attached to it heading for dimona!…
when do the faithful including the ex-kgb titular head show brand loyalty by announcing departure from the mother $hip known as the un in it’s current condition by announcing a new one will be in moscow shortly!
time russia arms hezbollah
someday this war will be over and those who chose to stab russia in the back will be long remembered.
that’s why i’ve been saying that russia should just go ahead and sell iran some if their latest aircraft, etc. whatever they lacked before, they should now have.
iran already have copies of these atgms, everyone knowns that.
i certainly hope this is true as by the same token, russia can supply syrian forces for their coming reclamation of the golan heights. maybe this move is retaliation for allowing an iranian drone producer to set up shop near moscow? the isreali apartheid regime is all about retaliation.
the fast lane is to arm the palestinias and the hesbollah against the israeli scums.
each lost merkava or “perforated” armoured carrier will be a clear message for israel to stay aside international conflicts.
i don’t think israel would be supplying weapons or ammo to a nazi country run by the nazi zelensky dictatorship. israelis have certainly seen all the nazi symbols, patches, etc on uniforms, vehicles, etc. in the zelensky stasi and actual military. and i don’t believe the israeli big wigs can do anything they want without the ok of the religious majority, the israeli citizens and government agencies. for them, helping out the “loud and proud” nazi zelensky regime is taboo.
give the highest technology to the enemies of israel. fair is fair- isn’t that correct unit 8200.
putin made a public warning about people who arm the enemies of russia five years ago.
ah, those don’t affect russian advances or defenses, what is worth by now russians have taken from afu over 380 javelins in perfect conditions. launchers and missiles, soon very soon if not yet in secret that is already been reverse-engineered, and soon russia will have its own javelin.